Wolf's Den - A BBW Shifter Romance Novel (18 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Den - A BBW Shifter Romance Novel
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“I thought sitting like this might allow us all to get to know each other,” Lady Violet announced.  Yeager subtly shrugged at me.  Edie sat on the other side of Sophia and Agnes across from me.  Phillip sat at the other end of the table opposite Violet.  The leader of Wolfsbane Ranch smiled at me as she sat.  I reluctantly sat between her and Gerard.  I felt as if I was purposely being separated from Yeager.


A moment later, two women dressed in traditional maid uniforms served Caesar salad.  I barely noticed as Violet’s revelations swirled around inside my head.  I was the fulfillment of a prophecy, the one to save what Violet referred to as “our kind.”  But along with that was her claim that Yeager was not my one true mate.  I couldn’t believe that.  I felt it inside and had from the moment we met.  But Violet had an answer for even that.  She implied Yeager was simply taking advantage of a young, naive girl.  I wasn’t so naive as to imagine all of that, was I?


As the meal finished, the evening wore on, Lady Violet all but ignored me.  I tried to corner her but she always managed to slip away before I could pry anything from her.  I found myself avoiding Yeager and Edie, partly because Gerard hardly left my side.  But Violet’s words swirled in my head as we finished dinner and retired to the great room for drinks and dessert.  I’m sure that was her intent.  She wanted me to stew about what she had told me and made sure I got plenty of time to do just that.


I didn’t believe her but still, her claims made some kind of sense.  There was enough truth to cause me to doubt myself.  I watched Yeager as he spent most of the evening in some corner or another with Edie and Agnes when she wasn’t serving drinks or doing Violet’s bidding.  He would glance my way now and then, smiling warmly with a look that assured me this would all be over soon enough. I appreciated the gesture and he had no idea what Violet had told me, but I still held it against him that he didn’t come to rescue me.


Despite the doubt I felt, I couldn’t help but notice Edie and Agnes.  They were undoubtedly getting closer.  The touches, the looks and the blushes all told me that Agnes was as interested in Edie as my best friend was in the young shifter.  I couldn’t help but wonder if Agnes sensed something about Edie, maybe that Edie was her mate.  I wondered if that was even possible considering they were both women.  I wondered about the coincidence of that possibility and that made me doubt myself even more.


I tried to reconcile what Violet had told me with what Yeager had revealed to me when we met.  Could both be true?  I suppose they could but that idea left me with even more questions than answers.  I wondered how Violet could put me back on my heels so easily but I knew why.  She spoke to the doubts that were already within me, the part of me that still couldn’t quite believe a man like Yeager could find a girl like me so attractive, the part that still couldn’t fully accept we were mates and that people turning into wolves was even possible despite the fact I was one of those people.


Lady Violet’s claims spoke to my irrational fears and doubts but it did so quite effectively.  I knew that was likely her intent, I knew I was a fool to trust her, but the seeds of doubt were sown.  I tried so hard to dismiss them and ignore Violet’s claims but I found it difficult.  If her intent was to put me off balance and cause me to doubt myself and Yeager, she had succeeded.


“Cassie, hello?” Gerard said turning my attention back to him.  Was he done droning on about himself?  He was going on about this and that as I was lost in my own thoughts.


“What? Sorry,” I replied.


“I asked if you would like to take a walk with me?” he repeated.  He’d been telling me all about himself for nearly twenty minutes as I nodded and smiled but heard barely a word of it.  I was sure his attention was all Violet’s doing and I wondered why Yeager hadn’t come to claim me.  I had to remind myself he had no idea what Violet had told me or how it made me feel.  Yeager probably thought I was being courteous.  I was about to decline his invitation but Violet was suddenly there to meddle.


“I’ve sent Agnes to retrieve a jacket for you,” she said and I turned to find the girl was gone.


