Works of Ivan Turgenev (Illustrated) (364 page)

BOOK: Works of Ivan Turgenev (Illustrated)
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He was himself at first firmly convinced that Emilie, his treacherous Zuckerpüppchen, was to blame for all his trouble and had originated the plot. He remembered how on the last day he had seen her he had incautiously dropped asleep on the sofa and how when he woke he had found her on her knees beside him and how confused she had been, and how he had found a hole in his belt that evening -
- a hole evidently made by her scissors. “She saw the money,” thought Kuzma Vassilyevitch, “she told the old hag and those other two devils, she entrapped me by writing me that letter ... and so they cleaned me out. But who could have expected it of her!” He pictured the pretty, good - natured face of Emilie, her clear eyes.... “Women! women!” he repeated, gnashing his teeth, “brood of crocodiles!” But when he had finally left the hospital and gone home, he learned one circumstance which perplexed and nonplussed him. On the very day when he was brought half dead to the town, a girl whose description corresponded exactly to that of Emilie had rushed to his lodging with tear - stained face and dishevelled hair and inquiring about him from his orderly, had dashed off like mad to the hospital. At the hospital she had been told that Kuzma Vassilyevitch would certainly die and she had at once disappeared, wringing her hands with a look of despair on her face. It was evident that she had not foreseen, had not expected the murder. Or perhaps she had herself been deceived and had not received her promised share? Had she been overwhelmed by sudden remorse? And yet she had left Nikolaev afterwards with that loathsome old woman who had certainly known all about it. Kuzma Vassilyevitch was lost in conjecture and bored his orderly a good deal by making him continually describe over and over again the appearance of the girl and repeat her words.


A year and a half later Kuzma Vassilyevitch received a letter in German from Emilie,
Frederika Bengel, which he promptly had translated for him and showed us more than once in later days. It was full of mistakes in spelling and exclamation marks; the postmark on the envelope was Breslau. Here is the translation, as correct as may be, of the letter:

“My precious, unforgettable and incomparable Florestan! Mr. Lieutenant Yergenhof!

“How often I felt impelled to write to you! And I have always unfortunately put it off, though the thought that you may regard me as having had a hand in that awful crime has always been the most appalling thought to me! Oh, dear Mr. Lieutenant! Believe me, the day when I learnt that you were alive and well, was the happiest day of my life! But I do not mean to justify myself altogether! I will not tell a lie! I was the first to discover your habit of carrying your money round your waist! (Though indeed in our part of the world all the butchers and meat salesmen do the same!) And I was so incautious as to let drop a word about it! I even said in joke that it wouldn’t be bad to take a little of your money! But the old wretch (Mr. Florestan! she was
my aunt) plotted with that godless monster Luigi and his accomplice! I swear by my mother’s tomb, I don’t know to this day who those people were! I only know that his name was Luigi and that they both came from Bucharest and were certainly great criminals and were hiding from the police and had money and precious things! Luigi was a dreadful individual (
ein schröckliches Subject
), to kill a fellow - man (
einen Mitmenschen
) meant nothing at all to him! He spoke every language -
- and it was
who that time got our things back from the cook! Don’t ask how! He was capable of anything, he was an awful man! He assured the old woman that he would only drug you a little and then take you out of town and put you down somewhere and would say that he knew nothing about it but that it was your fault -
- that you had taken too much wine somewhere! But even then the wretch had it in his mind that it would be better to kill you so that there would be no one to tell the tale! He wrote you that letter, signed with my name and the old woman got me away by craft! I suspected nothing and I was awfully afraid of Luigi! He used to say to me, ‘I’ll cut your throat, I’ll cut your throat like a chicken’s!’ And he used to twitch his moustache so horribly as he said it! And they dragged me into a bad company, too.... I am very much ashamed, Mr. Lieutenant! And even now I shed bitter tears at these memories! ... It seems to me ... ah! I was not born for such doings.... But there is no help for it; and this is how it all happened! Afterwards I was horribly frightened and could not help going away, for if the police had found us, what would have happened to us then? That accursed Luigi fled at once as soon as he heard that you were alive. But I soon parted from them all and though now I am often without a crust of bread, my heart is at peace! You will ask me perhaps why I came to Nikolaev? But I can give you no answer! I have sworn! I will finish by asking of you a favour, a very, very important one: whenever you remember your little friend Emilie, do not think of her as a black - hearted criminal! The eternal God sees my heart. I have a bad morality (
Ich habe eine schlechte moralität
) and I am feather - headed, but I am not a criminal. And I shall always love and remember you, my incomparable Florestan, and shall always wish you everything good on this earthly globe (
auf diesem Erdenrund!
). I don’t know whether my letter will reach you, but if it does, write me a few lines that I may see you have received it. Thereby you will make very happy your ever - devoted Emilie.

