Wrenching Fate (13 page)

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Authors: Brooklyn Ann

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Paranormal & Urban, #romance series

BOOK: Wrenching Fate
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Chapter Nineteen

The rest of Christmas vacation wasn’t much of a break for Akasha. Razvan had practically moved in. Silas didn’t say anything to confirm or deny it, but she was pretty sure the other vampire was sleeping in one of the spare rooms in the secret lair under the house.

Her nerves screamed in exhausted frustration. She barely had a moment to herself, much less a moment alone with Silas to ask him how the so-called “investigation” was going. It was bullshit. Akasha had to change her schedule to work on the car during the day, because it never failed that when night fell, Razvan would be in the garage, watching her and pestering her with probing questions.

“Where are you from?” he would ask, circling the car and the engine stand like a restless cat. “What do you remember about your parents?”

“I don’t know,” she’d repeat until irritation had her on the verge of snapping her wrench.

Razvan would then stare at her as if he were trying to read her mind. Akasha would break out into chills at his scrutiny, careful to only move the engine block when he wasn’t looking, so he wouldn’t see her unusual strength, though she longed to demonstrate it right on his fucking teeth.

To make matters worse, Xochitl and the band were completely under Razvan’s spell. Their earlier misgivings were completely forgotten as he gathered with them in the basement to watch and critique their practice sessions. Akasha asked Silas if he was doing any vampire mind control on them.

Silas was confident
that Razvan wasn’t. Which somehow made it more frightening….and irritating.

Razvan was right about what
Rage of Angels
needed to work on. Akasha realized it when she saw the list of bands he’d made out for the group to research in surprisingly elegant handwriting. A lot of them she recognized as Max’s old favorites.

Xochitl, Sylvis, Aurora and Beau spent hours on the computer downloading classic songs and watching old concert footage, growing more inspired by the minute.

“What have you learned from your research?” Razvan asked them one evening in the tone of a renowned professor.

Sylvis approached him with a solemn expression and said, “I am deeply ashamed of my generation.”

Akasha rolled her eyes and lit a cigarette.
Were all teenagers this easily influenced?

Sylvis finished her statement with a melodramatic sweep of her hand before she grabbed her guitar and began playing a classic riff. The rest of the band followed suit, playing
“Man on the Silver Mountain.” A reluctant smile pulled at Akasha’s lips. She hadn’t heard that one since her days in Max’s garage.

Akasha was torn between awe at their skill and near-fury with Razvan. Yet again, the son of a bitch was right. This was exactly what
Rage of Angels
needed. And the influence of Ronnie James Dio made Xochitl’s singing even more phenomenal. Razvan had been right about that too. Her voice now held more richness…and more power.

When the song finished, Akasha and Silas couldn’t help but stand and applaud.

“That was very good,” Razvan pronounced and the band beamed with triumph. “But next time, be a little more loose.”

“Loose?” Xochitl asked. “What do you mean? Should we play it slower?”

The vampire shook his head. “I do not know how to explain it. You are just a bit too tight. Relax your fingers and shoulders more and…” his face twisted in a scowl of frustration. “Just be a little looser.”

As the band tried to figure out the cryptic advice, Akasha gave Silas another pointed look. He shrugged his shoulders and narrowed his eyes in the typical “keep quiet” look she had quickly grown to recognize. She glared at him and ground her teeth.

Silas didn’t like Razvan’s attention on the band either, she could tell, but neither of them could do anything about it…and yet again there was the added frustration that the vampire seemed to genuinely be helping them. Their skill was growing at a frightening rate.

Sylvis’s face suddenly lit up with comprehension. “I know! He means
Moderato con poco Adagio

Xochitl frowned. “Moderate with a little at ease?” she translated.

“Huh?” the other two chorused.

To Akasha’s delight Razvan looked even more perplexed. It seemed he didn’t know everything.

The guitarist smiled and picked up her guitar, relaxing her shoulders. “Like this.”

Sylvis played the beginning riff again, and although it didn’t really sound all that different, she and the song seemed to be transformed into something as exquisitely beautiful as it was natural. The others followed suit and the results were astounding, bringing goosebumps to Akasha’s flesh and making Silas visibly shiver.

