Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition (11 page)

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ush, because God is about to birth a promise through you.

There remains a conflict between past pain and future desire. Here is the conflict. He said, “
…in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy
shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee
” (Gen. 3:16). In other words, you have so much pain in producing the child that, if you don’t have balance between past pain and future desire, you will quit producing. God says, “After the pain, your desire shall be to your husband.” Pain is swallowed by desire.

Impregnated with destiny, women of promise must bear down in the spirit. The past hurts; the pain is genuine. However, you must learn to get in touch with something other than your pain. If you do not have desire, you won’t have the tenacity to resurrect. Desire will come back. After the pain is over, desire follows, because it takes desire to be productive again.

~ 1 ~

Women were made like ____________________________;

they were made to be ______________________________.

~ 2 ~

In this respect, how is a woman a help meet to a man?




~ 3 ~

What is the vulnerability inherent in a receptacle? What is God’s solution to this vulnerability?




~ 4 ~

True or False. Marriage will help an individual who is incomplete in her personhood.

~ 5 ~

How did satan “plug into” Eve? ______________________



This has resulted in ________________________ between femininity and the enemy.

~ 6 ~

What must women do because of this conflict with the enemy?





~ 7 ~

How can you tell if something is “plugging into” you or not? Give specific examples.






~ 8 ~

Explain how suffering and sorrow are part of a spiritual birth.






~ 9 ~

For every struggle in your life, God accomplished something in your ____________________________ and your __________________________________________.

~ 10 ~

God wants you to ______________________ the pain and ________________________________ the baby.

~ 11 ~

In the analogy of the birth process, why is it necessary to push?





~ 12 ~

What is the balance that future desire provides?





~ 13 ~

Women of promise are “impregnated with destiny.” How does this statement encourage women today?






Take a moment and examine your own life. Do you guard the point of access to your family? What are you allowing entrance into your life and family? Take steps to change what needs changing.

















Chapter 7

I have been in the delivery room with my wife as she was giving birth. I witnessed the pain and suffering she endured. I believe that there were times of such intense pain that she would have shot me if she had had a chance. Her desire made her continue. She didn’t simply give up. She endured the pain so new life could be born. Once the child was born, the pain was soon forgotten.

Until the desire to go forward becomes greater than the memories of past pain, you will never hold the power to create again. However, when the desire comes back into your spirit and begins to live in you again, it will release you from the pain.

God wants to give us the strength to overcome past pain and move forward into new life. Solomon wrote, “
Where there is no vision, the people perish
” (Prov. 29:18a). Vision is the desire to go ahead. Until you have a vision to go ahead, you will always live in yesterday’s struggles. God is calling you to today. The devil wants you to live in yesterday. He’s always telling you about what you cannot do. His method is to bring up your past. He wants to draw your attention backward.

God wants to put desire in the spirit of broken women. There wouldn’t be any desire if there wasn’t any relationship. You can’t desire something that’s not there. The very fact that you have a desire is in itself an indication that better days are coming. David said, “
I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living
” (Ps. 27:13). Expect something wonderful to happen.

he fact that you have a desire is an indication that better days are coming.

When I was a boy, we had a dog named Pup. Don’t let the name fool you, though. He was a mean and ferocious animal. He would eat anyone who came near him. We had him chained in the back of the house to a four-by-four post. The chain was huge. We never imagined that he could possibly tear himself loose from that post. He would chase something and the chain would snap him back. We often laughed at him, as we stood outside his reach.

One day Pup saw something that he really wanted. It was out of his reach. However, the motivation before him became more important than what was behind him. He pulled that chain to the limit. All at once, instead of drawing him back, the chain snapped, and Pup was loose to chase his prey.

That’s what God will do for you. The thing that used to pull you back you will snap, and you will be liberated by a goal because God’s put greatness before you. You can’t receive what God wants for your life by looking back. He is mighty. He is powerful enough to destroy the yoke of the enemy in your life. He is strong enough to bring you out and loose you, deliver you and set you free.

ou can’t receive what God wants for your life by looking back.

What we need is a seed in the womb that we believe is enough to produce an embryo. We must be willing to feed that embryo for it to grow and become visible. When it will not be hidden anymore, it will break forth in life as answered prayer. It will break forth. No matter how hard others try to hold it back, it will break forth.

Put the truth in your spirit and feed, nurture and allow it to grow. Quit telling yourself, “You’re too fat, too old, too late or too ignorant.” Quit feeding yourself that garbage. That will not nourish the baby. Too often we starve the embryo of faith that is growing within us. It is unwise to speak against your own body. Women tend to speak against their bodies, opening the door for sickness and disease. Speak life to your own body. Celebrate who you are. You are the image of God.

peak life to your own body.

Scriptures remind us of who we are. “
I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well
” (Ps. 139:14). These are the words that will feed our souls. The truth will allow new life to swell up within us. Feed the embryo within with such words as these.

When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him?
Psalm 8:3-4

“And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath”
Deuteronomy 28:13a.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”
Philippians 4:13.

The Word of God will provide the nourishment that will feed the baby inside.

The Book of Hebrews provides us with a tremendous lesson on faith. When we believe God, we are counted as righteous. Righteousness cannot be earned or merited. It comes only through faith. We can have a good report simply on the basis of our faith. Faith becomes the tender, like money is the legal tender in this world that we use for exchange of goods and services. Faith becomes the tender, or the substance, of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. By it the elders obtained a good report (Heb. 11:1-2).

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear
” (Heb. 11:3). The invisible became visible and was manifested. God wants us to understand that just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean that He won’t do it. What God wants to do in us begins as a word that gets in the spirit. Everything that is tangible started as an intangible. It was a dream, a thought, a word of God. In the same way, what man has invented began as a concept in someone’s mind. So just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean we won’t get it.

ust because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean that He won’t do it.

There is a progression in the characters mentioned in this chapter of Hebrews. Abel worshiped God by faith. Enoch walked with God by faith. You can’t walk with God until you worship God. The first calling is to learn how to worship God. When you learn how to worship God, then you can develop a walk with God. Stop trying to get people to walk with God who won’t worship. If you don’t love Him enough to worship, you’ll never be able to walk with Him. If you can worship like Abel, then you can walk like Enoch.

Enoch walked, and by faith Noah worked with God. You can’t work with God until you walk with God. You can’t walk with God until you worship God. If you can worship like Abel, then you can walk like Enoch. And if you walk like Enoch, then you can work like Noah.

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him”
(Heb. 11:6). God will reward those who persevere in seeking Him. He may not come when you want Him to, but He will be right on time. If you will wait on the Lord, He will strengthen your heart. He will heal you and deliver you. He will lift you up and break those chains. God’s power will loose the bands from around your neck. He will give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (see Is. 61:3).

od will reward those who persevere in seeking Him.

Abraham was a great man of faith. The writer of Hebrews mentions many areas of Abraham’s faith. Abraham looked for a city whose builder and maker was God (11:10). However, he is not listed in the faith “hall of fame” as the one who produced Isaac. If Abraham was famous for anything, it should have been for producing Isaac. However, he is not applauded for that.

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