“P. S. Write to F. E. poste restante, Breslau, Silesia.

“P. S. S. I have written to you in German; I could not express my feelings otherwise; but you write to me in Russian.”


“Well, did you answer her?” we asked Kuzma Vassilyevitch.

“I meant to, I meant to many times. But how was I to write? I don’t know German ... and in Russian, who would have translated it? And so I did not write.”

And always as he finished his story, Kuzma Vassilyevitch sighed, shook his head and said, “that’s what it is to be young!” And if among his audience was some new person who was hearing the famous story for the first time, he would take his hand, lay it on his skull and make him feel the scar of the wound.... It really was a fearful wound and the scar reached from one ear to the other.




“But if one admits the possibility of the supernatural, the possibility of its participation in real life, then allow me to ask what becomes of common sense?” Anton Stepanitch pronounced and he folded his arms over his stomach.

Anton Stepanitch had the grade of a civil councillor, served in some incomprehensible department and, speaking emphatically and stiffly in a bass voice, enjoyed universal respect. He had not long before, in the words of those who envied him, “had the Stanislav stuck on to him.”

“That’s perfectly true,” observed Skvorevitch.

“No one will dispute that,” added Kinarevitch.

“I am of the same opinion,” the master of the house, Finoplentov, chimed in from the corner in falsetto.

“Well, I must confess, I cannot agree, for something supernatural has happened to me myself,” said a bald, corpulent middle - aged gentleman of medium height, who had till then sat silent behind the stove. The eyes of all in the room turned to him with curiosity and surprise, and there was a silence.

The man was a Kaluga landowner of small means who had lately come to Petersburg. He had once served in the Hussars, had lost money at cards, had resigned his commission and had settled in the country. The recent economic reforms had reduced his income and he had come to the capital to look out for a suitable berth. He had no qualifications and no connections, but he confidently relied on the friendship of an old comrade who had suddenly, for no visible reason, become a person of importance, and whom he had once helped in thrashing a card sharper. Moreover, he reckoned on his luck -
- and it did not fail him: a few days after his arrival in town he received the post of superintendent of government warehouses, a profitable and even honourable position, which did not call for conspicuous abilities: the warehouses themselves had only a hypothetical existence and indeed it was not very precisely known with what they were to be filled -
- but they had been invented with a view to government economy.

Anton Stepanitch was the first to break the silence.

“What, my dear sir,” he began, “do you seriously maintain that something supernatural has happened to you? I mean to say, something inconsistent with the laws of nature?”

“I do maintain it,” replied the gentleman addressed as “My dear sir,” whose name was Porfiry Kapitonitch.

“Inconsistent with the laws of nature!” Anton Stepanitch repeated angrily; apparently he liked the phrase.

“Just so ... yes; it was precisely what you say.”

“That’s amazing! What do you think of it, gentlemen?” Anton Stepanitch tried to give his features an ironical expression, but without effect -
- or to speak more accurately, merely with the effect of suggesting that the dignified civil councillor had detected an unpleasant smell. “Might we trouble you, dear sir,” he went on, addressing the Kaluga landowner, “to give us the details of so interesting an incident?”

