Authors: Monica Luke

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How did you deceive me?” he asked surprised, “To be away from me to do this, I am always with you?”

I did not deceive,” Ogorec words, as he pulled him close after he closed the door, “Others built and put the things within it. I hope it pleases you.”

I am pleased,” Ovfren said, as his heart swelled.

Glad that he was happy, Ogorec lovingly kissed Ovfren and after he did, he thought of the gentleness of his kiss; then of his fierceness in the courtyard that morning.

“My heart stopped beating within me,” he confessed, as they moved farther inside, “While you fought him around the courtyard.”

Did you not have faith in me?” Ogorec questioned.

Yes,” Ovfren admitted, “Yet, fear as well for the one I love dearly.”

Ogorec nodded and understood Ovf
ren’s fear; then put his sword away.

Such deeds I do not take joy in,” he confessed, “Yet, dare I allow him or his white haired lord to treat you in such a way.”

Your show of devotion to me with Vron’s head,” Ovfren asked, “Do you reason our love is known to all now?”

Foolishly, I believed I could hide how much I love you,” his answer, as he began to undress, “A fire cannot be hidden under a haystack. My eyes betray my heart when I look at you or have you near me. All would see my fire for you in due course if not now.”

As mine within me for you,” Ovfren added.

Now undressed, Ogorec looked at him.

“Come,” he said, and walked to the bed, “Be in my arms.”

Quickly undressing, Ovfren slid into bed with him; then pressed his body close.

“One reward,” Ovfren whispered to him, “You tossed over the wall of the courtyard. Claim your other reward.”

I shall,” Ogorec said, as again he showed his fierce side and pinned Ovfren’s body to the bed.

Aaaaaah, my warrior.” Ovfren inhaled submissively, as Ogorec took control of him, “Will the bed hold the vigor of your thrusts?”

We will soon know,” he said, as he lips pressed hard to Ovfren’s, who grabbed his back to hold onto him, “Long into the night I shall be inside you and put this bed to the task.”

Just as he
said he would, Ogorec was vigorous in his thrusts into Ovfren who held him tightly as each one made him want to explode, until Ogorec looked down at him.

When he saw and heard how he moaned and breathe heav
ily, passionately responding to each one with his eyes sealed shut, Ogorec felt moved.

Look into my eyes,” he said, making Ovfren open them, as he slowed his thrusts inside him, “I want to look into the eyes that both strengthen and weaken me.”

My conqueror,” Ovfren whispered, as he gleamed with pride and love for him, “Take your spoils.”

You are my want, not my spoil,” Ogorec’s words, and let Ovfren know just how much by again making his thrusts become fervent, moving the bed and him with each one.

As the bed attested to Ogorec
’s passion with squeaks, rocks, and sways, finally, he could feel the heat building at the bass of his groin.

Aaah,” Ogorec cried out to Ovfren, knowing he was reaching his boiling point, “Soon all from me will flood into you.”

So hard and fast was Ogorec
’s deep penetrating thrusting Ovfren was speechless.

Are you ready?” Ogorec panted, vowing to himself not to flood into him until he had pleased him as well.

Ready,” he cried out, as he felt Ogorec’s muscled rear tighten while he gripped it “Give it all to me.”

Ogorec shri
eked, shivered, and trembled, as his heated fluid filled Ovfren, then after his body convulsed for several minutes, collapsed on top of him before he held him close.

When finally both somewhat caught their breath, lovingly Ogorec raised to look at him.

The fight in the courtyard,” Ogorec said, his breathing still slightly labored, “Scaled nothing to this. My heart pounds and I am breathless, and weak.”

Pleased, Ovfren stroked up and down Ogorec
’s back and backside, as he thought of Ogorec standing in front of him with Vron’s head.

You are my conqueror in life, as well as, in love,” he somberly said to Ogorec, “Yet, if death had come to you, my fate would be to follow at once.”

Ogorec looked into Ovfren eyes, as he spoke of his devotion.