And Xochitl’s singing, holy shit, this was a Xochitl to be reckoned with. This was a Xochitl to bow down to. All of Akasha’s instincts told her she should be afraid, but as she met Silas’s eyes and saw his fear, all she could feel was exhilaration. Whatever game Razvan was playing, it seemed he had found
Rage of Angels’
key to greatness. But that didn’t mean she’d like him, and from the look on Silas’s face, it didn’t mean he’d leave Razvan alone with the band either.

When the song ended, Razvan stood up and applauded again. “Yes! Yes, exactly like that. Have you learned any more by that band yet?”

Beau nodded. “Yes, but Xochitl and Sylvis both don’t feel comfortable performing them in front of an audience yet.”

Razvan nodded solemnly. “Very well, I can understand that. Perhaps next week? For now, why don’t you play me a little more
? I quite like your rendition of them.”

Xochitl’s smile was impossibly brilliant as she approached the microphone and met Akasha’s eyes. “This one’s for you, ‘Kash. Happy Birthday!”

Silas’s gaze whipped over to Akasha, rife with accusation.

They began playing “Sweating Bullets,” her favorite song.

.” Akasha groaned under her breath.

She’d forgotten all about her birthday, and if Silas’s expression was any indicator, he had too.


Silas cursed under his breath at Razvan’s infuriating, knowing smirk. The surprise at Xochitl’s announcement must have been written all over his face.

Akasha was twenty today…but as far as the state was concerned, she was eighteen. She could now be free of him. His heart clenched as if caught in a vise. Without her, his life and home would be empty.

Oblivious to the impact of their announcement,
Rage of Angels
finished the song and with mischievous expressions they darted over to the closet and pulled out presents they’d smuggled into the house. Silas watched Akasha’s stunned and awkward reactions to her gifts with a lump in his throat. No doubt she never received presents in her years at the group home. If she stayed with him, he would happily shower her with gifts for all eternity…
if she stayed

Silas shook his head and stood. He had to know now or he would go mad. Meeting his maker’s mocking gaze with a determined stare.

“I would appreciate it if you took yourself off for awhile,” he said through gritted teeth, ready to do violence if Razvan dared to be obstinate.

The vampire chuckled. “I see you have something to discuss with your pet. By all means, go. I will be fine here with the prodigies.”

“I will not leave you alone with them,” Silas hissed, hoping their conversation had not drawn interest. So far, the band was occupied with Akasha, but it wouldn’t be long before curious ears perked up in their direction.

Razvan laughed again. “So protective you are. Very well, I shall accede to your wishes…this time.” He cleared his throat and turned to the others. “It seems I must go fetch a gift for the birthday girl. What would you like, Akasha?”

Akasha met his sardonic gaze with such cool dignity that Silas swelled with pride. “I don’t need anything, thank you.”

“Oh, but I insist,” he said in a silken voice threaded over steel.

“Fine,” she sighed. “A case of Coors, then.”

Razvan departed and Silas sighed with relief as a significant amount of tension dissipated. Perhaps it would be a good thing if Akasha left. She and the others may be safer that way. In fact, the investigations might stop if she was out of his life. He gathered his courage and approached the group.

“It seems we should open up a bottle of wine,” he said with forced cheer. “And I’m afraid I must borrow Akasha for a moment.”

Once they were alone upstairs, Silas fetched the Riesling and a corkscrew, unable to face Akasha’s heart-wrenching beauty as the words poured out of him in an uncertain burst.

“You are free now, under state law.” The top of the bottle broke off in his hand, spilling wine all over the floor. Numbly, he continued. “You can leave me any time you want now but….I just want you to know that if you need anything…I’ll even buy you a house—”

“Silas,” Akasha cut off his tirade with an impatient wave. “Who says I’m leaving now?”

He set down the broken bottle and grabbed a towel to clean up the mess. “Well, since you had all those plans and I ruined them, I had thought…”

She strode after him, snatched the towel from his grip, and tossed it aside. Then she grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to face her. Silas’s skin tingled pleasurably at her rare touch. “Do you really think that with all this bullshit going on with the Elders and Razvan sniffing around my friends, I would ditch you? Fuck

Silas’s heart leaped in joy at her words even though his gut clenched in pain that her concern was solely for her friends. “Perhaps it would be better that way.” He forced the words out, hating their bitter taste. “Then you might be safe from him…and the Elders as well.”

