Read You and I Forever Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #You and I, #Book Three, #Romance

You and I Forever (27 page)

BOOK: You and I Forever
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We were worried that you would be upset that we got married without telling you.” Bentley chimes in, pulling her attention to him. Thankful to be out of her gaze, I take a deep shaky inhale and try to calm the quiver in my hands.

Well, I'm not thrilled that no one told me but I could never be upset that you found someone that you loved so much you couldn't wait to marry her.” She reaches across the space and pats the back of his hand. “I am so happy for you honey. This is all I have ever wanted for you.” She beams at her only child.

I can't believe no one told me you were having a baby.” Shira pulls the attention from everyone at the table as she leans back in her chair and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

We just found out last week.” Bentley explains. “We haven't told anyone up to this point so technically, you are the first to know.” He says, obviously leaving out that Andrea and Lo both know.

You've known a whole week?” She gapes at him before pinning her eyes on me. “Really?” She huffs playfully in my direction.

Shaking my head, I open my mouth to speak but then close it again when Ethan clears his throat next to me. “Since this seems to be the time for confessions, I have something I would like to say as well.” He says, turning to meet Shira's gaze.

Shira Monroe, I am in love with you.” He says, causing a look of shock to take over her perfect face. If I had to guess, I would say this whole
thing is news to her.

I am in love with you and I want the world to know. Bentley.” He says, turning his attention past me to my husband. “I'm sorry that I didn't come to you earlier about this but I'm done hiding it. If that means my job then so be it.”

Bentley surprises everyone when he leans his head back and lets out a full belly laugh that echos around the small room. Turning to face him, for a moment I think maybe he's lost his mind. My eyes flip to everyone at the table. Rebecca seems completely unphased, Shira looks like she is about to puke, Ethan is white as a ghost and then there's Bentley, laughing like a damn fool while everyone else watches him in nervous silence.

Wow.” He laughs again, shaking his head back and forth. “You two really think I didn't know you were involved?” He questions, flicking his eyes towards Shira whose cheeks immediately flush red.

How long?” She asks, her voice shaking slightly.

Since before

He smiles, clearly enjoying that he seems to be a step ahead of his very clever sister. Clearly he is ahead of me as well considering I did not find out until opening night.

But how?” She gapes at him.

I saw you two in a pretty heated embrace behind the club in Seattle.” He laughs. “You clearly did not realize the security cameras were already functioning at that time.”

And you didn't say anything?” She squeaks, throwing her hands up in the air.

It wasn't my place.” He sits back casually, crossing his arms in front of himself. “What you two do is your business.” He turns towards Ethan. “As long as it doesn't effect your work, which it hasn't, I don't care who you date.” He turns back to Shira.

Well, now that we've cleared all that up.” Rebecca chimes in, pulling the attention of all four of us to her. “I would say we all have a lot to be thankful for today, on the day of giving thanks.” She smiles around the table. “But I would just like to point out.” She turns to Shira. “I told you so.” She wags a finger at her and laughs lightly.

We all immediately start laughing and the tension that weighed heavily just moments ago, seems to evaporate into thin air. The conversation flows freely from there. During our meal, we talk about the baby, the house we are building, our time in Hawaii, the wedding ceremony in January and what arrangements have already been made.

Everyone seems completely relaxed and for the first time in a very long time, I feel like things are finally coming together. Bentley jokes freely with Ethan and Shira over their not so secret relationship. Rebecca gushes over how happy she is about becoming a grandmother. This is the first Thanksgiving I can ever remember where I actually feel like I am part of the family I am sitting with.

I don't feel like an outsider or an unwanted guest like I did during my time in foster care. And while I loved being with both my grandmother and Patty during the holidays, it was only ever just us and lacked the social interaction, the laughter and voices filling the air. And while I miss them both terribly, in some strange way I feel like they are here with me.

You okay?” Bentley pulls me from my thoughts, his hand coming to rest on top of mine. Turning my face inwards, my stomach immediately twists when his sparkling blue eyes land on me.

Perfect.” I smile, flipping my hand over and tangling my fingers with his. “Absolutely perfect.” I repeat, looking down to where our two hands are weaved together into one discombobulated, tangled, beautiful mess.

A beautiful mess..... Just like us.



You ready?” Andrea's voice pulls my attention from the paperwork in front of me. Looking up, I see her smiling at me from the doorway of my office.

Ready for what?” I ask, having no idea why she is even here.

For your
I got married and am having a baby
celebration.” She laughs, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Since when am I having an
I got married and am having a baby
celebration?” I ask on a laugh, scribbling my signature down on the last of a few documents that Shira drew up for me to sign.

Since me and Lo got together and decided we were throwing you one. Though, when we planned it there was no baby so we had to rework things a bit.” She smiles mischievously at me.

You and Lo got together?” I cock my head to the side, not able to contain the smile stretching across my entire face. “Now that is a recipe for disaster if there ever was one.”

