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Authors: Mandee Mae

Wounded Pride (8 page)

BOOK: Wounded Pride
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Chapter Fourteen




It’s hard going t
therapy and talking to a total stranger about how you’re feeling and the thoughts you’re having. It’s even harder when you have the woman you love right next to you. I want her to be a part of my life. I want to open and honest with her. I know that she would never judge me for what happened over there. It’s hard enough trying not to judge myself on a daily basis, worrying about having a nightmare or being terrified that I might actually hurt her not realizing that she’s in bed with me. Taking medication was something that was talked about on several occasions. There was no way I was going down that road. Even though they claimed that it would help with my insomnia, I just didn’t feel comfortable enough to take it. I didn’t like the side effects that came with it.

We had a wonderful evening out. Things have been going great between us. I have her nestled in my arms, enjoying the peace and quiet, breathing her scent in like my life depended on it. I never thought we would get back to this place.

“Babe, what are you doing?” I ask her, knowing full well what she’s doing. Her hands have started roaming. My eyes are closed. My head is resting on hers, but she moves, causing me to readjust. I can feel her look at me, probably trying to gauge my reaction. I try to stay still, and as calm as I can.

She replies nonchalantly, “Me? I’m not doing anything.”

Yeah, right. Her fingers are tracing my abs, sliding down my thighs, then back again. I try not to get too excited when I feel a slight tingling sensation. They told me that I was paralyzed and that I would have very little sensation if any at all. They don’t know me. Sometimes it depends on what’s being done, but I can usually feel something. I’ve already come so far, yet have so far to go. I’m not a quitter and won’t stop until I get the results that I want.

“Kinlee.” Saying her name doesn’t do anything, but I really didn’t think it would. She excuses herself for a moment, only bringing my curiosity to an all-time high.

I wonder what in the hell she’s up to.

I hear her moving around, the water running, cursing under her breath, and then I hear her talking to herself; giving herself a pep talk, causing me to chuckle.

“Are you laughing?” she yells from the bathroom.

Caught! “Nope. I had a frog in my throat.” I turn my head and see her standing in the doorway, looking nervous, with a shot of hope in her eyes.

Holy shit! “Wow!” That seems to bolster her confidence a little as a small smile appears on her face. That little royal blue number she has on is sexy as hell. She starts walking toward the bed nervously.

“Just hear me out,” she asks. Upon further inspection, her hands seem to be shaking.

She’s really nervous.

“I’ll do my best, but I’m not going to promise anything.”

She slowly climbs in at the end of the bed, placing her hands on my ankles and settles between my legs.

She’s definitely up to something.

“All I’m asking is that you keep an open mind.” She raises her eyebrows as though she’s asking me a question without actually asking me.

“Okay, but are you going to tell me what you’re going to do?”

She pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth and just sits there for a moment contemplating her words. “I…I want to try something with you.” She readjusts herself, then continues. “I’ve been doing some research.”

“On?” Research, ay. I wonder what she’s come up with because I haven’t come up with shit. I can tell she’s struggling with exactly how to approach this so I help her out a little. “You mean the fact that I’m partially paralyzed and don’t really have a lot of feeling or the fact that I can’t seem to get a hard-on?”

She blushes at my bluntness. It’s rather cute seeing her cheeks turn pink then watching it travel down her neck. She rubs her hands over her face like she’s trying to wipe off the blush. I’m not trying to embarrass her, but if we’re going to be together, we are going to have to talk about this stuff. She said that it didn’t matter to her, but deep down I know it matters.

She starts waving her hands in front of her. “Just bear with me, okay. Will you roll over to your stomach?” She starts fidgeting, twisting her fingers in on themselves, patiently waiting for me to answer.

“Why?” I say as serious as I can, trying to keep a straight face.

“Pierce. Come on, please.” She says the please in a pouty voice, almost like she’s begging.

I can’t keep a straight face anymore and start laughing. She swats at me and joins in.

“Okay, okay.” I slowly start turning over onto my stomach. Kinlee moves and tries to help me any way she can. I don’t tell her to stop because I know she’s only trying to help. Once I’m situated, she climbs up and straddles my naked ass. Fuck, I wish I could feel her on me.