“You want me to go then?” Akasha asked with raised brows…and was that a glimmer of pain in her eyes?

“Good God, no!” Silas grasped her hands, holding her to him. “I’ve been waiting for you for centuries.” The confession tore from his throat. “I built this house and furnished it with only the best for you. But if you would be happier and safer without me, I will let you go.”

Akasha looked up at him. A single tear slid down her cheek, gleaming in the lamplight.

“For me?” Her lips parted in awe as she looked about the house as if seeing it for the first time. She
shook her head, visibly composing her features. “Well, I’m not going anywhere, just now. Not when you and my friends are in danger, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.” She smiled, her lips curving and almost within his reach. “That’s what you get for messing up my plans.” Her heady scent teased his senses, driving him to distraction.

“Oh, Akasha,” he whispered. “Forgive me, I can’t help myself.”

With that Silas dipped his head and captured her lips with his own, reveling in her sweet taste. Since he had fed recently, there was no blood thirst, but his lust for her body was a formidable force of its own. He devoured her lips like one starved, pulling her against him to grind his hardness against her.

“Silas….” Akasha breathed against his lips.

“Dude!” Xochitl coughed behind them. “You guys need to get a room or something.”

Akasha pushed Silas away so hard he crashed into the wall. Her face was an alarming shade of crimson.

“Or maybe we could all just leave? Y’know, turn it into a private celebration for two?” Xochitl offered with a teasing grin as she opened the freezer and grabbed two packs of frozen veggies, pressing one to her forehead.

Silas cleared his throat. “That won’t be necessary, Miss Leonine. I was just about to order pizza and have Razvan pick up a cake so we may celebrate.” He eyed the package of frozen peas. What happened to you?”

Xochitl’s cheeks pinkened. “Sylvis and I were head banging too close. Anyway, I gotta bring her an icepack too. Happy birthday, ‘Kash.”

Akasha grunted her response, face still flaming as she cleaned up the spilled wine.

Chapter Twenty

The next evening, Akasha hummed and changed into her new outfit while Silas was out hunting for his breakfast. Beau had excellent taste. The black crushed velvet pants made her ass look great and the black and purple corset top made much of her less than impressive rack. She hoped Silas would like it even as she chastised herself for thinking like a girl. One good thing about last night was that she now knew that Silas liked her.

Such a juvenile word for how she was starting to feel about him. The utter pain in his eyes when he thought she would leave him brought a lump in her throat before his declaration of all he’d done for her really got the tears flowing. And his kiss…
damn…his kiss.

She fastened her bra and reached for the corset top when her door opened. Akasha whipped around, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end.

“Hello, Akasha.” Razvan Nicolae sauntered into her bedroom.

Her veins turned to ice at his voice. “W-what the hell are you doing? Can’t you see I’m getting dressed? Get the fuck out of here!”

This was the vampire that made Silas, which meant he was older and likely more powerful than her former guardian. Akasha swallowed and crossed her arms over her breasts, her throat dry as sandpaper.

The vampire ignored her outrage and stalked closer. “I have discovered that you know our secrets... all of them.”

She nodded, hating the fact that she had to face him wearing only a bra and a pair of flimsy velvet pants. Casting a longing glance at her top, she cursed him.

Razvan smiled, but there was no warmth in it. “So you know why I am here.”

“Yeah, as if you didn’t make it obvious with your constant hovering around and asking questions.” Akasha forced her spine straight. She would
let him see any fear. “The Elders want to make sure Silas isn’t trying to go against his kind or expand his power base by Marking me and my friends. I just don’t understand why they would see it like that. I mean, my friends are just a band and I’m…” She shrugged.
Just a freak.

Razvan laughed. “Obviously your master hasn’t explained our politics to you. Normally, after my first visit I would have left and declared you all harmless.
….” He wagged a scolding finger at her. “There is more to you than you let on. You are hiding things. That compels me to investigate further.” He took another step closer. “You know I can’t read your mind. Why is that?”

She shook her head, not beginning to know how to answer him.

“And there is more, isn’t there?” His voice turned low and silken as he grazed her shoulder with his fingertip.

