Wyne and Chocolate (Citizen Soldier Series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Wyne and Chocolate (Citizen Soldier Series Book 2)
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did everyone come to see my cupcakes?” the young boy asked, eyes bright,
grinning from ear to ear as his dad seemed to reluctantly set him down. “I
helped make them with Jill.”

She drew
back from the embrace and smiled. “Don’t let him fool you. He did most of the

stepped forward, smiling. “Wow, these are wonderful, Tyler.” Then turned to the
others. “Aren’t they guys?”

the men high-fived, and fist-bumped Tyler, but by now her heart was pounding so
fierce she could barely hear what they were saying. But, she refused to ask
what they obviously knew, while the little boy was in the room.

to be on the same page, Ethan picked up his son again and set him on his
shoulders, sending her an apologetic look. “Since I’m home early enough, buddy,
what do you say you, me, and Pop hit the trail on some Cats?”

What did
he have to be sorry for? She’d enjoyed her day with his son. Couldn’t be that.

for real?” Tyler glanced from his dad to his grandfather as the three of them
disappeared from the room.

child was gone. She was alone with six anxious adults who were freaking her

answers, yet dreading them at the same time, she glanced from one concerned
face to another, until finally settling on Mason.

She drew in a deep breath. “What’s going on?”

Chapter Sixteen


ason grabbed both of Jill’s hands and led her to a chair Ben
pulled out and made her sit down. She glanced around again. Big mistake. Every
face wore the same worried expression.

you’re scaring me,” she said, beginning to shake, and she didn’t even know why.

holding her hands, he knelt down in front of her. “I’m sorry, it’s not my
intention. I just know you needed to sit.”

placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”

is?” They were acting as if someone died. Her gaze snapped to her cousin as her
heart hit the floor. “Oh my, God. Is it Uncle Al? Evie?”

Nico shook his head and stepped closer. “They’re fine.”

Mason squeezed her fingers and waited until she met his gaze. “I’m so sorry,
but, about an hour ago, Confection Connection burnt to the ground.”

filled the room until all she heard was the thudding of her heart as it rolled
in her chest. She never knew it could do that maneuver, or hurt so bad, but yes
to both. It could, and it did. She was glad no one had died, but her heart felt
the death of her business the same way.

She gripped Mason’s arms. “Teresa! She was closing today. She was supposed to
be there until one.” Several hands pushed her down when she tried to stand.

fine,” Mason reassured. “Teresa was home when the fire started.”

. She closed her eyes and sighed. “I couldn’t live with—”

okay, Jill,” Lea said again, voice wobbly. “She’s fine and you’re fine.”

She let
herself be pulled into her friend’s arms. She could handle her friend’s
concern. She could keep her calm, her control, with her friend, but if she
dared to step into Mason’s warmth and strength, she’d lose it. Right now,
numbness was beginning to set in, and she embraced the ambiguity. She’d needed
it in order to get through the next half-hour.

needed to be asked and answered before she had her melt down.

okay,” she said and rose to her feet. “What about the fireman? And the other

guys are fine. And we were able to contain the blaze to just your store.” Nico
stepped closer, and it wasn’t until that moment that Jill realized her cousin
wasn’t wearing his ACUs like the rest of the guardsman. He had on his fireman

smelled like smoke.


walked over to him and gave him a hug, then squeezed tighter when he apologized
for not being able to save her shop.

okay,” she said, patting his back. “I’m glad no one was hurt. And I’m sorry you
smell like burnt chocolate.”

rumbled around the room.  She drew back and let her gaze settle on Jeremy. The

though you’re in your ACUs, I get the impression you’re here on official

A spark
of admiration flashed through his blue gaze. “I do have a few questions, if you
don’t mind.”

course not,” she said and followed him to the table when he motioned for them
to sit down.

As he
pulled a notepad from his pocket, she wondered briefly if he carried one at all
times. Kind of always on duty, no matter what. Funny how her mind was grasping
at anything to keep from dwelling on the real reason everyone was in Ethan’s
kitchen, looking at her with pity and compassion in their eyes.

smell of coffee filled the room. Coffee was made from beans. She liked beans.

