You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1 (23 page)

BOOK: You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1
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"Me too." Her voice sounded just as needy as mine, and it filled me with a rush of pleasure.

"I keep thinking about your skin and how soft it feels against mine," I whispered. "I want to touch you and hold you."

"Oh, David."

"I want to kiss you all over and go down on you, Natalie." I closed my eyes and pictured her nude body draped across my bed. "You taste so good."

"You always make me feel so good, David," she replied in a rough voice. "I wish you were here with me. Maybe you could come over right now?"

I sighed deeply with regret. "Sweetheart, I kept you awake most of the last two nights. You need to get some sleep."

"We don't have to have sex," she said. "You could just hold me while we sleep."

"Natalie, I don't have that kind of self-control with you. If I'm in bed with you, I'm going to have sex with you and probably all night again."

"I don't care." She sounded petulant, and it made me smile.

"I do, sweetheart," I told her with a snort of amusement. "You need to sleep tonight, okay?" There was a long silence, and I could picture her pouting. "Do you want to spend the weekend at my place? You could come over in the morning. We could go for a run then spend the day together before your mother's dinner. I can make you breakfast Sunday morning too. Would that make you happy?"

"I guess," she agreed grudgingly, "but I'm not getting up at the ass crack of dawn with you, tomorrow or Sunday."

"I don't expect you too, sweetheart." I laughed. "Not everybody's cut out to get up at 5 A.M."

"That's because it's the middle of the damn night."

"You didn't mind being woken up at five this morning with my face between your thighs," I added in a sensual tone.

"That was an exception," she argued. "Your tongue is magic."

"Magic?" I asked her in smug amusement.

"Yes," she continued. "You know what it does to me, and you used it against me. I was helpless to resist."

"Helpless, huh?"

"Yup, you totally took advantage of me."

"That's odd," I replied. "I thought when you fisted the sheets and screamed my name, that you liked it."

"Nope, I didn't like it at all," she said matter-of-factly.

"Really," I growled out in annoyed disbelief.

"I loved it, actually," she breathed out seductively.

"You're such a bad girl," I told her darkly. "I'm going to punish you for messing with me."

"I can't wait."

"Me too, sweetheart." My voice softened. "I'm going to let you go, so you can get some rest. What time are you coming over tomorrow morning?"

"How about eight?"

"I'll see you then," I told her. "Good-bye, Natalie."

"Bye, David." Her voice was filled with affection.

I ended the call and sat there smiling like an imbecile for a few moments before I decided to go to bed. The phone call helped. I still missed her and was regretting my decision to stay home tonight, but talking to her took the edge off of my growing dependence on her. I felt like an addict who had gotten a fix, and I was pretty sure I'd be in withdrawal again long before Natalie showed up at eight.


I was pacing impatiently in the living room when I saw Natalie's car pull up in front of my house at eight. I paused and watched her through the window as she got out of her car, then walked up the sidewalk with a duffel bag in one hand and a garment bag in the other. Her tight black running pants made her ass look amazing as she walked past the large front window where I was standing. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her.

I was opening the front door as she set foot on the porch before I had even realized I had moved from the window. She smiled when she looked at me, and it hit me hard; making me feel almost weak. "Good morning, Natalie." I took her bags from her and ushered her into my house ahead of me, so I could admire her backside again.

"It's definitely good now." She looked back over her shoulder at me; eying me up and down.

"Let me put your bags in my room, then we can go for that run." I stepped past her and headed down the hall. I hung her garment bag on top of the open bedroom door and set her duffel bag on the floor nearby. I was starting to think that delayed gratification with Natalie was losing its appeal this morning. I wanted to peel her pants down her legs and shove my face between her thighs. I wanted to thrust my cock into her and feel her fall apart around me. I took in a breath and let it out in a rush. I stood there for a few moments, rubbing my hand through my beard and trying to get control of my raging libido.

When I finally walked back out into the living room, Natalie was on my couch with her long beautiful legs crossed on the coffee table. My
graphic novel was open in her lap.

