Authors: Monica Luke

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      “Should we?” he questioned, and looked up at Aderac.

      Aderac groaned, wanting to ignore it as well, but he knew that if a guard actually dared knock on the chamber door it was important.

      “We both know none would dare come to our chamber if it could hold.”

      Grumbling also, Belon raised, got out of bed, and went to the door.

      “Speak,” the tone is in his voice showing his obvious annoyance.

      “All wait for King Aderac in the king’s private council chamber.”

      Belon looked at guard baffled; then looked over to Aderac, then back at the guard. “Why?”

      “That, I do not know.”



      His answer one of defiance, King Gegorad made it clear in his message that he would never step down from his throne, and that it would take a great force to unseat him. Even boasting none would have to worry about trying to lay siege to his keep; instead, he would lay siege to Worrlgen

      Worrlgen, undaunted by his avowed declaration patiently waited knowing the men of Ivodgald diligently rode and marched to them and that, that great force would soon become apparent

      Knowing they were getting closer, all at WorrlgenHall and across the kingdom began to ready themselves more. Yet, in no great hurry for battle, aware of the woes and heartache of it, and the pain of knowing loved ones could possible die. All made certain to spend as much time with family as possible, taking nothing for granted. With those concerns on all minds, if not practicing or preparing provisions and armory for the march, the men spent their free time with those they loved.

      Weeks since Enek and Ovfren had spoken, let alone touched or kissed. Enek now ignored Ovfren completely, and it gave Ovfren more time to spend with Ogorec, which he relished; but not even for one second had Enek left his thoughts.

      Ovfren knew the pain and heartache of losing loved ones, and as he feared losing Ogorec, he began also fearing losing Enek, and it became so intense that he realized his feelings had to be more than lust.

      Immediately, once his epiphany settled deep within him, when Enek passed, again ignoring Ovfren by looking over his head, which was easy since he was so much taller, he tried to get his attention.

      “Please Enek, hear me,” Ovfren whispered, while trying to be inconspicuous, but Enek ignored him.

      The next day, Ovfren tarried around the stables trying to see Enek, and again about to ignore him, this time Ovfren made certain to stand where he couldn’t, but he simply turned and walked back the way he came, instead of having to pass him.

      Determined to let him know how he felt, Ovfren became persistent. Each day lingering around the stables hoping he would come to check on his horse, then after at least seven tries, when he saw Enek coming, he began to walk casually towards him.

      This time Enek unable to turn around, Ovfren’s persistence won.

      “Please Enek,” Ovfren’s, always first words when he tried to talk to him, this time squatting pretending to pick up something he had dropped, yet this time he blurted the rest of his words when he walked by, “I miss you and am tormented. My body aches for yours. I want you.”

      Surprised, Enek tried to stop to talk to him, but others around, he couldn’t without raising suspicion. Yet, at that very second, he too knew there was more to them than lust.

      Later that night, while pacing in his chamber his heart raced, as every now and then he’d look out the window to the horizon waiting for the sun to begin to rise, then after it did suddenly anticipation filled him.

      Hoping Ovfren would take a chance and come to him when he noticed he almost stopped to reply. He stood staring at the door longing to hear its familiar early morning creak when he came to him in the past.

      Feeling as if he had waited an eternity, he became elated when slowly the door’s familiar creak sounded off, and as he stared intently, his mind, body, and very being, longed for it to be Ovfren.

      Quietly, Ovfren walked in, meekly closing the door behind him, but they didn’t rush into the other’s arms, and instead stood across the room looking at each other.

      “Each time you looked pass me,” Ovfren whispered, as he sighed, “You cut into me.”

      “Do you know the will it took not to look at you?” Enek admitted. “Again, I swear you have cast a spell on me.”

      Ovfren moved away from the door.

      “So miserable I have been,” he confessed, each word moving him closer physically, as well as emotionally to Enek, “Can only be for the reason...”

      Ovfren stopped mid sentence afraid to admit that now another held his heart, and his mouth opened to speak more, but nothing came out.

      “For what reason?” Enek urged, as he watched his lips trying to form the words.

      Still unable to finish his sentence, Ovfren put his head down, and almost immediately, Enek was in front of him to lift it. “…what reason?”

      “For the reason, I am now hopeless when it comes to you.” Ovfren sighed, deciding it was useless to deny him. All within had already succumbed to want such that he thought and longed for him endlessly. Often, even as Ogorec thrusts inside him. “And I cannot free you from my head.”

      Smiling pleased, Enek kissed him gently several times, each kiss lasting longer than the first.

      “What is becoming of us?” Ovfren asked, as each of his kisses sent heated pulses throughout his entire body.

      Stopping only for a moment, Enek looked into his eyes. “The beginning of love -”

      Ovfren flung his arms around him, as Enek impulsively held him back, then pulled away to look at him. He wanted to make certain Ovfren was aware of the step he was taking, but when he did, Ovfren only pulled him to him again and feverishly kissed him even harder.

      Both clinging to the other, excitedly Ovfren began to undress himself, tugging and pulling frantically at his belt to get the hooks undone.