Lea set
several mugs on the table and the others took a seat. Mason settled in on her
other side and placed his hand on her knee. He was sweet. Instead of pushing
him away, she got the impression the connection was as much for him as it was
for her, so she covered his hand and squeezed.

studied her. “Obviously, the fire marshal is going to do a full investigation
to rule out ovens being left on, or faulty electrical, even though the building
was new construction.”

weren’t,” she said, shaking her head. “Left on. The ovens. There was no baking
today. I did that here.” She pointed to Tyler’s cupcakes, sitting in the
container on the counter.

nodded, writing something in his book. She could hear Lea washing the bowls and
pans she’d been about to tackle when the guys had walked in. Tiny pangs of
guilt pushed through her numb surface, then settled back down when she realized
the handsome cop’s mouth had been moving and she hadn’t caught a word.

cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

about Teresa? Does she bake?”

Just me.”

scribbling in his book, then he stopped and fastened his gaze on her.
Commanding blue eyes searched deep, studying, weighing…observing. Her heart
rocked, knowing his next question was going to be tough. 

the events of last Friday afternoon, do you think your ex-husband is capable of
burning your shop?”

old and new, rushed through Jill, tightening her chest, stealing her breath.
God, she didn’t want to believe the man she’d married, the man she’d once loved
and had once loved her, would do that to her. Would do that to anyone. No. He
wasn’t capable. Not that man. She knew this to her core.

But the
Donny who’d confronted her two days ago, asking for money,
money… Yes,
Donny was desperate enough to burn her place down.

His eyes
had been calculating and cunning as he’d scanned her store. The truth hurt bad.
Real bad. But it was the truth, and that’s what the police officer was asking.

inhaled and nodded. “Yes.”

longer would she try to help Donny or cover for him. He needed to be caught
before he hurt someone. And as much as it pained her to believe the worst of
him, as sure as her gut told her the
Donny wouldn’t do it, her gut
also said the
one would, and did.

“I can’t
help but feel he’s after the insurance money,” she said quietly. “Figuring once
I received the check, either he, or some bookie he owed could take it from me.”

bastard,” Nico grumbled, and other’s joined in.

A single
tear ran down her face, but she didn’t bother to brush it away. The drop
signaled the passing of an era. An era where she had hope that her ex could be
saved, helped, reformed. After today, and the sudden realization that she and
Tyler could’ve been in that building, had nearly
in that building
if not for the young boy’s desire to bake the cupcakes in his own kitchen.

away the tear?

Hell no.
Let it drop. She was done being a doormat.

protecting Donald Bailey.


oday was a day of firsts for Mason. The first day he’d taken
off work in years. The first

in months he hadn’t met his brothers for breakfast at Gabe’s. And the first
time he’d woken up with a woman in his bed at his place. Ever.

than his sister, Brandi, no female had stepped foot inside his corner condo at
the resort. Until last night. Until Jill. He glanced at the beauty sleeping in
his arms, face snuggled against his side, leg tossed over his, warm palm on his

had a hell of a rough day yesterday, and yet, handled it with a stoic calm and
quiet acceptance he deeply admired. Answering question after question from both
Jeremy and Nico, she’d remained composed, with the exception of shaking and a
lone tear falling here and there.

recognized the stiff set of her shoulders and jaw. She’d gone into safety mode.
Most likely from years of dealing with shit on her own. He also knew it was the
reason she kept him at arm’s length, only allowing him to hold her hand. If she
took more, if she allowed herself to accept the comfort he’d offered, then she
would break down, and that was something she wanted to do in private. He ached
for the sweet, giving woman and what she was going through, but knew he had to
wait to comfort her, so he’d forced himself to stay on the sidelines with only
his hand on her, until she was ready for more.

shifted slightly so he could draw her in closer. She mumbled and tightened her
hold, crushing more of her soft curves into him. Closing his eyes and counting
to ten, he fought back his arousal. She had enough on her plate without dealing
with the demands of his body. Besides, he’d just had her a few hours ago.

