Worth the Wait (Crimson Romance) (11 page)

Read Worth the Wait (Crimson Romance) Online

Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Worth the Wait (Crimson Romance)
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He pressed her shoulders back against the mattress and pulled her dress roughly down her hips. She lifted her legs so he could pull it off and he threw the garment across the room. His hands rested at the waistband of her thong as his eyes traveled over the length of her.

“Your body is beautiful.”

For the first time since they’d started Tasha felt shy but didn’t cover herself. The look in his eyes was a mixture of desire and adoration, as if he’d never seen another woman’s body as beautiful as hers. She knew that wasn’t true, but she didn’t want to think about how many other women he’d said that to.

The throbbing between her legs was insistent. Without thought, she ran her hand down her belly and into the waistband of her thong. Jared’s breathing hitched and his eyes grew darker. With one smooth motion, he pulled her underwear off. She jerked her hand away, but he took her wrist in his hand. “Touch yourself.”

She didn’t know if her face burned from self-consciousness or desire. She’d masturbated before — just because she was a virgin didn’t mean she was completely unknowledgeable — but obviously never in front of another person. But the heat in his eyes evaporated any shame she may have felt. There was something erotic about the way he watched her.

She slowly began to massage her outer lips, spreading her wetness around. She used her fingers to open herself and slowly rubbed her clitoris. Jared’s dark eyes were focused on her movements. His body was tense and his breathing labored as he rubbed the rock hard staff between his legs. Tasha lifted one leg and closed her eyes as she slipped her middle finger inside of her dripping core.

“That’s it. Show me what you like,” he whispered.

Turned on by his encouragement Tasha’s eyes closed as she continued to glide her finger inside of her, before slipping it out and over her aching nub. She became so engrossed in her own pleasure, her moans and sighs echoing in the room, that she wasn’t aware of Jared moving lower until he moved her hand and replaced her fingers with his tongue. Tasha cried out as he slowly licked from one end of her goodness to the other. True to his words, Jared kissed her lower lips just as thoroughly as he kissed her mouth, his tongue doing a wicked dance with every nook and cranny. She thought her heart would stop from the pleasure. When his mouth closed around her swollen clit she yelled as an orgasm unlike any she’d ever felt rocked her body. The spasms clenched in her womb and stars burst behind her eyelids.

She tried to curl up into a fetal position as the aftershocks went through her body, but he didn’t let her. He opened her legs and reached into his pocket for a condom. She watched as he pulled down his shorts and underwear and his erection sprang forth. She’d seen penises before — mostly in porn that Shayla sent her — but Jared could give any porn star a run for his money. He tore open the packet with his teeth and quickly slid on the protection. His movements were effortless, another sign he’d done this often.

“It’ll only hurt a second … I think,” he said.

She opened her mouth to answer but Jared pushed into her with one quick thrust. When she cried out this time it was in pain. She’d known it would hurt, but this was excruciating. He needed to get off, now!

“Damn, Jared, that hurts. I don’t think I can do this,” she said between clenched teeth.

“It’s done now. Shit, Tasha, you feel so good,” he said through clenched teeth of his own.

She tried to move back but he held fast to her waist. “Don’t move. Take a second to feel it.” He groaned.

Tasha went still. This wasn’t nearly as good as what he’d told her it would be. This was painful.

“Relax, Tasha.” He leaned back slightly to move one hand from her waist and slowly rubbed her clit. “Give it time.” His eyes met hers, concern mixed with his desire. His body was as tense as hers and he was gritting his teeth as if in pain. She slowly let her body relax as he continued to massage where they were joined. The pain began to subside as pleasure ran through her. She clenched her muscles around him and was surprised at how good he felt inside of her. She hesitantly moved her hips and Jared groaned. “I’ve got to move now.”

“Move,” she said.

He pulled back slowly, then pushed in to the hilt. Tasha gasped with pleasure when his thickness rubbed against her inner walls. He repeated the move and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. This was more like it.

“That’s it. Feel me inside you,” he said.

“Move, Jared,” she moaned.

He picked up the pace and Tasha’s hips tentatively meet his. She wrapped her legs around his waist to get more of him inside. He continued to rub between her legs and Tasha felt the building of another orgasm.