He ran his tongue along his fangs. “You really are a pretty little thing. I can see why Silas fancies you. But tell me, do you fancy him as well?”

“I don’t see it as any of your fucking business,” Akasha growled, refusing to tremble or step back.

“Oh, but it is.” His silken tone carried an edge of a growl. “You see, the things you are hiding are, in fact, things Silas is hiding. And if Silas is hiding things from the Elders,
I will have no choice but to tell them. They will not be pleased. Very unpleasant things happen to those who invoke their displeasure.”

“You’re threatening Silas.” Her voice was cool when inside she burned with rage.

Razvan circled around her like a sadistic predator. “Indeed I am, Akasha. Now tell me what I need to know. Why are you different? Why do your thoughts move too fast for me to read? Why won’t you tell us where you came from?”

“I don’
t know!” The words emerged choked and weak with frustration.

The vampire shook his head. “That is not an acceptable answer. I told you, for your stubbornness, Silas will have to pay.” Razvan turned to leave the room and perhaps carry out his implied nefarious deeds.

The tentative hold on Akasha’s temper snapped.

With speed she didn’t know she possessed, she picked Razvan up by his arms and threw him through the sliding-glass door.

He landed hard on the stone balcony in a pile of bloody broken glass.

Akasha strode after him, wincing as a shard of glass sliced her arm. Ignoring the pain, she picked the vampire up by the throat and dangled him over the edge of the balcony.

“Don’t ever threaten Silas again,” she hissed.

“I knew there was more to you,” Razvan’s gloating tone, so at odds with his predicament, it only increased her fury.

“I mean it!” She tightened her grip. The blood made her hands slippery.

“You think to kill me this easily, woman?” Though his voice mocked her, she could see the astonishment in his eyes.

Akasha’s lips curved in a wicked smile. “The fall wouldn’t kill you, but I bet I can get down there fast enough to set you on fire before your bones heal enough for you to move.”

Ahh, yes.
Finally a spark of fear came to his eyes. Razvan tried to laugh, but it was shaky. She debated whether to drop him or let him back up.

“Akasha!” Silas’s voice reverberated behind her
, holding more wrath than she’d ever heard before. “What are ye doing?”

Tensing at his rage, she struggled to sound casual. “Razvan came in here when I was getting dressed and rudely demanded to know why I’m different. He also threatened you. I thought if I showed him my difference from normal people quickly and bluntly enough, he might quit with the threats and let me put my shirt on.”

Silas’s eyes blazed emerald flames as he stepped onto the balcony. A ginormous sword was gripped in his hand tight enough to whiten his knuckles. Gone was the white-collar professional. Here stood a formidable warrior. Glass broke beneath his boots in an ominous crunch.

“What is the meanin’ of this?” He glared at Razvan; his Scottish brogue thickening his words.

Oh, he’s pissed!
Akasha bit her lip, praying his ire was only directed at Razvan.

“Ye came intae’ her room when she was dressin’? Ye tormented her and threatened me? Och! No wonder yer hangin’ off the bloody balcony!” Silas turned to Akasha, still furious. “And as fer ye, lass, do ye ken what ye’ve done? This is a Lord and a representative of the Elders! Tae treat him like this is an unforgivable insult! Now let him up and get dressed. We three obviously need tae talk.”

Akasha sighed in defeat and swung Razvan back over, unceremoniously depositing him on the stone floor in the pile of broken glass. To her surprise, he was still smiling.

“Thank you for your delightful demonstration,” he whispered and took her hand and licked a rivulet of his blood off her wrist.

Akasha jerked her hand away and Razvan chuckled at Silas’s territorial growl.

The vampire’s laughter broke suddenly as he reached into his pocket.
His eyes glowed black with deadly menace. “You broke my pipe. I should make you pay for it.”

“Fuck you
. You’re lucky I didn’t break your face.”

Silas sighed. “May we please get on with this?”

Razvan and Akasha answered in tandem.

“Very well.” “

With a mocking bow, the Lord Vampire of Spokane left the room and she was alone with Silas. His eyes still glowed. Her stomach clenched. Akasha had never seen him this angry before.

“You’re hurt.” He frowned at the gash on her arm.

She shrugged. “I’ve had worse.”