After he
brought her up to his place last night, he coaxed her to let go. She’d cried.
Talked about the past, and he’d found himself telling her about his while he
got her to eat peanut butter and jelly, because he made a killer PB&J. A
little while after, he’d lit a fire, and she cried herself to sleep in his
arms. Waking up in the middle of the night to the delicious feel of her lips
kissing his neck and bold hand sliding inside his pants, Mason was more than
happy to give her the ‘forget’ sex she desired and let her take the lead.

“I just
want to feel good,” she’d said. “Make me feel good, Mason.”

got a little crazy then. They had stripped each other naked, and her hands were
on him everywhere as she returned his kisses with wild abandon and rocked his
world. He tasted her from head to toe and she returned the favor, blowing
several of his brain cells before they ended up with her straddling him on a

hair flowing over her shoulders and arms, hot, curvy body, warm, soft skin,
glistening in the firelight,
she was a vision he’d never forget

more of you I have…” she whispered against his lips, “the more of you I want.”

goes,” he said. “Take what you want, Jill.”

helping him roll on a condom, she lowered herself on him and moaned. The
sensation of filling her warm, wet body knocked him off his axis. She arched
into him, brushing her pebbled nipples off his chest. A sensation his memory
would carry forever.

love the way you feel inside me,” she said, cupping his face and biting his
lower lip.

sucked in a breath. They were so close, he could feel her heart beating. He
never experienced anything so amazing. Gripping her sweet ass, he thrust
inside, thrilling at her low, sexy moans and how she suddenly took over the
movements, bringing herself close to climax, fingernails biting into his skin
as she clutched his shoulders and rode him hard and fast.

vision of her taking pleasure on him burned into his brain, so turned on he
nearly lost it. But that was what she wanted.

kissed him then, and he slid his tongue to hers, ravishing her until they were
both trembling.

he felt her straining for release, he stroked a thumb over her wet center and
watched as she tore her mouth free and arched.

God, yes, Mason,” she panted. “Don’t stop.”

way in hell.”

watched her burst, flying over the edge, taking him with her. The ringing in
his ears continued even after she’d slumped against his chest. When it stopped,
and he found his bones, he set her aside to clean up, then carried the
satiated, smiling woman to his bed, held her tight, and fell back to sleep.

That was
four hours ago, and just remembering her enjoyment was making him hard. Not
something she needed to deal with, so he carefully, albeit reluctantly, slid
out from under her to grab a quick—cold—shower.

When he
finished, Mason stood by the bed, and watched her sleep, coming to a decision
he’d wrestled with all night. Emotions tightened his chest. There was no
denying it. The woman was special. Even though the decision was tough, it was
also right.

As quiet
as possible, he grabbed clean clothes then snuck from the room to discuss his
decision with his brothers. After all, it was their resort, too.

Chapter Seventeen


s much as Jill would’ve loved to stay in Mason’s big, comfy,
warm bed all day, she knew better than to try to hide from the world. Didn’t
work. The world always found a way to intrude. She preferred to face it head
on, and then move on.

knew she had enough damn practice.

to dwell on the past, since she’d shed enough tears over her beloved store last
night, Jill sat up, then smiled when she found a chocolate brown Wyne Resort
T-shirt and sweat suit in her size.
Her smile increased, as did
her pulse, when she discovered a sexy red bra and panties, all in her size,
folded neatly at the bottom of the bed with a note on top.


me downstairs in Ethan’s kitchen when you’re ready.

spread through her body. He was sweet, and just the fact he thought about her,
and her lack of clothes, enough to purchase some for her in the lobby gift shop,
made her feel special. She liked that feeling, a lot. Every second spent with
the guy touched her soul. Even during this dire time in her life. He was
proving to be different. The real deal. And it terrified her, but in a good

He might
actually be someone she could count on. Not that she had come to that
conclusion just yet, but entertained the idea.

As she
showered, memories of last night and how she’d counted on him to make her feel
better rushed through Jill’s mind. He’d delivered. Big time. In a big chair.
Heat crept into her face at the memory of shamelessly riding Mason in front of
his fireplace.

Wild and
out of control, she’d been driven by a deep-seeded need to give and take
pleasure. Her movements had been as erratic and uncontrolled as her breathing.
Given the heat smoldering in his dark eyes, Mason had enjoyed every second of
her hunger, too.

off the hot water, she stood under the cold for a few seconds to combat her
suddenly overheated body. She’d never done anything like that before. The
handsome Wyne was going to her head.

