Wolf's Den - A BBW Shifter Romance Novel (43 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Den - A BBW Shifter Romance Novel
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Dutch barely let me adjust to having his massive shaft stretching my ass wide and the sensation of being filled before he hugged my legs with one of his strong arms. I could see the flaming skull on his forearm and beneath it his muscles flexing. My bound feet fell to one side of his head. My arms ached as my body crushed them beneath me. Dutch slapped my soft ass cheek and the sharp sound shocked me before the exquisite pain caused me to scream.


Dutch began viciously fucking me as he looked into my wide eyes. I saw the desire, the unabashed lust, in his blue eyes as his hips slammed into my lush behind and sent ripples through my abundant flesh. I’m not sure when I realized I was screaming behind the gag almost nonstop, but I was. Every fiber of my being was on fire, sparkling with sensation. How could one person do this to another? How could he make me feel so deeply satisfied without so much as a ticklish half-assed climax?


Dutch fucked me, hugging my shapely legs and occasionally spanking me. He never looked away from my eyes and I fought to hold his gaze. However, I felt it. Not an orgasm but something else. Emotion, raw fucking emotion. I fought it at first. I didn’t want to break down but Dutch wasn’t having any of it. He took the vibrator and held it against my clit. I went rigid, screaming, wailing sobbing as a real, honest to goodness orgasm approached. I was almost there but just as the wave crested, Dutch pulled the toy away and wagged his forefinger at me.


The magnificent bastard! That caused me to lose control. My emotions, no longer in check, welled up within me. Every ounce of fear, joy, sadness and affection hit me all at once. I began to cry, openly and freely as Dutch punished my ass and tormented my clit again. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. It was overwhelming, the physical pleasure mixed with the emotional release. I almost came again, but Dutch pulled the vibrator from my clit just before I did. This time he pulled the pantyhose around my head down around my neck and then retrieved the panties.


I screamed out loud and then broke down crying as the pleasure washed over me. I was laid bare, completely out of control and unable to hold anything back. I sobbed as Dutch fucked me and then suddenly he filled my ass with his orgasm. That was another first and felt absolutely amazing. I was fighting the blackness at the edge of my vision and the whole scene was just a blur but inside unfulfilled passion raged.


Suddenly, I was untied and Dutch held me as I cried. He stroked my hair and whispered into my ear, “That’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. You’re so fucking beautiful, Shauna. I can’t get enough of you. I can’t stop thinking about your curves.”


We laid there as I slowly came back to myself. I felt embarrassed suddenly that I’d lost control. I began to apologize but Dutch stopped me. “Shh. Don’t you dare feel bad about it. It was beautiful. I love the way you give yourself to me. I love the way you let me take what I need from you,” he said. I nodded and turned my head to kiss him. Feeling his lips reminded me of my need.


“I want to come, daddy,” I said knowing my plea would be ignored.


“Not tonight,” Dutch said and I let him kiss me again. Something told me this weekend would be one hell of a ride. I didn’t know what was right around the corner, things that would threaten everything and change my life forever. For the moment, however, all my fears and silly insecurities had faded. I fell asleep in Dutch’s arms as happy as I’d ever been.




The night before Dutch came home, Shelia and I had a girl’s night out. We both got dressed up for a night of drinking and debauchery. Honestly, Dutch wasn’t the only one that got me in trouble. Sheila did too and she might have been even better at it. She was a bad influence, but in a good way and I loved her. She was a ton of fun and always managed to come up with some crazy idea, like body shots or skinny-dipping.


We ate dinner, barbeque and beers, and then took a cab to a bar she liked to frequent. For a Thursday night, it was crowded and rowdy. We found a couple of stools at the bar and she ordered us each a beer and several shots of her favorite cinnamon whiskey. “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I asked.


“Why? You want me to take advantage of you?” she asked and I knew why. I told her about my night with Dutch. I told her he tied me up and took me anally. I told her he denied me orgasms. Sheila thought it sounded like fun. We both downed a shot of the fiery whisky and chased it with beer.


“If Dutch wasn’t coming home tomorrow, I might let you. I’m fucking horny,” I said as I set my shot glass down and turned to survey the crowd. I was feeling my oats. After my night with Dutch, my demons had been banished, or at least they were hiding in the shadows. I was in tight black leggings, red pumps and a tight white tank top that left my cleavage exposed and my hard nipples clearly visible. Sheila loaned me a leather jacket. It was a little tight but that wasn’t a bad thing.


Sheila was in tight hot pants, shiny pantyhose, leather knees boots all in black and a bustier in white. She looked amazing, her tall frame, pale skin and flame red hair just oozing sex appeal. I guess I looked pretty hot too. Together, we both got more than a few passing glances. In fact, we spent the night flirting with and shutting down admirers. This was much more productive than spending a night with my old friend Becky, though it had more to do with the type and quality of the men here.


I used to hang out in places that were frequented by men that were more interested in pretending they were evolved than anything else. Compared to the men here, they were more like women. Dutch showed me how absolutely boring they were when he took me to bed. I had no idea how exciting and fulfilling it could be to have a man take control and demand what he wanted. It was sexy and made me feel wanted.


The parade of men, bikers, construction workers, mechanics, hot-rodders, real men that came on to Sheila and I, did wonders for my ego. Being horny from being denied orgasms had my pussy drooling as I teased and then dismissed man after sexy man. However, it was the way they looked at me that made me feel so sexy. So when Sheila pointed out the guy I’d kissed and felt up the previous weekend and suggested we have some fun, I slammed my second shot and told her I was game.