“Now, just lay there and relax. I’m gonna rub you down a bit. Get you relaxed and all that shit.” She snickers on the last part.

I look back over my shoulder. “All that shit? What in the hell are you planning on doing, exactly?”

She taps her fingers together and gets a shit-eating grin on her face, “You’ll see. Now hush.”

Damn, she’s bossy tonight.

I lay there and do as she asked. She starts rubbing my shoulders, neck, then down my arms. After a while, she starts in on my back.

“Damn, that feels good, baby.”

She leans over me and kisses my cheek then bites my earlobe. “Oh, you just wait,” she whispers.

I’m trying really hard to stay in the moment and feel everything she’s doing to me.

“Mmm.” I move my arms a little bit to readjust myself.

She keeps working on my back. I can tell she keeps going lower. The further down she gets, the less sensation I have. I don’t want to upset her, so I just lay there as she asked. She knows where my sensations change.

“Fuck! What the hell did you just do?” I jerk my head around and see her sitting back on her heels with her hand covering her mouth, trying not to laugh.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you felt that, Pierce.” Oddly enough, she looks proud of herself yet a little shy at the same time.

I reach my hand around and start rubbing my ass. “Hell yeah, I felt that. What did you do?”

She purses her lips, covers her face, and shakes her head. I’m barely able to hear her. “I bit you.”

“You what?” I’m sure there’s a look of confusion on my face.

She spreads her fingers and looks at me before she repeats it and laughs. “I said I bit you.”

“Baby, take your hands down and talk to me. Why the hell did you bite me?” I actually start laughing a little. I know she means well, but fuck that really hurt.

“I wanted to see how much you could feel. I really didn’t mean to do it hard.” She looks a little sad now at the prospect that she actually hurt me.

“Why didn’t you just ask if I could feel what you were doing?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “This was more fun.” She shakes her head. “I won’t bite you anymore. I promise. Now, lay back down.”

“Are you sure you’re not gonna bite me?”

“I’m sure.” She gives me a sheepish smile. “I’m not done yet.”

I’m either crazy or head over heels in love with her. That thought frightens me. I lay my head back down and close my eyes, letting her get back to whatever the hell she has planned.

I think I damn near fall asleep and then I hear her say, “Okay. Can you roll over now?”

Lazily, I pick my head up and look back at her. She’s smiling from ear to ear. “Still not going to tell me?”

She giggles. “Nope.”

I do my best and turn over, laying all the way back, making sure I’m completely comfortable before she begins. Kinlee starts on one leg then goes to the other. There’s a little tingling and pressure but not total feeling.

I was told with the type of fracture that I have, I may not be able to get an erection, and so far, they haven’t lied. Believe me when I say I have tried every trick in the book to make that happen, yet have failed countless times. It’s something I’ve come to terms with. Only time and healing will tell. There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do to be able to make love to her again. I still remember how she felt when I buried my dick deep inside her. How wet she used to get when I made her come. All those sweet little noises she used to make. That’s what’s driving me to get myself back to 100%. I can still eat her pussy and slide my fingers in, but nothing comes close to having her wrapped around me.

She leans over me and starts kissing my chest. Her hair falls over her shoulder, landing on my chest, feeling like pure silk. I love it when she trails that hair on my skin. She starts going down further, further, and then she pushes my legs out, knees bent.

“Kinlee?” I look down and meet her gaze.

“Please just trust me,” she whispers. There’s a hint of self-doubt in her voice, but I don’t pay attention to that. Those beautiful eyes that are staring right at me keep me calm. If she didn’t have my trust, there’s no way in hell I’d let her put me in this situation.

I only nod my head and do my best to relax. It’s kind of hard to do when you don’t know what she’s got planned, but I guess I’ll go with it. She’s proved to me that she’s in this for the long haul this time and I have no reason to doubt her. At least, I hope not.

I hear her messing with something, a few curse words are muttered, and then, “Ah, there we go,” is mumbled.

“God, what are you doing?” This feeling is odd. I can feel a vibration, a little bit of pressure, and I’m really not sure what to think of it. It feels good. It’s a feeling I haven’t felt in a long, long time.