"You can borrow that if you want." I leaned down over the back of the couch and pressed a kiss to her temple. She smelled amazing. I trailed my fingertips along the side of her long neck, making her sigh.

"I might do that." She leaned her head to the side exposing more of her neck to me. I thought about sinking my teeth into the muscle there, but knew if I started doing that, there would be no run this morning. As much as I wanted her body right now, I wanted to spend some time with her first. I loved talking to her, and I didn't want her to think that all I wanted from her was sex.

I pressed a soft kiss to the side of her neck and stood up straight. "Are you ready to go?" I asked her as I continued staring at her neck.

She rose with a nod, placing my book back on the coffee table. "Where are we running today?" She came around the couch, smiling at me. She stopped when she was standing right in front of me.

"I thought we would head out the front door and run through the neighborhood." I brushed my hand through her long ponytail when what I really wanted to do was wrap it around my fist and kiss her senseless.

"You can kiss me, you know." She smirked as she looked at me and placed her hands on my chest. "I don't bite."

"Liar," I whispered back in amusement as I put my arms around her waist and pulled her close. Her body fit perfectly against mine and I breathed in her intoxicating scent.

"You love it when I bite you," she whispered back then sucked my lower lip into her mouth and latched on with her teeth. Pleasure rushed through me; all the way down to my toes. I couldn't believe what this woman did to me. I groaned as she worried at my lip, sucking and pulling on it. I took control of the kiss, sucking her lower lip into my mouth and kissing her deeply and thoroughly until my arousal threatened to overwhelm me.

I tore my mouth away from hers with a groan. "We need to stop, sweetheart," I told her in a hoarse voice.

"I don't want to stop." She pouted as her hands flew up to my head and she twisted her fingers into my hair and pulled. God, she knew all my triggers already. I moaned and grabbed her hips, pulling her toward mine and showing her how she effected me as I ground my growing erection against her pelvis.

"If we stop now," I said, "I promise you can do whatever you want to me in the shower when we get back." Her eyes lit up with that suggestion. We hadn't taken a shower together yet, and it appeared that she liked the idea as much as I did.

"Okay," she conceded and let me step back to put some distance between our bodies, so I could think straight.
I took her hand and led her out the front door as I pulled my house key out of my pocket and locked the deadbolt on the way out.

It was chilly, but the sun was out. The tall mature trees along the street looked beautiful with all the reds and golds of their turning leaves. We set off down the street at a relaxed pace to warm up our muscles, chatting about the week and other trivial things. She was so easy to talk to, and I felt so comfortable being with her. The more we were together the more I realized how much I had missed this connection with another person. I didn't feel lonely anymore, and the fear seemed to lessen the more time I spent with her. I thought I would never feel this way again.

We ran five miles, by the time we got back to the house. We were both sweaty and wound up while we stretched on the floor in the living room as she giggled at how inflexible my body was compared to hers. She suggested that I try yoga, and she glared at me when I told her what she could do with that suggestion.

When we finished, I took her hand and led her down the hall to my bathroom. We undressed each other in silence, running our hands all over each other. I turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature before stepping in and pulling Natalie in with me. I pressed my body against hers, gripping her ass and grinding my pelvis into hers, my erection hot and hard between us. Her eyes turned wicked, and I watched with fascination as she knelt down in front of me.

She ran her wet tongue up and down my shaft, making me moan and my body tremble. I cradled her head in my hands and let her do what she wanted, giving up control and letting go like I had never done with her before. She teased me for several long frustrating minutes, and I relished the feeling, knowing it was leading to something amazing. I was practically begging by the time she finally took me into her warm soft mouth, and I thought my legs might give out as she deep-throated me in one sudden thrust of her head.

