Worth Everything (24 page)

Read Worth Everything Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Worth Everything
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“You can’t expect me to take you back because you say you made a mistake,” he yelled at her, not giving a shit if anyone they passed could hear him.

“Of course not. Nothing’s ever that easy,” she retorted.

She was passionate, full of fire as she stalked along the sidewalk like the priciest supermodel striding down a catwalk. Her wavy hair billowed out around her and she walked with ease in those sexy high heels. Damn if the sight of her didn’t arouse him.

“Kind of hard for you to deal with when everything you’ve ever wanted has been handed to you.”

Stasia stopped, her entire body eerily still for a moment before she slowly turned to face him. “What did you say?”

“You heard me.” He jerked his chin in her direction. “Spoiled little princess upset because she didn’t get her way. I bet you rarely hear the word no, huh?”

“I’m sorry you had such a terrible time of it growing up, I really am. I can’t help who I am, though, who my family is. So I grew up privileged, yes. I might’ve taken advantage of it too. But you’ve been with me since my whole world was turned upside down. I thought of all people in my life,
would be the one who understood the most.” She sniffed, wiped at her cheek with the back of her hand. “I guess I was wrong.”

Christ, she was crying. Damn it. He was the biggest sucker ever for a crying woman.

Especially this particular crying woman.

He approached her carefully, as one might approach a scared and wounded wild animal. She watched him warily, the tears streaming freely down her cheeks, her arms wrapped around her middle, standing on the edge of the sidewalk. People walked by but didn’t pay them any mind. Just another typical crazy night in New York.

His life had turned into a goddamned soap opera, all because of this beautiful, spirited, tough-as-hell woman.

“You can’t expect me to take you back with open arms, especially after how you ended it,” he said, stopping in front of her. He wanted to, but he couldn’t. “You’ve had one major emotional upheaval after another these last few months. Your life has completely changed.”

She nodded, her chin trembling, the tears leaving tracks across her cheeks as they dried. She was a beautiful mess and he ached to take her into his arms and console her. “It’s changed a—a lot.”

“You need to understand you pushed me away.” Reaching out, he took her hand in his. “And it hurt.”

“I—I know,” she stuttered, swallowing hard.

His heart cracked. Damn, she was getting under his skin. Scratch that—she’d been under his skin since the moment he met her. “But I understand you’ve been scared.”

“I have. I’m tired of being a mess.” She broke out in full on crying now, the sobs wracking her body, making her shoulders shake. “I regret how I screwed up what we had.”

Without a reply, he pulled her in close, wrapped his free hand around the back of her head and pushed her face against his chest. She cried into his shirt, wound her arms around him and held on like she never wanted to let go. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You were already hurting. It couldn’t be helped.” He ran his hand over her silky soft hair, breathed deep her fragrance. Stasia was right. It did feel good to have her in his arms.

And at this very moment, he knew he couldn’t let her go. He needed her in his life.

Maybe forever.

Chapter Seventeen

Relief flooded Stasia when she walked into her apartment, Gavin directly behind her. The argument on the sidewalk had been embarrassing. She’d completely lost it, became so angry at his simple chemistry remark that she’d been tempted to smack him.

Well, she hadn’t smacked him, but she’d kicked him. She still couldn’t believe she’d done that.

But by some miracle he’d ended up comforting her. Without false words either, but with his embrace. How easily he’d pulled her into his arms, held her close while she cried. She was so sick of crying. She should be happy. Everything she’d so desperately wanted when she’d discovered the truth about her father was now right there, waiting for her. A new family that was starting to accept her…she should’ve been thrilled. She thought she’d feel whole once again.

She didn’t. She still wanted more. A meaningful relationship was another important need. A new career direction was also a path she was seriously considering. She’d already talked to Matteo and Rafe about it and they encouraged her to give it a try…

“Nice apartment,” Gavin commented after he shut the door and turned the lock. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets, glancing around her living room.

“Thanks. My parents gave it to me when I turned twenty.” She said it on purpose, going with the spoiled princess personality, since that was what he believed her to be.

He at least had the decency to wince. “You’re very fortunate that they helped you so much.”

“I know I am. And I appreciate everything they’ve ever done for me.”

She was also thankful he’d wanted to accompany her home and make sure she was all right. The gesture touched her deeply, showed that he might care about her after all. He was so kind, so thoughtful.

And she’d almost screwed everything up.

“Is your mom here?” He glanced about the room warily, as if afraid Mama would spring out of a corner at any moment.

“No.” Stasia shook her head. “She’s staying at the apartment she and my…father had. She thought it best we not be with each other every second of the day.” She’d most certainly agreed.

“Maybe you should go to bed,” he suggested as he walked into the center of the living room. “You need to rest.”

Will you stay?
The words hovered on the tip of her tongue, waiting to be said but she didn’t have the courage.

“I think I’m going to take a shower first.” She released a shaky breath.

“You want me to stay until you’re finished?” he asked softly.

She watched him watch her. His expression was relaxed, though his gaze razor sharp. Most likely analyzing her mental stability, wondering if she was strong enough to be left alone.

“Um, if you don’t mind?” She nodded, thankful he offered and she didn’t have to ask.

“I’ll wait for you out here. When you’re done, though, I should go.”

“All right.” She started for the hallway and paused, turning to face him once more. “Thank you, Gavin, for being so…understanding.”

“You’re welcome.” He smiled and the sight of it was like a dagger to the heart. Staggering, dangerous, he was too gorgeous for words.

Too sweet, too sexy, too smart…too everything. He made it so easy for her to fall in love with him. Not even a month ago that thought would’ve struck icy cold fear in her heart. But now…she wanted him. Wanted him in her life, in her heart.