“Certainly, why not?” answered the landowner and, moving in a free - and - easy way to the middle of the room, he spoke as follows:

“I have, gentlemen, as you are probably aware, or perhaps are not aware, a small estate in the Kozelsky district. In old days I used to get something out of it, though now, of course, I have nothing to look forward to but unpleasantness. But enough of politics. Well, in that district I have a little place: the usual kitchen garden, a little pond with carp in it, farm buildings of a sort and a little lodge for my own sinful person ... I am a bachelor. Well, one day -
- some six years ago -
- I came home rather late; I had had a game of cards at a neighbour’s and I was -
- I beg you to note -
- the least little bit elevated, as they say; I undressed, got into bed and put out the candle. And only fancy, gentlemen: as soon as I put out the candle there was something moving under my bed! I wondered whether it was a rat; no, it was not a rat: it moved about, scratched on the floor and scratched itself.... At last it flapped its ears!

“There was no mistake about it; it was a dog. But where could a dog have come from? I did not keep one; could some stray dog have run in, I wondered. I called my servant; Filka was his name. He came in with a candle.

“‘How’s this,’ I said, ‘Filka, my lad? Is that how you look after things? A dog has got under my bed?’ ‘What dog?’ said he. ‘How do I know,’ said I, ‘that’s your business -
- to save your master from disturbance.’ My Filka bent down, and began moving the candle under the bed. ‘But there’s no dog here,’ said he. I bent down, too; there certainly was no dog there. What a queer thing! -
- I glanced at Filka and he was smiling. ‘You stupid,’ I said to him, ‘why are you grinning. When you opened the door the dog must have whisked out into the passage. And you, gaping idiot, saw nothing because you are always asleep. You don’t suppose I am drunk, do you?’ He would have answered, but I sent him out, curled up and that night heard nothing more.

“But the next night -
- only fancy -
- the thing was repeated. As soon as I blew out the candle, he scratched himself and flapped his ears again. Again I called Filka; again he looked under the bed -
- again there was nothing! I sent him away, blew out the candle -
- and, damn it all, the dog was there again and it was a dog right enough: one could hear it breathing, biting its coat, looking for fleas.... It was so distinct -
- ‘Filka,’ I said, ‘come here without the candle!’ He came in. ‘Well, now,’ I said, ‘do you hear?’ ‘Yes,’ he said. I could not see him, but I felt that the fellow was scared. ‘What do you make of it?’ said I. ‘What do you bid me make of it, Porfiry Kapitonitch? It’s sorcery!’ ‘You are a foolish fellow,’ I said, ‘hold your tongue with your sorcery....’ And our voices quavered like a bird’s and we were trembling in the dark as though we were in a fever. I lighted a candle, no dog, no sound, only us two, as white as chalk. So I kept a candle burning till morning and I assure you, gentlemen, you may believe me or you may not, but from that night for six weeks the same thing was repeated. In the end I actually got used to it and began putting out the candle, because I couldn’t get to sleep in the light. ‘Let him fidget,’ I thought, ‘he doesn’t do me any harm.’“

“Well, I see you are not one of the chicken - hearted brigade,” Anton Stepanitch interrupted in a half - contemptuous, half - condescending tone! “One can see the Hussar at once!”

“I shouldn’t be afraid of you in any case,” Porfiry Kapitonitch observed, and for an instant he really did look like a Hussar.