I hear her chuckle. “Promise you won’t freak out?”

I keep my eyes closed, but I realize that I’ve fisted the sheets on either side of me. What the hell is she doing? I feel turned on. It almost feels as if…

I gather my nerve because yes, I’m a little nervous right now and look down. “Fuck, that’s hot.” I can’t believe it. She did it. She looks up as she takes the head of my erect, yes erect cock into her mouth. She’s doing something with her other hand, but I can’t tell what it is.

She stops for only a moment to adjust something and holy hell. My hips jerk up all by themselves. It’s almost like my body is coming back to life. And it’s all because of her. She didn’t stop believing in me.

“Now tell me what you’re doing but don’t stop doing it. Please God, don’t stop.”

“I’m stimulating your prostate,” she states rather proudly, without a note of embarrassment in her voice. “I want you to come. You’ve waited too long for this. Let me give this to you.”

She turns it up another notch and presses further, angling up just a touch. “Oh, sweet Jesus.” My eyes are rolling back into my fucking head. I almost forgot what this feels like. I lay back and let her go to work, relishing in the feelings and satisfaction that she is giving me.

I realize there’s no way in hell I can miss this. I prop myself up on my elbows and watch her work my shaft, stroking up and down, again and again. Her hand working my shaft while her mouth surrounds then engulfs the head. There is nothing sexier than watching your girl suck your dick. Hands down. End of story.

“God, I fucking love you.” Fuck!

She stops dead in her tracks. “I love you, too.”

“Don’t stop,” I practically yell. Why the fuck did I have to say that right in the middle of her making one of my dreams come true. Yes, being able to come again has become one of my dreams.

It’s like she doubles her efforts. I can tell how much she loves me when she looks at me. The way she always flirts with me. The way she talks to me. She puts her heart and soul into everything she does and right now is a prime example.

“You’re close. I can tell you’re getting ready to come. Are you ready?” She’s panting. It’s like she’s enjoying this as much as I am, and if that isn’t a fucking turn-on.

“Ah, God, yes I’m ready. Fuck!” I don’t know what the hell she does, but she does something and hits that one spot that’s the holy grail of spots and I swear to God I go blind for a brief second. Never in my life have I ever come so fucking hard. Jesus Christ. My hands have cramped up from gripping the bed so hard. My jaw hurts from clenching my teeth together.

Jets of cum shoot out and land on my chest, the bed, and everywhere else it decides. Kinlee lets out a sigh of pure satisfaction and when I’m finally able to get my eyes to come into focus and look at her, I’m reminded of all the reasons I fell in love with her in the first place. Not only has she once again become my rock, the air I breathe, the reason I smile in the mornings, but despite my current situation, she also rocks my fucking world.



Chapter Fifteen



He said it again
Maybe it was the fact that I had his dick in my mouth or the fact that he actually got an erection, but he said it. I can tell by the way he looks at me that he really does love me. Now, if I could just get him to say it again.

I roll over slowly, careful not to wake him and begin to stretch. One by one, my muscles come to life. Every second of last night runs through my head. The way he touched me. The way I touched him. The way he exploded all over the place and the complete look of satisfaction when he finally came down from his high.

Pierce starts to stir beside me, his hand sliding up my thigh. “Mmmm. Morning, honey.” His hand is still working its way up, gliding over my hip then slowly starts to descend further.

I grab his hand. “Hold on, buddy. I’m gonna go jump in the shower.” Releasing his hand, I roll over and take off to the bathroom, quickly turning on the shower and jumping in. I just need to freshen up a bit and then I’d be happy to jump right back into bed with him.

“Don’t take too long,” he shouts from the bed.

I laugh in return, butterflies in my stomach. I feel so light and free this morning. Ah, the wonders of being in love. The hot water feels amazing, waking up my skin as it washes over me. Quickly washing and rinsing, I turn off the water and step out, reach for the towel and find it…missing.

“Looking for this?” I look up and see Pierce sitting there in his chair bare ass naked. His head is cocked to the side with a smug look on his face.

“Give me that.” I’m standing here, dripping wet. I grab for the towel, and he snatches it back out of reach.