With a
smile on her lips, she stepped out of the shower and reached for a fluffy,
green towel. She was deliciously sore. Straddling on a chair had been a new
position for her. A position she was hoping to repeat.

first things first.

She had
a meeting with her insurance adjuster at noon, needed to stop by the police
station to sign some kind of form, then, sometime today, she had to sit down
and figure out how the hell she was going to fulfill her orders without a

God she’d had her laptop with her at Ethan’s. All her orders and business
dealings were on it. Retrieving the orders was easy, creating them without her
molds and kitchen, not so much. Tears burned her eyes.

brushed them aside, finished drying off, then walked back into Mason’s bedroom
to get dressed. A new day. A new dawn. A new page in the crazy ass book that
was her life.

her steps down the long, common hall that led to Mason, Keiffer, Ben, and
Brandi’s condos, Jill made her way downstairs to Ethan’s kitchen. For some
reason, she was eager to wrap her arms around the man who bought the underwear
she was wearing.

the corner, she realized too late Mason wasn’t alone. Her steps faltered when
she found Lea and her brother, Ryder, having coffee and donuts with him at the
kitchen table.

Jill,” her friend greeted, and the others echoed.

turned to her and smiled, brown eyes warm and friendly, and he appeared so
happy to see her everything inside her melted. As she approached the table, he
stood, and apparently uncaring that others were around, pulled her in for a hug
and kissed her forehead.


thank you.” She winked before turning to greet the siblings as she took her
seat between Mason and Lea.

friend passed her a cup of coffee. “Not as good as yours, but it’ll do for

A pang
of loss rippled her gut. She pushed the twinge aside and smiled. “Thanks. Why
are you still here in the Poconos? It’s Monday. Shouldn’t you be at work?”

“I had
some time coming.” The woman shrugged as if it was no big deal.

But Jill
knew better. And felt worse. “You did it because of me.” Pulling the pretty
brunette in for a hug, she silently cursed, hating that her friend gave up her
time for her, thinking she was weak. “That’s sweet, but I’m okay.” At least,
she would be. In time.

selfless actions made her feel weird and out of her element and tingly.

Lea drew
back and held her gaze. “You’re not okay. What happened was horrible. You’re my
friend and friends stick together. We have each others’ backs. I’m here for
you. A concept that’s new to you, I know, but am hoping you’ll get used to it.”

trying.” She inhaled. “It’s going to take a while, but I’m working on it.”

Her friend nodded and released her to return to her seat.

she was curious as to why Ryder was there, Jill ate her donut and drank her
coffee, contributing to the conversation when required.

“So, now
that you’ve had your coffee and something in your stomach, even though it
wasn’t very nutritious,” Mason said, gaze alight with excitement. “I have
something to show you, and asked Ryder to drop by to hear my plans.”

Jesus, when had he made plans?

She held
his gaze and drew in a shaky breath. “Okay. What is it?”

on,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet. “Follow me.” He
tugged her through the house, into the resort with Lea and Ryder in tow.

Her mind
was a whirlwind of thoughts all jumbled and insane as they entered the lobby
and turned left toward the back of the resort. On the left was the long hall
that led to the locker rooms and equipment rentals, and activity reservations.
To the right were shops and banquet halls.

already discussed it with Keiffer, Ben and Ethan, and they blessed off on it,”
he said, leading them to the right. “I just need to know what you think, Jill.”

what?” She was having enough trouble keeping up with his stride,
was holding her hand. Forget trying to keep up with his mind. “I probably
should’ve had another cup of coffee, because I’m not sure what the question
is…was…were…will be.”

he stopped outside a door and turned to face her. “About letting us help you
fulfill your candy orders,” he replied.

mouth fell open. She couldn’t help it. The man was doing it again. Blowing her
away with his concern. He’d obviously been thinking about her situation. Who
does that?

glanced from Lea to Ryder to Mason and realized the answer was right in front
of her. It was them. All of them. She’d stepped into a strange dimension and
did not want to leave.

cleared her dry throat. “How?”

having Ryder build you a shop here in the resort while you wait to rebuild your
other store.”

heart leapt in her chest. “Build? Here?”

smiled that brilliant smile, sucking her in, making her feel that anything was
possible. “Yes, here. What do you think?” he asked, opening the door and
ushering them inside one of the small banquet rooms.

immediately walked around, checking the place for who knows what, while Lea
hugged Mason, then wiped her face and turned to her, grabbing her hands.