She caught his eye and he wandered over. Damn, he was beautiful, tall, big and manly. I felt my pussy swell and I couldn’t help but imagine the big biker taking me like Dutch did. Sheila sighed and we looked at one another. We both knew what the other was thinking. Suddenly, my little fantasy included Sheila, both of us pleasuring the big, rugged man at the same time.


“You girls following me? I wouldn’t blame you. Where are your men?” he asked with the swagger I expected.


“Just us girls tonight,” Sheila said. An evil grin crossed his face.


“We could make it a threesome. It usually takes two sexy bitches to satisfy me anyway,” he said. Sheila looked at me and I knew what she was thinking. She nodded almost imperceptibly and it was my turn to shut this guy down.


“Sorry. I’m in the mood for pussy. Besides, I’m pretty sure my daddy’s cock is bigger than yours,” I teased. That just seemed to get the guy fired up.


“Fine, you eat red’s pussy and I’ll fuck your sexy, fat ass,” he said ignoring the thinly veiled insult to his manhood.


“Tempting, but her strap on is probably bigger than you too. Besides, she’s prettier,” I said. The guy growled as he began to understand we were just teasing him.


“You bitches don’t know what you’re missing,” the biker said. I shouldn’t have said it but I was buzzed, horny and feeling assertive.


“Yeah, I felt the little thing the other night. I know exactly what we’re missing,” I retorted. Sheila laughed but the guy’s face turned dark and angry.


“Whores!” he said and walked away.


“Damn, you’re vicious, Shauna,” Sheila said. Maybe I was. In retrospect, that might have been a little much, but it felt good. I felt like I’d gotten the guy off my mind but maybe I should have held back a little.


“You think that was too much?” I asked.


“Fuck him. He won’t even remember it tomorrow. What’s he going to do anyway?” she said. I guess she was right. I looked down the bar and he was already arguing with some other guy about sports. “Hey, I need to go to the little girl’s room. Watch the seats,” Sheila said and off she went. I turned and ordered us some fresh beers knowing I’d regret it in the morning but what the hell?


“You’re a fucking bitch,” I heard behind me. I went cold and slowly turned. There was the biker and he didn’t look happy. “You fucking tease. I don’t like being made a fool of. You think you and your friend are funny? Well, I’ll show you funny,” he said, grabbing my arm and dragging me off my stool. I was too surprised to react right away and before I knew it, he had me halfway to the door. Fuck! I started hitting his arms trying to break free but he was too strong.


Then we were outside and he was tugging me along behind him towards the alley. “Let go of me,” I said beginning to worry we’d made a mistake in teasing him.


“You’re going to get what’s coming to you, you fat bitch,” he grumbled. I started kicking and hitting him. I wasn’t so turned on anymore. He rounded the corner of the building and slammed me against the wall. I struggled as he held me firmly by the shoulders and then he kissed me. “Yeah, you wanted it the other night, didn’t you? I remember the way you kissed me and how excited you got when you felt my cock. Now you can feel it from the inside,” he said and the smell of beer and whiskey was unmistakable.


Oh shit! Where was Sheila? “Look, asshole, I don’t want you or your cock. Let me go,” I said.


“You fucking teases are all alike. You say no but I know different. You want it,” he said. That was enough of that. I suddenly calmed down and reached down between his legs. I found his cock all right. My knee pulled it from my hand as slammed it into his crotch. He howled and fell to his knees. As I moved to get away, Sheila was there.


“Holy fuck, what the hell happened?” she asked.


“Let’s go,” I said and she agreed. Just down the block was a cab and we got in and told the driver to just go. After we were well away, we told him where I lived.


“What happened?” Sheila asked.


“Lover boy decided I was fair game,” I said.


“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I was just having fun,” Sheila told me.


“It’s not your fault. I was the one who kissed him last week. I guess he took that to mean something,” I replied. Shelia took my hand.


“Are you OK?” she asked concerned.


“Yeah. Look, he was drunk and we both teased him. I don’t think he meant to...you know. I think he was just using bad judgment,” I said. Maybe that was naïve but it was better than thinking about the alternative. Yeah, he was just drunk. He wouldn’t have gone through with it.


“I feel horrible. I didn’t even think about what happened last week. I shouldn’t have done that,” Sheila told me. She was trouble but I knew she was just trying to have fun. It’s not as if most of the women at bars like that weren’t teases. It was all in fun but maybe I went too far. In any case, we obviously picked the wrong guy to torment.


“It’s fine, really. But from now on, I’ve got veto power over your bad ideas,” I joked. Sheila smiled and I could see the genuine concern in her eyes.


“Deal. I could probably use a nanny anyway,” she said and hugged me. I hugged her back. The cabbie dropped me off and Sheila told me she’d get the fare. She said it was the least she could do. I told her goodbye and went to my apartment. The whole incident seemed like one of those things that was a big deal in the moment, but we’d all be laughing about in few days. I hoped so anyway.


I guess that was the downside to being so impulsive. Sheila and I got all but naked at the bar a few weeks back and let virtual strangers suck Kahlua off of our breasts. We all went skinny-dipping and Sheila and I both were serviced by Locke and Dutch for the entire world to see if they wanted. We were lucky we didn’t end up in jail. It was fun, but tonight proved it could be dangerous too. I’d love to say I went right to sleep and didn’t give it a second thought, but I’d be lying.




The next day at work was rough. I had a hangover and I was tired from only getting about five hours of sleep. On top of that, I was going out again tonight with Dutch, Sheila and Locke. If Dutch’s decision to deny me an orgasm until he returned was anything but frustrating, it gave me incentive not to call the whole thing off. After work, I went home and got ready. Something told me seeing Dutch and getting some food would provide me with a second wind.

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