A laugh erupts from him. “Nuh-uh. Not yet.” His face turns serious. “Go over to the sink and hop up there on the shelf.”

Do what? I’m sure the look on my face is quite humorous. “Say what?”

He licks his lips and jerks his head to the side. “You heard me, now go.”

I walk over to the sink, still wet. Water dripping from my hair. “Here? You want me here?” I point to the low shelf next to the sink, looking back and forth between the two.

He only gives a slight nod of his head and I dutifully hop up with a light plop to announce my ass’s arrival.

I’m nervous and excited. “So…what? Do you want to talk or something? I’m getting cold, Pierce. What is it?” I start rubbing my hands together because I really am getting cold. The goosebumps have risen and I don’t see them going away anytime soon.

He wheels himself in front of me, reaches for one leg, placing it on his knee then starts drying me off.

“You gave me something last night that I didn’t think I would ever get back. You have no idea what that means to me.” The look on his face and in his eyes is pure love when he says that.

He pauses, and once he’s done with that leg, he switches to the other, placing it upon his knee as well and starts drying that leg. I just sit here and watch as he carefully and meticulously dries every drop of water on my legs, working between all my toes and then kisses them when he’s done. God, how I love this man. How did I ever think that I could get along without him? He is my life. He completes me in so many ways.

“I love you,” I whisper. My teeth start chattering just a bit from being cold.

He looks up at me through those long lashes he’s been blessed with. How is it that men have the most beautiful, long lashes. Smiling, he says, “I love you, too.” He bends down and kisses my knee. “Scoot your ass forward a bit, will ya.”

I do what he asks without question and move my ass forward, but not too far. I’m afraid I might fall off if I move forward too much.

“That’s good.” He reaches up with the towel in his hand and dries my chest and arms, moving quickly like he doesn’t want me to get any colder than what I already am.

“I’m finding that there is one good thing about being in this godforsaken chair right now.”

He looks up at me again and grins.

“Oh yeah, why’s that?” Now he has me wondering what in the hell he’s up to.

“Oh, you just wait and see. We’re about to have some fun.” He has a twinkle in his eyes that I haven’t seen in a long, long time.

Fun? I’m sitting rather low to be having any fun and all he’s done so far is dry me off and I’m still fucking cold.

He begins rubbing my legs, slowly and methodically working his way up. Once he’s up to my hips, he brings his hands to my arms and starts rubbing them, working their way to my breasts, paying special attention to each one. Squeezing my nipples until the sounds start pouring out of me.

“God, that feels good.” I close my eyes and lean back against the mirror, relishing in the feeling of his hands on me. They feel amazing.


“Sorry,” I say giggling a little.

“As I was saying,” he continues to rub me down, “there is a perk to being in this chair right now and you’re about to find out why.”

That gets my attention. I open my eyes, raise my head, and meet his gaze. He removes one hand from my body and then drops out of sight.

“This little table you’re sitting on was designed specifically for me.” A wide smile spreads across his face.

What the hell? “What are you doing?” I have to lean up a bit because the table itself is rising. I’m sure I have a look of confusion on my face. I try to sit up and straighten myself, but Pierce quickly grabs my leg, halting my moves.

“Now you get what I’m saying? I had this little system installed so I could have things on my level. I just never thought I would get a chance to use it in this manner.” He’s licking his lips and his eyes have found their mark. “Ah, there we go.” I stop moving. He claps his hands together, rubbing them vigorously. “Sto per godere di questo,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows, donning a seductive smile.

Huh? I don’t even get a moment to try to understand what he just said before he lowers his head and runs his tongue the length of my pussy in one long, steady sweep.

“Oh, God.” My eyes roll to the back of my head. I reach one hand down and grip the top of his head while my other hand grips onto the ledge of the now fabulous ledge I’m sitting on.

“I forgot how fucking good you tasted.” That’s the only thing he says before he pushes my legs apart further than I thought possible and goes to town. Spearing me time and time again with his tongue. Pushing in as far as he can then curling the tip so he can flick my cervix. Jesus, that feels fucking amazing.