Hey now.” She laughs. “Give a girl a little credit.”

Oh I will give you credit, when it's due.” I shake my head at her, stacking up the signed documents for Shira and scooting them to the side before turning in my chair to face her.

Shut it.” She huffs. “Now get your stuff and come on.”

Sorry but I can't.” I say, pushing out of my chair and stepping past her, crossing the lobby to the front desk.

Um. Yes you can.” She turns to face me. “And you are. I've already cleared it with the old ball and chain.”

Is that so?” I laugh.

Hell yes it is.” I hear Lo before I see her.

Where the hell did you come from?” I ask the moment she appears from the hallway.

I had to use the ladies.” She laughs, crossing the space towards us. “Now get your shit and lets book it. This girl needs some drinks and some dick, stat.” She lays a playful kiss to my cheek the moment she reaches me.

Uh oh.” I laugh, landing my eyes directly on her when she steps back. “What happened?” I ask, knowing drinks and dick is code for 'fuck my life' in Lo language.

Work sucks without you and I haven't had sex in three weeks.” She whines, crossing her arms in front of her chest and pouting out her lower lip like a ten year old.

Well isn't that the most tragic thing ever.” Shira appears from the back, pulling the attention of all three of us with her comment.

It most certainly is.” Lo laughs, spinning to face her. “What are you doing tonight?” She asks, catching Shira by surprise.

Um. Nothing probably.” She shakes her head, stepping up next to me. “Here are the resumes that I have sorted through for the manager position. I've already screened all the applicants and these are by far the most qualified. All you have to do is the follow up interview and pick which one you like the best. Any you choose should be fine. They are all very qualified.” She slides the manila folder into my hand.

Thank you.” I breathe, hugging the file to my chest. “You are a life saver.”

I do my best.” She smiles. “So what are you girls planning tonight?” She asks, turning back to Lo.

We are taking Anna out to celebrate her wedding slash pregnancy. You want to come with?” She asks.

I don't know. I mean, what do you think you'll be getting into?” She eyes Lo curiously, knowing what a wild child she can be.

Oh nothing too crazy. Strip club, dancing, the normal girl stuff.” She laughs when she sees the expression on my face. “Joking Anna. We will save that until you are without child. Well, the strip club part anyways. You are way funner when you drink.” She laughs. “It will be fun, I promise.” She reassures me, turning back towards Shira. “So what do you say? You wanna hang with us tonight?” She asks.

Come on Shira, it will be fun.” Andrea pipes in, knowing first hand that Shira doesn't really have any friends in Chicago.

I don't know. I don't want to impose.” Shira turns towards me.

You won't be imposing. I would love for you to come. At least if your with me, I will have one responsible adult to keep me company for the evening while these two hooligans live it up.” I cock my thumb in the direction of Andrea and Lo.

Hey now.” Andrea chimes in, laughing when Lo looks at me and nods her head, agreeing with my statement.

If you're sure.” Shira turns back to me.

Absolutely I am.” I reassure her.

Then it's settled.” Lo pushes away from the counter. “Girls night!” She squeals. “Now get your stuff and let's go. We are wasting the night.”

Give me a few minutes to close down and I will meet you outside.” I say, crossing the lobby towards the hallway.

Don't take forever.” Andrea calls just as her and Lo disappear outside, leaving me and Shira to lock up.


Shut up. You're Bentley's sister?” Lo slurs, already several drinks ahead of Andrea and Shira.

I am.” Shira shakes her head, taking a long drink of her wine. “But you can't tell anyone at the club.” She adds.

You have my word.” Lo runs her finger across her lip like she is zipping her mouth shut and then playfully tosses the fake key away. “But seriously, I never would have guessed.”

We didn't meet until we were already grown so it's not like we grew up together or anything.” She shrugs, taking a drink.

And you're dating Ethan too?” Lo leans back and fans herself playfully. “My God that man is hot. What I wouldn't give to have one go at him.” She laughs, quickly continuing. “I mean, I wouldn't now, but I definitely would have. I was convinced he was a mute the first few times I was around him.”

He's very reserved around people he doesn't know well. Trust me, he's not that quiet behind closed doors.” Shira says, covering her mouth when she realizes how her statement sounds.

I bet he's not.” Lo says, dropping her voice on a seductive laugh.

It warms my heart to see Shira getting along so well with Andrea and Lo. While she is by far the most conservative of the four of us, she also has a saucy side of her own. I have seen her flare come out more than once this evening and have no doubt that she has made a couple new friends during her time out tonight. Shira is a lot like Bentley. She is very intimidating until you get to know her. Once you know her, you can't help but love her.

Leaning back in my chair, I watch as the three girls continue on with their playful banter. Tonight has been exactly what I needed. I missed my girls. I didn't realize how much until tonight. And even though dinner and a movie, followed by drinks at Lo's favorite pub, isn't the most exciting time in the world, it's been perfect for me. Especially given my current situation.

BOOK: You and I Forever
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