“Can we live without the other Ovfren?” he whispered his fated question.

No,” Ovfren whispered back the answer with no hesitation.

Saying nothing else, Ovfren turned his head, as sorrow filled him from how close he came to losing him.

“Do not turn your head from me,” Ogorec softly commanded when he did, “Keep you gaze to me.”

Ovfren obeyed and Ogorec took his thumb to swipe it across Ovfren
’s brow, but when he looked into his gray eyes, he unexpectedly became overwhelmed by how sad he looked.

Let no sadness show in those tempting eyes of yours,” another tender command, “I love you such that when it does, it pierces my heart.”

Ovfren breathed a heavy sigh as he listened. Ogorec strong, brave, and dauntless, with such a menacing stare it brought fear to those he faced, wi
th him, a simple sad look from his eyes could bring him to heel.

Let us sleep?” Ogorec said, as he pulled out of him, but instead of rolling over, he got out of bed to get a cloth to clean them.

After he did, Ogorec right away got back into the bed; but
as he lay on his back to go to sleep, Ovfren sprawled himself on top of him, instead of putting his leg across his and his arm on his stomach.

Uuh uuh” Ogorec teased and gasped as if trying to get air, “You are to heavy to only lay still on me.”

he was teasing, Ovfren moved his arms under him to hold him, and as he did, Ogorec put his arms around him, and as their bodies melded into one that way, both fell asleep.

Chapter 26


exed by the dreams he had long ago of a vulture devouring two hawks that fell off a tree branch onto the ground, King Rone now interpreted his dream had to do with his sons refusing to branch out.

Both now grown with wives off their own, and his son Baric with a son of his own, he felt it was time to divide his kingdom into
realms with one son reigning to the east and the other to the west with WorrlgenHall as the central, and although both protested, he was steadfast in his decision.

Since the brothers would separate, it meant the same for the guilds, gruels, bowmen, and fo
otmen, along with other valued men, and as a great roil, rushed through WorrlgenHall as to which would go where, there was much talk over it.

How can such be reasoned? Laad questioned Loth about it, “Many have only known WorrlgenHall and are well rooted?”

Such is true,” he agreed, “I am one of them.”

Where I am,” Laad assured him; bonded to him like a brother, and loyal to him vowed, “Is where you shall be as well.”

Loth nodded trusting Laad completely.

“My loyalty lies well to you,” he assured him in return, “Even if under a lord to the east or west.”

Worry not over such.” Laad resolved, “Dare a right hand, not have a left hand to help it in all things, and that you are to me.”

Again, Loth nodded, and they walked down the stairs from the wall.

In their cottage, Ogorec and Ovfren talked over the matter as well, as they dressed for the day.

Ovfren concerned because when he learned that those who went to the east and west, as well as
, those who remained at WorrlgenHall, the king planned to divide by doing a lot; he feared that could separate him from Ogorec.

What shall we do?” Ovfren asked, as they began to walk to the door, but Ogorec didn’t reply until they were just about to walk out of it.

I will speak with Laad,” he said and turned to kiss him goodbye, “As soon as I see him.”

Ovfren touched his hand and smiled reassured, but right away, his expression changed.

“I will be late to bed this night and you need not wait for me to sleep,” Ovfren said, forgetting to tell him earlier because his mind was preoccupied with the lot, “I and some others must ride to the western wells to make sure they are not sealed. It is a long ride.”

Ogorec nodded.

“Late or not, I will wait for you,” he said devotedly, and got on his horse, “You know I cannot sleep without you lying beside me.”

I will ride with haste,” he assured, as he jumped on his horse and followed Ogorec down the road towards WorrlgenHall.

Later in the day, just as he said he would, when Ogorec saw Laad leaving court asked to have a word with him.

“There is much worry over the lot to divide the men,” Ogorec mentioned concerned, “And from it I must ask a favor.”

Laad looked at Ogorec already knowing the favor.

