X: The Hard Knocks Complete Story (47 page)

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Authors: Michelle A. Valentine

BOOK: X: The Hard Knocks Complete Story
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My eyes roam over the well-defined muscles of his back as they stretch and move while he pokes around at all the other items on the shelf.

There’s a glimmer in his gray eyes as he turns to me with a blindfold in one hand and a riding crop in the other.

I shake my head as he begins to stalk toward me. “No. You are not tying me up and spanking me. That’s so fucking cliché.”

That cocky smirk returns, making him even more fucking attractive. “How can millions of people be wrong about the enjoyment of the combination?”

I fold my arms. “What some people find pleasurable is just wrong then.”

“How do you know that’s true? I bet you’ve never even tried it.” He raises one eyebrow in challenge.

“I . . .” I what? There’s no defense here, considering he’s right. Dammit, I hate that.

Alexander smiles. “Thought so. Off the table.”

“Alexander . . .”

“Off the table.” The authority in his voice rings around the small room.

He’s so damn bossy. If I still weren’t horny as hell, I would tell him to go take a flying fucking leap, but seeing as how I’ve come this far, I might as well play along.

My pride has already been tossed out the window. What else do I have to lose?

I hop off the table and train my eyes on Alexander as he closes the distance between us. “What now?”

“Close your eyes.” With gentle hands, he covers my eyes with the black mask. “I’ve always heard that if you take away one sense that it will heighten the others. Let’s test that theory, shall we?”

The warmth of his hands sliding down my body causes my mouth to drift open. The tease of his skin on mine has my body in overdrive. When his hands grip my hips, he spins me around and bends me over the table that I was just chained to.

“Grab the other side of the table and don’t you dare let go.”

A lump in my throat builds as the image of the crop flashes in my brain. This man is about to spank my bare ass. I should stop this—tell him this isn’t happening—but I can’t bring myself to do it.

While the logical part of my brain is screaming at me to end this and stand my ground and remember that Alexander King is the enemy, another part is squealing with delight as it awaits the delicious torture that he’s about to inflict.

Before I have too much time to think about it, the distinct snap of something being hit sounds, and almost instantly, there’s a small tingle on my right butt cheek.

“Hurt?” he asks with an inflection in his voice that implies his curiosity.

“No,” I answer honestly. “But—”

He doesn’t give me time to further protest. The second swat comes just as unexpected as the first.

“Ah . . .” A cry slips from my lips. It isn’t one of pain, but of pleasure, and that surprises me.

Stupid traitorous body. I can’t believe it’s actually enjoying this.

“You liked that one, didn’t you? Another?”


“Yes!” I hiss.

My stupid body has completely taken over now.


Then comes the sweet burn that follows just like the last two times, only this time was a little harder.

I toss my head back and moan.


This one wakes me up as pain sears through me.

“Ah. Shit. That hurt.” I yank off the blindfold and spin around to face him. “We’re done.”

Alexander shakes his head and then presses against me. “We are so far from done, Margo. You are my greatest challenge—one I’m determined to conquer.”

“You—” I start to tell him this is over, but at that very second, he rakes his teeth over his bottom lip, and all I can think about is having that mouth on me again.

Without invitation, I throw my arms around him and attack him with my lips. There’s no resistance from him because suddenly Alexander’s hands are everywhere, tracing, teasing, and exploring every inch of me. It’s like he can’t get enough of me and I love the way that he makes me feel.

I’d be lying to myself if I say I haven’t wanted this with him since the first time he threatened to fuck me. No man has ever aroused me this much. His take-charge attitude draws me in. It’s animalistic and sexy—a complete turn-on.

Alexander King is hard to resist.

“You don’t know how hard it was for me to be patient. I feel like I’ve waited a lifetime to have you just like this. I’ve even had dreams about tasting you,” he growls. “You’re exactly my favorite type of woman, and I can’t wait to get my cock deep in that sweet pussy of yours.”

His naughty words make my blood pump even faster.

He slides his hand between us and flicks my still throbbing clit. “Alexander . . .” I say his name almost like a whisper.

“Do you want me inside you?”

I throw my head back and moan as he continues to tease me. “Yessssss!”

“Then tell me, baby. I want to hear some naughty words come out of that beautiful mouth.”

“I . . .” I pause. God, I so want this. I just hate the fact that he’s asking me to beg, and what’s worse is that I’m so turned on by him that I’d just about say anything he damn near wants. I need the relief that only he can bring me.

