Read X: The Hard Knocks Complete Story Online

Authors: Michelle A. Valentine

X: The Hard Knocks Complete Story (46 page)

BOOK: X: The Hard Knocks Complete Story
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Chapter VII: Provocateur


No matter the time of day, the lights in Las Vegas are always putting on a show. The limo pulls up to the Hard Rock Casino, and I glance over at Margo as the driver stops the car.

She hasn’t said much to me since our heated little discussion. Every time we talk, I seem to piss her off, which is exactly what I want to do. I want to become the itch festering under her skin that she’s dying to scratch. The more she hates me—the more she’ll think about me and how much she can’t wait to be rid of me.

So why do I feel like a bastard and have this urge to apologize?

I shake my head to purge myself of the crazy thought. I need her out of my fucking hair. Her presence distracts me, and that’s not good. I need a clear head for business. This weekend is going to be pure torture.

The minute the driver opens the door, I step out and then turn with my hand out to assist Margo. My eyes dart down to her sexy long legs, and I wonder if she knows how much she turns me on with those damn skirts she flits around in all the time. I wonder if she does it intentionally to drive me out of my fucking mind. The whole naughty businesswoman look she has going on works well for her. Even when she wears those little black-rimmed glasses, she’s still hot as hell.

We’re immediately greeted by a short, pudgy man wearing a black suit with his black hair slicked back like he’s a 1940s mobster. “Good afternoon, Mr. King. My name is Coleman, and I’ll be your personal concierge during your stay. Allow me to escort you to your room.” After a quick snap of his fingers, two bellhops rush to the back of the car to retrieve our luggage before following us into the hotel.

The elevator doors ding before opening, and I stop myself from placing my hand on the small of Margo’s back. I cannot allow myself to touch her because whenever I do, strange things happen to me. The last time we touched was in my office when she grabbed my cock and told me that I was the one who was fucked. She rattled me. I hadn’t expected her to do that so it threw me off for a brief moment. But now that I know what she’s capable of, I won’t allow her to ever gain the upper hand again. I have to be careful and keep her at a distance.

Silence surrounds us once we’re shut inside the tiny space and begin ascending, but it’s not awkward. Either Margo and I are doing our best to ignore one another or we’re at each other’s throats. There isn’t any middle ground between us where we can just be casual. Diem’s right. We can’t go on like this. I need to work on being friendlier. Having her favorite things on the plane was a small start, but I’m going to have to step it up a notch and dial my personality down a bit. The last thing I need is to fight with this woman in Yamada’s presence. He’d have a fucking field day with that shit. I don’t need him thinking that she has the upper hand in this situation.

The elevator dings and Coleman smiles. “Ah, here we are. Right this way to the Provocateur Suite.”

Margo’s shoulders stiffen as she halts in her tracks. “What happened to the Paradise Tower Penthouse that I booked?”

Coleman frowns. “We emailed you earlier this morning to notify you that the Paradise Penthouse would be unavailable for your stay this weekend. Our last guests . . . well, let’s just say they put the room out of commission for a bit. It’s in desperate need of repairs, and since this was a last-minute booking, I’m afraid the only penthouse that we have available for your duration is the Provocateur Suite.”

Margo shakes her head, causing her black curls to bounce around. “You can’t honestly expect me to stay there with my boss. I didn’t mind sharing a traditional penthouse, but this is unacceptable.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Buchanan. Like we explained on the phone at the time of your reservation, this weekend we have several major events and conventions, and we are completely booked.”

Margo sighs and her shoulders slump. “Okay. Since I really don’t have a choice in the matter, but—” she swings around and points her gaze directly at me “—I expect you to remain professional.”

I hold up my hands in surrender. “I don’t have the slightest idea of what you mean. It’s a room for Christ’s sake, Margo.”

“It’s not just
room. It’s the sex slave suite,” she whispers harshly.

My eyebrows jerk up in surprise. I was definitely not expecting this curveball. “This room is right down your twisted little path, but I swear to God if you spend the weekend tying up random women in a place that we have to share, you might not leave with your balls intact,” she fires at me.

A grin spreads across my face. Her spunk is absolutely the hottest fucking thing I’ve seen in a long time. “Margo, the only woman I plan on tying up this weekend is you.”