“It’s cold but refreshing here in the mountains this time of year,” Gerard added.  Agnes returned and helped me slip into my jacket before I could even tell her not to bother.  Then I looked up and found Sophia engaging Yeager, gazing up at him as she played with her red hair.  She was flirting with him and Yeager seemed to enjoy the attention.  They both laughed as I watched.  Suddenly, I was burning with jealousy as Violet’s claims were given new life.  Part of me knew I was being manipulated but right then, I just didn’t care.  Seeing Yeager with her in light of Violet’s revelations had my blood boiling.


“Yes, I’d love to go for a walk,” I replied to Gerard despite my better judgment.  I knew this was Violet’s doing but I found it hard to think clearly.  I was being manipulated but I could do little to guard against it.  My emotions were in control now.


“Excellent,” Gerard said and offered me his arm.  I slipped my arm into his and let him lead me to the front door, right past Yeager and Sophia but I refused to look at them.  I decided Yeager needed a bit of his own medicine.  Gerard and I walked out the door, onto the porch and then into the night.  “How long have you and...what’s his name, Yeager is it, been together?” he asked me.


“Since July,” I replied abruptly.


“Not long at all.  He’s much older than you.  How did you meet him?” Gerard observed.


“Yes, he’s older.  We met at...well, it’s a long story,” I said.


“We’re not in a hurry, are we?  We are of the same kind.  There are relatively few of us.  We should know one another,” he told me.  I guess that made sense so I told him the story.


“He found me when I was only twelve.  He knew I was his mate but I was too young.  Then, this last summer he returned but things got complicated and, well long story short, I came to accept what he had told me and then discovered I was a shifter too,” I said.  Gerard stroked his beard.


“You mean, Dolan, of course,” Gerard replied, referring to the complication I spoke of, and I was only mildly surprised he knew.


“Yes,” was all I said.  I didn’t want to delve into that part of my story.


“I’m sorry.  I knew him.  He was a rogue and rather uncivilized but I know he was your half-brother.  My condolences,” Gerard said warmly.  He seemed sincere enough.


“Thank you but I barely knew him and after what he tried to do, I don’t really consider him my brother,” I told him.  He mulled that over for a moment and then Gerard surprised me.


“You’re a beautiful woman, Cassie, but I sense you’re very strong as well.  You’re a magnificent woman and from what I hear a surprisingly beautiful wolf,” he told me.  I blushed despite myself.


“I’m just a girl,” I said.  Gerard smiled again and pat my hand with his as we walked.


“You’re much more than that,” he said, then stopped and turned to face me.  He gazed into my eyes for a moment but then his hands cupped my face and he kissed me.  Electricity coursed through me.  Just like when Dolan kissed me, just like when Yeager kissed me.  The kiss of a shifter that went right to my core.  I melted as this man slipped his tongue into my mouth.  I didn’t resist; I let it happen.  I told myself that Yeager deserved it for flirting with that redhead, Sophia.  Then Gerard pulled away and I felt my knees go weak.


“I’m sorry.  I couldn’t resist.  My God, do you know how important you are, Cassie?  Do you know how revered you are among our kind?  You’re the answer to everything.  I find myself attracted to you because of that but even more so because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he told me as he touched my shock of white hair.  I’d barely recovered from his kiss before he hit me with all of that and together they had me off balance.  Inside, I knew Violet was behind it, that she and Gerard were manipulating me, but I ignored that and let my emotions rule me.




Edie had drifted away as Sophia engaged Yeager.  What was he doing, she wondered.  Sophia was pretty but she was so transparently phony.  Besides, Cassie was his mate.  Then Edie looked about and discovered Cassie was gone.  Where had she run off to, Edie asked herself.  Edie sighed and quietly wandered upstairs to her room.  It wasn’t anything that she could put her finger on but suddenly things weren’t right.  Even Edie could see that.


She slipped out of the dress, glad to be free of the feminine garb.  How she hated dresses and skirts.  They just felt unnatural.  Edie undressed to her panties and then looked through her bag, found a sleep shirt and slipped it on.  She also grabbed a book in which to lose herself but just as she was about to crawl into bed, a soft knocking came at her door.


