Wonder of Wonders: A Cultural History of Fiddler on the Roof (75 page)

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Play of the Week
(TV program)

Podair, Jerald


Poitier, Sidney


performed in

Polish Communist Party

Polish State Yiddish Theater

Ponazecki, Joe

Popkin, Henry

“Poppa Help Me” (song)

Popular Front

Power of Darkness

Prague Spring

Preminger, Otto

Prince, Hal

Prince of the Ghetto

Pritchett, Wendell

Producers, The

Protestant, Catholic, Jew

Puerto Ricans

“Purim Scandal, The” (Sholem-Aleichem / Perl)

Pye, Tom

-Miklasz, Jolanta

Quijano, Joe


Rabbinical Council of America

Rabinowitz, Emma (Sholem-Aleichem’s daughter)

Rabinowitz, Misha (Sholem-Aleichem’s son)

Rabinowitz, Nathan Meyer (Robbins’s grandfather)

Rabinowitz, Numa (Sholem-Aleichem’s son)

Rabinowitz, Olga Loyev (Sholem-Aleichem’s wife)

Rabinowitz, Sholem, pen name taken by.
See also
and specific works

Rachel Productions

racial discrimination

Radner, Gilda

Rae, Charlotte

Railroad Stories

Rall, Tommy

Reagan, Ronald

“Redbeard, Mr.”

Red Channels

Reform Jews

Reiner, Carl

Reynolds, Frank

Ribicoff, Abraham

Rich, Frank

Richardson, Don

Riedel, Michael

Rieder, Jonathan

Rifkin, Ron

Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics, The

Robbins, Harry (
Harry Rabinowitz, Jerome Robbins’s father)

Robbins, Jerome

Ballets: USA and

Broadway revival of 2004 and

Brownsville school and

casting and

choreography for

death of

designers and

direction and shaping of


film version and


Funny Girl

hired to direct

intermarriage and

investors and

Israeli production and

Jewish identity and

King and I

“L’Chaim” and

London production and

Marisse dismissal and

maternal grandmother and

Mostel and

nightmare ballet and

Oh Dad

opening night and

out-of-town tryouts and

Polish production and

racial discrimination and

rehearsals and staging and

research by

responses to

Schwartz’s influence on

“Tradition” and

Warsaw trip and visit to Rozhanka

West Side Story

Roberts, Bernard (
Baruch Rabinowitz, Sholem-Aleichem’s brother)

Robeson, Paul

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rodensky, Shmuel

Rodgers, Richard

Rodney, Howard

Rokem, Freddie

Rome, Harold

Romeo and Juliet

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosenbaum, Thane

Rosenberg Committee

Rosenbergs, Ethel and Julius

Rosenblatt, Yossele

Rosengarten, Ron

Rosenthal, Jean

Rosh Hashanah

Roskies, David

Rothbort, Samuel

Rothschilds, The
(Bock and Harnick)

Rozhanka, Poland

Rubin, Julius

“Rumor, The” (song)


May laws of 1882

revolution of 1905

revolution of 1917

WW I and

Russian folk tunes

Russians Are Coming, The

Ryan, William

“Sabbath Prayer” (song)

Sachar, Howard

Saint, Eva Marie

Saint Subber, Arnold

Sallah Shabati

Samual Pasternak, or The Scoundrel
Shmuel Pasternak oder Der Oysvurf)

Samuel, Berel

Samuel, Maurice

Sandor, Gluck

Sardou, Victorien

Sartre, Jean-Paul

Scattered and Dispersed
Tsezeyt un tseshpreyt
) (Sholem-Aleichem)

Schiff, Jacob

Schildkraut, Joseph

Schildkraut, Rudolph

Schwartz, Maurice

Schwerner, Michael

Scofield, Paul

Scooler, Zvee

Scott, George C.

Screen Actors Guild

Second Avenue Theater

Segal, Edith

Segal, George

Segev, Tom

(TV show)

Sellars, Linus

Senn, Roberta


September 11, 2001 attacks

Shahn, Ben

Shakespeare, William.
See also
specific plays

Shandler, Jeffrey

Shanker, Albert

Shapiro, Edward S.

Shapiro, Tzvi Elimelekh

Sharaff, Irene

Shaw, George Bernard

Sheikevitz, Nokhum Meyer (“Shomer”)

She Loves Me
(Bock and Harnick)

Shevelove, Burt

Ship of fools

Sholem-Aleichem (Sholem Rabinowitz).
See also Fiddler on the Roof
Tevye der milkhiker
; and specific adaptations, characters, plays, stories, and translations

Aronson and

Beilis trial and

birthplace of

Butwins’ translation of

Campbell and

Chagall and

communism and

dark side of

death and funeral of

death of son Misha and

difficulty translating, into musical theater

early writings of

education and youth of

and research on

criticized for degrading

expands audience for

fiddling Jew associated with

finances of

generational loss and

GOSET productions and

humanism of

iconic shtetl and

Israel and

Jewish culture and

Jewison and

London reading tour of

Mostel’s love for

New York Yiddish theater aspirations of

opening of

pen name taken by

Perl adaptations of

Perl and Da Silva adaptations of

pogrom letters of

portrait of

progressives and

publishes Tevye cycle as
Tevye der milkhiker

radio plays adapted from stories of

reading tours of

returns to Europe after failure of plays

rights and royalties and

Robbins and

Russian-language publications of

Samuel popularizes, in English

Schwartz’s productions of

serial novels published by

Shahn illustrations of

Soviet film
Through Tears
based on stories of

Soviet revival of, in 1920s

Stein, Bock, and Harnick decide to develop stories of

Tevye stories adapted into Polish
Memorial Prayer

travels to America

tuberculosis and

writes autobiography
Great Fair

Der oytser
The Treasure

writes essay on Jewish novel, as letter

writes for American Yiddish newspapers

writes plays for Adler

Railroad Stories

writes screenplays based on Tvye cycle

writes Tevye stories (
see also
and specific characters, dramatizations, and stories

