Read You and I Forever Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen

Tags: #You and I, #Book Three, #Romance

You and I Forever (16 page)

BOOK: You and I Forever
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You're up early.” Bentley draws my attention away from the ocean and I turn to see him leaning against the door frame of the french style doors that open outwards onto the deck.

I just can't believe we're in Hawaii.” I say, looking out over the amazing sunrise laid out before me.

You said that yesterday.” He laughs lightly, pushing away from the door to cross the space between us. Stopping just to my side, he leans down and lays a kiss to the top of my head before straightening his posture and looking out over the morning tide.

And it's still true today.” I smile up at him. He looks absolutely breathtaking in the early morning sunlight. I don't think I will ever get used to how incredibly handsome this man is. Like he was made by the Gods to show what true perfection looks like.

It is incredible isn't it?” He smiles down at me, his dimples making their appearance early today.

It really is.” I say, looking out at the private beach just feet from where I am sitting. It's more than incredible, it's like a small slice of heaven.

I have never been to Hawaii before. Hell, I've never been anywhere really tropical. Words cannot describe how beautiful this place is. Perfect. Bentley rented us a small house, that more resembles a cottage, on a private beach in Kauai. It is backed by wilderness and faces the ocean, a small one lane road the only way on or off the property. It is completely secluded and there isn't a neighbor within eyesight.

We aren't too far from civilization but far enough that it feels like we are the only two people in the world. Pulling my feet up onto the chair I am sitting in, I hug my knees to my chest and watch the swell of waves roll in. I swear, I think I could spend every morning exactly like this. Five minutes after we arrived on the island, I was ready to pack up and move here.

So I was thinking maybe we could explore a little today.” Bentley pulls my attention away from the water and I look up to see him leaning casually against the deck railing, his eyes firmly on me. “There are some amazing trails around here.”

I think that sounds great.” I say, pushing my feet to the ground as I stand from the chair and stretch my tired body. We just arrived yesterday evening and while the bed feels more like a cloud than a bed, I still had trouble sleeping. New place and all.

The kitchen is fully stocked. We could make some breakfast first?” He steps towards me and pulls me into his arms.

Okay but you're cooking.” I laugh, squeezing him tightly before stepping out of his embrace.

You do the pancakes. I'll do the bacon and eggs.” He says, cocking his head to the side as he studies me.

What?” I ask, feeling suddenly self conscious.

You're beautiful.” He says, his smile pulling up one side of his mouth.

Come on.” I shake my head at him. “Let's get this over with.” I spin, making my way across the deck and through the open doors before Bentley even moves from his spot.

What do you mean, get this over with?” He fakes offense as he finally steps inside and crosses the open space towards me.

You were bound to find out sooner or later.” I laugh, opening the side by side stainless steel refrigerator and pulling out the carton of eggs from the top shelf before grabbing the milk carton from the door.

Find what out?” He leans against the island that is so large it takes up a good portion of the kitchen, his smile not faltering.

I happen to be an
cook.” I say, opening the pantry and pulling out the ingredients I need to make pancakes.

But then why did you volunteer me to cook?” He asks, his forehead crinkling together adorably in confusion.

Because I don't tell people I can cook. That way, they don't expect me to do it. I usually hate cooking.” I laugh, pulling out a couple of mixing bowls from the cabinet.

Usually?” He leans his head to the side.

Sometimes it's okay. The company can definitely make or break the experience so if you want me to continue to cook for you, I suggest you make this a memorable one.” I laugh when his eyes grow dark and a mischievous smile pulls up his mouth.

Don't be dirty.” I joke, laughing as I shake my head at him. “Now get over here and start the bacon Mr. Reed. I am not doing all the work myself.”

I like you bossy.” He says, pushing away from the island and crossing to the fridge. He pulls out the bacon and tosses it on the counter before nudging me to the side so that he can get a pan out of the cabinet in front of me.

Excuse you.” I laugh, pushing him back with my hip.

Well how can I cook the bacon if I can't get a pan?” He laughs, leaning over to kiss my temple. “Unless you've decided on a different meat.” He raises his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

I can't contain the laugh as it rips from my throat and dances around us. “What are we twelve?” I laugh again, feeling happier in this moment than I have in a very long time.

Shush. You're distracting me from my cooking duties.” He jokes, grabbing the stereo remote from the island. Powering on the surround sound, the music immediately filters through the house.
Katy Perry's

Unconditionally” blasting from the speakers that sit in every corner of the house.

Little loud.” I raise my voice over the sound as he tries to get the volume at an acceptable level. “That's good.” I say, when he reaches a level that is loud enough to hear but not so loud that you can't hear yourself think.

We settle into a nice little groove. Bentley hums along to each song as it plays, flipping bacon like he hasn't got a clue what the hell he's doing. While I work on making the perfect blueberry pancakes.

When the song switches to “Dance With Me” by
Kelly Clarkson
, I can't resist the urge to break into a little dance right in the middle of the kitchen. It's one of those songs that just makes you want to move.

Stepping up behind Bentley, I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him a couple of steps away from the stove before spinning him towards me. He laughs from deep in his chest when I take his arms and start flapping them wildly with the music, giving him no choice but to dance like an idiot with me in the middle of the kitchen.