“Move, move, please move!”

“Shit, yeah.” He increased his speed, but his movements were deliberate, as if he was still mindful that this was new to her.

Tasha felt her orgasm coming. And she wanted it more than she wanted the first one. “Jared, yes! Move, dammit!”

He squeezed her clit between his thumb and forefinger and Tasha’s world exploded. “Jared, Jared, Jared!” she cried out over and over and she climaxed around him.

He grabbed her hips with both hands and pumped into her twice more before coming himself. “Damn, Tasha! Fuck!” He collapsed on top of her and they both tried to calm their breathing.

After a few moments, Jared lifted up and looked at her in awe. “Where did you learn to have sex like that?”

Tasha was still trying to catch her breath as she spoke. “You, I guess. It felt like what I should be doing with you.”

All emotion drained from his eyes. He’d shut himself off. He hadn’t pulled away from her, he was still inside of her, but emotionally he wasn’t there. She tried not to be upset about it. Sure, they’d just had what she thought had to be mind-blowing sex, but it was only for this weekend. She didn’t need him to cuddle with her afterwards or tell her romantic words.

She looked away, unable to continue holding his stare. “Now that it’s done we don’t have to stay all weekend.”

“What are you talking about?”

She looked back at his now frowning face. “I don’t know what to do next, Jared. You’re still inside of me, but you look as if you don’t want me here anymore.”

He lowered his head. A few seconds later, he looked back at her. “I want you to stay all weekend.”

She should go back. Her virginity was gone and she had one round of great sex to get her through the months or years it took to find a husband. But one round wasn’t enough. Just this weekend. She’d get through the weekend and not get caught up in him pulling away after sex. They weren’t a couple and she didn’t love him. So she could do this again.

She moved her hips to take more of him inside her. Desire quickly filled his eyes and she smiled. “I’ll stay all weekend.”

He grinned and just like that, Jared was back. “Good.”

• • •

Hunger pangs woke Tasha later that night. She looked at the clock; it was half past midnight. She was officially thirty and no longer a virgin. She and Jared hadn’t left his condo since having sex earlier. He snored softly beside her and she smiled. He truly knew his way around a bedroom. He also knew his way around a couch, against a wall, and in the bathtub. She couldn’t believe how many times they’d had sex. It wasn’t all on him. She couldn’t get enough of him either. They’d completely forgotten about food and concentrated on feeding their sexual appetites. Now, she was starving.

She turned and studied him in the dim light from the moon shining in through the windows. The light cast a silver glow against his tan skin and created shadows, which highlighted his muscular frame. The bed sheets were tangled in his feet, exposing his body for her to study. He’d pulled them over her before she’d fallen asleep. Her eyes paused between his legs. Even unaroused his size was impressive. She reached out to touch him but stopped herself. No need to start that up again. Despite how much she’d enjoyed the day locked in a room with him, her body ached. Especially between her legs. She did want him again, but didn’t think she could handle it.

She’d avoided saying anything about how right things felt between them, and he hadn’t shut down on her emotionally again. It was true, though, albeit foolish, that she did feel that way. As soon as he touched her, her shyness evaporated and she forgot he wasn’t her type. She only wanted him to touch her again, and that was scary. All afternoon his hands had been on her — both during and after sex. Even now, in sleep, his hand was on her waist. It would be easy to become flattered and think she was special, but he could be this way with all of his lovers.

You’re getting caught up and reading too much into this,
her mind warned.
Jared is a ladies’ man. That’s why you asked him to do this. Don’t become a statistic.
It was a good thing she’d only agreed to a weekend. If she routinely slept with Jared, she’d forget what she truly wanted in a man and see more to their relationship than there was.

Her stomach growled, reminding her why she’d woken up. She would love a slice of pizza, but quickly dismissed that thought. It was too late to eat anything heavy. She hadn’t brought any snacks, but he mentioned packing some of his protein bars in his bag earlier.

Tasha carefully slid out of the bed. There was enough light for her to make her way across the room. Her feet barely made a sound as she softly padded across the hardwood floors. She slowly unzipped his bag only to gasp after opening it. There were over a dozen condoms in the bag. He must have planned nothing but sex all weekend. She was amazed and annoyed by his cockiness.