I know I just said I shouldn’t touch her, but I don’t think that’s going to be possible. Especially not while being reminded of sex every time I turn around in the room we’re sharing. She’s too damn sexy, and I won’t be able to resist the temptation.

Margo’s nostrils flare. “Don’t count on it, King.”

We stand there staring each other down. Both of us determined to be the one who comes out the victor this weekend.

Coleman clears his throat next to us. “Okay, then, why don’t I show you to the suite?”

I roll my shoulders and straighten my tie but never take my eyes off Margo. “Lead the way, Coleman.”

“Right away, Mr. King. This way.”

We follow behind him in silence. This woman knows how to push my buttons like no other. If I’m being honest, I like that she challenges me. I’ve never had a woman do that before, and in an odd way, it’s refreshing. She’s not like all the other fucking doormats who typically surround me and do whatever I say just because of who I am.

The moment the door opens, I can tell that this is unlike any other penthouse I’ve been in before, and that’s saying a lot considering how much I travel. The walls are deep red while masculine black leather furniture fills the space. A large stocked bar with all the top-shelf liquor one could ever desire sits near the entrance.

To the left, Coleman walks us over to one of the master suites, which is a room with three queen-sized beds pushed together complete with holograms of women writhing on the bed. This is indeed a place where sexual fantasies are meant to be explored.

We pass back through the living room area into another room that contains a padded exam table like you see at a doctor’s office, but there are steel hoops bolted to it. Obviously, this table is intended to have people tied to it. One black tiled wall has more steel hoops attached to it, and there’s a steel birdcage that’s big enough to fit an adult into that sits in the corner. Next to the cage is a large wooden ‘X’ that’s attached to the wall with loops made for tying someone to. A tall, black bookcase sits on the opposite wall. A couple of boxes that are clearly vibrators, sexual lotions, whips and every other thing you can think of to use in a fuck room fills the shelves.

“This room is another part of what makes this suite so special. It’s fully equipped and has sexual enhancers that will increase the enjoyment. Any items that you do choose to use will be discreetly added to your bill. Attached you will find the second master suite—” Coleman motions toward the bedroom, but I can no longer concentrate on what he’s saying.

All I can think about is how much I want to tie Margo to this table and explore every inch of her body. Having this man in here with us is a distraction to what I really want to know.

“Leave us,” I order Coleman.

He bows his head. “As you wish.”

As he opens the door, he instructs the bellhops to leave our luggage at the entrance before they all exit without another word.

I turn my focus back to Margo. Her wide eyes tell me that even though she won’t admit it, being alone in this room with me scares her. She feels this weird sexual connection between us too. I know she does. She just won’t give in and admit it. If we’d just fuck, I’m sure all this weird tension would disappear and we could both focus on what we actually came out here to do.

I swallow hard and then glance at the two master suite doors that are on the opposite sides of this fantasy room.

I motion from one room to the other. “Lady’s choice.”

“That’s gracious of you considering that’s not how you typically operate. By the way it looked in your office the other day, it seemed like it was all about your choices first,” she mutters as she turns away from me toward the room that we hadn’t toured yet.

Before I realize it, I’m snatching her wrist, stopping her mid-step and forcing her to look at me. “How do you know that when I’m with a woman I’m
paying for that I don’t put her first?”

She raises one eyebrow. “You’re too much of a selfish prick to put anyone’s needs before your own.”

My pulse thunders beneath my skin. “Maybe I need to change your perception of me then—show you just how giving I can be when I want to. This suite—it’s the perfect place for us to fuck and get it out of our systems. Don’t you agree? Just imagine all the ways I could make you come while I have you strapped to that table.”

I can’t deny that just being in here and seeing all the props has me picturing what it would be like to tie her up and spank her ass before feeling her pussy wrapped around my cock.

Her head falls back slightly as she lets out a low sarcastic laugh. “I would never fuck you. You are
my type.”

I lick my lips as I close the distance between us until her chest presses against me. “A man with a big cock who knows how to use it is
woman’s type, and believe me, baby, I’m the best fuck you’ll ever have.”

I can no longer hold back. The sweet smell of her perfume and the very essence of her surround me and the need to have her—possess her—consumes me. My hands wrap around her waist and then slide down her perfect ass to find the hem of her skirt. The tips of my fingers graze the bare flesh on her legs.

