Worth Everything (21 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Worth Everything
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“Yes, yes I think I do know.”



“Stasia, it’s good to see you. I’m so glad you could come tonight.”

Stasia stepped inside the tall foyer, her gaze soaring upward. A spectacular pendant light the size of her entire body hung from the two-story ceiling, bathing the entry with a pleasant golden glow. “Thank you so much for inviting me, Gabriella.”

Rhett Worth’s girlfriend hugged her close, her embrace warm and friendly, conveying so much with that one gesture.

Stasia closed her eyes hard, warding off the sudden tears. She wanted to cry after a mere hug, which meant she was in desperate need of reassurance.

And meaningful affection, something she’d been lacking for weeks despite being with her mother. She missed Gavin.

“Everyone else is waiting in the den. Come with me.” Ella took Stasia’s hand and led her through the apartment she shared with Rhett.

Stasia looked around, taking everything in. The place was gorgeous, the colors dark yet warm, the rooms spectacularly large but somehow cozy and welcoming. She saw traces of the bachelor pad it must’ve once been. The giant flat screen TV which hung on the wall, accompanied by an outrageous collection of DVDs in the large entertainment center that framed either side of the television.

Feminine touches mingled with the masculine. Framed photos of family members were scattered throughout or hung on the walls, one picture touching Stasia in particular. The photo was large, at least eleven by fourteen in size. It was of Rhett and Ella on stretched canvas, no frame distracting from the picture. Ella was smiling at the camera, her face full of joy and laughter.

But Rhett was looking at Ella, his expression one of so much love, it made Stasia’s throat ache.

“That photo embarrasses Rhett,” Ella said, her voice low, when Stasia stopped to study it.

She couldn’t tear her gaze away from the joyous couple. It was so evident, how much they felt for each other. How much he felt for Ella. An unwanted sensation of jealousy threatened, but she pushed it away. “Why?”

“The fact that the photographer caught him looking at me like that. He was mortified the first time he saw the picture, I saw it written all over his face. He’d never admit it, but I know.” Ella smiled, her gaze soft. “He looks vulnerable and he hates that. You know how macho men are.”

Stasia rolled her eyes, thinking of her
macho Italian brothers. “Oh yes, I know exactly what you’re talking about.”

Laughing a little, Ella met her gaze. “Rhett loves to bluster around and act like a badass, but I know the real Rhett. This photo is him to a T. It represents the man I see every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to sleep. So I told him it was going on the wall. He had no choice in the matter.”

“I love it,” Stasia said with utter sincerity. She wished she had a man who looked at her like that. Like she was his everything.

If she’d given Gavin much of a chance she might’ve had that with him.

“Come on.” Ella led her deeper into the apartment, arriving within a room that was small, the walls lined with shelves filled with books, two overstuffed dark blue velvet couches facing each other, a woman sitting on each couch.

“Ladies, this is Anastasia Renaldi,” Ella announced with pride.

The two women stood, both of them smiling, both of them walking toward her with open, friendly faces. Stasia braced herself, waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for them to say something spiteful or mean, but it didn’t happen. The complete opposite happened.

“Oh, it’s so wonderful to meet you. I’m Tessa.” The woman wrapped Stasia in such a close embrace she was sure she’d smell like Tessa’s perfume for the rest of the night. Not that it was a bad thing—the woman smelled fabulous. “Alex’s wife.”

Stasia stared at her openly. She’d thought Alex would have chosen a more refined, polished woman as his wife. Someone tall, thin, with pale blonde hair and icy blue eyes, the typical society wife who only wore couture and a twenty-carat diamond ring.

Tessa was in jeans and a soft black sweater, a simple gold band circling her finger. She was voluptuous, with full breasts and hips, and her dark hair was pulled back from her face, wild wisps falling freely about her face.

In fact, if Stasia wasn’t seeing things, she swore there was a stain on the front of Tessa’s sweater…

Tessa glanced down at the stain Stasia stared pointedly at. “I’m a mess, I know.” She sighed. “Breast feeding around the clock does that to a woman.”

