Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition (12 page)

BOOK: Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition
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Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised
” (Heb. 11:11). When it comes to bringing forth the baby, the Scriptures do not refer to a man; they refer to a womb-man.

Sarah needed strength to conceive seed when she was past childbearing age. God met her need. She believed that He was capable of giving her a child regardless of what the circumstances looked like. From a natural perspective, it was impossible. The enemy certainly didn’t want it to happen. God, however, performed His promise.

Why would you allow your vision to be incapacitated for the lack of a man? Many women have unbelieving husbands at home. Have faith for yourself. Be a womb-man. It doesn’t matter whether someone else believes or not; you cling to the truth that He is doing a good work in you. Each of us needs our own walk with God. Stand back and thank God. Believe God and know that He is able to do it. Sarah didn’t stand on her husband’s faith; she stood on her own.

You are God’s woman. You are not called to sit by the window waiting on God to send you a husband. You had better have some faith yourself and believe God down in your own spirit. If you would believe God, He would perform His Word in your life. No matter the desire or the blessing that you seek, God has promised to give you the desires of your heart. (Ps. 37:4)

Recognize that where life has seemed irrational and out of control, He will turn it around. When trouble was breaking loose in my life, and I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, God intervened and broke every chain that held me back. He will do no less for you.

Abraham had many promises from God regarding his descendants. God told Abraham that his seed would be as the sands of the sea and the stars of Heaven (Gen. 22:17). There were two promises of seed given to Abraham. God said his seed would be as the sands of the earth. That promise represents the natural, physical nation of Israel. These were the people of the Old Covenant. However, God didn’t stop there. He also promised that Abraham’s seed would be as the stars of Heaven. These are the people of the New Covenant, the exalted people. That’s the Church. We are exalted in Christ Jesus. We too are the seed of Abraham. We are the stars of Heaven.

God had more plans for Abraham’s descendants than to simply start a new nation on earth. He planned a new spiritual Kingdom that will last forever. The plan started as a seed, but it ended up as stars.

The only thing between the seed and the stars was the woman. Can you see why Sarah herself had to receive strength to conceive a seed when she was past childbearing age? Because the old man gave her a seed, she gave him the stars of Heaven. Whatever God gives you, He wants it to be multiplied in the womb of your spirit. When you bring it forth, it shall be greater than the former.

The enemy wants to multiply fear in your life. He wants you to become so afraid that you won’t be able to figure out what you fear. You may be frightened to live in your own home. Some are afraid to correct their children. Some people fear standing up in front of others. Intimidated and afraid, many do not deliver a prophecy. God wants to set you free from fear as you are filled with faith.

In order to move forward, we must be willing to give up yesterday and go on toward tomorrow. We have to trust God enough to allow Him to come in and plow up our lives. Perhaps He needs to root out closet skeletons and replace them with new attitudes.

Sometimes women are so accustomed to being hurt that if anyone comes near them, they become defensive. Some may look tough and angry toward men, but God knows that behind that tough act, they are simply afraid. God deals directly with the issues of the heart and lets you know you do not have to be afraid. The plans of God are good. He is not like the people who have hurt and abused you. He wants only to help you be completely restored.

The enemy chains us to the circumstances of the past to keep us from reaching our potential. Satan has assigned fear to block up your womb. It blocks up your womb and causes you to be less productive than you like. He wants to destroy the spirit of creativity within you. God wants you to know that you have nothing to fear. You can be creative. He will make you into the womb-man that He wants you to be.

od wants you to know that you have nothing to fear.

Maybe you have been tormented and in pain. You have been upset. You have been frustrated. It is hindering your walk. God is releasing you from fear. “
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind
” (2 Tim. 1:7). You need to allow Him an opportunity in your life. Then you will start seeing beauty at all different stages of your life. Maybe you have been afraid of aging. God will give you the strength to thank Him for every year.

Although we must be careful not to become trapped by the past, we should look back and thank God for how He has kept us through the struggles. If you’re like me, you will want to say, “I would never have made it if You had not brought me through.” Celebrate who you have become through His assistance. In every circumstance, rejoice that He was with you in it.

I believe God is bringing health into dry bones, bones that were bowed over, bones that were bent out of shape, bones that made you upset with yourself. All are giving way to the life of the Spirit. Perhaps you responded to your history with low self-esteem. God will heal the inner wound and teach you how important you are to Him. You do make a difference. The world would be a different place if it were not for you. You are a part of His divine plan.

