Read Worth It Online

Authors: Nicki DeStasi

Tags: #new adult

Worth It (29 page)

BOOK: Worth It
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You have got to be shitting me.

I return my eyes to him, and I begin to take a step back, ready to bolt before I start crying. He looks confused, and his brow furrows at my retreating form until something dawns on him.

“Anna, this is my sister, Christina. Chris, this is Anna,” he rushes out as she approaches.

His sister!

Relief floods through me, and it’s so strong that I feel like I might keel over.

When she reaches us, her face splits into a huge grin, and she stretches out her hand. “Hi, Anna. It’s so great to finally meet you.”

I return her shake. I’m a little self-conscious when I realize I’m meeting a member of his family. “You, too, Chris.”

Her grin widens, and she turns to her brother. “Good night, you. See you tomorrow at Mom’s?”

He leans down to kiss her cheek. “Hopefully. Later, Bean,” he says as she walks past us.

I step into the apartment. “What’s—” I start as I take off my coat. Then, I freeze when I survey the room.

The table is set with some sort of dessert, two place settings, including wine glasses, and a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket of ice. In the center of the table is a single red rose in a thin glass vase, and red rose petals are sprinkled on the table. Two beautiful silver candelabras hold lit thin candles.

My eyes widen, and I can feel the sting of tears in my nose. I blink slowly to make sure I’m not seeing things.
Nope, everything is still there.
I turn to him and see he’s watching me with a soft smile.

“You like it?”

I look at the table, back at him, and then I launch myself into his arms, wrap my legs around his waist, and bury my face in his neck. “You did this for me?” I whisper hoarsely.

He catches me easily, and his arms snake around me. He tucks his face into my hair and simply replies, “Yeah.”

I take a minute to absorb the incredibly sweet gesture before lifting my face and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Thank you.”

His grin is huge as he sets me down. He makes his way over to the table and pulls out a chair for me. “You’re welcome. I can’t take all the credit though. My sister helped. That’s why she was here.”

His smile falters a little bit as I stride over to take the offered seat.

He sits down, and then he turns to face me as he takes one of my hands. “Anna, I know what you thought when you first saw Chris, and I want you to know that I would never cheat. I have never cheated on anyone, and I’m not about to start now. I care about you a lot. If, for some crazy-ass reason, I decide I want to pursue something else, I’d end things with you first. Okay?”

The “pursue something else” is what I hear first, and I tense, but it’s almost immediately replaced by the “never cheat” and “care about you a lot.” and “crazy-ass reason” The sincerity in his voice and eyes warms my heart.

I smile and reply softly, “Okay.”

He leans over and softly, gently brushes his lips on mine. “You usually eat at work before you head here, so I figured dessert would be good.”

“Perfect,” I say, smiling as I glance over at what he got. I narrow my eyes at first before they widen, and I look over at him. “Is that carrot cake?”

He grins. “Yep.”

My eyes return to the decadent-looking dessert in front of us. “You remembered?”

When I swing my gaze back to him, I see his eyes are in the process of rolling.

“Of course I did. I remember everything about you.”

He reaches over to cut the small cake, and he serves it to us on the white desert plates. He picks up his fork, cuts a piece, and holds it out to me. He lifts an eyebrow. “Want some?”

I look at him like he’s lost his mind, but I shrug and lean over. I wrap my lips around his fork and keep my eyes locked with his. His lips part, and his brown eyes darken as he watches my lips slide from the fork. His look makes me begin to tingle in all the right places.

Well, that wasn’t my angle, but…

I cut a piece with my fork and offer it to him. He smirks and slowly angles forward. He holds my gaze, opens his mouth, and lets his tongue flick out to lap at the frosting. The air leaves my lungs, my nipples harden, and I feel a rush between my legs like I’ve never felt before.

This game is hot.

After the lick, he opens his lips and then closes his them around the fork before slowly withdrawing

I want to be that cake.

He smirks again and shifts back to cut a piece for me, and then he holds out his hand, offering it to me.

My turn.