      “Here, let me help you.” Enek panted impatiently, wanting him naked as soon as possible.

      Both kissed and caressed each other with unfettered enthusiasm. Each man’s shaft so swollen; he feared he would erupt before either could begin even one thrust.

      “I want to please you,” Ovfren whispered, as the last of his clothes came off him, and now in front of Enek completely naked, “Yet, I have only known the ways of one.”

      His youthful body spectacular, unmarred and absent battle scars other than the small mark on his side and above his brow, Enek marveled at him from head to foot.

      “My visions were not even close to how I believed you would look naked?” Enek praised his body’s perfection, “I know you will please me.”

      Ovfren smiled, but when Enek stepped back so Ovfren could get a full view of him, his breath caught.

      Overwhelmed by the very sight of his form and rigid manhood, nothing compared to what he had imagined.

      “You are a sight to behold,” he confessed, already knowing he would be by how he looked in his clothes, “…and have me knees weak from just looking at you.”

      Stepping again closer, Enek took Ovfren’s hand and put it to his muscled chest.

      “I shall be yours alone in this other way,” he vowed to him, “And I want you in my life. Just as you came to me willing to give yourself over to me, I willingly do the same.”

      “My lust is truly more Enek…” Ovfren admitted. “Well more.”

      “As mine,” Enek’s admission, “I would not make such a fool of myself if it were not more.”

      “We both have done such.” Ovfren laughed, “And from it made it a truth of how we feel by our deeds.”

      “Then no more words,” Enek said, having already waited long enough to have him, “I am going to kiss, lick, and bite on you before I ravish you. All of your body will be covered with my sweat, as what spurts out of me mixes with it and has you sticky to the touch.”

      By how he spoke to him, Ovfren turned completely red delighted lustfully with every word.

      “No more words,” he willingly repeated Enek’s earlier words, as he moaned. “Do it Enek. Do it to me.”

      Again, both kissed passionately making their way to the bed, and as Enek lay Ovfren down, then sprawled his body over his, as he began to kiss down his chest, someone knocked on the door.

      “Enek, it is Belon.”

      Surprised, both jumped up; then Ovfren hurriedly grabbed his clothes and sword, then ducked behind the tapestry while Enek put on his pants, and without waiting for him to come to the door, Belon opened it himself and walked inside.

      “It is early.” Enek grumbled while pretending to be groggy, after jumping back in bed just in time, “Why are you here at such a time?”

      Belon gave him a befuddled stare, because of how flustered he looked.

      “Are you well?”

      “Why would you ask such?”

      “You are red in your face and heavily breathing?”

      “You woke me from a restless dream,” Enek answered quickly.

      “Ah.” Belon sounded off, but looked at him oddly slightly suspicious suspecting he was hiding something, but in no mood to question him.

      “”Join me,” he said, as he turned to leave.

      “I lost much sleep,” Enek said to long his stay within the chamber, “Let me sleep a while longer.”

      “If I am out of bed, and away from him,” Belon voiced in a grumbling tone, annoyed he had to leave from beside the warmth of his body, “Then you know it was for a reason. Dress and join me. Do not keep me waiting long.”

      When the door closed, Ovfren walked from behind the tapestry, and quietly chuckled amused with Enek’s well-acted performance, which made Enek smile as he looked into his enticing eyes.

      “You chuckle do you?” he playfully questioned, as he pursed his lips; then got out of bed and walked to him to hold and kiss him, “Until, my Ovfren.”

      “Yes, until,” Ovfren said, no longer chuckling as his kisses again made him long to be under him, “We are again wrapped in the other’s arms, and are flesh upon flesh”

      “I long for it,” Enek confessed, “And it shall be much.”

      “With haste dress and go with Belon,” Ovfren then said, knowing Belon’s impatience, “Or he will come back, and his words will be endless annoyed with you for making him wait. I shall steal away when all is quiet.”

      “As long as you steal back to me,” his earnest words, as he held him.

      “I shall,” Ovfren’s promise through his beguiling smile, “To wherever you will be.”

      Quickly, Enek washed up, with Ovfren hidden behind the tapestry just in case Belon came back in, and as Ovfren hid, he watched Enek marveling at the sight of his body, all the while occasionally darting out to kiss him quickly or touch on him, before darting back and hiding again.

      Once fully dressed, after Enek sheath his sword, he stared at the chamber door, then at the tapestry, then back at the chamber door again. Debating his risk, he threw caution to the wind, and when Ovfren peaked from behind the tapestry again, walked over to him.

      “Kiss me.”

      Willingly obeying, Ovfren moved half his body out, but playfully Enek pulled him completely from behind it, laughing as he did.

      “Sshhhhh,” Ovfren whispered, before he put his arms around him, “He might hear you.”

      “Then kiss me to silence me.”

      Smiling, Ovfren closed his eyes, as Enek’s lips united with his.

      “I must go, my Ovfren,” he whispered when he pulled them away.

      “Go,” he whispered back, “My Enek.”

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