When the angel came to Mary and told her what God was going to do in her life, Mary questioned how it could be possible (see Lk. 1:34). Perhaps God has been telling you things He wants to do in your life, but you have questioned Him. Perhaps your circumstance does not seem to allow you to accomplish much. Maybe you lack the strength to accomplish the task alone. Perhaps, like Mary, you are thinking only in the natural and that you must have a man to do God’s will.

And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that Holy Thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:35

If you have been wondering how God will make things come to pass in your life, remember that He will accomplish the task. No man will get the credit for your deliverance. He told Mary, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee.” I believe the same is true of godly women today. The Holy Spirit will fill you. He will impregnate you. He will give life to your spirit. He will put purpose back into you. He will renew you. He will restore you.

God had a special plan for Mary. She brought forth Jesus. He has a special plan for us. We, however, aren’t privileged to see the future. We don’t know what kind of good things He has in store for us. But, He has a plan. God’s women are to be womb-men. They are to be creative and bring forth new life. That is exactly what God wants to do with those who are broken and discouraged.

od’s women are to be creative and bring forth new life.

If great things came from those who never suffered, we might think that they accomplished those things of their own accord. When a broken person submits to God, God gets the glory for the wonderful things He accomplishes—no matter how far that person has fallen. The anointing of God will restore you and make you accomplish great and noble things. Believe it!

The hidden Christ that’s been locked up behind your fears, your problems and your insecurity will come forth in your life. You will see the power of the Lord Jesus do a mighty thing.

After the angel told Mary those words, do you know what she said? “
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her
” (Lk. 1:38). “Be it unto me according to thy word.” Not according to my marital status. Not according to my job. Not according to what I deserve. “Be it unto me according to thy word.”

Mary knew enough to believe God and to submit to Him. She was taking an extreme risk. To be pregnant and unmarried brought dire consequences in those days. Yet she willingly gave herself over to the Lord.

Mary had a cousin named Elisabeth who was already expecting a child. The child in Elisabeth’s womb was to be the forerunner of the Messiah. The two women came together to share their stories. When Elisabeth found a woman who would build her up, the Bible says that the baby leaped in her womb and she was filled with the Holy Ghost (Lk. 1:41).

The things you had stopped believing God for will start leaping in your spirit again. God will renew you. Often women have been working against each other, but God will bring you together. You will come together like Mary and Elisabeth. You will cause your babies to leap in your womb, and the power of the Lord Jesus will do a new thing in your life. The Holy Ghost will come upon you and restore you.

he things you had stopped believing God for will start leaping in your spirit again.

If you are a woman who has had a dream, and sensed a promise, reach out to Him. Every woman who knows that they have another woman inside them who hasn’t come forth can reach their hearts toward God and He will meet those inner needs and cause them to live at their potential. He will restore what was stolen by your suffering and abuse. He will take back from the enemy what was swallowed up in your history.

He wants to bring you together, sisters. Every Mary needs an Elisabeth. He needs to bring you together. Stop your wars and fighting. Drop your guns. Throw down your swords. Put away your shields. God put something in your sister that you need. When you come together, powerful things will happen.

Satan attempts to keep us from our potential. He allows and causes horrible things to happen in lives so those lives will take on a different outlook. The fear of abuse can be removed only by the power of the Holy Spirit. There is great potential in women who believe. That potential may be locked up at times because of ruined histories. God will wipe the slate clean. He will likely use others to help in the process, but it is His anointing that will bring forth new life from deep within.

~ 1 ~

How is the desire to go forward intricately related to the power to create?




~ 2 ~

God wants to give us the strength to __________________



~ 3 ~

Vision is _____________________________________.

Discuss the meaning of vision in light of Proverbs 29:18a.





~ 4 ~

What does God use to liberate us?



Share some goals that you have for yourself.





~ 5 ~

What must we put in our spirits to feed, nurture and allow faith to grow?


Where do we get this truth? Give some examples.





~ 6 ~

How is faith like money?




~ 7 ~

Describe the way the lives of Abel, Enoch and Noah present the relationship you can have with God.




~ 8 ~

Does a woman need a man to have vision and faith? Why or why not?





~ 9 ~

Discuss how faith, fear and God’s promises interrelate with each other.





~ 10 ~

When a broken person __________________________ to God, God gets the _____________________ for the wonderful things He accomplishes. By what means does God restore you and make you accomplish great things?






Look at the relationship Mary and Elisabeth had. What do women today need to do to find similar sisterly friendships? What can you do to encourage such bonds between yourself and other women? Begin today to cultivate such a friendship.

















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