Wrenching Fate (12 page)

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Authors: Brooklyn Ann

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Paranormal & Urban, #romance series

BOOK: Wrenching Fate
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Razvan’s perusal halted when his eyes rested upon the girl in front.
was the inhuman presence! He could throttle Silas for not preparing him for this.
What is she?
There certainly didn’t seem to be anything alien in her appearance besides the fact that she was startlingly beautiful and had two bright streaks of purple in her black hair. She could pass for human more easily than a vampire.

His thoughts broke off as she opened her mouth to sing, and he was struck senseless by the power of her song.

No human could sing like that. Her voice was so potent, so passionate, that it was like a tangible thing reaching into his chest and squeezing his heart. The words of the song were lost to Razvan as he could only focus on the sound of her voice, but the emotions behind it were so clear he felt like a blind man finally able to see. The girl struck an angry chord on her guitar and let loose a scream of rage that sent a rush of exhilaration through his body. So this was why they were called “Rage of Angels.” Certainly that was the sound of wrathful seraphim.

Too soon, it was over. The silence was palpable, making him ache to
hear the melody just once more. Silas put a hand on his shoulder and he jumped, snapping out of the trance. “What… Wha

“Razvan Nicolae, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Xochitl Leonine.”
The daughter of Mephistopheles,
Silas’s mind silently whispered.

Silas went on to introduce the others, but Razvan didn’t catch their names. Numb with shock, he stared into Xochitl’s eyes of dark honey, trying to figure out what sort of creature his protégé’ had under his roof.
The daughter of Mephistopheles?
Surely that is impossible!

Almost more startling was the music.
Dear God, the music. Silas watched him with a knowing smirk that was decidedly vexing. Razvan composed himself as his mind raced, latching onto the best way to twist this situation to his advantage.

Chapter Eighteen

“You are very skilled,” Razvan said to
Rage of Angels
, idly stroking his goatee. “But you still have much to learn.”

Silas felt a stab of outrage at the vampire’s scornful tone.
How dare he insult them!

Aurora fixed Razvan with a regal stare. “We know,” she replied with a determined lift to her chin. “That’s why we’re practicing now. We want to become the best.”

Razvan’s eyes widened at her unflinching, practical reaction to his criticism. But he quickly recovered himself. “I see. Now who are your influences?”

With a grin, Xochitl rattled off over a dozen names. The ancient Lord vampire smiled and rattled off some names of his own. Silas recognized about half.

“Um…could you write those down?” Sylvis asked shyly.

“With pleasure,” Razvan nodded, removing a pen from his coat pocket.

“You wouldn’t happen to be in the music business, would you?” Beau asked, admiring Razvan’s physique in such a way that Silas had to choke back his laughter despite his growing discomfort with the situation.

“No,” Razvan replied. “I am merely a long-time music aficionado.”

When he finished writing, he turned to Xochitl. “You have quite a voice, young lady, but it lacks a certain richness.” He pointed at a few names on his list. “These bands all had the same singer at one time or another. Study him,” he commanded. “Emulate him, if you can.”

“O-kay,” Xochitl replied, seemingly overwhelmed with his insistence.

Silas fought to keep his expression composed as he searched his maker’s face for any sign of insincerity. He noticed Akasha eyeing Razvan with suspicion as well. He cleared his throat. “I believe we should get started with our meeting now, Mr. Nicolae.”

Razvan smirked but acceded. “Very well, McNaught.”

Once they were ensconced in his office, Silas rounded on his maker. “What game are you playing at? Surely you cannot care that much about rock music.”

Razvan’s eyes narrowed a moment before he laughed coldly. “
was not rock; that was a hybridized version of thrash metal which has wandered too far from its classic roots. All that aside, perhaps I do care.” He once more removed his pipe and loaded it. “There is much you don’t know about me, McNaught. Either way, you’d do best to remember that it’s my job to investigate them. And keep in mind that if things do not work out for you, there will be a transfer of ownership. With prodigies of the likes of those four…five if we count the lovely Akasha, well, we would not want them to fall into the wrong hands, would we?” He grinned wickedly as he struck his lighter. “I shall endeavor for them to think well of me. It will be easier that way.”

Silas bared his fangs as he met the other vampire’s mocking gaze. “You bastard,” he hissed, bitter with the knowledge that there was nothing he could do to stop him.