Yiddish language and literature and

Sholom Aleichem’s Old Country
(Sholom-Aleichem / Perl)

Shomer (Nokhum Meyer Sheikevitch)

“Shomer’s Trial (
Shomers mishpet
)” (Sholem-Aleichem)

Shop around the Corner, The

(Kern and Hammerstein)

“Shprintze” (Sholem-Aleichem, sixth Tevye story)



(Yiddish pulp novels and trashy plays)

Sicari, Joe

Silverman, Sarah

Simkhes Toyre

Simpsons, The
(TV show)

Singer, I. J.

60 Minutes
(TV show)

Sklare, Marshall

Skulnik, Menashe

Slaughter Trail

“Small House of Uncle Thomas, The” (
King and I

Smith, Teddy

Society for the Advancement of Judaism


Sondheim, Stephen

Song of Songs

Sound of Music, The
(Rodgers and Hammerstein)

South Africa

South Pacific
(Rodgers and Hammerstein)

Soviet Union

Special Cultural Arts Award

Spiro, Jack

Spring Onion company

Stage for Action

Stalin, Joseph

Stanislavsky, Constantin

Steiger, Rod

Stein, Harry

Stein, Joseph

Steinbeck, John

Steinlauf, Michael


Stewart, Jon

Storm King Art Center

Strasberg, Lee

Stravinsky, Igor

Streisand, Barbra

Strike That Changed New York, The

Styron, William

Suez crisis

Summer and Smoke

“Sunrise, Sunset” (song)


Susskind, David

Svigals, Alicia

Szajnik, Grzegorz

Szurmiej, Jan

Szurmiej, Szymon

“Tailor Motel Kamzoil, The” (song)

Tairov, Alexander

“Tale from Chelm, A” (Sholem-Aleichem / Perl)

Tales from Shakespeare
(Lamb and Lamb)

Taubman, Howard

Taylor, Elizabeth

Taylor, Frances

Taylor, Robert


Tencer, Golda

Ten Commandments

(Bock and Harnick)

Tennenbaum, Mr.

Testament of Freedom, The

Tevya and His Daughters
(Sholem-Aleichem / Perl)

Tevya (Hecht character)

Tevye (character). See also
Tevye der milkhiker
; and specific adaptations, stories, and translations

Adler as

Berger as

Datner as


Fierstein as

Gorin as

Goz as


Leonov as

Lipson as

Mikhoels as

Molina as

Mostel as

nightmare ballet and

original Sholem-Aleichem screenplay and

Rodensky as

Samuel on, as exemplar

Schwartz as

Teddy Smith as

Topol as


Zur as

Tevye and His Seven Daughters
(Golan film in Hebrew)

“Tevye Blows a Small Fortune” (Sholem-Aleichem, second Tevye story)

Tevye der milkhiker
Tevye the dairyman
) (Sholem-Aleichem’s Tevye cycle).
See also
specific adaptations, characters, and stories

creation and style of

Gorin adaptation of, in
Memorial Prayer

GOSET production of

Polish State Yiddish Theater production

rights to

Samuel’s radio adaptations of

Schwartz’s adaptations and films

Sholem-Aleichem and lack of an ending in

Sholem-Aleichem first publishes

Sholem-Aleichem writes eighth story and changes ending

Sholem-Aleichem writes screenplays based on

“Tevye Goes to the Land of Israel” (Sholem-Aleichem / Zaslavsky)

Tevye in the Promised Land

“Tevye Leaves for the Land of Israel” (Sholem-Aleichem, seventh Tevye story)

Tevye’s Daughters
(Sholem-Aleichem / Butwin)

Stein and Harnick base musical on

“Tevye’s Dream” (song)

“Tevye Strikes It Rich” (Sholem-Aleichem, first Tevye story)

“Tevye the Dairyman” (Sholem-Aleichem / Perl)

Tuvia ha-Kholev
) (Sholem-Aleichem / Berkowitz)

“Tevye Wins a Fortune” (Sholem-Aleichem / Butwin)


Thissen, Judith

Thomas, Mitch

Thomas Crown Affair, The

Thomashefsky, Boris

Thompson, Randall

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Thousand Clowns, A

Through Tears
Skvoz Slezy
) (film)

Thurber, James



To Broadway with Love
(World’s Fair spectacle)

Todd, Michael (Avrom Goldbogen)

Tog, Der

“To Life,”

Tolstoy, Leo

“To Marry for Love” (song)

Topol, Chaim

“Topsy-Turvy” (song)

Toren, Roni

Toynbee, Arnold

“Tradition” (song)

Treasure, The (Der oytser)

Treasury of Jewish Folklore, A

Trumbo, Dalton

Turgenev, Ivan

Twain, Mark

Tzeitel, Tsaytl, or Tzaytl (character).

Tzezeyt un tseshpreyt
(Sholem-Aleichem). See
Scattered and Dispersed

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