Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1)
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I leave them standing in front of the bed while I toss my shirt on the floor. I let my shorts slowly slide down my legs. I’m not wearing a bra or panties. I am completely naked and exposed to them. It doesn’t take either of them long to figure out what I want. They both are undressed and walking to me within two minutes flat. I love that.

I feel like I hold the power with them. Yes, they controlled my orgasms, and my body, but all I had to do was give them a look, or undress for them and both came to me. Like they were my sex slaves. I love it.

Isaac stands in front of me while Conner caresses my shoulders and moves my hair off my neck so he can kiss me. With Isaacs’s finger, he traces down in-between my breasts all the way down to my stomach. I get goose bumps from his light touching. I am already getting wet, feeling that need building inside me. They need to be in me, now.

Conner pulls me closer to him, grinding his hard cock on my ass, while Isaac takes my mouth. Conner teases my hard nipples and Isaac starts rubbing my aching clit. I moan loudly at all the sensations. Isaac puts a finger inside me, making me move my hips for more friction. He doesn’t stay there long. He quickly leaves me wanting more and I watch as he licks his fingers. Holy fucking hell. That is hot.

“You taste so good,” his husky voice does things to me that just aren’t supposed to be possible.

Conner starts to move me to the bed. I lie on my back, and Conner opens my legs as wide as they can go. I am spread eagle, totally exposed. I use my elbows to allow me to watch. Conner surprises me when he slaps me right on my clit.

“Oh god!” I let my head fall back as he continues to slap my pussy over and over. I get one last slap, and he puts two fingers inside my aching and throbbing sex. He goes as deep as he can go, and then pulls out. I am starting to get annoyed by all the teasing I’m getting.

“I love how fucking wet you are for us,” Isaac says as he grabs my hair and kisses me.

I feel Conner move in-between my legs, and he slides into me. I moan into Isaac’s mouth, thinking, “Finally”! Isaac stops kissing me only to move my head. I put his cock in my mouth greedily sucking him. Conner fucks me fast and hard while I suck Isaac slowly. I grab Isaac’s ass so I can take him all the way to the back of my throat. I love when I hear him moan in pleasure. I get another surge of power go through me.

I am making him make those sexy as hell sounds and I am the one making it hard for Conner not to come before I do. Isaac slaps my breasts, telling me, “Come on, Riley. Come for us.”

And just like I always do, I come on command, moaning on Isaac’s cock. My orgasm rips through me, making me see little stars. Then Conner comes, sending me over the edge again. Isaac follows right after. He lets his head fall back as I suck everything he gave me off him.

I lie on my back, completely spent. I can’t help but have a goofy ass grin on my face. It still hurts to smile, but it’s worth it. Isaac lies down on one side of me and Conner on the other.

“We didn’t hurt you, did we?” Isaac asks.

“God no. I am in heaven right now,” I tell him. He smiles and Conner gives me a small chuckle. They help me up and we take our shower together. I go to sleep that night, tangled with my handsome boys, thinking life cannot get any better than this. I close my eyes, smiling as I fall asleep.

It is hard for me to get Isaac and Conner to understand why I am going to see Karen, without telling them why. I play it off like I needed my yearly check-up, and I think they buy it. I also wonder if they suspect I am hiding something from them. I don’t want to lie, but I also don’t want to disappoint them if my tests were negative. An ultrasound is the best way to know for sure if I am pregnant or not. I also want to ask Karen about paternity tests.

We get to Karen’s clinic right when it opens. The best thing about having a friend for a doctor is not to wait forever. Karen walks me back to one of the exam rooms. I ask Isaac and Conner to wait. I know they want to come with me, but I need them to hold off a little while longer. I get undressed while Karen sets up all the equipment she needs for the ultrasound. She puts me in the stirrups and lays a hand on my shoulder.

“I’ll have to do a vaginal ultrasound, considering you’re probably not far enough along for the regular ultrasound.” I nod and try to relax. I am so nervous. I try to think about something else to calm me down. I think of the trip we took to Santa Barbara. I enjoyed that trip and all the wild and crazy sex we had that weekend.

“I’m going to insert the probe now. Just try and relax for me.” I tense a little when I feel the cold probe. It doesn’t take Karen long to find what she was looking for. I instantly know when she does.

“Take a look at your babies, Riley.”

I look over at the machines screen staring at not one, but two babies. I am having twins?

“Karen, you’re going to have to explain what I am seeing here,” I tell her.

She laughs, and then starts to explain it to me. “Here is what I will call baby A, and here is baby B. They are not identical, since they each have their own placentas. I won’t be able to tell you the sex until a few more weeks. But I would have to say that you are around ten to eleven weeks along.”

“Can I have a picture?” Karen nods, hitting print for me. She tells me I can get dressed and she tells me to meet her in her office once I am ready.

That is another reason I loved Karen being my OBGYN and my best friend. She knows I will need a minute to compose myself. I hold the grainy picture of my babies in my hand. I can’t explain how I’m feeling. I know I’m happy, or more than happy.

I’m ecstatic. I couldn’t be more thrilled to finally have this. I dress as fast as I can, ready to ask Karen about the paternity tests. I walk in and sit down in front of her desk. Her office is pretty much like any other doctors. She has all her diplomas, her medical license, and all her awards. She has potted plants and little nick-knacks to make it homier. Karen doesn’t wait a second to tell me what all I have to start doing. She prescribes me some vitamins, and tells me to start exercising more.

After she is done, she asks me if I have any questions. “How do we get a paternity test done? I really need to know if Isaac or Conner is the father.” Karen understands why I need to know.