Her entire body shivers, but she never takes her eyes off me as she takes a deep breath. “Prove it.”

She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I seize the opportunity and slide my hand up her back so I could tangle my fingers into her hair. I slam my mouth against hers with so much need it’s almost overwhelming. Her lips part, allowing enough room for my tongue to snake into her mouth, and she moans.

I’m such a fucking goner.

She tastes like heaven, and I’m too much of a sinner to resist devouring every inch of her. Tonight, I will own her body. Tonight, I will make her mine.

Chapter IX: Falling


He’s taking what he wants without apologies, and it’s so damn hot.

His hands are everywhere: in my hair, on my ass, cupping my face while he deepens our kiss. Alexander King definitely knows how to touch a woman and set her skin on fire. When his lips attack mine, I throw my hands in his hair to try to immerse myself in him. Alexander wraps his arms around me, tugging me closer while never breaking our kiss.

He grabs the material at the bottom of my tucked in blouse and pulls the fabric free of my pencil skirt. One by one, he pops the buttons open with his skilled hands and when he frees the last one, he slides the material off my shoulders, allowing his fingers to trace my bare skin before my shirt falls to the floor. The hem of my skirt creeps up my thighs as Alexander slides it to get better access.

He presses himself against me. The roughness of his trousers against me causes a tingle to erupt all over my body. My panties grow instantly wet as he presses against the sensitive flesh between my legs while unzipping my skirt, loosening it so it falls in a pool around my ankles.

I stand there in nothing but my red, satin lingerie and black Jimmy Choos before him. He steps back, appraising me from head to toe with hungry eyes. I should feel self-conscious about him staring at me like this, but I don’t. He makes me feel wanted and powerful by staring at me like I’m the most mouthwatering thing he’s ever seen.

Alexander licks his lips and then drags his teeth slowly over his bottom lip as he closes the distance between us.

His toned body presses into me, and he grips my hips, yanking my pelvis against his and allowing me to feel his erection through his slacks. “You are the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. I’m going to enjoy this, and I promise you will too if you give yourself over to me completely.”

Before I can say anything else, he crushes his lips to mine, plunging his tongue inside my mouth, and making my knees go a little weak from the sheer intensity of it. An ache builds between my legs, and I realize that I’ve never been this turned on in my life. There’s no way I can put a stop to this now. I need him inside me too damn much.

My fingers snake into his hair, and I love the fact that he has just enough length for me to grab onto.

Strong hands slide down my ass and then cup the back side of my thighs. My legs wrap around his waist as he hoists me up with ease. He walks toward the table in the middle of the room and sets me down, pressing himself firmly between my legs.

I writhe against him and the soft material of his slacks allows his hard cock to rub against my most sensitive flesh. My entire body craves the relief only he can bring me. The smoothness of his well-manicured hands moving across my skin causes goosebumps to erupt over every inch of me. My breasts ache as he moves around to my back and unhooks my bra, freeing them for his pleasure. A warm trail of kisses leave fire in their wake as he works his way down my neck, nipping, teasing and promising passion as he moves past my collarbone. He takes one of my nipples into his mouth and I suck a rush of air through my clenched teeth.

Alexander opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out as I watch him swirl it around the taut pink flesh. I wrap my legs around him tighter and work my pelvis up and down.

This man has me so ready.

“You want this as much as I do.” His hooded eyes flick up in my direction. “This is going to be fun.”

He bends down and reaches for something under the table. The rattle of chains startles me. I guess I hadn’t noticed them under there during the tour, but to be honest I was so uncomfortable standing in this room with Alexander that I didn’t pay much attention to the small details. Before I know what’s going on, he wraps a cuff around one of my wrists and then quickly follows with another shackle.

I furrow my brow. “What the . . . ?”

Alexander’s face lights up with a wicked grin. “It’s time to play.”

My eyes widen as he locks my other arm into place as well. “You’re tying me up?”

He nods and pushes me back with a firm hand, forcing me back on my elbows. “I want control.”

Alexander’s fingers find the wet spot on my underwear. “Mmmm. So wet. That’s fucking sexy. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to taste something so badly.”

