Battle Beyond Earth: Resurrection

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Authors: Nick S. Thomas

Tags: #Sci Fi & Fantasy, #Space Opera, #Science Fiction, #Adventure

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Table of Contents


By Nick S. Thomas

Copyright © 2014 by Nick S. Thomas

Published by Swordworks Books

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


The year is 2512. Humanity first encountered intelligent alien life in 2134. All hope of coexistence with the alien race known as the Krycenaeans seemed lost, when they attacked Earth's Lunar colony and were quick to continue on to the Human homeworld. The prospect of defeat soon turned to a realisation that the Human race faced extinction.

Krycenaeans - a psychically powerful race; humanoid in form but with deep blue skin. Most stand half a metre taller than a Human, and further more when in armour. To the Humans of the 22nd century, the Krys were a ruthless and unrelenting foe that knew no fear and existed for no other reason than to fight and to vanquish other species. For them, Earth was a paradise worth sacrificing everything in order to conquer.

At first the brutality, superior technology, and countless assaults smashed humanity’s armies. But many fought back in defiance with a hardened resolve and desperate will to live. Rapid advancements in technology and tactics allowed the armies of Earth to fight against the Krys Army, under their Lord Karadag, and eventually drive them from Earth.

But the Krys were soon to return in greater numbers, under the command of a far crueller and more formidable foe - Demiran, who would rather see the planet of Earth destroyed than leave it to humanity. But humanity found a hero, one who would eventually lead them to victory.

That is when everything changed. A third and final assault on Earth by the most powerful of the Krys Lords - Erdogan, left the armies of Earth devastated and defeated. In an act of desperation, a few million fled Earth in the hope of preserving the Human race. Pursued into a new system, all seemed lost, when the most unlikely of events occurred. Humanity discovered intelligent life once more, the Aranui, a race small in number, but technologically advanced beyond even the Krys.

With the help of new allies, humanity took back its homeworld and defeated Erdogan. The Allied victory brought a new age of peace and prosperity on Earth where three races now lived among one another. For hundreds of years the Solar System saw no sizeable wars. The almost apocalyptic wars of the 22nd century were an ever-distant memory, the heroes and battles long forgotten. Great fighters and leaders no longer revered; they had been relegated to history. An age of prosperity and peace seemed like it would never end, but nothing lasts forever.

Chapter 1

"I've been waiting for this ever since I got charge of this ship. Seven years, and it's finally happening," Commodore Laska said quietly to himself.

He stood tall and proud at the forefront of the bridge of his ship, staring out at the jump gateway and watching the last few shuttles land aboard one of the frigates ahead of their position. The gateway was almost new, and fifteen times larger than the biggest vessel known to the four races. His dark blue uniform was closely cut to his body and displayed the gleaming silver chrome rank title on his right shoulder. Laska was of average height, but a strong and fit man, more so than most of the crew that was half his age. He was bald, but with a well cut trimmed beard and moustache. He could hear footsteps approaching and turned to see his XO approach.

"Final preparations are complete. We're just waiting on De Ruyter and Triglav, Sir," she said.

Laska nodded in appreciation. "Thank you, Commander."

Commander Breckinridge was a formidable woman, standing twenty centimetres over the Commodore’s head, and always imposing to those under her command.

"This will all be yours one day soon," stated Laska.

"Sir?" she asked.

"I'm not getting any younger."

"You've got plenty of years left in the service yet, Sir."

Laska laughed.

"No need to keep buttering me up forever. I won't be retiring anytime soon, but I will surely be promoted to a desk somewhere before long. I worked my whole life to get a ship like this. A Monarch class vessel, and what a beauty she has been."

"UCN Bulwark is the finest that was ever built, and it has been an honour to serve aboard her," she replied.

Laska nodded in agreement.

He looked around the bridge and marvelled at the build quality of the vessel that was his home. It looked as new and clean as the day it was commissioned. Twelve of the crew sat at their consoles and awaited his command to take them through to uncharted space.