Alexander licks my top lip. “Say it, Margo.”

I close my eyes but quickly reopen them so he knows I mean what I say. “Fuck me.

A devilish smile creeps onto his face. “I knew you were a naughty girl deep down.”

He kneads my breasts while rubbing the tip of his cock against my clit as he continues to study my face. He reaches for the condom, and I seize the opportunity to wrap my hand around his cock and stroke him while he opens the wrapper.

He licks his lips and watches me work him. “Your hands on me feel so good.” He hands me the thin piece of rubber. “You do it since you’re so good with your hands.”

I pinch the tip as I roll it down his thick cock. Pure lust fills Alexander’s gray eyes are they roam over my naked body. His mouth drifts open when I spread my legs wider for him.

This man has me completely turned on, and I’m doing things that I normally wouldn’t do.

“I’m such a fucking bastard for taking you like this. It’s not right considering our situation, but I can’t seem to stop myself. You are a very desirable woman, Margo Buchanan.” Alexander leans down and kisses me again.

My toes curl inside my stilettos as I wrap my legs around his waist, pushing him toward my entrance. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want you too.”

A low growl emits from his throat as he penetrates me with the head of his cock. “Holy fuck! I wasn’t expecting you to be so fucking tight. Amazing.”

I slide my hand up his back. “I won’t break. I don’t want you to be gentle. I want you to fuck me and make it count.”

Alexander bites my bottom lip and pushes his shaft inside of me all the way down to the base. He pulls back and then slides into me again.

I whimper wanting him to move faster inside me.

“Patience, baby. You feel so fucking good. If I don’t go slowly this will be over before either of us is ready.”

He grabs my waist and picks up the pace, pumping into me faster and harder. Sweat slicks his back as the slapping of our skin echoes around the room. I stare up at his face, surprised to find his gaze on mine. It’s like he’s trying to commit my face to memory as he fucks my brains out.

“Mmmm yeah. So fucking perfect. Sweetest pussy I’ve ever had.” The words tumble from his lips and knowing that he’s feeling just as good as I am causes another orgasm to rip through me.

“Alexander!” I cry as he works me into a frenzy.

“Oh. Oh. I’m coming. Oh, God,” I moan as my body erupts in complete euphoria.

His movements become more rigid and intense as he works hard to find his own release.

“Goddamn, baby. Shit,” he says before he growls as a shudder tears through him as he comes hard.

He buries his head in the crook of my neck. Both of us still breathing hard and he’s still buried deep. “That was . . . fuck, that was amazing.”

I smile as I twirl a wild strand of hair poking out from his head. “I agree.”

Alexander raises his head and looks me in the eye. “I don’t know how in the hell I’m supposed to remain strictly professional with you now. You’re fucking addictive. I already want to do that again.”

I close my eyes as the realization of what just happened between us hits. “This is going to complicate the hell out of things.”

He nods. “Yes, but we’re going to have to find a way to figure things out and coexist. We still have a business deal to get through.”

The reminder of why we’re actually here is like a splash of cold water on the face. No matter how amazing sex with Alexander King is, it can never happen again.

Chapter X: Mr. Yamada


I study myself in the mirror of this ridiculous hotel suite and wonder if anyone can tell that this is the face of a woman who just fucked her boss?


I’m not sure what in the hell just came over me. One minute I was in the hallway completely composed and fending off his advances, and then the next thing I know we’re kissing and I instigated his advances.

The moment he put his hands on me in the sex room, I lost it. They were so strong, so sure and felt too damn good. It was amazing for once to have a man who wasn’t afraid to take control and pull me outside my rigid box. I would’ve never allowed a man to do the things that he did to me—restraints—but Alexander’s forwardness and sex appeal got to me. I gave in during a moment of weakness and became just another easy lay for him, giving him full control. I’ve never experienced that, and if I’m being honest, it was very liberating.

I just hate that it was Alexander King. He’s supposed to be my mortal enemy. Not the man who opened me up to exploration and a sexual revolution.

What in the hell am I going to do now?

A knock on the door startles me out of my thoughts. “Margo? Are you ready?”

I smooth my hair away from my face but don’t dare open the door. I’m not ready to face Alexander just yet. “For what?”

“It’s nearly two. I’m scheduled to meet with my contact at the pool. I’ll wait for you if you’re nearly finished getting ready,” he says, and it instantly causes my shoulders to slump.