I lean forward and open my mouth. Instead of licking the fork, I swipe a bit of frosting with my finger and slowly rub it on my top lip. I lick it off even slower with my tongue. I feel a thrill run through me as I watch his eyes heat, and his nostrils flare. Seeing him turned-on by my behavior boosts my confidence and causes my sex to tighten deliciously. Emboldened, I reach up, clasp his hands, and run my flattened tongue on the underside of the fork before closing my mouth around it and pulling away gradually.

He lets out a shaky breath and says gruffly, “That was so fucking hot.”

Confidence swells in me again at my ability to have this sexy,
man want
He wants me and only me. Somehow, I’m finally realizing that as a fact.

He sweeps some frosting with his finger and grins mischievously. “My turn.”

He tilts forward and smears the frosting from just below my ear down to my collarbone, sending a shiver through me. He pulls back just slightly, and I watch, captivated, as he places his finger into his mouth and sucks off the remaining frosting. He bends down, and I feel his hot, wet tongue flatten along my collarbone. He moves up slowly, oh-so slowly, until he reaches the end of the trail just below my earlobe. It feels so damn good that I shiver. I can feel my breast swell, and my breathing starts to come out in pants.

He sucks my earlobe into his mouth and nibbles it lightly with his teeth. “Mmm, you and cake are the best dessert I’ve ever had,” he rumbles low in my ear.

My insides tighten, and I feel my panties dampen.
I really,
like this game.
He leans back with a wide grin stretching across his face. After a moment, I recover and realize it’s my turn.
Oh, this game is so on.

“Take off your shirt,” I purr seductively. Well, I hope it’s seductive. This is so new to me, but it’s thrilling and invigorating. I love it.

He grins even wider. “I will if you will.”

I clutch the hem of my shirt, but now, I’m a little self-conscious about baring myself to him outside of the bedroom. We had the encounter one time on the couch, but this is different. In here, like this, I’m completely exposed in the light where he can see my every flaw, and it makes me feel…vulnerable.

He raises an eyebrow in question, and before I can think about it more, I quickly pull my top off and toss it to the side. When my eyes find his, the sight of him drinking me in makes me feel sexy and wanted, and it stokes the fire that began to build when we started this game.

“You’re so beautiful, Anna,” he murmurs quietly before closing his eyes and blowing out a ragged breath. Then, he reaches down, grabs the hem of his shirt, and pulls it off.

Now, it’s my turn to drool. His tight abs and firm chest sprinkled lightly with dark hair is unbelievably manly and sexy. I have to stop myself from climbing on top of him and ending the torture. The shape of his broad shoulders and muscled arms make the fire inside me flare hotter.

Barely containing the urge to end this game to relieve the throbbing burn of desire, I reach over to the cake and swipe the frosting with my finger. Getting down on my knees in front of him, I then trail the frosting just above the hem of his jeans from hip to hip. His abs tighten under my touch.

Once I’ve finished making my own little happy trail, I peek up to see his chest rising and falling rapidly, and his eyes are blazing lustfully. I flick out my tongue to lick off the remaining frosting on my finger before wrapping my lips around it and sucking. He blows out an unstable breath as I remove my finger, and I grin before lowering my head. I suck and lick my way across the path on his lower stomach, pausing to nibble lightly here and there.

The second I reach the end, he leans forward, grabs me under my arms, hauls me onto his lap, and thrusts his tongue into my mouth. His tongue moves against mine with passion as I straddle his lap, and I can feel the evidence of how much he enjoyed me teasing him. I’m light-headed and panting when he finally breaks free and looks up into my eyes, his chest heaving.

“Anna…” He works to control himself. “That was hot, really fucking hot. There are no words for what you do to me.”

His voice, low and raspy, causes another spasm in my sex.

Then, he grins, and reaching behind me, he unclasps my bra and tosses it away. “My turn,” he whispers seductively.

My breasts feel heavy and sensitive as he cups them both, and he lowers his head to suck a pebbled nipple into his mouth. I moan, and my head drops back as he continues his pleasurable assault.

“Mmm, you like that?”

“Yes,” I pant.

“Good.” He reaches over to swipe some frosting, and then he turns back to me. He’s grinning as if he’s just won the lottery. “I don’t really know if this will be teasing you or me since I love sucking these perfect nipples so much,” he admits as he spreads the creamy frosting on one and then the other nipple.

