Poppy's Present (Poppy's Place)

BOOK: Poppy's Present (Poppy's Place)
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Poppy’s Present

Copyright 2013 by Stephanie Beck

Published by
Stephanie Beck

Copyright 2013
Cover Art by Fantasia Frog Designs

Editing and Formatting Services by Wizards in Publishing


All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.






Poppy's Passions

Book 1 in the Poppy's Place Series. Re-releasing June 19, 2013.


Mary's Men

Book 2 in the Poppy's Place Series coming October 21, 2013



Also by
Stephanie Beck


A Winter Tale with Marshmallows


Unraveling Midnight


Home to Hellas


Just One More


David's Angel


Barely Dreaming


Panties Optional


Immoderately Infatuated


Super Love








Poppy’s Present

A Poppy’s Place Short




Stephanie Beck


Chapter One


The jars hissed, steam blistering even through the oven mitt. Poppy cussed and jerked her hand away before killing the burner. Sweat dripped off her face, but not tears. A stupid little burn didn’t warrant tears though they were closer to the surface than normal. Poppy hurried to the sink and ran cold water over the redness. She preferred canning in her ground-floor kitchen, but Mary already had the business kitchen stocked. The basement area sported all the necessities and even a sound system, but no windows. Her personal sink overlooked the backyard where the girls would be playing around this time, Grandma or one of the grandpas pushing them on swings.

The pattering of little feet down the stairs made her smile. She looked over her shoulder, not sure which one of her three daughters would soon make an appearance. Dee, buck naked and covered in mud, tore through the basement, leaving a trail of black, wet dirt behind her on the gray carpet.

“What are you doing, you crazy baby?”

Dee put her hands on her hips. “I’m not a baby. There’s a whole bunch of dirt in the backyard for the new flowerbed. Grandpa Duane put out the hose for Grandma and bam—mud all over. You should see Lola. She and Da are all caked in sludge. Come and play, Mommy.”

Her eldest took off back up the stairs, trailing more dirt, before Poppy could comment or argue. She adored her in-laws. A more accepting, loving, life-affirming group she’d never met, but her temples pounded at the thought of how filthy the tub would be after she bathed her twin five-year-olds and three-year-old.

Trevor would be back the next morning, Michael had late classes, and Cody hadn’t made it into the house before bedtime in a week thanks to a new breeding system they’d implemented on the ranch. Being married to three men should have made managing three children a breeze. It should have made after bedtime a blast. Lately...nothing seemed to go quite right. By year six of marriage, the mystery and constant new discoveries had faded into something different. It wasn’t always exciting. Not always fun and games, but that didn’t diminish the commitment and love shared.

She wet a washcloth in cold water and shut off the faucet. They were due for a nice night out or maybe a weekend away, but for now, mud was settling into the carpets, and she needed to get a jump on it.

Chapter Two


Michael silently eased the front door closed behind him, but Poppy winced and whipped around toward the girls’ bedrooms. She held her breath for a few seconds, but when no one emerged, she turned back to Michael and smiled.

“Hi, Big Guy. How was your day?” She set her book aside and snuggled deeper into the sofa where she’d settled with a blanket after the summer sun set.

He hung his black tote on his hook and pulled out a few books. “Long. You’d think I’d be used to the bullshit of law school after two years of it, but it’s getting old.”

Michael plopped on the sofa with a huff, his shoulders rounded. She reached up and rubbed his arm. When the county hired an in-house detective, Michael’s business had dried up, forcing him to look for something new. Finding a new niche had taken longer than any of them would have liked, but law seemed to suit him. His father’s practice offered Michael an opening to join an established business. Thomas wanted to ease back, and Michael would be ready as soon as he finished another few months of classes and passed the bar exam.

“You’re doing so great,” she said. “Tell me about class.”

“I really don’t want to.” He leaned back and closed his eyes. “Legal precedent and contract obligations are beating around my brain, arguing with one another. Tell me about your day, beautiful. How are the girls? Already in bed?”