Taking his hand, I hold it up and twirl myself under his arm before stepping back into him. He smiles down at me with so much adoration that for a moment, I nearly lose my breath. Trying to not let him distract me, I pull back again and twirl a couple of times, my arms flying through the air.

I don't care what I look like. I don't care that my movements are crazy and carefree because right now, that's exactly how I feel. I feel like all the weight that has sat so heavily on me simply does not exist in my perfect little world here with Bentley.

Here, it is just us. Just me and him and nothing else matters. Nothing but this. The music blaring around us, the look in his eyes as he watches me dance like a crazy person and twirl around the kitchen. Grabbing his hand, I make him spin me again before moving his hand to the small of my back in a dip.

I lean back slowly, making sure he has a hold of me before letting my arms fall above my head and my body go limp in his arms. He lets me dangle there for a few moments before slowly pulling me back up.

The moment my body becomes flush with his, I can see the hunger in his eyes. I can feel the change, the sexual tension that always surrounds us taking a front seat to anything else going on. Dropping his face to mine, he takes my lips on a slow heated kiss that makes my body melt into his touch.

It isn't until I hear the sputtering of the bacon grease that I remember our food. “Bentley. The bacon.” I laugh, pulling out of his embrace and shoving him towards the oven. He laughs and reaches across the stove, powering it off and sliding the pan away from the burner.

I quickly grab the spatula and pull my pancakes off of the griddle but unfortunately, not before they are near black on one side. Luckily, this is my second batch so we still have enough but that doesn't stop Bentley from teasing me the moment he notices my fail.

Awesome cook huh?” He laughs when I hit him with a playful glare.

Shut it Reed.” I bite, dumping the batch into the trash can to my left before turning back to face him. He leans back against the counter and smiles playfully at me.

What?” I snip at him jokingly.

Pushing off of the counter, he crosses the space between us in a matter of seconds, his lips crashing down on mine before I have a chance to even process the movement. It takes no time at all for my body to mold into his as he pulls me flush against his chest, one hand on the small of my back, the other tangling in my hair.

Our food is going to get cold.” I breathe out against his mouth as he backs me into the island.

Cold breakfast it is.” He bites my bottom lip causing me to whimper in pleasure. “There's something else I want more.” He growls, dipping down to pick me up under my ass before depositing me on top of the island.

I spread my legs as he steps in between them, pulling my ass to the very edge of the counter as he does. “You are so fucking beautiful Anna.” He breathes, his eyes dragging across my bare chest as he pulls off my tank top. “Lift up.” He instructs, waiting until I lift my weight with my hands before pulling my cotton shorts and panties down. He guides them over my hips and then peels them from my legs when I settle back onto the counter, the marble cold against my bare sex.

So fucking perfect.” He practically growls as he spreads me open in front of him. I can't seem to get a grip on myself when he looks at me the way he's looking at me right now.

My skin feels hot, like his eyes are literally burning into my flesh. My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest at any moment and my breathing is so erratic, it's a wonder that I have not passed out from lack of oxygen.

Bentley.” I breathe, when he steps forward and takes my mouth once more. He trails his tongue slowly across my lower lip as he works open the front of his pants, pulling me towards him again once his erection is free.

I'm going to take you right here, right now Anna. And I'm going to do it hard. Do you understand?” He asks, pulling back to meet my gaze, his eyes hooded and dark.

Yes.” I breathe, my words but a whisper.

I want you to remember this.” He nibbles on my bottom lip, pushing my hair over my shoulders away from my face. “I want you to think of me buried deep inside of you every time you walk into this kitchen.”

Yes.” I hiss, becoming so turned on by his words I feel like I might come apart before he even pushes himself inside of me.

God I love you.” He groans, pulling my mouth back down on his hard. He positions himself at my entrance and then on one hard thrust, enters me deeply.

I cry out against his mouth. The invasion as painful as it is pleasurable as my body works to adjust to his size. Grasping his hands around my hips, he rears back and thrusts into me again, this time going so deep I feel like he is in my stomach.

Bentley.” I cry out, loving the feeling of being filled so completely by him.

Hold onto me baby.” He says, pulling me impossibly tight against his chest as I wrap my arms around his neck.

The moment my fingers latch onto the flesh of his back, he begins ramming in and out of me at a pace that has me tearing at his skin within minutes. His thrusts are hard; relentless. And while the action hurts as much as it feels good, the pain only makes the pleasure that much more intense.

My orgasm hangs on the edge for what feels like forever, threatening to fall over. I fight against it, wanting the pleasure to last. But as Bentley goes rigid against me, I know that I can't hold on any longer. I explode around him just as he finds his own release, my cries of pleasure bouncing off of the walls around us.

I hold onto him as tightly as I can. Afraid that if I let go, there will be nothing left to hold me to the earth. Slowing to a stop, he pulls back slightly so that he can look at me, a satisfied smile lighting up his handsome face.

What is it with you and kitchens?” I pant, having realized that this seems to be an ongoing occurrence with us.

I think I'll have some of those pancakes now.” He smiles leaning in to kiss my lips, completely ignoring my question.

BOOK: You and I Forever
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