I start feeling cool again and look down between my legs. He’s sitting there watching me. It’s like he’s trying to memorize what my pussy looks like. He starts tracing my outer lips, one side, and then the other. Sucking them into his mouth and then releasing them with a pop. Everything he’s doing is causing me to get wetter and wetter. He starts circling around my entrance and then slowly starts inserting his fingers.

“So fucking tight. I can’t wait until I can get my cock buried…” He abruptly stops and clenches his eyes shut.

“We’ll get there, baby. One day at a time.” I grab his chin and urge him to look up at me and when he finally does, I implore, “Please, for the love of God, don’t stop what you’re doing.”

He snaps out of the little funk that he was in. “You are absolutely right. Now, where was I?”

Thank God! I was as anxious for him to get back to what he was doing as he was; maybe even more so.




“Non hai idea quant
ti amo, Kinlee.” I know she doesn’t have any idea what in the hell I’m saying to her, and by the expression on her face, she doesn’t care either.

“Oh, God.”

I never for a moment thought we would get to a point where she would be sprawled out on this ledge in the bathroom. Being able to move it up or down to suit my needs, or hers, depending on how you looked at it, was amazing.

Hearing those amazing sounds come out of her mouth while I eat my way to heaven is something I never thought I would hear again.

“Fuck, right there, Pierce,” she says, pushing my head down harder. I have two fingers buried inside her and am sucking her clit like there’s no tomorrow. I have my other hand alternating between her breasts, squeezing each one when she grabs my hand and starts sucking on my fingers.

I raise my head for a brief moment. “You ready to come?”

“Please.” She’s squirming. Practically writhing. “Oh, God. Pierce.”

I can literally feel her inner walls begin to clamp down on my fingers. Her cum is dripping off my hand and onto the floor. Once she finally starts coming down from her high, she opens her eyes and looks right at me. That’s the exact moment I remove my fingers and raise them to my mouth, licking off every drop of goodness.

“I love this table,” I say as I press that magical button once again and lower her back down.

She giggles. “So do I. So. Do. I.”

I grab a towel and wipe her off then help her down off the bench. “We need to do that again.”

She leans down and gives me a nice, long kiss. “I’ll second that motion.”

Tossing the towel aside, I follow her sweet ass back to the bedroom and watch her climb back into bed. I go around to the other side and hoist myself back over, then snuggle right up next to her. She gives her ass a little shake when she gets positioned right where she wants.

There are so many things running through my head right now. It’s crazy how my thoughts are so random and the fact that it’s hard to stay in the moment at times. I go from eating her pussy to thinking about opening up to her, telling her some of the things that went on over there like she’s asked me to on so many occasions.

The emotions are something that I’m learning to deal with. I start caressing her arm, kiss the top of her head, and pull her closer to me. I feel closer to her emotionally now than I did back then.

“We were going over our strategy one last time,” I start in softly. I can feel her tense a little and then she angles her head back to look at me.

“Babe, you don’t have to do this.”

I smile. “I know, but I want to. Baby, I love you so much. I want to be more open with you.”

She nods her head but doesn’t say anything. The way her arms tighten on mine is all I need for reassurance. I know she understands how hard this is going to be and she’s not going to push me to talk. That was something we established a long time ago.

“Everyone knew where they were supposed to be going. Each of us had our own thing to do. We were getting ready to raid this building. Everyone had their night vision on. The target was in sight. I had my orders to move forward and passed them on.” I pause, needing a minute to compose myself.

“They were supposed to be out of the building. We were told that there would only be a couple of people there. We rushed in and rounds just started going off. Every time I heard a ‘crack’, I knew a bullet just went past my head. We had to fire back. We did what we had to do to protect ourselves.”

Her grip tightens once again as I continue with the story. I realize I have tears running down the side of my face by the time I finish. There’s no rhyme or reason as to why I chose this particular time and place to tell her that story, but I did. It felt like the right time and it needed to be done. I didn’t go into the gory details. She didn’t need to hear that part, but she got what I was saying.

I’m very lucky to still be alive. I realize that time and time again. I also realize how lucky I am to have this amazing woman back in my life. Where she belongs.

BOOK: Wounded Pride
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