What do you think?”

Her mind
was still trying to process everything. She felt as if her brain was stuck in
the mud. “I-I haven’t even met with the claims adjuster, so I have no idea when
I’ll get money or even enough money—”

won’t need it,” Mason said.

released her. “I’m going to go talk with my brother,” her friend said, then
headed to Ryder in the back of the room.

inhaled deep, hoping extra oxygen would clear her muddled head. “I don’t know
what to say.”

stepped close and ran his hands up her arms. “Say yes, you’ll let us help.”

want me to open up a shop in your resort?”


knew landing retail space in a popular resort like the Wyne’s was huge, but she
did not want to give up her old place. “I like the idea, but my place in town
was a great location.”

agree.” He nodded. “This would be in addition to Confection Connection in

reeled back. “Two shops?”


Now she shook
her head. “Again, I like the idea, but I know my limitations, Mason. I can’t
afford two places yet.”

why my brothers and I want to partner with you on this one here.”



A spark
of hope fluttered in her chest. She glanced around, really taking in the room.
This shop would be twice the size, and if she remembered correctly, it was
located on the corner, so there’d be lobby access. The spark turned into a
flame. She could expand.

place is bigger, and you have room to put in industrial size vats, with
conveyors and…hey, what’s wrong?” He cupped her face.

blinked back the tears that had formed. “It’s just…I always wanted a factory.
You’re talking about a factory.”

You have the room here for a small one, Jill.” He motioned with his hand. “And
Ryder is very good at commercial and residential construction. Hell, he
renovated this place. He knows exactly what’s in here and what can be done.”

own mini chocolate factory…


was offering Jill her dream.

burrowed into him, pressing her face against his neck and holding him tight.
“Mason, I-I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

answered by wrapping his arms around her and enveloping her with his warmth and
strength. Sighing, she sank even further into him. Damn, he smelled great. He
really great. And she was finding it increasingly hard to keep things
‘slow’ with them.

was beginning to mean a lot more than ‘slow’ to her heart.

“And I
already talked to Brandi, she said she’d love to help you design the factory,”
he said, drawing back to hold her gaze. “But in the meantime, let us help you
fill your current orders.”

as if he’d already been giving that some thought, too. “Okay, what do you have
in mind?”

could use one of the restaurant kitchens at night to create, then set up tables
and whatever else you need in one of the other convention rooms to box and

gears in her head began to follow his thinking and they clicked together. She
had all the records of the molds she’d owned. Ordering them was doable. Again,
that spark of hope reappeared. Most of the ingredients were easy to come by,
and with express shipping, she could feasibly create, package and ship her

stepped back and held out her hand. “Okay, Mason Wyne, it’s a deal, if you let
me temporarily rent out the space.”

he said, warm hand closing around hers. “And as for the factory shop, that’s
all you. You can talk design with Brandi and Ryder. We’re just the silent
backers. We trust you.”

from him, that was huge. Her heart swelled and throat closed. She sniffed.
“Thank you.”

“I do
hope you’ll let me help out with your website though, and open up channels for
you to take internet orders so your chocolate can go worldwide.” He stared down
expectantly at her, gaze alight with a new excitement she hadn’t seen before.

design and setting up businesses were up his ally, and something he obviously
enjoyed doing.

please. Given the space here, and from what you’ve been saying, we could set up
to distribute worldwide. I’d love your help.”

got it. Now…” He leaned in, kissed her cheek, working his way to her ear. “Any
chance I get to see you in your red underwear later, Fireball?”

sucked in a breath and her knees considered wobbling. She knocked them together
and brushed his jaw with her lips. “Depends. Any chance I get to see you
of yours?”

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