“Well, your parents made the backyard a mud hole while tilling up the garden, so the girls had a lovely mud bath, followed by a real bath in Mary’s tub, thank goodness. Grandpa Thomas made hot dogs and the girls didn’t say boo at bedtime, except they wanted a sleepover at Grandma’s house.”

“And you said no?” He raised an eyebrow. “Baby, you deserve a night off. Mom loves having sleepovers.”

Poppy shrugged. “Well, all the grandpas were home tonight, so I think Grandma is going to be a bit busy. Besides, why have a night off? I would have been sitting out here alone—only earlier.”

Michael rolled his
his shoulders and let his head follow until he frowned at her. “I’m sorry. I knew school would be a commitment, but I didn’t realize it would be so consuming. I did fine getting my bachelor’s degree, but this is a different duck. I have an online study group tonight, but how about Saturday I take you and the girls to the zoo?”

She rubbed her palm up his shoulder and rested it on his cheek. “Really? You have to study tonight?”

He kissed her fingers, the lack of answer an answer in itself.

She pushed up from her comfy spot and straddled his lap. “What if I were to put on a cheerleader outfit? Maybe shake my pom-poms like the college girls? Then could I tempt you from your work?”

His hands moved to her hips. He squeezed her butt, but didn’t move from his position on the sofa. “If anyone could tempt me, it would be you. Can we save the pom-pom shaking for Saturday? I promise I’ll bring my

She smiled and hoped it hid her disappointment. She was tired, too, but wanted some reminder of their spark. She fiddled with his thick hair, still nearly black despite the last year of stress, and tugged his head forward. He met her kiss with a grin. The same flash she felt on their very first kiss so long ago lit, burning away much of her fatigue. She sank deeper into his lap, pressing her breasts to his chest. She’d left her bra off after showering and with only her thin blouse and his t-shirt between them, she could imagine her breasts in his palms.

He parted his lips and she took the invitation, darting her tongue between them and dueling with his. She tightened her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as she rolled her hips to his crotch. Too many layers separated them. She ran her hand down his chest until she flicked his jeans snap open. Michael broke the kiss and pulled his head away. Poppy rubbed his hardening cock.

“Baby, I have a class connect in ten minutes.” The regret in his eyes and lines around his frown begged for forgiveness. “Saturday. I promise.”

The main door opened. Poppy swiveled, hoping to find Cody ready to pick up where Michael left off. The youngest brother tossed his muddy hat on the bench and slumped beside it.

“Holy crap. I have never been more exhausted in my life. And what the hell is with all the mud in the yard? I think if it’s all the same to you guys, I’m going to sleep right here.”

Of course he thought that. She pushed up from Michael’s lap.

He snagged the edge of her shorts. “I’ll skip the meeting and come to bed.”

She shook her head. They had to be allowed to have days like this. She had hers, and they respected her space.

“Don’t worry about it, Big Guy. But I expect very good things on Saturday.” She added a wink.

“You should. I’m pulling out all the stops.” He pushed to his feet and kissed her cheek. “I love you. Thanks for understanding.”

. She ambled toward her room—her favorite place in the house—stopping along the way to check on the girls. Each slept, the blonde-haired dolls recharging for another busy day. She kept on, past Trevor’s unoccupied room. On second thought, she backtracked and tiptoed into his space. He’d left clothes and books on the floor, like always, but she ignored them. He didn’t like her to pick up after him, and she’d had her fill of cleaning.

She crawled between the cool, crisp sheets, fresh from when he left three days earlier. He always changed them before traveling so he didn’t have to fuss when he was jetlagged. She took the middle of the large mattress and picked up one of the many electronic tablets Trevor kept around.

She opened it to find the battery nearly dead, but sent him a message on it anyway. He’d called earlier in the evening and talked with the girls and with her for a while. It had been nice, but she wanted him home.

I miss you. Today got long.

She snuggled down in his bed, not expecting a reply. His game design crew met every six months and made the most of their time together—often programming and planning all night. He’d invited her to go along, but the singularly horrible and boring experience of her first one—where the energy drinks had flowed like wine and conversation circled around bytes and mythical lands, made her all too happy to send him alone.

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