“He will not be any other place than where you are,” he answered before he could ask it.

ased Ogorec nodded; then went about his day.




Also spurring on King’s Rone decision to separate his sons, where their wives. Bayl’s wife Liha in their village was above Ecia, but inside the walls of WorrlgenHall Baric next in line to be king put Ecia over her.

To add to her jealousy Liha
’s womb was barren, and although pretty to look upon, compared to Nona, who when any looked at , at once saw her as very beautiful, she was second, and when Seda spoke to the king of what other servants had heard, it concerned him.

My sons love each other,” King Rone spoke to Seda, “Yet their wives look at each other through hateful eyes.”

My king,” Seda said in Ecia’s and Nona’s defense, as she waited for him to come to bed. “It is Liha who is the one filled with jealously.”

Then I reason my choice was wise,” his reply, as he climbed into bed, “To part them.”

Yes,” Seda agreed, and cuddled next to him, “You are wise in all things.”

To ask you to be my queen was my wisest deed,” he said with a kiss, and pulled her close to sleep.




Ogorec stayed awake in bed waiting for Ovfren, but when it became much later, and he still had not returned, he knew something was wrong; rose and dressed.

Ovfren is still not back,” he said concerned to Gath, who was the first he went to question, “How many rode with him?

Two others,” Gath answered, “But they are back.”

From his words, Ogorec eyes squinted fearing, if not suspects themselves, they let harm come to him somehow.

“Gath did you not question why Ovfren was not with them?” he asked, now becoming angry.

I reasoned he did not come within the walls,” Gath spoke in his defense, “And instead went at once to your cottage.

Speak who rode with him,” he demanded.

Odec and Doreg.”

Where are they?”

When I last saw them.” Gath pointed, “Both spoke of drinking in the men’s hall.”

Ogorec quickly went to the men
’s hall, and stood at the door.

Odec and Doreg,” he called out because he didn’t know their faces; then waited to see who would instinctively look up.

Once both did,
Ogorec walked to them. His stare and stature intimidating, as he also stood with his swords and axe on him, both looked at him terrified remembering what happened to Vron.

Where is Ovfren?” his voice low and toned, yet firm.

He wanted to ride with haste and teased we were slow,” Odec offered an answer quickly, “And asked to ride to the last two wells alone to be done sooner.”

’s face scowled with disapproval.

Both of you,” he demanded, as he turned and walked, “Come with me.”

Obeying both sprang
to their feet; then followed Ogorec to the stable; then once there, he got them torches and got one for himself.

Take me to the wells,” Ogorec ordered, “Now!”

Quickly, all three rode hard to the western wells; then after following the trail and checking
the second one; finding nothing, rode to the last one.

Once they arrived at the last one, they noticed Ovfren
’s horse standing alone grazing with him not by it, which worried Ogorec even more.

His horse,” he said anxiously, as he rode to it; then grabbed its reins, “Where is this last well?”

Right away, Doreg pointed to his right, but when Ogorec looked over to it, didn
’t see him.

Find him!”

After they walked over to the well, suddenly Odec, who was farther ahead, waved his arm high.

At that sign
al, their walking turned to running towards him; then Ogorec gasped when he looked down, and saw Ovfren lying on his side half unconscious.

“Something is wrong with his hand.” He noticed right away, before he dropped to his knees and gently moved him onto his lap.

Curious what happened to him, Odec looked around and noticed beside Ovfren
’s feet a crushed dead lizard.

Lizard,” he alerted them both.

As Ogorec held Ovfren on his lap, Ovfren moaned as if in pain and tried to speak, but Ogorec couldn
’t understand him.

What is it Ovfren?” he asked, and pulled him tightly to his chest, before he put his ear close to his mouth, “Speak to me.”

It, it bit me.” Ovfren’s raspy groan; his hand throbbing and his breathing shallow, those words were all he could manage.

Wasting not a vital second, Ogorec picked him up easily, and carried him to his horse.

