Wolf's Den - A BBW Shifter Romance Novel (16 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Den - A BBW Shifter Romance Novel
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Then my mate lowered his body onto mine, his arm slipping under my neck and his tongue invading my mouth.  I sucked it greedily as I was ravaged by our love.  I dragged my nails down his back, drawing blood I was sure.  Yeager tensed, his muscles flexing under the silver fur running down his spine.  He lifted his head, howling into the night as he filled me with his seed, its warmth flowing into me.  I howled as well, letting my inner wolf express its excitement and contentment.


When Yeager came back to himself, he looked into my eyes as he fought to catch his breath.  “I love you so much.  I’ve waited so long to have you.  I still can’t quite believe you’re mine,” he said.  I smiled as I felt his knot grow within me, an adaptation of wolves to insure the act was completed as nature intended.  Yeager, and all male shifters as far as I knew, shared the trait with our canine brethren.


“I still can’t quite wrap my head around it.  In some ways, it feels like I’ve known you my whole life but in others, it’s like we met yesterday.  All I know is that I love you desperately,” I told Yeager.  He breathed heavily over me as he drank me in.


“You’re the most important thing in the world to me.  We are a pack, mates for life.  I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said.  I knew of what he spoke.  He referred to Lady Violet and the apprehension we both felt about her.


“I know.  I won’t let anything happen to you either.  As a woman, you must be my protector but as a wolf, I’m at least your equal,” I told Yeager.  His eyes narrowed and he groaned.


“Yes, you are.  I find that so sexy.  You’re a beautiful woman,” he said touching the shock of white hair amongst my jet black tresses, “But as a wolf, you’re a serious badass.”  I giggled at that.


“And don’t you forget it, old man,” I replied and pulled him down to kiss me.  We shared a kiss but as the passion waned, I couldn’t take it.  “I don’t know about you, but I’m freezing my ass off,” I said.  Yeager smiled.


“Me too.  Let’s go back to the motorhome and fire up the heater,” he said.  I nodded.  We kissed again and separated, Yeager’s knot long gone.  He rolled away, shifting as he went.  A moment later, a gray wolf stood waiting.  I changed as well, wiggling to gain my paws as I did.  Now wearing my black coat with the white patch, I was no longer cold.  I looked at my mate and he knew what I wanted.  We headed away from the motorhome into the landscape beyond.  There was plenty of time for sleep and the desert begged to be explored.




We found Edie curled up on the sofa when we finally returned.  She had already fired up the heater and the motorhome was toasty warm.  It was well after midnight but Yeager and I could sleep in a bit.  The following morning, we woke to Edie making waffles, the same recipe I used to serve at the Rusty Skillet.  We both had been pressed into service in the kitchen from time to time and we knew our way around.  Such was the nature of a small diner.


“Those smell like Gold Canyon,” I remarked as I emerged from the bedroom.  Edie turned and smiled at me.


“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.  I’m always flooded with memories when I make these,” Edie replied.


“Good ones, I hope,” I told her.


“Yeah, of you and me growing up and working at the diner.  I miss that place sometimes,” she said.


“Me too but I’m happy where I ended up,” I replied as Yeager stumbled out in nothing but jeans rubbing his eyes.


“Smells like Gold Canyon in here,” he said.  Edie and I looked at each other and then at Yeager.  “What?” he asked.


“Get out of my head,” I playfully admonished him but it was too early for Yeager to comprehend.


“Geez, get some coffee,” Edie told him.


“You made coffee?  I love you, Edie,” I blurted out and grabbed a mug from the cabinet.  I handed it to Yeager, grabbed another and offered it to Edie.  She pointed at her full cup.  I took it and filled my mug and then grabbed the sugar and creamer and sat at the dinette.  Yeager joined me.


“He looks like a zombie,” Edie observed.  Yeager tested his coffee after adding creamer and sugar and then began to complain.


“She wanted to run some more after we...you know,” he began and Edie rolled her eyes and grumbled in mock disgust at the insinuation.  “She’s always all perky after sex.  I just wanted to go to sleep,” he finished.  I glared at him.


“Must be an old man thing,” I teased.  Edie burst out laughing and Yeager shook his head frowning.


“Breakfast is ready, you love birds,” Edie announced and brought us plates full of waffles and a bottle of syrup.  She grabbed her own plate and joined us.  We ate, cleaned up the tiny kitchen and then pulled up stakes, so to speak. After we hit a truck stop for showers, gas and supplies, we were ready to push through to Lady Violet’s Wolfsbane Ranch.  The ranch, according to the map Violet had given us, was near Gunnison, Colorado, in the Rocky Mountains.  It would be a long day on the road but I was eager to see this Wolfsbane Ranch and learn Lady Violet’s secrets, even if I wasn’t sure about her intentions.


The desert landscape gave way to foothills as we approached the wall that was the Rocky Mountains.  Scrub became trees and sand became grass and brush.  The highway was no longer straight but meandering through the hills and valleys.  Once off the main highway on a narrow county road, we began to climb.  Now pine and cedar trees dominated amongst the gray rock of the rugged mountains.  Soon, the road became gravel but we had many miles yet to go.  After nearly an hour of dusty, treacherous road, we found ourselves in a broad valley covered in green grass with groves of aspen and pine dotting the hill sides.


At the center of the valley, stood a collection of rustic log buildings with a house built from stone and logs, or maybe mansion was a better term, dominating the others.  We passed through a gate and under a wolf’s head wrought from rusty metal marking the entrance to the ranch.  There was no security, no one to meet us.  Yeager drove towards the big house and parked in the circular gravel drive that sat in front of the large, three story building.


