Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1)
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I make my plate of chicken, rice, and steamed veggies and walk to the living room. I turn on True Blood while I eat and to help keep my mind busy. I really don’t enjoy the last and final season. I feel the whole season was poorly written. And why, oh why, did they have to kill of one of my favorite characters? He was the best part of the season, besides Eric Northman. I end up not even watching the entire season. I turn off the TV, highly disappointed.

I put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher, make Isaac and Conner a plate and put it in the oven. I finish cleaning the kitchen and go into our bedroom. This is getting ridiculous. Where are Isaac and Conner? They have been gone for more than a few hours. I try calling them, but neither answer. Ugh, I swear those two have one track minds. I finally give in and lie down in the bed. I am almost asleep when I hear the front door open.

My heart pounds in my chest, wondering who in the fuck is in my house. And yeah, I hide under the covers, because burglars can’t hurt you under the covers, right?

Well, I know that worked when I was a child and was scared. I hear their footsteps getting closer to me. I keep saying to myself, don’t scream, don’t fucking scream and they will just go away. They can take every single item in this house, just don’t touch me.

The covers are suddenly pulled off me. I scream as loud as I can, scared to death for myself and my babies. Where the fuck are Isaac and Conner?

“What the hell, Riley?” Isaac asks. Oh, well now I’m just embarrassed.

“I thought you two were burglars! Why don’t you tell me next time it was y’all sneaking in! I about had a damn heart attack.”

Conner bursts out in laugher while Isaac just stares at me. What can I say? I’m on edge with all this Dominic bullshit.

“Where were you two? I have been waiting all night for y’all to come home. I even cooked supper,” I tell them with a pout on my face.

“Sorry, we got caught up with trying to figure out what is going on with Karen. We might have found something, but I need to talk to Detective James to be 100% sure we are right,” Isaac tells me.

“What did you find?”

“It was pain in the ass to find out that Josh isn’t his name. His real name is Jason Hamilton. He is from San Antonio, Texas, but he has never worked a day in construction. I think, but I’m not sure so don’t get worried. I think he works for Dominic.” I’m taken aback with that information. Is Karen in danger?

“Riley, don’t panic, take a few breaths. We aren’t sure yet. We will find out soon after we talk to Detective James. That’s why I thought I knew him from somewhere. If he works for Dominic it makes sense that we saw him a few times.”

Conner comes beside me and sits me down. How can Isaac be so calm? I am literally freaking the hell out. God, if Josh or Jason whatever his name is, hurts Karen I will kill him.

“He won’t hurt her, will he?” I ask.

“I don’t think he will. We all saw how much he cared for Karen. And it makes sense for him to run after that night Karen found out about everything,” Conner answers me. I hope he’s right.

“When are you supposed to talk to the detective?” I ask Isaac.

“I am meeting him for coffee in a few hours. I want you to stay here with Conner and try to get some rest. All this stress isn’t good for the babies or you.”

I give Isaac a raised eyebrow at that. He promised to work on controlling everything and about asking instead of just demanding. Well, outside the bedroom that is.

He must have caught on, he rephrases what he said. “Sorry, would you mind staying here with Conner? I would like you to get some rest since you have been stressed more.” Good boy.

“Yes, I will stay home. Don’t worry about us, and thank you Isaac. Now come here and make out with me before you go.”

Isaac doesn’t waste a second and comes right to me. And as I asked, we do make out for about five minutes. I kind of feel bad for Conner. He sits there, watching us kiss. I will make it up to him soon. Sometimes you just can’t please everyone. And right now I want Isaac. All too soon, he pulls away, giving me one last peck on the tip of my nose.

“I’ll be back soon. Please be good.” I roll my eyes at Isaac as he leaves.

I turn to Conner and ask, “So now what do we do?”

He laughs and says, “How about we make us some chamomile tea and make a fire?” I nod and grab his hand. We walk into the kitchen. I get out the tea bags while Conner boils the water for us.

I take our tea in the living room and watch Conner make a fire for us. He even makes us a make-shift palette in front of the fireplace. Who knew that couch pillows and blankets would be so comfortable? We drink our tea in silence while watching the fire burn. I can’t help but wonder about Karen again. I think of what Conner said about Josh….I mean Jason, not hurting her. I don’t know if I trust him on that yet. If he does work for Dominic, who knows what he is capable of.