“Both of you!” he yelled out, as he did, “Ride with haste ahead of me, and get the old woman who heals.”

Why not get Orhan?”

Orhan is now held to his bed.” He grunted, annoyed they even questioned him.

Knowing whom he spoke, both rode off, but as they did, Ogorec yelled out again, “
Bring her to my cottage!”

All rode hard, but Ovfren sideways on his horse, Ogorec made certain not to jolt him by keeping the horse
’s pace as even as possible; then once back in his cottage with Ovfren in his arms, he kicked open the door and carefully placed him on their bed before he removed some of his clothes.

As ordered, both rushed to Liha
’s grandmother, and once there, burst into her cottage unannounced.

You must come,” Odec blurted, “Ogorec, our high commander has called for you with haste. A lizard bit one of the guilds.”

At once, she grabbed her pouch and followed, but her walk slow, impatiently, Odec picked her up and carried he
r to move her more quickly; then once there he put her down so she could walk inside

Ogorec faithfully beside Ovfren sitting attentively watching him, she walked next to him and looked down at Ovfren, then felt his skin.

“He does not sweat.” She noticed, “He must sweat.”

As she spoke, she took his hand. Swollen twice its normal size, she pushed hard on the red puncture expelling pus beneath the wound; then smeared a foul green paste mixer on it, and put her head to his chest.

“His breathing is not without toil,” she said, as she listened to him struggling to inhale and exhale, and looked at Ogorec.

I beg you,” Ogorec said, beside himself with fear that he was in pain and could die, “Heal him.”

Right away, she walked to the table.

“I need water.”

After Ogorec quickly got her the water, she put the foul mixture of paste, roots, and crushed leaves into it and mixed it together, occasionally looking over at Ogorec, who had not taken his eyes off Ovfren once as she did.

“He must drink,” she instructed when she walked back to him.

As Ogorec raised him slightly to get him to drink, Ovfren
’s nose twitched from the pungent smell, as slowly she poured the thick goop into his mouth.

Soothingly urging Ovfren to drink, at first i
t spilled out the sides of his mouth, before Ogorec tilted his head back and very carefully, let her pour it down his throat.

Smear this on his wound, and give him more of what I have made to drink morning and then later. All we can do now is watch and wait for his body to heal, and if it is meant to be, it will be so,” she always warily warned those she tried to heal, “And pray.”  

Ogorec nodded, and as she put her hand on his shoulder, she realized the guild she came to heal was far more to him than just
a fellow guild under his command needing help by the look in his eyes.

I thank you.” He somberly inhaled, “What do I owe you?” he added, and began to reach for his pouch.

You owe me nothing,” she said, and smiled. The obvious great love he had for him evident by the worried look on his face, she just couldn’t ask for anything.

After all had left, Ogorec undressed and got beside him, before pulling him close to his body, and noticed Ovfren had
begun to sweat.

That is it my young love,” he whispered feeling helpless, as he tenderly kissed his gradually beading forehead, “Sweat.”

Faithfully, Ogorec stayed with Ovfren, and kept his body close to his as he lay beside him, and all through the nigh
t, he talked to him while he slept hoping his words reached him, as he spoke of everything they did together.

Hear my well,” Ogorec whispered while Ovfren slept. His heart pleading to him, “Dare you have me love so deeply, then part from me? You are the breath within me and I confess from your first smile to me, I began to love you.”

Still Ovfren did not respond, but now began to moan in his sleep, and as Ogorec listened to him, he continued to speak his heart tenderly to him.

“Such is the bond of our love,” he whispered to Ovfren, as he kissed him softly on his lips, “I know my words are reaching you. Find your way back to me and wake, and should you not I shall follow you.”

As if wanting to respond, Ovfren moaned and his eyelids fluttered, but did not

That morning when Baric heard of what happened to Ovfren from Gath, he went to Ogorec to see how Ovfren was doing.

When he saw how distressed Ogorec looked, he stood beside him for a long while and watched Ovfren sleep.

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