"Sir, I have confirmations from the De Ruyter and Triglav. Both are prepared for jump," stated Lieutenant Egland.

"Thank you, Lieutenant."

He looked back to the display screen once more. The five-metre high projection of space was displayed floor to ceiling and halfway around the walls of the oval bridge. The round space gateway was rotating now and beginning its start-up procedure. He took a deep breath and stepped over to his chair at the centre of the bridge, pressing a few keys on the console on one of the arms before turning back to the gateway. The crew fell silent on seeing the prompts projected before them that showed he was now live with the fleet of three vessels, including their own.

"This is the Commodore speaking. This mission has been many years in the making, but with the continued financial support of the United Colonies, and technical assistance of all those experts that have made this dream a reality, we are finally at that day. Kepler-186f is our destination, within the Kepler-186 system; a world that was discovered almost five hundred years ago, and yet remains unseen by Human eyes. Humanity has reached many worlds since we discovered space travel, but few have been habitable. Now the Aranui explorer is operational and ready for us to step foot there. Today we reach out to uncharted space and a world that could one day be rich with life. All crews prepare to jump, and remember this experience. It will be a great one that you should remember to the end of your days. Laska out."

He turned to Commander Breckinridge.

"Where is Santos?"

As he spoke, the Marine Captain strolled aboard the bridge and stopped in front of him.

"Captain, are your officers and drones at their stations?"

"Aye, aye, Sir."

"Are you expecting trouble?" Breckinridge asked.

"No, but I'd like to be ready for whatever possibilities we might face," Laska replied.

The Commodore looked past the Marine Captain to see a fully equipped combat officer standing at the entrance to the bridge. The mystery figure did not wear Marine pattern equipment, but that of the Army. He was in his early twenties and perfectly turned out, as if on parade.

"Who is that? I know everyone aboard this vessel, and I have not seen that man before."

The Commodore seemed as concerned as much as he was curious, and everyone knew there was a lot at stake. Santos was quick to answer.

“Sir, that is Second Lieutenant William Jones of the 2
Airborne Regiment, out of the United Kingdom.”

Jones stood a little above average height and had dark blonde hair. Everything about his appearance was carefully managed and organised, as to be nothing but the perfect presentation of an officer of an elite regiment. He was square jawed and despite his young age, had a look of confidence and experience about him.

Laska shook his head in amazement.

“One of his Majesty’s paras aboard this vessel? How on earth did that come about, and why was I not informed?”

“I am sorry, Sir. The Sub-Lieutenant’s appointment was last minute. I recently lost one of my best officers to the Haven Corporation, and this fine young man was quick to volunteer for the job.”

“And is he up to the task?”

“I have every confidence in the fact, Sir. Second Lieutenant Jones came top of his class, has served with distinction and an exemplary career since his commission, and comes from a distinguished military family.”

Laska groaned as he beckoned for Jones to come forward, and he did so promptly and with a salute.

“Well, Lieutenant, I can’t say I’m happy with a last minute change to my crew, but welcome aboard, none the less. I assume the Captain here has brought you up to speed with our operating procedures?”

“Yes, Sir,” he replied, “Sir, if I may speak?”

“We’re about to make the most important journey of my career, so make it quick.”

“Yes, Sir. I am very sorry for this rather unorthodox encroachment, but can assure you I will be nothing more than a valuable asset to your crew. I have no other agenda than to do my job, and serve my people as every generation of my family has done for as long as records exist.”

“Sir, Jones’ ancestor fought through the Krys wars, fighting in personal combat with the Krys Lords, Demiran and Erdogan.”

Laska smiled.

“Well, well, that is some heritage, Lieutenant. Let’s hope you can live up to your ancestor’s great name and reputation.”

“I will endeavour to do so, Sir.”

The Commodore turned back to the view towards the gateway.

“Begin jump sequence!” he bellowed.

Lights flashed as the gateway fired into life. The structure was rotating at a great speed now, and the centre lit up until it was a swirling mass that appeared as if it would take them into oblivion.

“Jump gate activated and fleet prepared for jump,” said Breckinridge.