“But listen to the rest. A neighbour came to see me, the very one with whom I used to play cards. He dined with me on what luck provided and dropped some fifty roubles for his visit; night came on, it was time for him to be off. But I had my own idea. ‘Stay the night with me,’ I said, ‘Vassily Vassilitch; tomorrow, please God, you will win it back.’ Vassily Vassilitch considered and stayed. I had a bed put up for him in my room.... Well, we went to bed, smoked, chatted -
- about the fair sex for the most part, as is only suitable in bachelor company -
- we laughed, of course; I saw Vassily Vassilitch put out his candle and turn his back towards me: as much as to say: ‘Good night.’ I waited a little, then I, too, put out my candle. And, only fancy, I had hardly time to wonder what sort of trick would be played this time, when the sweet creature was moving again. And moving was not all; it came out from under the bed, walked across the room, tapped on the floor with its paws, shook its ears and all of a sudden pushed against the very chair that was close by Vassily Vassilitch’s bed. ‘Porfiry Kapitonitch,’ said the latter, and in such an unconcerned voice, you know, ‘I did not know you had a dog. What sort is it, a setter?’ ‘I haven’t a dog,’ I said, ‘and never have had one!’ ‘You haven’t? Why, what’s this?’ ‘What’s
?’ said I, ‘why, light the candle and then you will see for yourself.’ ‘Isn’t it a dog?’ ‘No.’ Vassily Vassilitch turned over in bed. ‘But you are joking, dash it all.’ ‘No, I am not joking.’ I heard him go strike, strike, with a match, while the creature persisted in scratching its ribs. The light flared up ... and, hey presto! not a trace remained! Vassily Vassilitch looked at me and I looked at him. ‘What trick is this?’ he said. ‘It’s a trick,’ I said, ‘that, if you were to set Socrates himself on one side and Frederick the Great on the other, even they could not make it out.’ And then I told him all about it. Didn’t my Vassily Vassilitch jump out of bed! As though he had been scalded! He couldn’t get into his boots. ‘Horses,’ he cried, ‘horses!’ I began trying to persuade him, but it was no use! He positively gasped! ‘I won’t stay,’ he said, ‘not a minute! You must be a man under a curse! Horses.’ However, I prevailed upon him. Only his bed was dragged into another room and nightlights were lighted everywhere. At our tea in the morning he had regained his equanimity; he began to give me advice. ‘You should try being away from home for a few days, Porfiry Kapitonitch,’ he said, ‘perhaps this abomination would leave you.’ And I must tell you: my neighbour was a man of immense intellect. He managed his mother - in - law wonderfully: he fastened an I. O. U. upon her; he must have chosen a sentimental moment! She became as soft as silk, she gave him an authorisation for the management of all her estate -
- what more would you have? You know it is something to get the better of one’s mother - in - law. Eh! You can judge for yourselves. However, he took leave of me in some displeasure; I’d stripped him of a hundred roubles again. He actually abused me. ‘You are ungrateful.’ he said, ‘you have no feeling’; but how was I to blame? Well, be that as it may, I considered his advice. That very day I drove off to the town and put up at an inn, kept by an old man I knew, a Dissenter. He was a worthy old fellow, though a little morose from living in solitude, all his family were dead. But he disliked tobacco and had the greatest loathing for dogs; I believe he would have been torn to pieces rather than consent to let a dog into his room. ‘For how can one?’ he would say, ‘the Queen of Heaven herself is graciously pleased to be on my wall there, and is an unclean dog to put his infidel nose there?’ Of course, it was lack of education! However, to my thinking, whatever wisdom a man has he had better stick to that.”

“I see you are a great philosopher,” Anton Stepanitch interrupted a second time with the same sarcastic smile.

This time Porfiry Kapitonitch actually frowned.

“How much I know of philosophy I cannot tell,” he observed, tugging grimly at his moustache, “but I would be glad to give you a lesson in it.”

We all simply stared at Anton Stepanitch. Every one of us expected a haughty reply, or at least a glance like a flash of lightning.... But the civil councillor turned his contemptuous smile into one of indifference, then yawned, swung his foot and -
- that was all!

“Well, I stayed at that old fellow’s,” Porfiry Kapitonitch went on. “He gave me a little room, not one of the best, as we were old friends; his own was close by, the other side of the partition -
- and that was just what I wanted. The tortures I faced that night! A little room, a regular oven, stuffiness, flies, and such sticky ones; in the corner an extraordinarily big shrine with ancient ikons, with dingy setting in relief on them. It fairly reeked of oil and some other stuff, too; there were two featherbeds on the beds. If you moved the pillow a black beetle would run from under it.... I had drunk an incredible quantity of tea, feeling so dreary -
- it was simply dreadful! I got into bed; there was no possibility of sleeping -
- and, the other side of the partition, my host was sighing, clearing his throat, repeating his prayers. However, he subsided at last. I heard him begin to snore, but only faintly, in the old - fashioned polite way. I had put my candle out long ago, but the little lamp was burning before the ikons.... That prevented it, I suppose. So I got up softly with bare feet, climbed up to the lamp, and blew it out.... Nothing happened. ‘Oho!’ I thought, ‘so it doesn’t come off in other people’s houses.’

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