Wrestling Against Myself (25 page)

BOOK: Wrestling Against Myself
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Tony stood there, trying to shake down the hundred pound sophomore from his leg. John did his best hold on, but eventually his grip gave way and he found himself being tossed aside. He tucked into a ball, did a side roll and sprang up to his feet.


“That was fun Tiny,” John said with a huge smile. “Can we do it again, huh, can we?”


Tony was amused, but he certainly wasn't going to get a workout this way.


“Stop picking on the light weights,” Carl said as he came into the wrestling room.


“He is a lightweight now,” John said as he ran up to Tony and tried to put him in a bear hug. “See, I can get my arms all the way around him now.”


“You look like a tick trying to ride a bloodhound,” Carl said as he began to stretch.


“Anyone else in the locker room?” Tony asked.


“A few guys out playing basketball, but no wrestlers.”


“We need more wrestlers at this school,” Tony lamented. “I would love to at least win one dual meet before I graduated.”


“From my count,” Carl said as he waved his outstretched arms in small circles, “we have ten weight classes filled.”


“That still gives us four forfeits, meaning we start twenty-four points behind every meet.”


“You'll give us six back.”


“You're assuming I'm going to pin all my opponents.”


“Aren't you?”


“Tiny is a pinning machine,” John Sharp said.


“I do my best, now get off of me,” Tony said as he broke the grip of John's bear hug.


“Think coach will move me to varsity?” John asked.


“I don’t see why not.” Carl squared up against the lighter weight. “You look like you added a few pounds, we won't need to stuff you before weigh ins.”


“Next time I say we just weigh him in with his clothes on and drench him in the shower,” Tony offered.

“I wish that were allowed Tiny,” John said as he shot for a low level single leg take down. “I always felt slow or sick during my matches.”


“Look at him,” Carl said as he countered the move, wrapping his arms high on his
assailant’s leg. “At least he is still fearless.”


“I'm an animal,” John Sharp screamed as he drove forward with all his might, forcing Carl to his hip.


“Go for the tilt,” Tony called out from the sidelines.


Carl shifted his hips, and pulled on John's groin, causing him to roll towards his back. He wasn't at risk of being pinned, but in a match, he would be losing points.


“Three points near-fall,” Tony called out. “Do something else?”


“How many times can I tilt him for points?” Carl asked while keeping lock on his hold.


“You got to break your grip, establish a different hold and then come back to it,” Tony explained.


Carl released his grip, but before he could latch on somewhere else, John spun around and took control on top.


“Two points reversal,” Tony announced.


“Isn't that two points take down,” John asked as he tried to work in a half nelson.


“No,” Tony explained. “As soon as Carl tilted you for back points, he established control and would've earned a two point take down and three more points for a near fall. You're down five to two.”


“Nuts!” John worked even harder to turn Carl.


“Have some fun on Tiny,” Carl said as he worked to his base. “I'm trying not to be killed during a simple roll around.”


“Come on John.” Tony got on his hands and knees in the referee's position. “I'll let you work top.”


John jumped off of Carl and right onto Tony. Starting in the standard top-bottom position.


“Wrestle!” Carl called out as he rolled his neck.


“I prefer the optional start,” Tony said casually as John chopped the bigger wrestler's arm to break him off his base.


“That's because you can crash down on heavyweights,” John Sharp said through heavy breaths. “Lower weights move before you flop on them.”


Tony pinned John's elbow to his side with his arm and tilted hard, causing the smaller kid to fly over him and land on his back. John scrambled to get to his stomach, but couldn't get away.


Courtney silently walked into the room and watched what was going on. Outside of television, she never saw wrestling before. She walked over to Carl and tapped him on the shoulder.


“Hey,” Carl said. “Not much going on, we're the only ones to show.”


Courtney looked around. “Where are the ropes?”


Carl laughed. “Hey, Tiny,” he called out. “Courtney wants to know where the ropes are.”


Tony looked up from pawing at the smaller man beneath him. “In real wrestling we don't have ropes, we don't fly off the top turnbuckle and we don't hit each other with chairs.”


“Says you!” John squirmed under Tony's weight. “When I get up, I'm going to find that chair.”


Courtney daintily made it to her knees, being sure not to display anything she didn't want to show off. “I thought you said you had weight classes?”


“We do,” Tony said, amused at the fight of his opponent. “John is a weight class above me, if we list them in a circle.”


“Tiny thinks that joke is funny,” Carl whispered to the girl. “It never is, but John is a glutton for punishment. He loves this or Tiny wouldn't be so rough.”