“I . . .” My mouth hangs open, unable to complete a coherent thought as he grabs the silky material on my hips and rips it with ease before he tosses the scraps of satin that were once my panties to the floor.

I bite my lip as I sit on the table before him completely exposed for his viewing pleasure. His gray eyes slowly trail over every inch of me, taking his time to appreciate the view.

He pushes my knees apart again as he slides between them and then teases my top lip with his tongue. “Do you want me to touch you?”

His hand slithers up my thigh, and for the first time in my life, I’m at a loss for words. I squeeze my eyes shut, still fighting against giving him possession of me, as he wants. I’m all for having sex, but him taking complete control . . . well, that’s just not my style.

“Beg,” he commands. “Beg for it like a good girl, and maybe . . .
maybe, I’ll give you what you want.”

The man is infuriating. I’m finally giving in and allowing him to ravage my body and now he wants me to beg? Get fucking real.

“No,” I say with authority in my voice.

“No?” His warm breath tickles my cheek as he breathes against my neck. “I need to hear you plead, Margo. If you want to come, then you need to say

His finger slides slowly against my clit and my entire body trembles. I hate the way every inch of me aches for him—craves his stupid, electrifying touch.

“Fuck you,” I whisper, trying my best to keep it together and stay strong as I teeter on the edge of an orgasm. “I beg for no man.”

“You’ll beg for me, Margo. I can promise you that.” He kisses a warm trail down my neck as he continues to work my clit at a frustratingly slow pace. “I can keep this up all night. How long do you think it’ll be before you concede and I’m fucking you senseless right here on this very table? Hmmm?”

He pushes his thick finger inside me, causing me to moan. “Oh, God.”

“Tell me how much you need me to fuck you. Beg, Margo. Let me own you.”

He works his finger in and out, curving up at just the right spot each time to cause my entire body to tingle. I throw my head back and moan as I rub against the heel of his hand.

“Such a greedy girl.” He teasingly nips my shoulder before whispering, “You know what I want to hear. Say it and I’ll give you what you want.”

My brain keeps telling me that I should fight him—that giving into him will show weakness—but my stupid body is all too willing and ready. I want him. I want him to do all the things he’s promising to me. I want him to make me feel good.

His thumb flicks over my clit, and I whimper.

Oh. My. God. This is more than I can handle. How in the hell am I supposed to resist him when he has me teetering on the edge so quickly?

“I’m waiting, Margo,” he growls.

His demanding words cause me to shiver, and combined with how damn good he’s making me feel with his hand, I’m willing to do just about anything he asks in the heat of the moment.

I snap my eyes open and bite my lip. “Please.”

” he probes as he circles his thumb around my throbbing nub.

“Fuck me, please. Make me come.” The begging tone of my voice appalls me, but I know that my brain has completely allowed my body to take control here. Desire clouds me to the point that I can barely think straight, let alone worry about how embarrassed I should be for begging this man for what I want.

“Good girl.” Alexander bites his lip as he brings his hands up to cup my face so he can gaze deep into my eyes. “I’ve wanted to taste you ever since you stepped foot into my office.”

His words make me shiver again with excitement.

He lightly kisses my lips. “I’m going to make you come so hard that you won’t even remember your own name.”

Alexander steps back and begins unbuttoning his shirt, and my fingers itch to help push it open so I can see his body, but my wrists remain shackled, limiting my movement. If I’m being honest, I’ve imagined what he’d look like naked more than a few hundred times. I bite my lip as his perfectly sculpted abs come into view when he drops his white dress shirt onto the floor.

Holy Mary mother of Joseph! Alexander’s body is better than I imagined in my wildest dreams. His chest definition exceeds that of the most lickable men in magazines, not to mention he has biceps that last for days and the sexy ‘V’ cut into his hips that dips down into his pants.

I think I’m about to lose my mind. Can this man be any hotter?

He smirks when I don’t take my eyes off him. “Just think . . . you haven’t even seen the best part of me yet.”

This man is absolutely wicked and entirely too sexy for his own good. He’s the perfect example of a man who knows what he’s blessed with and isn’t afraid to be cocky about it. Confidence is such a turn on.