Conner must sense me worrying again. He moves behind me, holding me close to him.

“How are you holding up?” I turn my head sideways so I can look at him.

“Better than I thought. Yes, I am worried to death about Karen, but I know you and Isaac will do everything you can to help find her. I hope she is alright. She’s smart, and I wouldn’t put it past her to call, or escape him. And this if she was taken by him.” Conner runs his hands up and down my arms, trying to comfort me.

“We are going to figure it out. If we have to, we will go to Texas to find her. Everyone leaves a trail. It’s just finding the trail that’s hard.”

I feel better after hearing that. I know Isaac and Conner would do anything to keep me happy, and finding Karen is on the top of that list now.



“Tell me about your parents. I want to know about your childhood.”

He looks at me and kisses my forehead and says, “My childhood was nothing like Isaac’s. My father died when I was ten, so it was just my mom and I.”

“I’m so sorry. I had no idea...”

“It’s okay. It happened a long time ago. I still have a few good memories with him. He just couldn’t fight the cancer anymore. After my dad passed, my mom and I had to move. We couldn’t afford the huge house we had. I was fine with moving, and starting over in a new place. Once I was old enough to get a job, I helped out as much as I could. My mom, she was working as a waitress, and I was the bus boy at the same restaurant. We had some really great times working there. We had huge tree for Christmas. We would decorate it together each year.” I love his rambling as he tells me stories of his childhood.

Conner laughs, remembering a good memory. “One year after we finished decorating the tree, it just fell. Right into our fireplace. I didn’t have the stand on tight enough. I freaked out, rushing to save the poor tree. My mom, she just laughed and laughed. I think she thought it was funny watching me run around the house, trying to figure out how to save our Christmas tree. I wish Isaac had some of what I had growing up. I didn’t have a shitty mother. It was just a normal childhood.”

“Where is your mom now?” I ask. I have a feeling I already know, since I’ve never met her. Plus, Conner never talked about her before.

He clears his throat and holds me tighter as he says, “When I left for college, it broke my mom’s heart to see me go. She wanted the best for me, but I was her baby boy. I didn’t have any siblings, and I worried she would get lonely by herself. For a while I would go home every weekend, and I began to notice she was actually staying busy, meeting new friends. It was rough on her to pay for my tuition. This is the main reason why I went to work for Dominic. Isaac and I both needed the money, and I wanted to help give back to my mom for all she had done for me. When Isaac and I went to prison, it killed my mom.”

“Conner, don’t think like that.”

“No, it’s true. She couldn’t handle that her son was in prison, and about a year of being in there, she had a massive heart attack. She passed away without me being there. I didn’t get to say my goodbyes. I didn’t get to go to her funeral either. I know it was the disappointment that got to her. I was such a good kid. I just wanted to help her and make her life easier. I never thought we would get caught, it never crossed our minds that we could be caught and get sent to prison.” I can tell Conner feels a lot of guilt over his mother passing. He feels it is his fault, even though it isn’t. I get up on my knees and grab both sides of his face with my hands, making him look at me.

“Listen to me, Conner. You did not kill your mother. She loved you and wanted the best for you. When it’s time for you to go, there isn’t much you or I can do about that. Do not feel guilty or feel like it was your fault. I won’t stand for it.”

I try to be stern. I don’t want him to feel like that. I’m sure his mom was disappointed in him for resorting to dealing drugs, but from what Conner told me about her, she loved him so much. There is no way she would leave this world unless she couldn’t control the outcome.

Conner closes his eyes, as if he is really taking in what I said. I hope he believes me. I want him to forgive himself for feeling like he is the cause of his mother’s death. He puts his hands on my wrists. He opens his eyes and all I can see is the love he has for me. It takes my breath away seeing that look.

He smiles that beautiful smile, and says, “Thank you. You’re pretty amazing, you know that, right?”

I giggle like a teenager and lean in for a kiss. Our kiss is slow and sweet. Conner’s tongue circles mine as he sucks on my lips. Our sweet and gentle kiss turns into a hot and passionate one. His hands are suddenly in my hair, pulling me closer to him. I wraps my arms around him, holding him to me.