“Oh.” Stasia felt about two inches tall. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare…”

“It was either the stain or the giganticness that are my breasts.” Tessa laughed and waved a hand. “If they get any bigger, I’ll have breast reduction surgery.”

“Alex would never let you.” Ella smirked.

Tessa swatted Ella’s arm lightly. “You’re right, he wouldn’t.”

The other woman approached. She was tall, more fashionably turned out, her gaze direct, curious as she studied Stasia. She held out her hand, a cool smile curving her lips. “I’m Gracie Worth.”

God. Hunter’s wife. Stasia stuck her hand out as well, prepared to shake when Tessa shoved Gracie closer to Stasia. “Give her a hug,” Tessa urged. “She’s your sister now.”

“Sister-in-law,” Stasia added feebly as she and Gracie quickly hugged. “I guess.”

“We’re all sisters here, if not by blood, by name, at least.” Tessa sent a glance in Ella’s direction. “Well not quite since Rhett hasn’t officially made Gabriella a Worth, but we’re working on him.”

“Don’t pressure him,” Ella admonished. “He works at his own pace.”

“I’ll say.” Gracie smiled, patted Stasia on the shoulder. “It’s so good to meet you.”

Stasia felt like she was in a daze, shocked by their good nature, their easy acceptance of her. She never, ever thought in a million years she would be so welcome in the Worth family.

Well, by the Worth women. The men still hadn’t ponied up. Stasia had received the positive DNA results a week ago. She’d come back to New York immediately, her mother at her side.

But now what? What was she supposed to do?

“Let’s sit and drink wine,” Ella suggested. “We have a lot to talk about.”

Stasia sat amongst the group of women, in awe of their easy camaraderie, how much they laughed and joked with each other. She was used to men. Growing up with three boisterous brothers did that to a woman. Believing she’d have a handle on the Worth brothers since she knew what it was like, she thought it would be easy to approach them. Easy to get them to like her, accept her.

She hadn’t counted on their women reaching out to her. But they had. Before the brothers had, even.

“So what are you going to do now?” Tessa asked.

Accepting the glass of wine from Ella, Stasia studied Tessa. “What am I going to do?” She sipped her wine, stalling. She didn’t know how to answer.

“Yes, now that you’re back in New York. Are you going to stay? I know you were living here before your…father’s death.” Tessa waved a hand at Stasia’s curious look. “I did research, don’t tell me you haven’t conducted any on us, because I wouldn’t believe you. Google is our friend, after all.”

“And Tessa is good at digging for information,” Gracie added wryly, sitting next to Stasia on the couch. “It’s one of her greatest skills.”

“I’m, um…I’m not sure,” she stuttered, feeling suddenly gauche, surrounded by these women. Confident businesswoman and budding jewelry designer Anastasia Renaldi felt like a crude little girl compared to them.

They had it so together, their lives, their purpose. With their men by their side, two of the three were mothers of beautiful children. They were happy, confident in their choices.

Whereas Stasia felt like she was floating on an endless sea, lost and searching for land. Searching for home.

“Well, besides our wanting to get to know you, since you are a part of the Worth family now, there
a reason I invited you this evening,” Ella said, sitting next to Tessa so that she faced Stasia and Gracie. “They’re ready to meet with you.”

Stasia frowned. “Who?”

“Why, Rhett, Hunter and Alex, of course.” Ella smiled, the picture of serenity. “We convinced them they’re being ridiculous, trying to avoid you.”

Stasia’s suspicions were correct. They
avoiding her. It hurt to realize, but at least she’d found out the truth.

“Alex wants to talk to you. Desperately,” Tessa added. “He asked that I schedule something, perhaps early next week, if your schedule permits. He can’t quite let go of the fact that I was once his assistant.”

Stasia’s jaw dropped open. “You’re kidding.”

Tessa shook her head. “I’m not. Actually, all three of us started out as employees of Worth.”

“And then went on to indulge in improper relationships with our boss,” Ella said chirpily.