“We can do Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity or NIPP. It’s a non-invasive prenatal paternity test. It’s the most accurate non-invasive way to establish paternity before the baby is born. Don’t worry about the baby. The process is state-of-the-art, combining the latest technology and proprietary methods of preserving and analyzing the baby’s DNA found naturally in the mother’s bloodstream. The only thing is, the test requires a blood sample from the mother and alleged father.”

Well shit. How in the world am I going to get not one, but two blood samples from Isaac and Conner?


I have no idea how to handle all the emotions going through my mind. Karen gets up and walks over to me, losing her professional face. “Why don’t you just tell them now?” she asks. I look at her and burst into tears. Karen grabs me a box of tissues, letting me cry. When I finally am able to talk, I try to explain my reasons.

 “Karen, I don’t want to drive them apart. What if one of them can’t handle not being a father, while the other can? I love them both so much and I couldn’t bear it if one of them decided to leave me. Or the babies,” I quickly add. 

It’s strange now, to think I’m not going to be alone anymore. I have two babies growing inside of me. I can’t afford to be selfish. Karen seems to understand what I mean. She nods her head and says, “I will support you in whatever you decide to do. But they need to know. I will bring them in, and we can tell them together.” After a few minutes, I agree. Maybe if it has to happen now at least I will have Karen with me. No matter what. 

Isaac and Conner walk in a few minutes later, both with confused looks. I hope they can’t tell I’ve been crying. “What’s going on, Riley?” Isaac asks. 

“I think it would be best if you and Conner sit,” I tell Isaac. They comply, after Karen brought another chair in. Karen goes back to her desk, trying to be there for me, but also giving us a little privacy.

“Riley, you’re scaring us,” Conner tells me. I know they are worried. More if I am hurt, but I honestly do not know how to tell them. I take a deep breath and just blurt it out in a rush. 

“I’m pregnant. With twins.” 

There. It’s out now. Why don’t I feel better about telling them? I take a quick glance at Isaac first. He is literally white as a ghost. Conner’s eyes are wide with what I think is shock. 

Neither seems angry, yet. God I hope this all works out. Yes, I am probably overreacting, like I always do. I just can’t help but think the worse. I think I do that so if it does happen, I won’t be surprised by it. 

Twenty minutes pass and still not a single word from either of them. Okay...this isn’t going how I thought it would. Maybe that’s a good thing? I’m getting tired of the silence. It’s driving me even crazier by the minute.

 “Will someone please say something?” I ask. Karen sits quietly behind her desk. I know she is staying out of it until it’s her turn to explain how it was possible for me to even become pregnant. 

Finally, Conner says, “How is this possible? You said you couldn’t get pregnant?” I turn to Karen giving her the look that says, “Okay you can tell them any minute now.”

She finally realizes she’s supposed to be talking. “With Riley’s case it wasn’t possible for years for her to become pregnant. She went through many surgeries to remove her fibroids. I think, with all the IVF treatments she has been getting for the past two years also played a big role in this as well. I could be wrong, but the timing makes sense. There was always a chance Riley could conceive, we just assumed she wouldn’t because it hasn’t happened until now.” 

Conner seems fine with Karen’s theory. I think she is half right. Sometimes you aren’t meant to do something until you are ready. Maybe when I was with Robert, there was a higher power looking out for me, knowing I couldn’t have a child with him. Maybe I was always meant to find Conner and Isaac and be here at this moment. Or all this crazy talk is product of hormones. 

Isaac really surprises me by saying in a rough voice, “Who’s the father?” Oh, shit. My heart drops to my stomach, I feel like I’m going to be sick. Thank God Karen is here.

 “I’m going to be honest with both of you, we don’t know. There is no way to determine with 100% who the father is until we do a paternity test.”

 “What do you need from us?” Isaac asks Karen. She tells them the procedure her and I discussed, and both seem glad to give away some blood. 

“I can rush the test, if you like. I can have the results back in three hours,” Karen tells us after we all come back from giving the lab some blood. I tell her that would be perfect. The sooner we know the better and we can deal with whatever we have to.

 We leave the clinic and walk to the park. While we walk in silence, I’m hoping this won’t cause a rift between the three of us. I don’t know what to say to either Isaac or Conner. I never thought being with two men at the same time would cause so much heartache. Is it selfish of me to still want both of them? Even if the babies belong to one and not the other. I want them. I don’t care who the father is. I know both would make excellent fathers.

We take a seat on the bench. I watch the small kids play at the park across from us. I notice most of the kids have their dads playing with them. Will my babies have that? Will my babies have one Daddy or two? I sigh, hating not knowing what will happen. This is the worst part, the unknown. 

I feel Isaac and Conner take my hand. I look at my lovers one at a time, having hope that we will make it. No matter what happens, they will be here for me. I am more than grateful at this moment. 

Three hours seem to go by extremely slow. Isaac and Conner don’t really say much during the time at the park. We all sit in silence, all hoping the same thing. I knew they don’t want anything to happen to us. I know they love me and will do everything they can to be there. But at the same time, there is doubt. How will the other feel about one being a father and the other not? I feel it, so I know they do as well. 

We are waiting in the waiting room at Karen’s clinic now. My foot is tapping away. I am nervous. Isaac puts his hand on my leg to stop it, and gives me a smile. Conner leans over and gives me a kiss on the forehead. They want me to stay calm. 

Right. I’ll get right on that. 

Karen walks in with a strange look on her face. She tells us to come to her office. I am very nervous now. Something isn’t right. Karen is never this quiet about anything. I clear my throat a few times before I ask, “What did the test say?” Karen looks up from the papers she’s been staring at since we sat down. She looks at me and smiles.

 Okay she’s lost her damn mind. 

“This is...I’ve never in all my years as an OBGYN seen this. It’s remarkable,” Karen rambles on. I really want to know what the hell she is talking about. 

“Riley, I would think it would be okay for me to say that this is a miracle. Your babies each have one father.” 

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