He pulls back to take off my shirt, exposing my breasts and hard nipples. He stares at me with awe and caresses me. I moan, loving his gentle touch. He sends chills all over my body. When he puts his mouth on me, I thought I would come undone. He sucks and bites my hard nipple. He isn’t in a rush and takes his time with each one of my breasts.

“Take off your shirt,” I tell him.

He quickly gets rid of his shirt and went right back to where he was before. I throw my head back while he leaves a trail of bites and wet kisses on my neck and collar bone. He finds my lips again, and lays me down on the palette. Ever so slowly, he travels down lower and lower. When he gets to my stomach, he pauses. His hand is on my stomach and he smiles, kissing my belly. Conner slides my pants off, taking my panties with them. I open my legs for him, wanting him to see my wet pussy. He moans loudly when he sees how wet I am for him. What can I say? I am always ready when my boys are around.

He slides his hand slowly up my leg starting from my ankle going all the way to my thigh. Using his other hand, and his skillful fingers, he touches my aching pussy. Using his thumb he makes small and slow circles on my clit. My hips start moving, wanting more friction.

Conner gives me a husky laugh and asks me, “What do you want, baby?” Fuck, I love every second.

“Lick it. I want you to make me come with your mouth.”

I definitely don’t have to ask twice. He goes straight to my wet sex, putting his hot mouth on my core. I yell out, feeling all the wonderful sensations he makes me feel. He licks and sucks my clit. Oh god, Conner knows exactly what I want and what I like. He uses his teeth on my clit and puts two fingers inside me. He pushes his fingers deep and pulls them out ever so slowly. He never stops licking me. I am so ready to come. I have sweat in-between my breasts and my legs start to quiver.

Conner senses I’m getting close. His licks become faster. His fingers move in and out faster and deeper. When he bites on my clit I come undone for him. I scream his name as I come all over his fingers. He wrings out every drop from me. He slowly pulls his fingers out and makes his way to my lips.

I can taste myself on him. I taste a little salty. I love it. He grabs my thigh, putting his hand under it. Inch by inch, he pushes himself inside me. We lock eyes, and he slams into me. We both call out at the same time. I wrap my other leg around him, meeting him stroke for stroke.

I reach around grabbing his ass. I want him as deep as he can go. Conner starts moving faster hitting that wonderful spot. He leans down and kisses me. I moan in his mouth. He reaches down to my clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves.

“Come for me, baby.”

With the magic words spoken, I come. I come loud and hard for him. He goes deep inside of me and finds his release, calling out my name.

Conner lies on top of me, both of us breathing hard. Although I love the feel of his naked body against mine, he’s starting to crush me.



I laugh at him and say, “You’re starting to crush me.”

He jumps up like something set him on fire, pulling his semi-hard cock out of me. I wince at the sudden emptiness.

“I didn’t hurt the babies, did I?” Conner asks with a concerned face. I shake my head at him, knowing he is overreacting just a little.

“No, you didn’t hurt the babies. They are perfectly fine.” He instantly relaxes and lies down beside me. He has his hand on my belly while using the other to prop his head.

He traces circles on my stomach, giving me chills and butterflies. It’s amazing how Conner and Isaac both make me feel this way still. Even though we have been together for a few months, it still feels new. I hope this feeling lasts forever. Conner looks at me with a huge grin.

“I can’t wait until I can feel them move and kick. It’s still hard to wrap my brain around the fact that I’m going to be a father soon.”

I cup his face in my hand, telling him with all the honesty I can, “You are going to be the best Daddy. You and Isaac both are going to be terrific fathers to both of them.” Conner sighs and leans down to give me a hot kiss.

I love kissing Conner. I love kissing Isaac too, but there is a difference between the two. Conner’s kiss is more gentle and sweet. Isaac’s kiss is more demanding and desperate. Both have so much passion with just one kiss. It always takes my breath away when I kiss them. And I love every second.

After our steamy make out session, we decide we needed a shower. I am all sticky from sex. Conner adjusts the temperature to the shower and we step into the warm water. I feel relaxed just letting the water hit me. Conner takes his time washing every inch of my body and once he is done, I do the same to him. I think I take more time that he does, admiring every inch, every muscle. God he is beautiful. He isn’t overly muscular, but just enough to make any woman wet her panties.

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