Silas slowly stepped closer, expression unreadable. Much like Razvan had, he took her hand and bent down. She gasped as his tongue darted out and laved a hot path up her arm. The erotic sensation was so powerful she had to put a hand on his shoulder to remain on her feet. Silas raised a finger to his lips and pierced it with a fang. Gently, he trailed his bleeding finger along the cut. It began to tingle and heal before her eyes.

“Better?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whispered, enraptured with his eyes.

He stared down at her for the longest time, seeming to analyze every part of her as if he wanted to devour her. Finally, his gaze rested on her breasts, barely hidden under the black velvet bra. Heat flooded her body.

At last, Silas cleared his throat and met her gaze. “When you are dressed, meet Razvan and me in my chamber… the one I
sleep in.”

“’Kay,” she managed to squeak.

Her hands shook as she put on her top. For some reason it didn’t make her feel as secure as she’d expected. There was no doubt as to the subject of this impending meeting. Akasha was cornered, no longer allowed to hide her secrets.

Well, after throwing Razvan through a sliding glass door, I suppose it’s hardly a secret anymore.
A self deprecating smile curved her lips as she headed down the corridor to Silas’s fake bedroom. On the heels of that thought sprouted a seed of worry. What would the Elders think about her freakish strength?

When she arrived, Akasha saw that though they were solemn, Silas and Razvan didn’t seem to be angry with one another. Instead, their attention was fixated upon
. The largest sword of Silas’s collection had been taken down from the wall and lay on the floor at their feet.

“Pick up the sword, Akasha,” Silas commanded.

A thousand questions darted through her mind, but she obeyed. The sword was heavy, but she lifted it easily and held it above her head.

“Try it with one hand.”

She did. Again, it was easy. Razvan smiled triumphantly and it was all she could do not to bring the flat of the blade down upon his head.

Silas spoke again. “The sword you are holding is a Claymore. Only the largest warriors of my clan could wield it. It’s a two-handed sword and should be physically impossible for a tiny thing like you to lift, much less handle it like a rapier.”

“You have superhuman strength, pet mortal,” Razvan declared. “Now, how did that happen?”

“I already told you, I don’t know.” She handed the sword back to Silas. “I was telling the truth.”

“But surely you must know something.” He stalked towards her, ready to renew his intimidation act.

” she cried in mournful desperation. “Do you think I don’t want to know? To know once and for all why I’m the freak that I am? Fuck, I’d almost kill to know why!”

“Maybe something happened to you in the past and you just have to search your memories.” Silas’s gentle voi
ce pulled her back from her helpless confusion.

“A lot of things have happened to me,” Akasha retorted, then her eyes widened as she grasped his words.
But can I do it?
She straightened her spine.
I have to.
“Silas, I don’t think I can tell you all that happened to me… but I can show you.” She tilted her head, baring her neck.

She remembered him saying he could see a mortal’s entire life as he fed from them. Both vampires regarded her in stunned silence. Then Razvan began to clap slowly as if he had witnessed a really good play

“All right,” Silas whispered, eyes flaming with hunger. “Razvan, you may take your leave. I will tell you everything tomorrow evening.”

“Very well. I bid you two
.” Slowly, he rose up into the air, stopping before his head hit the ceiling.

“You can
?” Akasha’s fists clenched in effort not to yank him down and beat the shit out of him. “You bastard! I thought I actually could have killed you.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, little one.” He smiled, baring his fangs as his feet returned to the plush carpet.

Akasha bit back another curse. She
disappointed, but she wasn’t going to rise to his bait and attack him again. Instead, she regarded him with cold eyes.

“Why were you so afraid then?” She’d seen the fear of death in a man’s eyes before. It was unforgettable and Razvan’s sinister black gaze had borne a glimmer of it.

He strode over to her and captured her gaze as if he intended to make her his next meal. She stared back, unafraid. Vampire mind control didn’t work on her, she’d learned.

“Because, Akasha, you meant it.
” His black eyes were hard as coal. “You meant to end my existence with every fiber of your being.” Then he was gone.

“Are you ready, lass?” Silas’s thick Scottish brogue wreaked havoc on her senses.

Slowly, Akasha turned to face him, trembling with a realization.

She was alone with Silas and this time he really was going to bite her.

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