Laska turned and looked around at the crew for one last time. They seemed as excited as they were terrified. None of them had ever made a jump into uncharted space before. It was a dream Laska had clung to as much as any of then, and yet the long wait had made their imaginations run wild with what they might find on the other side.

“Jump,” stated Laska confidently.

He turned and watched the screen as their engines drove them forward.

“Hundreds of years and we’re still using these gateways. Maybe some day we’ll have ships that can jump without gates,” whispered Laska.

“If the Aranui will ever give up their technology,” replied Breckinridge.

"They have their reasons."

"To withhold the greatest technology ever created?" she asked.

"If that technology had been available wholesale to the Krys during the wars, we wouldn't even still be around to tell the story. The Aranui know that the rest of us aren't ready for that."

"Will we ever be in their eyes?"

Laska shrugged. "Perhaps we will discover it when we are ready."

They both fell silent as they entered the swirling pool of energy suspended across the gateway and passed through. They had all gone through gateways more times than most of them could remember, but never to somewhere no Human had been before. The light from the energy inside the gateway was almost blinding until the ship’s systems powered down the display screens for them to continue safely. There was nothing to see now as they waited, hoping and dreaming of what they might find the other side. Laska took in a deep breath, and as he began to breathe out, they suddenly emerged the other side, and the screens once again lit up. They found themselves marvelling at a small star, a little smaller and slimmer than the Sun far into the distance.

"Lieutenant Egland, confirm location."

She was quickly studying all the instruments before her and then looked up.

"Confirmed, Sir. We have arrived at Kepler-186f."

The crew of the bridge erupted into cheers of excitement at the news. Laska marvelled at the star and several planets they could see on their screens. A map of the system displayed beside the image showed that they were close to 186f, but not currently on course.

"Take us around, set a course for 186f, and let's get a look at her with our own eyes."

The ship began to bank slowly to port, and everyone waited silently and with excitement to see the planet they had travelled so far for. They all knew Laska could have just as easily brought up the portside cameras on screen, but he'd rather savour the experience and wait till they were on course. The planet began to come into view, and not one of the bridge crew could find any words.

The world emitted a pinkish yellow colour from a largely canyon and desert-like surface, but they could already see areas of water even from the distance they were at. It looked like a hotter and drier version of Earth.

"It looks so much like Onesaka, Sir," said Breckinridge.

"You're right, but I'm not sure many of this crew have ever seen the Aranui world outside of pictures."

He reached down and opened a channel to the fleet.

"This is the Commodore. We have arrived at Kepler-186f, and our mission is to conduct a seventy-two hour research mission before returning to fleet HQ with our data. You all know what you have to do. Launch research shuttles, and let's make the most of the time we have. Providing the atmosphere is safe, we will commit Human resources to the surface within twenty-four hours. These are exciting times for all of us, but let's stay focused and all of us do our jobs. Launch when ready."

He turned back to the display screen to marvel at the world once again, just as most of the bridge crew were doing.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"Outstanding," added Breckinridge.

But Santos and Jones looks entirely unimpressed, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the Commodore.

"You've travelled almost five hundred light years to a world no Human, maybe no intelligent life has ever been before. Is that not exciting to either of you?"

"Sir, until we have boots on the ground, and have an understanding of our environment, I will refrain from celebrating," replied Santos.

Laska smiled and was impressed at the professionalism while the rest of the crew were so blinded by the marvel before them, but he was also amused at how stern and serious the two of them were.

"And you, Lieutenant Jones? What does your gut tell you, now you can see this new world?"

"I would urge caution, Sir."

"Really? Enlighten me."

"Sir, it is better to be cautious and prepared than naive and headstrong."

"That is not the reputation of your Regiment," he replied jokingly.

"That reputation has long been relegated to history, Sir. We've moved past the stone ages."

Laska smiled once more.

"I assume then that you have already dispatched combat drones to the surface, along with the research teams?"

"Yes, Sir," replied Santos.

"And what kind of trouble do you expect to find on this uninhabited world?"

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