I stare down at my still nude body wrapped in a fluffy white hotel towel. “Go ahead without me. I’ll be down in a bit.”

“Margo . . .” There’s hesitation in his voice. “Are you okay? You sound off.”

I don’t answer because I can’t find the right words to express the things going through my mind. On one hand, I’m feeling amazing because I’ve just had the most mind-blowing sexual experience, but on the other, I’m completely torn in a way I didn’t expect. Sadness for the loss of something that I know will never happen again. Being with Alexander had to be a one-time thing. It can never happen again. Sleeping with him was never part of the plan. I don’t do random sex. My heart gets too invested, and I refuse to be just another notch in Alexander King’s insanely long bedpost.

“Margo?” When I still don’t bother to answer, the handle of the bathroom door rotates just before it swings open, revealing a shirtless Alexander wearing a pair of black swimming trunks.

“I didn’t say that you could come in here,” I scold him and then tighten the towel around me.

He tilts his head, and his gorgeous gray eyes bore into me. “I thought we were long past formalities at this point.”

A shiver shoots down my spine. “Just because we’ve seen each other naked and . . .”

He lifts his eyebrows and finishes my sentence for me. “Fucked?”

I straighten my shoulders. “Yes. That. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen again or that things are suddenly different between us.”

Alexander pulls his plump, bitable lips into a tight line. “So you want to just forget it ever happened and go right back to hating each other?”

I nod. “That’s exactly what I want.”

He lets out an exasperated sigh before running his hand down the back of his neck. “Fine. Then get your ass ready and get down to the pool. We have business to attend to.”

I flinch at the sudden change in the tone of his voice, but I like that he’s in agreement and doing exactly as I ask. When I open my mouth to tell him to fuck off and that I’d be down when I’m good and ready, I quickly close it when I see a flash of pain in his eyes before he turns and walks out of the bathroom.

I sigh the moment I hear the door slam when he leaves the suite.

This situation is all kinds of fucked up.

After getting myself together after a quick shower, I make my way down to the pool party that the Hard Rock calls Rehab. The scene before me causes me to raise my eyebrows. This place is something straight out of the Spring Break handbook. There are bodies everywhere—all of them dancing to the techno beat spun by the DJ.

This is seriously where King is meeting a business contact? Good luck talking business out here.

When I get through security, I merge into the crowd. Several pairs of hungry male eyes watch me intently as I pass by, and suddenly I wish I would’ve let Alexander wait on me. I don’t like feeling like a piece of meat on display.

One dark-haired man with a set of toned abs and wide smile grabs my wrist as I pass by. “Damn! You’ve got the nicest set of tits I’ve seen all day.”

I fight the urge to smack him in the face because I know that technically I’m out here for business purposes and getting arrested for assault wouldn’t be a good look.

“Not interested.” I attempt to twist out of his grasp, but there’s no such luck.

The man tightens his hold and attempts to jerk me against his chest. “Let me feel those titties on me.”

“Get off me!” I shove my arms between us and push with all my might, but he’s too big and I can’t force him off.

“Play nice, baby,” he says, and the distinct smell of beer wafts into my face.

Before I have a chance to say anything else, the man flies back and Alexander steps between us. Alexander’s hands ball into fists at his side as his entire body tenses.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll walk away. Now.” The low growl in Alexander’s voice emits such a warning that the man instantly throws his hands up in surrender and backs away without another word.

Alexander stands still, shielding me until he’s sure the man is gone, and I have to admit that I’m grateful for his presence.

He slowly turns toward me. “You all right?”

I nod. “Yes. Thank you for that. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been here.”

“Don’t worry, Margo. Nobody will dare touch you while I’m around.”

His confident words cause butterflies to erupt in my belly. It makes me feel safe knowing that he’s looking out for me.

“Oh, shit. Did you see that?” The voice comes from a small Asian man who looks like he’s straight out of a rap video with his gold chains and baseball cap. He slaps Alexander’s shoulder and laughs. “Dat madafucka just got punked. I think he shit his pants. He better not come back for seconds because Yamada might just have to step in and he doesn’t want any of this.”

Alexander rolls his eyes and then turns toward the man. “Next time he’s all yours, big guy.”

The man turns toward me and lowers the gold-rimmed sunglasses down the bridge of his nose. His dark eyes drink me in from head to toe before he flicks his gaze in Alexander’s direction. “Are you with dis fine piece?”