Almost like a strip tease, he unzips his pants and then shoves them down, along with his boxer-briefs, leaving them in a pile on the floor. My eyes widen at the sight of his completely naked body. He wasn’t kidding when he said that he had a big cock. I’m not one who typically refers to a man’s appendage as beautiful, but that’s exactly what Alexander King’s penis is. It stands proud in all its silky glory, and my fingers ache to touch it.

King turns to the cabinet and grabs a condom before opening a package containing a small silver bullet vibrator. After testing to make sure the vibrator works, he stalks toward me with both items. “There are a lot of toys in there. Do you think we should try them all?”

The thought of my body as his playground long enough to test out everything on those shelves causes me to shudder. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it. I’m nearly ready to combust, and he’s barely touched me. There’s no way I’d survive.

Alexander sets the condom down and then presses his lips to mine. “Relax, Margo. Tonight’s all about you. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. You can tell me to stop anytime you’d like.”

I want to scream out for him just to touch me again. No one has ever left me teetering on the verge of an orgasm for so long before. This man is about to drive me insane.

His tongue seeks entrance into my mouth, and I melt into him. “Spread your legs.” I do exactly what he asks and watch as he kisses a trail down my body, throwing my legs over both shoulders as he drops to his knees. He grabs my ass, yanking my pussy closer to his mouth.

His tongue flicking across my clit sends an electric surge through me and I hiss. “Jesus.”

“No, baby, it’s just me,” he murmurs before he pushes a finger inside me and licks my slick folds. “Mmmm. You taste just as delicious as I expected.”

Alexander continues to work me into a frenzy, and the urge to reach out and grab a handful of his thick hair to hold him against me is strong, but my bound arms won’t allow it. The heat of his tongue against my throbbing clit is almost more than I can handle. All I can do is lie on this table, exposed, and wait on his mercy. Only he can give me the pleasure that I desire to calm this ache building inside me.

The sound of the vibrator echoes around the room. Relief floods me because I know the moment he touches my clit with it, I’ll finally be able to come. I hold my breath as he traces the outside of my lips with it, but he’s careful to steer clear of where I need the sensation the most.

My head drops back as he kisses the inside of my thigh. I need him in me, filling me, to cure this burning desire that’s rocking me to the core.

“Alexander . . .” His name comes out in a breathy whisper, as he presses the vibrator into my entrance. “I’m so close. Please.”

“Told you that you’d beg.” His gray eyes look up at me, and I can tell he’s smiling, but it’s impossible for me to fire back a snarky comment. The next thing I know, he’s licking and sucking my clit like it’s his only job in the world while he continues to use the toy.

My pussy has never been this stimulated, and it’s pushing me to the edge already.

“Oh. My God. That’s it. Keep going,” I plead.

Both legs resting on his shoulders begin shaking uncontrollably and an intense tingle erupts in my core and then spreads over every inch of my body. I squeeze my eyes shut and I swear to God that I see fireworks as I come hard just like he promised. My entire body jerks as I scream out his name, but he keeps going, prolonging my pleasure to the point that it feels so good that it actually hurts.

Just when I don’t think I can take another second, he stops his delicious torture and stands as he switches off the vibrator.

With quick movements, he releases both of my wrists from the shackles before pulling them one at a time to his mouth. He inhales deeply like he’s trying to commit my scent to memory as he presses soft kisses to my flesh.

He stares down at me with a grin. “I love seeing that satisfied look on your face but don’t get too comfortable. We’re just getting started.”

Oh, my.

My heart flutters with anticipation. If this was just the appetizer, dinner might damn near kill me.

He threads his fingers into my hair and pulls me into a deep kiss, allowing me to taste myself on him. This kiss makes me feel so desired that, for a moment, I can’t imagine why I refused his advances. I should’ve allowed this to happen from the first moment he offered to fuck me.

He pulls back and stares into my eyes. “Stay.”

The warning that flashes in his eyes tells me that disobeying his command is not an option. I still need him like crazy so I don’t even debate not doing as he says.

I find myself biting my lip as I stare after Alexander as he makes his way back over to the toy shelf. His ass is divine. It’s round with just the right amount of bubble, and I just want to get my hands on it. Some women are all about the arms, others the backs, but my weakness is a toned male booty. Alexander’s is so tight that I bet you could bounce quarters off that thing.

BOOK: X: The Hard Knocks Complete Story
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