Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) (23 page)

BOOK: Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)
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“Babe, I’m so fucking close.” My balls slid from her mouth and both hands wrapped
around my shaft. Her mouth covered my cock and she sucked and licked and sucked some

“Unless you want a protein shake for breakfast you better climb that ass--.”

“Mmm,” The vibration of that sound leaving her mouth did it.

“Don’t stop, fuck Taelyn. Suck harder. Fuck, that’s right.” I was seeing the light.
If I bit it now this fucking moment was worth it. “Fuck!”

I grabbed her hair and held her head still as I blasted off in her mouth. The first
shot and she swallowed hard. I felt her throat contract and it was like rapid fire.
I came so hard and so much that I was sure I was gonna drown her and die myself.

I reached down and lifted her chin.

“You just -- fuck. I owe you big.”

“That was an apology.”

“Oh please be a pain in the ass more often. I swear to God that was worth it.”

“I don’t want to.”

“I will definitely give back. I haven’t eaten you in --.”

“I have my period.” She sat up and looked at me.

“Taelyn we don’t talk about that kind of stuff.”

She looked at me and her eyebrow started creeping up along with a shit ass grin.

“Is big bad Xavier afraid of a little blood?”

“We will not be discussing this. End of discussion.”

“Period.” She used air quotes.

“Funny girl.”

She laughed. “I have to go to my place and grab some clothes. Go back to sleep, it’s

She started to get up and I grabbed her hand. “Stay.”

“I will see you later.”

“You need to wait for James.”

She grabbed her phone and turned it on. “I have an hour before class starts and I
need to get ready.”

“You still need to wait. The stuff from your old apartment is now at your new place.”

“I need clothes Xavier and we need to discuss the apartment.”

“Nothing to discuss. It’s done.”

“What do you mean
it’s done
? I --.”

“I like you better with my dick in your mouth.”

“Oh that’s nice.”

“It was beautiful. See if we shack up--.”

“We’ve known each other less than three weeks. That’s crazy. Oh and that’s really
not something you should say to a girl.”

“But it’s okay with us.” I grabbed my phone and sent James a text.

“Oh is it?”

“Uh huh.”

“Not gonna happen. I need space from
once in a while.”

I grabbed her and pulled her down on me.

“I like it better when there is no space. So do you.”

She grumbled and banged her head on my chest. “I won’t.”

“Fine. We’ll discuss later. My family won’t be home for a couple more days anyways.
But you’ll be safer there.”

“I’m not afraid.”

“Cause you know I’ll take care of you. I want to take care of you.”

“How long will that last?”

“Until it doesn’t feel good anymore.”

“I want to argue with you.”

“But you like the way we feel.”

There was a knock on the door. I rolled her off me and jumped up to answer it.

“Xavier. Pants.” She giggled.

“It’s not office hours.” I grabbed a pillow and covered myself.


Chapter 20


Table Manners


The entire day dragged. I wanted to be excited that he asked me to live with him but
did he really ask that. I mean was it what I thought it meant or was it truly just
him thinking he needed to protect me. And what exactly was he protecting me from?

Billy and I met at the college’s computer lab and worked for an hour on our project.
He was looking at me differently and it really bothered me.

“You wanna talk about the other day or is this just going to be completely awkward
for the next two months?”

“Are you really dating him? Did you really dump Daniel for him?”

I didn’t want to talk to anyone about Xavier and me with Billy or anyone, but he deserved
something since he never pressed charges on Xavier when he freaked out on him.

“Daniel was bad for me.”

“But Xavier Steel isn’t.”

“Xavier has been -- he’s good to me.”

“And lots of others.”

“He’s really a good guy.”

Billy tapped on the key board, “Look. You are not like this Taelyn. I have known you
for a year. You’re a good girl.”

I wouldn’t even look at the screen. I didn’t want to see Xavier with anyone else now.
My feelings for him were different than they had been. His were too.

“This is from last night. You were making out with him and this guy and…”


I looked at the computer screen. Just like Billy had said someone had taken pictures
of Xavier and I. Nickie and I. Angel and Xavier in his SUV and Xavier walking getting
out of the car coming into the hotel.