Edie went to answer the door hoping it was Cassie so she could talk to her best friend.  She cracked the door but it wasn’t Cassie.  It was Agnes, instead.  “Can I come in?” Agnes asked.  Edie’s heart skipped a beat.


“Sure,” she replied and opened the door to allow the beautiful, full-bodied black girl inside.  Edie had never felt the way about a woman, the way she felt about Agnes.  The girl was undoubtedly attractive with her dark complexion and long, straight hair as black as Cassie’s, but it was more than that.  Edie’s feelings went much deeper and that surprised her, even scared her a bit.  Agnes went to the bed and sat down as Edie closed the door behind her.  Agnes’ expression was dour.


“You need to leave,” Agnes said and Edie was caught off guard.


“What?” she asked, not understanding what Agnes meant.


“You, Yeager and especially Cassie need to leave.  You’re in danger here,” Agnes told her.  Edie walked over and sat next to the girl, facing her.


“Why?  What’s going on?” Edie asked.  She knew something was up.  Agnes looked away and took a deep breath before returning her gaze to Edie.


“Violet wants Cassie.  I’m not sure exactly why, Lady Violet doesn’t confide in me.  I just know whatever it is it’s not good.  She’s trying to separate Cassie and Yeager, I know that much,” Agnes explained.


“Yeah, I saw that Sophia chick flirting with Yeager.  And that Gerard dude can’t take his eyes off Cassie,” Edie told Agnes.


“You need to get them to get in that motorhome and drive away.  Cassie isn’t the first girl Violet has brought here like this,” Agnes said and then her hand touched Edie’s knee.  Edie looked down and then back at Agnes.  Edie’s heart was pounding out of her chest despite Agnes’ words of warning.  The girl’s hand brought a pleasure Edie had never known.


“Agnes...I...,” Edie tried to say but the words wouldn’t come.  Her emotions were too strong, too intense.


“Edie, I feel it too,” the girl said, biting her lip and moving her hand up under Edie’s sleep shirt.  Edie gasped as Agnes found her cotton panties and caressed Edie’s swollen mound.


“Are you going to make love to me?” Edie asked breathlessly.  Agnes smiled before she leaned forward and kissed Edie.  The girl’s lips sent shivers up Edie’s spine and when Agnes slipped her tongue into Edie’s mouth, there was no turning back.  Edie greedily sucked Agnes’ tongue as she reached out and touched the black woman’s curvy figure tentatively.  Agnes broke the kiss and growled before baring her fangs.  Edie giggled despite herself and said, “That is so fucking awesome!”


“I’ve wanted to do this since I laid eyes on you,” Agnes said and pushed Edie onto her back.  Edie watched as Agnes peeled off her tight black dress.  The girl tossed it aside and then slipped out of her bra and panties revealing her smooth, chocolate skin, her sensuous curves and the thick but closely trimmed triangle of coarse black hair between her thighs.  Agnes, naked now, reached out and relieved Edie of her own panties, then crawled onto the bed and helped Edie rid herself of the sleep shirt she had just put on.


Agnes kissed Edie briefly before she began softly kissing and nibbling her way down Edie’s naked form.  Edie arched as the electric kisses sent waves of intense pleasure through her.  She let Agnes take control, let the girl lead the way.  Agnes reached the apex of Edie’s thighs, pulled them wide and pushed Edie’s legs into the air.  The black girl bared her fangs again as she gazed into Edie’s eyes.  Edie whimpered in anticipation but she didn’t have to wait long.  Agnes lowered her head and began to please Edie with a passion Edie could hardly fathom.  Edie cried out as the young girl, the ebony shifter, drove Edie to the edge of bliss and beyond.




“You’re quite the man, Yeager,” Sophia told the tall biker with the amber eyes.  Yeager smirked.

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