“Hey, new person,” John called out. “Why don't you join in and wrestle with us, it'll make a real man out of you?”


Courtney's face turned downcast.


Tony hit John with a hard cross-face, driving his fist across the nose and then grabbing the opposite shoulder. He pulled the far arm tightly, causing it to cut across the boy's throat. In essence, John Sharp was choking himself out as he was turned to his back.


“Pin,” Carl called out as he slapped the mat.


Tony released his grip and let the boy up. As John stood, Tony gave him a look that let him know his comment wasn't appreciated.


John Sharp was oblivious to the fact. “That was awesome, Tiny,” he said as he ran the back of his hand across his face to see if there was any blood. “Cross-face from hell.”


Carl and Tony were surprised by the boy's resiliency and sadomasochistic tendencies.


“I'm done for the day,” Carl announced. “I think I pulled something in my neck.”


“I think this is good for one day. Got a sweat going, had some fun.” Tony stood up and started his cool down stretches. “I think on Thursday we should go over some moves and not do any live wrestling.”


“Sounds good to me,” Carl said.


“Not much fun,” John added. “But you can show me that cross face. I'll still feel it tomorrow.”


“I'll meet you by the car,” Tony said to Courtney. “I need to put my wrestling shoes in my locker,” he added as he kicked them off.


“Okay,” Courtney said sheepishly.


The three wrestlers made their way to the locker room.


“I see Tiny already grabbed the good locker,” John said as he and Carl hung around.


“What is your problem?” Tony was not happy.


“I don't have a problem,” John said defensively. “It's your locker, you earned it. I'll get it next year.”


“That is not what I'm talking about.”


“Okay?” John was confused. “Then what are you talking about?”


“Oh boy,” Carl said. “If he has to explain it to you, I don't want to stick around. I'll catch you guys tomorrow. Besides, my mom wants me to do some chores or I'll be on restriction.”


“Why don't you join in and wrestle with us,” Tony did his best to mimic John, though exaggerating his voice on the whiny side. “It'll make a man out of you.”


“What's wrong with that?”


“I know you are friends with Peter and that group, but don't go around copying their idiocy.”


“I didn't mean anything by it.”


“Then why did you say it?”


“I don't know,” John said, trying not to be forceful. “I thought it was funny.”


“You think it’s funny to tease someone who hadn't done anything to you?”


“I think it’s funny that a boy would dress like a girl?”


Tony was trying his best not to get angry. The problem with John was Antonio could never tell when John was being serious or trying to push his buttons. “Is that what you think about Courtney?”


“I don't know, but that's what people are saying. Peter seems sure about it.”


“So now you follow Peter's lead?”


“I don't follow anyone,” John said with a sense of bravado.


“It sure doesn't look like you're thinking for yourself. Let me ask you this, have you seen her without her clothes on to know for certain that she isn't a girl.”


John raised his eyebrows. “Do you think she'll let me?”


Tony popped John on the chest with an open palm, stunning the smaller wrestler. “Try that again.”


“No, I haven't seen her naked,” John said.


“Did Courtney tell you she was a boy?”




“Basically you're going by what Peter said. That makes you a follower. I would pick someone better to be a disciple of.”


“Tiny, I was just making a joke. I didn't mean anything by it.”


Tony bit his bottom lip to keep from lashing out at the boy. “Let me give you an update; words hurt. This girl is doing her best to fit in and make friends and you go around spreading some stupid rumor. How is she supposed to feel?”


“I'm sorry Tiny.”


“If it comes up, I'll explain it as you being stupid. Try not to do it again.”


“Okay, Tiny. But,” the boy paused as he formulated his response in his head.


“But what?”


“She knows the rumor is going around, right?”


“I'm sure she does, especially after your dumb comment.”


“Why don't she show people the proof and then people won't say it anymore.”


“You mean, why doesn't she get naked in front of the school to prove what she already is?”


“If she's got nothing to hide, yeah.”


“You really are a moron sometimes,” Tony said in disgust. “That's got to be the single most perverted thing I've heard from your mouth, and you've come up with some nasty things in the past. She should embarrass herself, to disprove a stupid rumor. How about you come to school naked tomorrow and prove to everyone you’re a boy?”


“I'd do it if I wouldn't get in trouble.”


“You're hopeless. I got to go. Maybe you should spend some time thinking about things, see if things clear up for you.”


“Come on Tiny,” John pleaded. “Don't be sour.”


“Drop it and quit bothering the poor girl. If Peter has an issue, which he shouldn't, let that stay between him and Courtney. They don't need you adding fuel to the fire.”


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