The caption read:
Kinky couple or good girl gone bad. Regardless Xavier Steel is one hot, rich, and
obviously single man.

“It’s not what it looks like.” I felt my entire body heated and start to blush.

“Taelyn you have always been a smart, beautiful, classy girl. This doesn’t look good
any way you look at it.”

“Is there a way we can find out who posted it?”

“I can look into it but--.” Billy began.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Xavier said from behind me.

I turned my chair to make sure I wasn’t hearing things and poor Billy jumped nearly
out of his chair.

“What are you doing here?”

He walked up and grabbed my face and kissed me. As inappropriate as the timing was,
it felt good and I didn’t pull back.

He broke the seal of our lips and stepped “Thought we would grab dinner and talk about
the move and this shit.” He pointed to the computer. “And about you turning your phone
off so I can’t get ahold of you.”

He stepped back and rubbed his thumb over my lip. “Billy she’s beautiful isn’t she?”

What the hell was he doing?

“I don’t want any trouble.” Billy answered.

“No trouble. Answer the question.”

“Xavier--.” I started and he interrupted.

“Those green eyes that sparkle when she’s happy. Those lips are so damn red and inviting.
Her hair; don’t you just want to grab it Billy?”

“No sir.” Billy cleared his throat.

“Good fucking answer.” Xavier patted him on the back pretty hard, nearly knocking
him over and laughed. “Come to dinner with us.”

“No, I um--.”

“I insist. If you’re gonna be hanging out with Taelyn I think you and I need to get
to know one another.”

“Xavier if he doesn’t want to, then--.”

“Babe who doesn’t want to eat? I’m buying; come on Billy boy.” He grabbed his elbow
and hoisted him up.”


“He’s good. We’re good right Billy?”

“Yes. Um we’re good.”

“See Taelyn, Billy and I are good. Grab your shit and let’s jet, cars waiting. I got
your bag. This thing is--interesting.”

He grabbed my Cross Body knock off and then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled
me tight against his body.

If I wasn’t so exhausted and if I didn’t want to avoid a scene I would definitely
be pulling away from Xavier.

We walked out of the building into the small quad and every eye was on us. I felt
them burning into me. Some whispered, some chuckled, and I just wanted to crawl under
the nearest rock and die.

“Check out the fan club,” Xavier squeezed my side. “All of them wishing they could
fuck you Taelyn.”

“They think I’m a whore.” I whispered.

“They wish you were a whore. Fuckers.”

We got to the parking lot across the busy street towards the town car.

“I’ll follow you.” Billy all but ran to his little Honda and Xavier chuckled.

“It’s not funny.” I tried to pull away.

“It’s kind of funny. I swear he was seconds away from pissing himself.”

“It’s funny to scare someone?”

“Yeah if it’s someone who wants to fuck what’s mine.”

“I see you took your pills this morning,” I said as I slid in the car as he held the
door open.

“And what pills are you talking about?”


“Don’t fight with me it makes me wanna fuck you till you can’t speak when you get
pissy.” He smirked. “I do like my meat on the rare side. So you keep it up and I’ll
be inside you.”

“You’re unreal.”

“Remember that.”

The way he looked at me was a little unsettling.


“I’ve had a busy day. Your pretty little self is gonna sit and hear me out--.”

“What did you do now?”

He smirked. “I thought about you and this morning and--.”

“I’m not moving in with you.”

“That’s fine.”

“It is?” I was shocked. Maybe a little upset and I wasn’t sure why.

“Yeah. It’s perfect actually. I won’t get sick of you.”

“That’s real nice Xavier. You do know your retreating right?”

“No, just rethinking strategy. I’m pretty sure if we shacked up I’d wear you out.
I can’t expect you to be able to keep up with me--.”

“Oh please.”

“After you and I parted ways this morning I hit up google. You’re on the pill so your
periods are light right?”

“I thought we weren’t discussing that.”

“Now who’s retreating? I’m facing shit head on. So what’s the flow like right now?”

“Dear god Xavier.”