Alexander sighs. “Yamada, this is Margo Buchanan. She’s my assistant.”

“I bet.” Yamada laughs and then pushes his glasses back over his eyes. “Just like old times, King. You bring all the fly honeys to the party.”

That takes me back. Old times? It sounds like Alexander’s relationship with Yamada goes far beyond a business one. How in the hell am I supposed to possibly find a way to infiltrate their business relationship if they are as good of friends as they seem to be?

“Don’t look so serious, Dime Piece,” Yamada says to me. “This is a party. Lighten up. We need to dance.”

My mouth gapes open as I look at Alexander, but he’s no help. He simply shrugs. “There’s no stopping him when he’s on a mission to party. Just go with it.”

Yamada grabs my hand. “Come with Yamada. I’ll show you a good time.”

I glance back at Alexander while this odd little man leads me along, and he just simply grins and waves before the crowd swallows him up.

“Why do you keep referring to yourself in the third person?” I complain as he weaves us through the crowd.

He turns toward me, pulling the sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and peering at me over the top of them again with an expression that I can only describe as dumbfounded. “Because that’s what all the badass madafakas do.”

For a split second, I don’t know if he’s actually serious or not, but when he winks at me, I can’t hold back a chuckle.

Yamada smiles, clearly pleased with my lightened mood, and then pushes his sunglasses back up. “Now that’s a killer smile. Let’s go shake it so I can show off that the hottest chick in this place is grinding on me.”

This man was so not what I was expecting when I imagined coming out here to meet Alexander’s business contact. I guess what I expected was a man that was, well, something more along the lines of my father—an accomplished older man. Instead, I get a younger guy who’s busy twerking in front of me at a crowded pool party.

I’m not sure I can take this guy seriously when it comes to anything business related, but he seems to be a damn good time. I’m going to have to rethink how I’m going to get in good with this man. For now, I’m going to dance because that seems like what he wants to do.

Yamada pops up and faces me. “Now that we’re alone, we can talk.”

I’m still dancing in time to the beat when I ask, “About what?”

“How long you know King?”

“Not long, but I’ve always known of him. Manhattan isn’t as big of a place as people think.” I tuck a loose strand of my dark hair behind my ear and figure this is my chance to get a little information too. “You two seem close. How did you meet?”

“In college,” he answers before doing a spin. “I met him when I came to America to study. He was floored by my awesomeness, and we’ve been friends ever since.”

“Wow,” I say, honestly surprised. “That’s cool that you two have stayed in touch.”

He shrugs. “When Yamada makes a friend, it’s for life, and now we’re business partners.”

We dance for a few more beats before he asks, “You fuck him yet, or does Yamada still have a shot?”

My mouth drops open and my eyes widen.

“Aw, shit. You did. I can tell by the look on your face. That’s okay, you’re only the second woman King has ever been able to beat Yamada to.”

That piques my curiosity. “Who was the other?”

“Jess,” Yamada answers. “His girlfriend from college. You know, the bitch who screwed him over and broke his heart.”

I raise my eyebrows. “I didn’t think he had one of those.”

Yamada tilts his head. “What? A heart?”

I nod and keep dancing with him.

He shakes his head in response. “You obviously don’t know him then, because he has one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever seen. I call him a pussy all the time for wearing it on his sleeve like a bitch. He needs to toughen up.”

Little does Yamada know, Alexander King has done an excellent job of making me, along with most of the women on the Upper East Side, believe that he’s a ruthless prick. I think I know him a little better than Yamada at this point.

“I think he’s plenty tough. Matter of fact, I think he’s a pompous ass,” I admit.

Yamada throws his head back in a fit of laughter. “I like you. You and Yamada will get along just fine.”

I glance over at Alexander, who has found a seat at one of the bars. It’s like I can feel his eyes on me, studying every move I make. I’m positive that pushing him away like I did earlier was the best choice for my sanity, not to mention my heart, but it doesn’t stop my stupid body from being drawn to him. It’s going to be a lot harder to ignore his advances now, especially since I know what it’s like to be with him. It’ll be difficult to turn down those intense promises of pleasure because he does a damn fine job of delivering.

I spend the rest of the afternoon dancing and drinking with Yamada, while my brain works on trying to figure out the complex puzzle that is Alexander King—a puzzle that according to Yamada, I don’t have the first fucking clue about.

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