Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) (31 page)

BOOK: Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)
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She pointed to Bella and Xavier on the floor playing Barbie’s. “He’ll do just fine.”

“We have our own crazy thing going. In just three weeks I am in so deep it should
scare the hell out of me, but it doesn’t.”

Carly took my hand and we sat on the couch. Bekah and Tara sat with us.

“The Steel boys are all alike.”

“I heard that,” Jase glanced over at Carly.

“I wasn’t trying to whisper Jase.” She tried to scowl and then laughed.

I looked over just as he pulled his tongue back in his mouth.

I snapped my head back around hoping they hadn’t seen me notice that exchange.

I looked at Carly and she laughed. “I love that thing.”

“Zandor’s tongue is pierced too.” Bekah smiled.

We all looked at Tara, “Nope he likes his ink. I have nipple piercings though.”

“I assume he likes those a lot huh?” I laughed.

“He loves me, every part of me. He is; I love that man so much and he feels exactly
the same.” Her smile was so bright and sincere

They all looked at me I blushed. “He has a lot going on.”

They all laughed.

I felt his hand wrap around the back of my neck and he kissed my head, “What’s going
on over here?”

“Taelyn says you have a lot going on. She won’t say what though.”

“Jase has a lot going on too that’s all you get. Come on Irish, let’s play some Barbie’s.”

“Penis, definitely penis,” Carly laughed. “You met the Prince huh?”

I laughed, “And his friends.”

“Alright you, let’s go.” He pulled me up.

“Wait what’s that means his friends?” Carly asked.

“Ask your husband,” Xavier laughed.


After Barbie’s and a very entertaining dinner Jase and Carly took Bella in the kitchen.

“Are you serious?” She yelled and laughed.

They came out holding hands. Jase sat down and pulled Carly on his lap.

“Little Bell has an announcement to make.”

She walked out beaming and waved a picture in the air. “It’s a girl, and a boy.”

Jase spit his drink all over the table.

“Carly.” He growled.

“What? I didn’t know. Oh dear God.” She closed her eyes and held her hand to her heart.

“Are you okay Baby?” Jase rubbed her back.

Bella laughed. “You got a girl Daddy, meaning me. The one in Momma Carly’s tummy is
a boy. Look right here it says penis and testicles.”

The room fell silent and then Zandor, Cyrus, and even Xavier started laughing.

Bella laughed a big belly laugh, “Penis and--.”

“We get it Little Bell,” Jase laughed. “Get over here so I can squeeze you.”

She skipped towards him laughing and hugged him tight. “I’m still the Princess Daddy.”

“You are.” He looked up and winked at Carly. “Love you Baby.”

“Well good luck with a boy,” Momma Joe laughed and raised her glass of wine.


Monday was phenomenal I woke to Xavier’s tongue and then got to go to work and listen
to him play guitar, drums, and even piano. He could sing too. All four artists signed
with him. Billy who I knew Xavier was keeping close because he worried about me was
the fourth. There was a very soft side to him that I enjoyed almost as much as his
rough side, which I would never get enough of. I learned so much more about him every

He told me he didn’t want to spend time away from me be but would like it if when
I was finished with school we could go to the shop a couple days a week. He missed
it. I agreed, of course I agreed.

“That means you’ll stay here?”

I nodded.

“Thank God. I can’t lose you Irish.”

I couldn’t lose him either.

He consumed my life but he wanted me to consume his too. Four weeks into what started
out as a way to deal with being cheated on and I was in love. Real love. The kind
of love that knew no bounds. The kind of love that doesn’t leave you still feeling
lonely. The kind of love I would have never known existed if Josephina Steel didn’t

By Wednesday I was exhausted but Carly, Bekah, Joe, Bella, and I were making bird
houses and birds’
nests for the reception. Cyrus sent me a text of a sign he had hung on the addition
he had built on their house and I nearly cried.

Friday I was invited to dinner and drinks with the girls. The men were going out to
a club to play cards. I was a little uneasy about it but Xavier told me it was just
a bunch of guys and the club was not up and running. Zandor owned it but ditched the
idea of opening it when he met Bekah.