Did he feel the same?

Determination filling her steps, she headed down the hall toward her bedroom, glancing at her phone. She had a few text messages, one from her mother, two from Matteo and one from Rafe, all of them asking about a certain bit of news that recently went public regarding her involvement with the Worths.

She pressed the link Matteo sent in his text, waiting impatiently for it to load. And when the article finally appeared, her knees weakened at first sight of the headline.

Renaldi Daughter Really the Love Child of Michael Worth.

Swallowing past the nausea that rose, she sat on the edge of her bed, skimming the article. Most of the information was fairly accurate, mixed with pure speculation and a hint of outright lies. She searched the web and found that the story was mentioned everywhere, at all the network news sites.

In other words, she needed to start a damage control campaign, stat.

Her cordless phone rang and she answered it quickly, hoping Gavin didn’t hear.

“Where have you been? Why haven’t you responded?” Matteo asked, his voice tight.

“Calm down, I just received your texts.”

“Did you read that article? What the hell is going on, Stasia?”

“I read it.” She scrolled back up, saw that the article was featured in an English tabloid. They were the worst of them all. “I have no idea who they talked to. Anyone could’ve leaked it. Someone from the lab, maybe—it’s not like we kept it a complete secret.”

“Could’ve been anyone, eh? Could’ve been the Worths leaking this story and trying to make you
us look bad,” Matteo practically growled. “I will not let them desecrate our name.”

Oh God, just what she’d feared. Her families going to war while she was stuck in the middle. “I doubt they would do this. They look just as bad.”

“No, actually, they do not. Did you read the article? They make Mama sound like some sort of crazed sex addict looking for revenge against our father. It’s disgusting.”

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” She tossed her cell phone onto the bed and lay back on the mattress, closing her eyes. This was the very last thing she needed, especially tonight. “Have you talked to Mama?”

Stasia should call her, make sure her mother was all right. Maybe even go to her apartment and offer her some comfort. It was the least she could do.

“Yes,” Matt bit out. He reminded her of their father when he was angry, how he would get that low growl to his tone, his accent coming through full force. “She’s very upset but also mentioned she expected such a reaction from the press. She wishes to talk to you.”

“I’ll call her in the morning, my time. I—I can’t deal with this right now.” Stasia closed her eyes, her heart turning somersaults. She hated that this had happened. Not because of herself, but for her mother. She was fragile enough…

“You cannot avoid your problems forever, Anastasia. You need to confront this head on, present the public with the facts and hope that a new scandal comes along and distracts them.”

“I’d rather not say anything at all.” Why would she need to talk to the press and tell them such personal, intimate details in regards to their family? It was none of their business.

“I wouldn’t recommend that approach.”

“I’m sure you wouldn’t, but ultimately, I’m going to do what’s best for me and for both families involved.”

Her brother was bossy, demanding. Always wanting everyone to follow his commands and to hell with anyone else’s ideas.

“Don’t forget businesses are involved here as well. Both men left legacies their sons are trying to carry on. Don’t let this little scandal ruin those legacies,” Matteo said.

“Remember, I am the ‘little scandal’ you refer to.” Stasia’s blood boiled with fury. What the hell was Matt thinking, saying something like that? “And the legacies aren’t being carried on by only the sons. I’m included in that as well. Or do I not matter because I’m a woman?”

“Don’t put words in my mouth.”

“I don’t have to. You already said them.” She hung up on her brother before he could continue, anger making her hands shake. She still lay in the middle of the bed, staring up at the ceiling, gripping the cordless phone so tight her fingers ached.

A soft knock sounded on her half closed bedroom door and then Gavin peeked around it, concern written all over his face. She sat up quickly, letting go of the phone. “Are you all right?” he asked.

She offered him a weak smile. “Not really.”

He pushed the door open, entering the room so he stood at the foot of the bed. “What happened? I thought you were taking a shower.”

“My brother called.” Grabbing her cell, she brought up the article and handed it over to him. “This article appeared in an English tabloid first thing this morning UK time.”

Gavin took the phone, squinting as he read the article. He tapped his finger against the screen, scrolling through the entire thing, his mouth firming into a thinner line with every paragraph he read. “Damn,” he muttered, glancing up to meet her gaze.

She nodded gravely. “I just spoke with Matteo. He’s demanding I do damage control.”

“It’s the smart thing to do.”

“But I don’t want to reveal such private information.” She paused, her mind awhirl with too many possibilities in how to handle this. “It’s no one’s business, what happened between my mother and Michael Worth.”

Daily News
just made it everyone’s business.” He handed the phone back to her. “This will appear in the
tomorrow morning. You know this.”

“I do know.” She sighed, threw the phone back onto the bed, watching it bounce. “I’m scared, Gavin. I don’t know how to handle this.”

“Let me help you.” He sat next to her, so close his solid warmth seeped into her, giving her comfort. “I’ll contact Alex tomorrow morning. Hell, I’ll call him right now. He can have his PR department come up with a press release or some sort of statement and it can be sent to the press first thing.”

“Do you think that will work?”

“When you’re attacked, you need to counterattack. A press release will do that. Hopefully it will shut everyone up and that’ll be the end of it.”

“But what do I say?”

“You tell them the truth. Don’t deny anything. Yes, I’m the daughter of Claudia Renaldi and Michael Worth. And yes, my father is also Giorgio Renaldi, because he’s the man who raised me. I’m now lucky enough to have two families, both of whom accept me with open arms. The end.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair, turned to look at her. “What do you think?”

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