Akasha frowned as Silas and Razvan headed up to the office. Razvan was another vampire, she was positive. And from his air of command and the insolent way he looked at everything as if it belonged to him, he wasn’t one of Silas’s subordinates. Her fists clenched as she remembered the mocking way he’d bowed when Silas introduced him. She didn’t like Razvan, not at all.

“So who is that guy?” Xochitl asked after she put her guitar back in its case.

“I dunno.” Akasha yawned and stroked Xochitl’s kitten. Isis sounded like a mini diesel engine. “Silas said he was an associate, so I guess he’s another financial advisor, or maybe a stockbroker.”

“Weird financial guy, he sounded like Dracula!”

Akasha shivered. Dracula was too close to the mark. She forced herself to sound casual. “Well, you heard his name; he’s probably from Russia or something.”
Hell, maybe he’s the Lord of Kiev.

Xochitl couldn’t let it go, though. “Y’know, ‘Kash, I don’t think either of them are financial guys.” Her voice was low and speculative. “They didn’t seem to talk any business, and Silas is hardly ever on a cell phone. In fact, that Razvan guy seemed more interested in

“The band, Xochitl.” Akasha avoided her friend’s gaze. “You guys are really good. It’s not every day people your age have so much musical talent. Besides, I’ve seen Silas’s stock portfolio.
I’ve seen him meet with a few clients.”

“Maybe….” Xochitl murmured, unconvinced.

Akasha didn’t think that was all either, but she was too disconcerted about this new visitor and Xochitl’s voiced suspicions to say anything else. She didn’t like the way Razvan had looked at her friend.
What if he’s planning to Mark Xochitl?
A surge of protective rage stole her breath.
Silas won’t let him…will he?

Beau plopped down on the couch next to them. “I think he’s pretty damn fine. Though Silas has a hotter body.”

“How do you know?” Aurora glanced at him as she and Sylvis unrolled their sleeping bags near the TV. “You spying on them in the shower?”

Beau laughed. “Now that’s an idea. I’m jealous, ‘Kash. Why is your place full of eye candy?”

Sylvis, who seemed oblivious to masculine beauty most of the time, interrupted. “Are we going to start this
Evil Dead
marathon or not?” She held up the DVDs with a grin.

When they were settled around the TV, Akasha went back upstairs to grab some beer and hopefully ask Silas about his new visitor. For a moment she was tempted to go up to the office and eavesdrop, but she discarded the thought. Likely Silas would sense her with his vampire powers. And if he didn’t, she suspected that Razvan would.

After she grabbed the case of beer as well as a bottle of wine for Xochitl, she heard Razvan and Silas coming down the stairs. Akasha felt a thread of hope. Maybe he was leaving. She put the drinks back in the fridge and headed out to the living room.

The two vampires seemed not to notice her as they talked in low voices she couldn’t discern. When Razvan reached the foyer, he shook Silas’s hand and turned to face Akasha. His malevolent black eyes focused on her with unnerving intensity. She stood straight, refusing to tremble, and matched his stare with her own.

Whatever he saw seemed to amuse him and he chuckled and made another mocking bow in her direction. “It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Akasha. I bid you both a good evening.”

Yup, definitely a vampire
, Akasha thought. With that old-school speech, what else could he be? As the door closed, she turned to Silas. “Who the hell was that?”

Silas sighed. “My new neighbor, it seems. Razvan has taken charge of Spokane.” But there was more to it. Akasha could see that in every line of strain on his beautiful face.

“And?” she prodded, her stomach tightening with worry.

He gave her a half smile that made her heart turn over before his ominous frown returned. “The Elders have sent him to investigate me.”

Akasha frowned and stepped closer to him, a chill crawling over her flesh. “Investigate you for what?”

“Remember that concert I took you and your friends to?” At her nod, he continued. “One of the Spokane vampires took an interest in Xochitl and I had to Mark her to keep her safe. Just to be cautious I also Marked the other three. My intentions seem to have backfired. An old…er…acquaintance of mine caught wind of the incident and has concocted a tale to the Elders, making it appear as if I am building a power base in an attempt to go rogue.” He seemed about to say more but then his shoulders slumped and he sighed.

Akasha frowned. This vampire stuff just kept getting deeper. “Who are the Elders and what exactly is going rogue?”

“The Elders are the thirteen most powerful vampires in the world. They make the rules for our kind and punish all who disobey.”

Nodding in understanding, she answered her own question. “And they now suspect you’re trying to set up your own government?” At Silas’s nod, her heart tore between sympathy for him and dread for what was to come. “That’s total bullshit…So does Razvan believe you?”