We were in the SUV and Carly was driving she had music pumping as she pulled onto
the strip. She slowed down when we past the new tattoo shop that had Xavier and apparently
his brother’s up in arms over.

She rolled down the window, laid on the horn, and flipped the crowd gathered in front
of it off she leaned out the window. “Ink this bitches.”

She revved the engine and peeled out.

Bekah and Tara laughed, “You told them didn’t you Carly?”

“I said bitches
I flipped them off.” She was a little overly excited.

“You sure did,” Bekah laughed.

“Lame huh?” Carly giggled.

“I’d say your inner bad ass is almost there. You keep working on it Mrs. Steel,” Bekah

She pulled in the alley leading to the back of the shop.

“We don’t chicken out.” She said as she put the vehicle in park.

“No we don’t,” Tara laughed and got out.

“What are we doing?” I asked Bekah.

“Surprising the guys let’s go.”

I followed them in the back door and Momma Joe was waiting. “Let’s do this before
my boys find out.”

We all followed her into the room. “Bekah what did you decide on?”

“Steel Kitten. Tramp stamp.” She grinned.

“Kat can do you. Are you alright with that?”

“I trust you Momma Joe. If you’re cool so am I.”

“Perfect. Carly, Jase will have a fit. Are you ready to deal with that?”

“You and I both researched it. Nothing big and if you do it he’ll be fine. On the
back of my neck very small Forever Mrs. Steel. I want three little hearts. One that’s
says Jase, one that say’s Bella, and one left empty. I want him to pick our sons name
and ink me.”

“Good. And then Tara?”

Josephina Steel loved those girls. It could be seen in the love in her eyes and the
reverence in her voice. And they loved her.

“On my side.” She looked at Carly, “You sure?” Carly nodded. “Forever Mrs. Steel,
then the tattoo he fixed I want a little sign that’s says.” She cringed, “Cyrus’s

“Oh Tara that’s very naughty.” Joe laughed.

“If you don’t want to--.”

“No he will love it.” She smiled. “And you Taelyn?”

“Oh I’m just a spectator.”

“You’re more than a spectator. But if you’re not ready for the Steel name I understand.”

“He doesn’t want marriage. I wouldn’t do that to him.”

“We don’t do it to them Taelyn we do it for them,” she laughed. “He will and you’ll
have no choice.”

“Irish.” I smiled. “I want Irish on the back of my neck. Nothing big.”

“Kat will have to do that. I don’t think my hand will allow it.” She laughed and so
did I.


Chapter 28



I pulled in to Tara and Cyrus’s Red Hook house and jumped out of the SUV. I walked
around back and just about fell the fuck over. Cyrus said he was putting on an addition
not building a new place. It was the shape of an octagon and dark wood half way up.
The rest of it was glass.

I looked at the sign that said
Birdie’s Nest
Damn that’s cool

I walked inside and Cyrus was standing in a tux next to Jase and Zandor. Falcon, Abe,
Kat, Ricco, and Carly’s stepdad Thomas were there too.

The room was all wood and around the entire perimeter were leather built in benches.
Under each were baskets. There were four tables each had five chairs and a smaller
table with two. I assumed that was for them. I wished it was for Taelyn and me.

We had been so damn busy all week and she spent the night with the girls and Momma
at a hotel just outside of town. Cyrus was taking this all very seriously and you
know what? I understood that now.

When Taelyn was free I knew that I had to have her. I sure as hell didn’t want anyone
else to get her. I fought so hard to hang onto my views on love for my entire sexual
life. Variety was not the spice of life…Taelyn Patrick was.

Momma Joe and Little Bell walked in. “Places.”

“Where is she at Momma?” Cyrus asked.

Momma wiped her face, “She’s out there with her sisters trying to fix her makeup.
You Cyrus Steel are a beautiful man. You make her feel like Jonathon made me feel.
Your father would be so proud of you.”

Momma hugged Cyrus and cried.

I looked at Jase and Zandor who looked just like I felt. We weren’t pussies but we
missed Dad. Fuck this was hard. I took a few deep breathes and a minister walked in.