She pushed the condoms aside and dug around until she found the bars. Her mouth watered as she pulled it out. Finally food.

“What are you doing?” The frigid tone of Jared voice startled her.

She turned to see him sitting on the bed glaring at her. She held up the bar. “I was hungry, so I got a protein bar out of your bag.”

He continued to eye her with mistrust until her stomach growled loudly. He finally relaxed and a small smile played on his lips. “I guess I did forget to feed you.”

Upset by his anger Tasha sat on the floor and frowned. “Why did you get so upset? You looked ready to kick me out.”

He ran his hand over his face before lying down on his back. She thought he wasn’t going to answer her but then he turned on his side and faced her. “I don’t trust too many women.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Why?” Her stomach growled again and she opened the bar and took a bite.

“Because you can’t trust women. They all want something. Money, sex, attention. Even the ones you think might be cool end up trying to take all they can get,” he said matter-of-factly.

Tasha swallowed hard before replying. “Damn, who broke your heart?”

Jared chuckled. “No one. I never let anyone close enough to break my heart.”

“So you’ve never been in love?”

“Hell no! And I don’t plan to be. My view of women has been pretty accurate. They want my money or they want to have sex. I’m more than happy to sleep with them, though only a few are worth spending money on.” His shoulder lifted in a depreciating shrug. “So far it’s been a win-win situation.”

Tasha finished her bar in silence. His view of women was another reason she couldn’t get too caught up in this. She felt stupid for even entertaining the thought that things felt right with him. It was wrong. There wasn’t another way to describe it. To Jared all women were sex objects he couldn’t trust. No wonder he’d treated her like the rest after she’d asked him to take her virginity. She’d come to him for sex and in his world, that’s what women wanted.

He watched her while she ate. He hadn’t offered an explanation for his feelings, or tried to back pedal and make his opinion less harsh.

“I guess I’m no different really,” she finally said. “I came to you for sex, then asked you to treat me like a friend. I shouldn’t have done that. What we’re doing isn’t different from what you do with other women.”

He sighed and shook his head. “I thought that, until you said you admire my work. You’re the first woman, outside of my PR agent Cassandra, to truly appreciate all that I’ve accomplished.”

“I meant what I said. After this weekend, I’ll still be a fan of your brand and your work. And I promise I won’t ask for sex anymore.”

He flinched. “Don’t promise that, because I refuse to promise not to ask you.”

She shook her head. “I told you, after this we’re through.”

He sat up and Tasha almost forgot to listen to him as his abs flexed with the movement. “You’re no longer a virgin, and there’s no need to be celibate. No reason not to have a lover until you find your perfect husband.”

The absurdity of that took her mind off his body. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I can’t date a man while sleeping with someone else.”

He snorted and looked as if he wanted to argue but shook his head and smiled instead. “You’re almost refreshing.” He leaned back against the headboard, distracting her once again by flexing his pecs. “Since you plan to cut off the good thing we’ve started here come Monday, let’s not waste the weekend. Grab a condom and get over here.”

Tasha laughed. “You mean one of the dozens you have in here?”

He shrugged innocently. “What’s the problem? I have a big sexual appetite so I grabbed every condom in my drawer. Don’t you think it’ll be fun to see how many we can use?”

“I don’t know if my body can handle it. I’m sore as it is.”

He winked. “Don’t worry, I’ll go slow this time.”

She watched as his erection slowly grew to life. Despite her soreness, desire gathered wetly between her legs. “You’re going to kill me.”

He licked his lips and smiled. “What a beautiful way to die.”

With a half groan and a laugh she grabbed a handful of condoms and came to bed. He eyed the stash in her hand and grinned. “That’s my girl.”


The next morning Jared got up at six and left Tasha sleeping in bed while he worked out in the condominium’s gym. He was still exhausted from the day, and night, before but didn’t want to miss another workout. When he returned two hours later, she was still where he’d left her. He smiled and admired her smooth caramel skin exposed by the sheet. Desire caused his dick to stiffen, letting him know he was up for another type of workout.

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