No one was about but a moment after Yeager shut down the motorhome Lady Violet appeared on the covered front porch of the house, came down the broad steps and made her way towards the motorhome.  We climbed from the seats and then opened the door to our home on wheels where Violet greeted us.  “Welcome, Cassie,” she said and offered me her hand as I exited the coach.


“Thank you, Violet,” I replied as she helped me down and then shook my hand.


“And you as well Yeager and Edie.  We’re glad to have you here, all of you,” Violet said but she showed little interest in Yeager and Edie.  She focused on me.  “Come inside.  You must be spent from your journey.  We can worry about your...home later,” she offered.


“All right,” I said as she led me up the stairs onto the porch and inside.  Yeager and Edie followed.  Inside, we found Agnes waiting, dressed in black like always, as was Violet.  The girl smiled as she saw Edie and I looked back to see Edie smiling too.  The attraction was evident between the two girls.  I’d never thought about it, mainly because until a week ago I thought I was the only female shifter in existence, but I guess there were female shifters that enjoyed the company of other women.  Honestly, little truly surprised me anymore.


Come, sit.  Agnes, bring refreshments for our guests,” Violet said.  The main room was huge, a stone hearth dominating one side, the walls and floor all wood.  Above, a chandelier made from elk antlers hung from the high ceiling.  Railings lined two of the high walls above allowing the upper two floors to view the main room.  “This house was built as a lodge by the family that homesteaded this land over one hundred years past.  As the cattle business became less lucrative during The Great Depression, they turned to tourism to earn a living but eventually the interstate freeways took their patrons elsewhere,” Violet explained as we took seats on the large, leather sofas arranged in a square before the hearth.


“I bought the ranch from the great grandchildren of the original homesteaders when they lost interest in paying the tax bill, their family fortune exhausted.  Sad in a way but this ranch has allowed our kind to gather and roam freely without interference from the outside world.  I’m sure you understand of what I speak,” Lady Violet finished.  I suppose I did understand.  Yeager and I lived on the edges of society to avoid detection.  It didn’t take a genius to figure out that most folks wouldn’t understand who and what we were.


“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you afford this ranch?” I asked.  Violet smiled that practiced smile she often wore.


“Oil.  My family made it big in oil,” she replied.  Just then, Agnes came back, served us sparkling water with lime wedges and set a tray of fresh fruit on the rustic table between the sofas.  “Thank you, Agnes.  I trust this is adequate after your journey,” Violet offered.


“Yes, thanks,” I replied.  This felt awkward.  There was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on in Violet’s manner.  She seemed pleasant and welcoming enough but she was distant as well.


“Your journey was pleasant?” Violet asked as if she was just marking time.


“Yes, I suppose.  It was three long days of driving but we made time to see some of the sights,” I told her.


“Good.  Well, I’m glad you’re here.  We’ve prepared three rooms upstairs.  I wasn’t sure if...,” Violet told us and then hesitated.


“We only need two rooms,” I replied.  Violet nodded and there was that smile again.  The one that carefully hid her true feelings.


“I didn’t want to assume anything.  Two it is.  Dinner is served at seven.  I’ve invited a few of the council members to join us.  I hope that’s acceptable,” she explained.


“Council?” I wondered.


“Yes, we have a small council that helps run things.  I, of course, chair the council and some of the more trusted, responsible members of our community help me run things, make decisions.  It’s all rather informal,” Violet said dismissively.  I suddenly got the feeling she ran things and the council as she called it merely did as she bid them.


“Oh, sure that’s fine,” I replied referring to the council members joining us.


“Very well.  They are anxious to meet you, child.  In the meantime, Agnes will show you to your rooms.  You can bathe and dress.  I’ve taken the liberty of providing some appropriate clothing,” Violet told us as she looked us up and down, a hint of disapproval in her eyes.  I guess jeans, t-shirts and such weren’t good enough for dinner.


“Oh, thank you.  I guess we can get our things out of the motorhome later as we need them,” I answered.  Yeager looked at me, a subtle look of annoyance on his face.  I’m sure lady Violet was just being accommodating but Yeager wasn’t impressed.


“Of course, whatever you think best,” she said and then stood.  The three of us stood as well.  Agnes never took a seat, instead just standing off to the side waiting.  “I’ll see you at seven, then.  Come down a little early if you’d like and we can talk,” Violet said and then she was off, her high heeled boots clicking severely on the wooden floor.  I watched her go, wondering if I’d made the right decision to come to Colorado suddenly.


“I can show you to your room,” Agnes said.


“Thanks,” Edie replied and joined Agnes.  Yeager and I followed.  Agnes took us to the far end of the room and a staircase that led upstairs.  As we went, I couldn’t help but ask Agnes about Lady Violet.


“She’s rather stern, isn’t she?” I asked.  Agnes turned to look over her shoulder as we walked, looking about before speaking in a hushed tone.


“Lady Violet?  Yes, she can be quite severe,” Agnes answered.


“How did you come to be with her?” Yeager asked echoing my own thoughts.


“She found me wandering when I was a young girl.  I’d turned and could not turn back.  I lived in the wild for maybe three years as a wolf.  She thought I was like you but after she taught me to turn back and she educated me, she learned I wasn’t.  I was like her,” Agnes explained but left us with even more questions.  Then she stopped and turned, “Here we are. This room is Edie’s and the next one is yours,” the girl indicated and then walked away and entered a third room.  She returned with clothing folded over her arm and placed them in the second room before she left us.


BOOK: Wolf's Den - A BBW Shifter Romance Novel
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