Silas shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. “It doesn’t matter what he believes. Razvan will do whatever is of most benefit to him. He’s been that way ever since I met him.”

Curiosity sparked her as she slowly drew closer. “How did you meet him?”

“He made me.”

Akasha brightened with a measure of relief. “Well that should be a good thing. He’d be more likely to side with you, right?”

The vampire shook his head. “Not necessarily. W
e have not spoken in over four hundred years.”

“What happens if his report is negative?” She spoke past the knot of worry in her throat.

Silas sighed and stepped even closer to her. “Then I could face a trial, though I have high hopes that it will be avoided.”

Now they were almost in kissing distance. “And what if it does and you
found guilty?” she whispered with growing fear. After all he’d done for her she couldn’t bear the thought of anything bad happening to him.

His hand settled on her shoulder sending pleasant tingles down her spine. “I would rather not talk about that.” Slowly he bent down to meet her gaze. Glittering green eyes engulfed her vision. “No matter what happens, I promise I will keep you safe,” he whispered against her lips.

Akasha trembled and reached for him, but he pulled away. Silas looked down at her, eyes glowing and fangs partially revealed through his parted lips. His gaze roved over body as if she were what he desired most in the world. Her knees weakened.

“Silas…” she began, not knowing what she was going to say next, only that her emotions were in such turmoil that she longed for succor.

“Oh, Akasha,” he groaned. “How you try my control sometimes.” He straightened his shoulders and walked past her. “I must feed now.” When he reached the door he added, “Razvan could return at any time. Don’t
show him any fear. By law, he cannot hurt you, but it would amuse him greatly to make you think he could.”

“Uh-huh,” she murmured, still dazed at his almost kiss. When the door closed behind him, she slumped against the wall and tried to clear her thoughts.

By the time her legs stopped feeling like they were made of electrified rubber, Akasha was certain of two things. One: Razvan was an asshole. Two: she had an obscenely large crush on her so-called guardian, Silas McNaught, Lord Vampire of Coeur d’Alene. Not only that, but he had come to mean a lot to her.

Akasha clenched her fists. If Razvan or any of those Elders tried to hurt Silas, she would hurt them first.


Razvan’s low mocking laughter assaulted Silas’s ears the moment he stepped outside. “I knew you wanted the woman badly, but I cannot believe you haven’t taken her yet. I usually do not advocate fucking one’s food, but if it would relieve your obvious agony…”

“Is there a point to your words?” Silas asked through clenched teeth as he kept walking.

“I am merely making an observation,” Razvan said as he lit his pipe and followed. “I do not understand why you deprive yourself when you likely have your pick of the female vampires in this city as well as four delectable women under yo
ur roof…and even a male, if such a proclivity is to your taste these days.”

“I do not mix business with pleasure,” Silas replied, stepping carefully on the icy asphalt. “Besides, you should know why. You should know exactly who Akasha is to me from the time you fed from my dying body and saw all that I knew. Or have you grown so old you cannot remember five centuries back?”

Razvan turned away from him to look up at the moon, but not before the other vampire caught a strange look on his face. “I close my mind to that noise.” His voice dripped with derision.

Silas struggled to hide his shock. Seeing and experiencing another’s life was one of the main pleasures of feeding. Why would Razvan cut himself off from it?

“You cannot stand feeling empathy!” Silas faced his maker, his gaze challenging him to deny it. “After losing your twin—”

“Enough!” Razvan hissed, walking faster. “It is you who is under investigation, not I.” His voice returned to its usual malevolence. “Now what exactly is Akasha to you?”

They stopped at the bottom of the hill. Snowflakes began to fall once more, turning the town into a dream of winter beauty.

“As I told you earlier, I have had visions of Akasha since my mortal days,” Silas said slowly. “I believe she may be my one true love.”

Razvan laughed and rolled his eyes. “You still believe in that foolish romantic prattle?”

Without warning, Silas seized Razvan’s arm and focused his clairvoyant powers. What he saw brought laughter to his lips as the other vampire jerked away from his grip.

“Your time will come, my friend,” Silas cheerfully informed him and began walking south on 15
Street before the other vampire could retort. “You will contact Delgarias to confirm his command to me, won’t you?” he called over his shoulder.

Razvan glared and nodded stiffly before he rose in the air and fle
w north, following the 1-90 onramp.

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