He moves his hand up and places the frosting-covered finger in front of my mouth. I immediately open and suck off the remaining frosting, using my tongue to roll around the tip. His mouth opens into an O-shape, and I can feel his erection jerk beneath me.

When I finally release his finger, he dips his head to draw my sugarcoated nipple into his mouth. Sparks shoot straight to my core as he rolls his tongue around while he sucks and then nibbles. This is so erotic that I groan and involuntarily rub myself against him. He groans back and shifts upward, so his jean-clad length rubs me in just the right place. After the first nipple is clean, he stands us up, lays us on the floor, and moves to my other breast as he continues to rub himself against me. I feel like I’m flying, having both of my most sensitive places stimulated. It feels carnal and passionate, sensual and loving. I’ve never been so wet and wanting. When the other nipple is clean, he sits up and starts to unbutton my jeans.

My brow furrows. “Isn’t it my turn?”

“You can have another turn after I watch you come. I need to see that right now, Anna. Is that okay?”

I shiver as lightning streaks straight through me, and I almost come on the spot, so I just nod.

He peels off my jeans and quickly follows suit with my panties. Then, he stretches out over me, and resting on his forearm, he uses the other to explore my body. His eyes follow his hand as he gently smooths his palm up my arm, over my shoulder, and to my collarbone. He unhurriedly traces the valley between my breasts before moving down my stomach and over my hip. Then, he slows his pace even more when he approaches the place where I want his fingers the most. The anticipation is such sweet torture.

He looks back at me, and our eyes lock. He brushes his longest finger along my clit, and I jerk. I’m burning with lust, and I’m panting so much that it would be embarrassing if he wasn’t so enraptured by my response to his touch. His finger dips lower, and with a deliberate slowness, he eases into my entrance, drawing a groan of pleasure from me.

He keeps his eyes locked with mine as he whispers, “So wet. God, so wet and hot.”

He spreads my moisture around. Occasionally, he brushes my clit, each time provoking me to jump. The fire within me is roaring, and I’m so wound up that I think I might burst.

“Please,” I whimper. “Please.”

He returns his finger to dip within me once again, and this time, he adds another. He begins moving them in and out at a steady pace. I feel my orgasm building and building. When his thumb rubs my clit, the building climbs higher and higher, faster and faster. My legs stiffen, and I close my eyes as the wave crashes over me. I shatter into a thousand little stars as I cry out his name. When I come down from my high, I slowly open my eyes to see him watching me with a heated expression.

“That has to be one of the sexiest things I’ve ever witnessed,” he says.

I smile and duck my head, both embarrassed and warmed by his compliment.

“My turn.” I roll him over and start to unbutton his pants and pull down the zipper.

He helps me remove his jeans and then his boxer briefs. I can’t help it. The sight of him so hard and throbbing has me licking my lips. I dip my head and begin to kiss up his leg, over his hip, and across his stomach. My breasts brush his length, drawing a shudder out of him. I reach out and grasp him in my fist.

Just before I open my mouth to lick that bead of saltiness off him, he stops me.

“Anna, I wanted tonight to be about you. You don’t have to do that.”

Confused, I frown.
Me? Why would it be about me?
I think about it for a brief second before it dawns on me.

He’s giving me a gift—confidence.

I feel more confident in what we’re doing than I ever have before. He’s also giving me true desire. Sex has either been taken, or I’ve used it to get some
sort of connection. But tonight, I’ve just gone with the flow of what feels good, what feels right. I think about all the times with him before this, and from day one, he’s given that to me, but tonight, he’s placed it in front of me on a silver platter.

I want to lick him though. Not as a prequel to intimacy, but because I
to. The thought of him in my mouth and under my tongue is sexy and erotic, so I lean forward without responding to him. I lick the very tip, eliciting a shudder from him that spurs me on. I swirl my tongue around his head before I take him in my mouth, and then I lower my head as far as I can on his thick shaft.

“Oh shit,” he groans.

When I feel him hit the back of my throat, I wrap my hand around the remaining length and apply pressure with my lips. I slowly withdraw, producing another groan from him, and I squeeze my thighs together. My body throbs, knowing how hard and hot I’m making him. I continue working my mouth up and down, using my hand to aid me. I start working him a little faster, spurred on by his pants and moans.

BOOK: Worth It
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