Wolves for the Bears: Book 5, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas (15 page)

BOOK: Wolves for the Bears: Book 5, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas
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Mac watched the steady rise and fall of her mate’s broad chest.
  Placing one hand over his heart she felt the strong  rhythmic thud of his heart beat.  She moaned contentedly as her wolf yipped in happiness.

Within the last few days Andy had moved into her house,
whilst Felicity had moved in Esther’s house and the married pair had started divorce proceedings.

She was pleased that Adam had been so accepting of Andy, at first he had tried to play the disapproving older brother but thankfully Andy hadn’t seemed to mind.  Adam liked Andy, it’s just that no man was really good enough for his sister.  Adam grudgingly admitted that Andy was as close to what Mac deserved as
she was ever going to get though and had accepted Andy into the pack. 

Other pack members were quite intrigued by the thought of having a bear shifter in the pack, especially s
ince Andy said he was keen to hunt with the rest of the pack on the full moons.  Bears were not tied to the moon as wolves were but Andy didn’t like the idea of his mate running around the wood
completely naked
without him.

Mac was glad that the pack had been so accepting of Esther and Felicity as well. 
After the initial surprise Adam had gladly told the two of them that they were as welcome in his pack as any other mated pair.

Mac had to
keep pinching herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.  Or rather she kept pinching Andy to make sure he was real.  He hadn’t liked that at first but after a while it did turn into some very satisfying and slightly kinky sex. 

She was at long last blissfully happy with her mate.
  All the misery of the past few months had been forgotten.  In fact after the slow start to the relationship she was amazed at how quickly things had actually progressed in the last week. 
After months of hemming and hawing they were moving at lightening speed!

She didn’t dwell on that thought, now she was just looking to the future. 
They had so many years in front of them not to mention kids.  She’d quite like a boy and girl, a wolf and a bear would be nice. 
Although maybe not for a few years yet...       

Andy wasn’t quite as controlling as her father had been, he wasn’t cursed with the ‘Alpha male syndrome’ as Mac put it.  So he didn’t insist that Mac give up her job so she could be a stay at home wife.
  Mac was glad, she loved her job and she didn’t want them to start their life together with an argument.  She would win the argument of course but that wasn’t the point.

returned the sentiment and told Andy that she wasn’t going to insist that he give up his job to be a stay at home husband either, for which he said he was grateful.

Andy was going to continue
working at the bar.  His boss Kim hoped that he now had his raging hormones in check and there wouldn’t be any further incidents.  Mac told Kim that she would ensure that she took care of all the raging parts of him. 
At home, in bed...

Adam had offered Andy a job at the construction company.  Andy had politely declined.  He had a feeling that the two of them might not see eye to eye over
Mac and that might affect how they work together.  Adam was slightly relieved but told him the job was open if he changed his mind.

Mac was sort of pleased about that.  She wasn’t sure how she’d feel if her brother and her mate were close, they’d probably gang up on her whenever she wanted to do something they didn’t like.

Andy’s eyelashes fluttered open.

“Mmmmm morning big guy.” 

He chuckled.  “Big guy?  You like calling me that huh?” 

“Well the name fits...”

He groaned as she slid over his body until she was draped over him, her naked breasts pressed against his chest and he felt the heat of her sex against his stomach.  His own sex rapidly started swelling.  He wrapped his arms round her and stroked her back.

“Well can’t argue there honey.”

She giggled and
rubbed against his chest earning her a delighted growl.  “Honey huh?  Isn’t that a bit hackneyed for a bear?”

He nipped her chin.  “
Well you do smell like honeybuns.”

She snapped her head up.  “
Honeybuns really?  Of all the things to smell like, I have to be a snack cake?!”

“What?  I love honeybuns, they’re my favourite food.  I could just eat honeybuns all day long...”  He gently pushed her down his body until her ass cheeks were nestling his rapidly growing manhood.

She wiggled her ass.  “Oohhh that sounds like fun.”

He tangled his fingers in her hair.  “How long before you have to get to work?”

She pouted prettily.  “An hour.”

“Then I suggest we make the most of our time together.”

With that he pulled her head toward him and she melted into the kiss.  She sighed contentedly.  He was finally hers, now and forever.  Her bear. 


The end

Next Up

Hi there!

Thanks for reading, I hope you
liked it.  If not my apologies (but please no hate mail!).

If you are interested
in reading more, below if the blurb for the next instalment in the series as well as the blurb for the first book of a new series I’m starting, both of which I’m hoping will be ready to be released sometime in June 2014

Stay frosty!

Elizabeth Ann Price (or Elzapr if you say it really quickly!)


The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm (Book 6, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

Life is good for Kayleigh Lewicki.  She enjoys her job, loves her friends and her boyfriend just proposed.  Things are going great.  Except for the part where she can’t stop thinking about another man.  Not to mention what he gets up to in her dreams...

It wasn’t her fault though, the guy just kind of embodies her dream man.  As a romantic literature fanatic she’d read about a hundred novels where the rough older Texan farmhand takes the young farmers daughter and teaches her about her sensuality...  Those were her favourites.  So when that tall drink of water Texan wolf rocked up into the library her imagination just went wild.  It was just a silly crush though right?

Don Cross had long ago resigned himself to being alone.  He had a chance to be with his true mate and he lost it.  He knew he would never love another woman and would never feel the passion he shared with his mate, and after twenty years he had come to terms with that.  Given this he’s shocked by the intense attraction and lust he feels when he meets a certain feisty young witch.

Knowing that she’s engaged to another man, knowing that he can’t offer her a future Don decides the best thing to do is stay away from her.  However things become a little awkward when the two of them find themselves stranded together in the middle of a snowstorm... with no escape and only each other for company how can he possibly hide his feelings from her?


Foxy on the run (Book 1, Supernatural Bounty Hunters Novellas)

Jackson Carr.  Wolf shifter.  Bounty hunter.

Jackson had a pretty good life.  He hunted people and chased them down.  And got paid for doing it!  Admittedly life wasn’t perfect.  He still smoked too much, and jobs didn’t come through regularly enough for his liking, and there was that thing about him never being allowed back to his pack for being too violent... but otherwise things were good.  So why the hell did he feel so damn restless all of a sudden?  Maybe it had something to do with his latest job, just looking at the picture of the cute little fox shifter set his wolf prancing around like a puppy.

Carly Columbo.  Fox shiter.  On the run.

Up until a few weeks ago life had been straight forward.  Go to work, come home, go to bar, get drunk, complain about lack of sex life and then go home to bed.  Repeat.  It had been a little monotonous, and she had constantly wished for a little excitement to shake things up a little but she hadn’t really imagined that would entail finding herself waking up next to her dead boss and arrested for his murder!  That was just a bit too exciting for her...

Now, out on bail she’s trying to figure out what the heck is going on whilst dodging a maddeningly sexy bounty hunter who wants nothing more than to throw her into a set of handcuffs... and not in a good way.

Will Carly be able to convince Jackson of her innocence before he drags her back to jail kicking and screaming?  Is Carly really just another job to him, or does Jackson have his own reasons for not sending her back to jail?



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