“Oh I see. You got a mouthful of what I carry around all day and you felt pretty bad
ass. Now you’re backing down?”

“I’m not discussing this with you.” I crossed my arms and leaned my head back.

“Fine then just listen. Your flow lightens after a couple days. We can shower together,
take baths. That’s slows down Flo. I really want to lick you when…”

I covered my ears and he grabbed my hands and held them down. “You’re supposed to
be even more responsive.”

“La la la la la,” I chanted loudly.

He laughed and then kissed me. He took my hands and sent them on his shoulders as
his tongue stroked mine.

He pulled back, “I’m gonna make you come this way too.”

He kissed me again harder this time, his tongue moved slower and the tiny little tingles
started in my belly. I was just starting to believe it may be possible when he pulled
back pulling my lip in his teeth.

“You and I, Taelyn, are real damn good together.” His voice was gravel.

It was sexy as hell to hear him talk when he was burning inside. I knew he was because
I was too.

I nodded and he smiled a sexy little smile.

He held my hand up and rubbed his lips against the back of my hand giving sweet little

“I opened an account at Steels credit union for you. Your pay will go into it and
you’ll have a card in about five days.” He reached into his pocket. “Here’s a company
card. Use it when you need something. Your security deposit and three months of rent
from your old place will come to your new address in less than ten days.” He looked
over at me waiting for a fight I assume.

“I’m tired.”

“Perfect. After dinner you can go to your new place and sleep. No shows tonight, we
see River tomorrow night. I’m just gonna go see if the equipment has been delivered
to the office.”

“It’s done?”

He smiled big and shook his head yes. “I just need to paint. I figured I would do
some of that to save time.”

“I wanna help.”

“You’re tired. I kept you out to late last night.”

“I’m fine. I really want to help.”

“I could give you a little energy burst.” He smirked. “Protein shakes aren’t just
for breakfast you know.”

“We’ll see.”

“Damn Irish no come back, no fight?”

“No. What’s it matter if I do anyways? You get your way regardless.”

He looked away, I assume so I wouldn’t see the shit ass grin. “We’re here.”

I looked out the window and saw Billy pull up next to us. “Be nice to him. He’s not
like you.”

“How am I?”


“You seem to like me like that.”

“I understand men like you.”

“That’s good. I like that about you.”

He opened the door and got out. He reached in and grabbed my hand.

Billy looked unsettled as he approached us. I looked up at Xavier and he appeared
pleased with himself.

I could either laugh or get pissed. Neither appealed to me.

We were sat immediately at a table in the corner.

“What will you have Billy?”

“I’m not sure.” He replied looking up and then at me.

Xavier’s arm hooked over my shoulder.

I looked up at him and he winked.

“Easy Captain Obvious of Obviousville.” I whispered.

He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Go hard or go home.”

The waitress retuned with three dark Ales, Xavier had ordered. He also ordered dinner.

“Prime rib Billy?” he asked

“Sure,” he looked at me again as if to say, like I have a choice.

“Perfect me too.” He looked up at the waitress, “Three kings then. I’ll take mine

He squeezed my shoulder and winked.

For the love of God.
I wanted Xavier who didn’t like periods back.

“Two kings, I will take some French onion soup and a chicken Ceasar salad.” I smiled
at the waitress.

When the waitress left the inquisition began. “Where did you grow up Billy? Do you
come from a big family like Taelyn and I do? Do you have a girlfriend? What do you
wanna be when you get out of school? Where will you live after college?” And it ended
with, “When did you start playing piano?”

Billy looked stunned by that question. “I was three.”

“You’re amazing. I saw a video your mother put up on Facebook from high school. Why
the hell aren’t you still playing?”

I looked at Xavier and smiled.

“I don’t like the attention. Being on stage isn’t comfortable for me.”

“You ever play with a band or just classical music?” Xavier seemed to be much more
relaxed and so did Billy.

I leaned into Xavier a little more and a low rumble escaped from his throat. That
sound was like a trigger deep inside of me. I let by hand rest on his thigh and he
took in a deep breath. Billy was completely unaware and totally engrossed in the conversation
about music.

BOOK: Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)
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