"Natalie," I moaned her name. She hummed in contentment as she took me in and out of her mouth again and again. She started sucking and moving her tongue in delightful circles that had me panting and fighting not to come already. "Natalie, please stop. I'm going to come," I said breathlessly, but she ignored me and dug her fingers into my ass, keeping me where she wanted me. She picked up speed, the tip of my cock hitting the back of her throat with each thrust, her deep moans of pleasure vibrating up through me.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I finally fell apart, my cock jerking and my body convulsing as I came in her mouth. I had to put a hand on the shower wall to keep myself upright, the other still buried in her hair. She swallowed everything I gave her, as her triumphant eyes locked on mine. I shuddered and moaned as my climax came to an end. She licked me clean with a look of almost reverent adoration then smiled up at me when she was finished with smug satisfaction in her green eyes.

"Good girl," I told her softly as I brushed my knuckles down her cheek and smiled down at her. I helped her stand and pulled her tight against me. I grabbed a handful of her hair and tilted her head back then kissed her, thanking her wordlessly with slow passionate strokes of my tongue until she was moaning and writhing against me. "My turn, sweetheart." I growled as I knelt down in front of her. I picked up one of her feet and set it on the edge of the tub. I leaned in and licked her pussy once slowly, pulling the lips apart with my fingertips as the warm water beat down on my back. She groaned and gripped my hair until it stung along my scalp, making me growl deep in my throat. I began pushing my tongue in and out of her wetness with slow thrusts, enjoying the way her body shivered from the sensations.

"David, please," she begged.

I pulled back for a second. "Please, what?" I looked up at her desperate face.

"Please, I need to come." Her eyes pleaded in a way that made my chest constrict.

I nodded and took her clit between my teeth. I started sucking and biting until she began keening out her orgasm, a burst of wetness hitting my chin as her body trembled and shook. I looked up and saw pure ecstasy on her face, and it filled me with a deep pleasure that I had this effect on her.

I stood abruptly and spun her around, bending her at the waist with a hand and pulling her ass toward me with the other. I gripped her hip and rubbed the head of my already erect penis through her folds then thrust into her hard and deep. She rose up on her toes and wailed at the sudden invasion as she slapped her hands onto the wall for support. I fucked her hard and fast, keeping her wailing the entire time as I slammed into her over and over again. I fisted her hair in my right hand and pulled her head up, making her arch her back and push herself back against me.

I felt my release approaching and changed my angle, finding that perfect spot inside her that always made her come. I hit it repeatedly, pulling harder on her hair, knowing the pain would set her off. She squealed as her orgasm hit her, her insides clamping down like a vise and sending me right over the edge with her, shouting incoherently and pulling her into my arms as I pushed into her as far as I could go. The pleasure was off the charts, leaving me disoriented and out of breath. When it was over, I could barely hold both of us upright as I felt Natalie's legs wobble and almost give out.

"David," she mumbled. "That was...that was..."

"Incredible, sweetheart," I panted out, surprised I could form words. "I know."

It took several long minutes before we calmed down as we held each other under the spray of warm water. Then we washed each other silently, knowing nothing more needed to be said as we adored each other's bodies with our hands and eyes.


I had been struggling with the bow-tie of my tux for some time now. I stubbornly refused to give up and ask for Natalie's help. I was staring into my bedroom mirror so intently as I tried to get it right yet again, that I didn't notice Natalie had come out of my bathroom.

"Having a problem?" she said wryly.

"I haven't worn this thing since Mom's wedding." I turned facing Natalie. "I can't get this damn thing..." I trailed off when I saw Natalie; my train of thought crashing to a halt when I saw what she was wearing. I think my mouth might actually have been hanging open. She was stunning in a royal blue mid-thigh length dress that hugged her curves. It had a narrow band of sequins around her tiny waist and another band around her neck. Her long slender arms were bare up to the shoulder, letting me admire her perfect skin. The dress didn't show any cleavage, but it hugged her breasts closely, making them look amazing. She had curled her long light brown hair, and it cascaded around her face. Her makeup was flawless, and highlighted her large green eyes and full lips to perfection.

She smiled smugly at me. "Do you like my dress?" she asked, even though she knew damn well that I did. She spun in a circle, and I admired the expanse of bare skin showing where the dress dipped down almost to her waist at the back. Her legs went on forever, and her three-inch black heels were heart-stopping. She looked absolutely beautiful.

BOOK: You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1
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