Jase, Zandor and I stood next to Cyrus and music blew softly through the speaker system.
by Katy Perry started playing. Jase, Zandor, and I looked at each other and Cyrus

“She likes this song, Back the fuck off.”

When Taelyn walked in she tried to sit with the others and Carly grabbed her hand.
Taelyn looked up at me lost and needing direction. I smiled and winked. Bekah put
her hand on her back and guided her towards us.

All three of them had on a metallic brown dress. None were alike but they were the
same material. Taelyn stood next to me and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

“Sorry I didn’t know,” she whispered.

“This is where you belong. I fucked up that day. Let me off the hook babe. I love
you.” I kissed her neck.

Her dress was floor length and strapless. I was thanking God that I had a jacket on
because the only thing I could think about was licking her bare neck, unzipping that
dress and licking the rest of her.

“You look so fucking sexy right now Irish.”

“I can’t wait to show you how hot you make me in that tux.” She looked up at me and

Tara floated in. Yeah she floats. All her movements are fluid. She stopped and locked
eyes with Cyrus. Her mouth opened a little and she took in a big breath and her whole
body quivered. She mouthed hi.

He gave her a half smile she held her hand out.

He walked towards her and she hugged him as soon as he got to her. She looked up and
he rubbed the back of his hand up and down her cheek.

I looked over at Taelyn and she was taking a tissue Carly passed her. The chicks were
already crying.

Cyrus and Tara walked up together and the minister did his thing. I didn’t pay much
attention because I was too busy watching Taelyn’s reaction to it all. That girl couldn’t
hide emotions at all.

When they kissed she turned to me with tears falling I had to kiss her. Fuck she was

We ate and danced and ate some more.

When all four of the girls were out dancing Tara, took off her little jacket and Cyrus
jaw dropped. Tara looked over at him and smiled. She lifted her arms and shook her
ass in a circle. The back and sides of her dress were opened.

“Does that say--.”

“Forever Mrs. Steel. Fuck,” he growled, “My little Bird just got even hotter. She
must have done that last night. Wasn’t there before she left.”

He stalked up to her and whispered in her ear. Then they disappeared into the main

Bekah and Carly were laughing and Bekah looked over at Zandor. She turned and lowered
the top of her backless dress exposing her back further.

“Kitten.” Zandor gasped and he walked towards her.

He pushed her forward and pulled her dress out and looked down it. He reached and
put his hand around the front of her neck and pulled her up and kissed her neck. No
hold up, he was biting her neck.

I looked over at Carly and Taelyn and then at Jase.

“She better not have let someone else touch her body,” he said staring her down.

She bent over and acted as if she were showing him her tits.

“You better not have.”

She smirked and nodded yes and then turned her back to him.

“Shits about to get ugly in here.” Jase hissed.

Carly looked over her shoulder and blew him a kiss. He shook his head slowly no.

She pulled her hair to the side and she had ink too.

“No fucking way.” He stormed towards her and Momma Joe was there in a flash.

Taelyn smiled at me. I lifted my palms in the air and she walked over.

“What no ink for you?” I kissed her cheek.

“Just something small. It hurts you know.”


“Your families place of course.”

“No. Where on your body?”

She turned and pulled her hair to the side.

Right under her hairline it said Irish. Nothing more just Irish.

I kissed her neck.

“Who got to do you?”

“Kat. She did me and Bekah. Your mom did Carly and Tara.”

“You plan this?”

“No. I actually said no and then I decided what the hell.”

“I wanna pierce your belly button.”

“I’m not sure about that.”

“Okay your hood then.”

“No thank you.” She laughed.

“I love it.”

“It’s a little sore.”

“It’s needled going in your skin Irish.” I kissed it softly. “Come with me to the
SUV for a minute.”

We walked outside and to the vehicle. She was grinning when I opened the door for

I walked to the other side and got in.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Didn’t expect it to ever happen. Didn’t know I ever wanted it to. But it did. Four
weeks ago we met and have been together every day since. Have I mentioned I love you?”


“Good. I got you a present. Today actually. It’s not a proposal, but I’m not saying
it’s never going to happen because I never thought this would. It’s how I feel and
it’s who you are.”

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