Stasia turned to Gracie. “Even you?”

Gracie slowly nodded, set her wineglass on the coffee table in front of her. “Even me. Hunter was my boss. We worked in the marketing department together. I fought him tooth and nail the entire time he pursued me.”

“Wow,” Stasia murmured, digesting what they said. Her thoughts turned to Gavin. How she’d told them their relationship was inappropriate. How she pushed him away because of it.

But deep down inside, she knew that hadn’t been the real reason, more like the perfect excuse. She’d grown too scared, afraid she’d become dependent on him and fall apart when he left. And he would’ve left.

Almost a month ago, those were her irrational fears. It had felt like everyone abandoned her. Not Gavin, though.

She’d abandoned him first.

“Do you have a special someone in your life, Anastasia?” Ella asked.

“Um…no.” Stasia shook her head, wondering if they could read minds. “And please. Call me Stasia.”

“Are you sure you’re being honest with us? You were a little too hesitant with that answer,” Ella teased.

“Leave her alone.” Tessa nudged Ella in the side with her elbow. “Maybe she doesn’t want to talk about him.”

Stasia sighed. “Am I that obvious?”

“Yes, you are,” Gracie murmured.

They were far too observant—and intuitive. Taking a big swallow of wine, she set the glass on the coffee table. Cleared her throat. Gathered her courage. “There was a certain someone, but it didn’t last long. And the…relationship wasn’t under the best of circumstances.”

“That’s too bad.” Tessa tsked sympathetically. “Did you split up before your father died or after?”

“If it was after, the guy must be a complete asshole, leaving you like that,” Gracie said viciously.

Stasia found that comment particularly amusing. After all, she found Gracie’s husband to be a complete asshole.

“It was after my father died, but we didn’t know each other prior. It was a very short—thing,” Stasia finished lamely.

“Oh, dear.” Ella’s quiet voice broke the silence. “Was it more of an ‘I’m turning to him in need of comfort’ sort of thing?”

“Probably.” Stasia drained her wineglass, set it on the table again with a loud clink. “I don’t know. I didn’t like him at first. I fought the attraction.”

“Sounds familiar,” Gracie said dryly.

“He pursued you, then,” Tessa said.

“We pursued each other.” They’d jumped each other that first night at the villa. It had been so strange yet exhilarating. The attraction had been brewing from the moment they first met. She’d denied it for as long as possible. “And then I ended it.”

“Because you didn’t want to get hurt by him first,” Gracie added, earning a shocked look from Stasia. Gracie shrugged. “I know what that’s like. Trust me.”

Stasia studied each woman. Their faces were open, sympathetic, not judgmental. They could relate to her predicament. And it felt…good. So good. “Well, it wasn’t meant to be, so I’ll leave it at that.”

“Hmm.” Tessa sat up straighter, her gaze sharpening. “If that’s the attitude you’re taking, then we’ll support you no matter what.”

“Really?” Stasia’s voice squeaked and she cleared her throat, embarrassed.

“Really,” Ella said softly, her eyes glowing.

“Let’s change the subject.” Tessa was clearly in charge. Probably came with the territory of being married to the oldest Worth brother. “In regards to meeting with the boys, I have good news.”

Stasia liked how she called the Worth brothers “the boys”. “What is it?”

“Whereas before they always protested and wanted attorneys present at all times, Alex has deemed lawyers unnecessary for this particular meeting.” Tessa clasped her hands together. “Instead of meeting in a boardroom full of legal discussions, they’d like to get together for a meal. Lunch, if it’s possible. And no lawyers allowed.”

It was what she’d dreamed of. What she’d hoped for since the moment she discovered she could potentially be a Worth. Why was she so disappointed, then? “That’s great,” she said weakly. “Not like my lawyer could make it anyway. He doesn’t represent me any longer.”

Ella snapped her fingers, the sound so loud, Stasia jumped. “It was your lawyer, wasn’t it?”

Stasia froze. She knew what Ella referred to. How in the world did she figure that out so quickly? “My lawyer?”

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