Wolf Heat (3 page)

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Authors: Dina Harrison

BOOK: Wolf Heat
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              The cook had already prepared dinner and placed Shauna’s on a tray for her. Ivan picked it up and brought it into the living room, where Shauna was sitting on the couch. She was a creature of habit, that was for sure; there were no fewer than 7 seating options in the room.

              “Hello, Ms. Jenest,” he said, smiling genuinely. She looked as beautiful as she had the night before, and the addition of being well-rested had given her skin a glow.
              “I thought I told you to call me Shauna,” she scolded with a smile. “Thank you for dinner.”
              “I believe you met Ms. Munk, our cook, earlier today? She prepares an excellent meal.”
              “I did meet her. I’m glad to see you again. I wanted to thank you for taking care of me last night.” Shauna flushed with embarrassment. “You know, with tucking me in and stuff.”
              “That’s my job,” Ivan said. “And Dr. Flyone has trained me to do my job professionally and perfectly. Did you get a good night’s sleep?”
              “I slept like the dead,” Shauna joked. “For real.”
              “Would you like a glass of wine? The doctor will be working with you later tonight, but you could have a bit now if you like.”
              “Definitely,” Shauna said. “I think a glass of wine would probably actually help me.”
              Ivan nodded, smiled, and stood. As he walked, he felt her eyes on his body, his ass, and he sensed the shift in her energy as she appreciated him.  Her heat began to rise; he felt that, too.
              He poured two glasses of red and brought one to her. They drank and talked, and Ivan found himself relaxing around Shauna. He knew it was his job to get her prepared for the doctor, to show him what she was capable of. He knew that the doctor was likely watching them right now.

              “I heard a little bit about what happened to you. I remember that night well. You didn’t know that you were here on a special night, a night of celebration for a small amount of the population of Grand Marais, but that’s why the night stands out for me. Not that I think I could have forgotten someone as beautiful as you.” Ivan turned to face his body toward Shauna’s and bored into her eyes with his own. What he saw there was a level of abandon that encouraged him; he knew that Shauna would demure a bit, but ultimately she would give in to him. She needed an outlet for the energy within her, and she knew it.

              He set his glass of wine on the coffee table and took hers from her. He grabbed both of her hands; she let him. He lifted her hands to his mouth and set his lips to them, looking into her eyes. She looked back at him and did not pull away, though he did sense a ripple in her energy. He would have to ask the doctor about that; he was, after all, still learning.
              Ivan leaned in, watching Shauna’s body language for any signs that she would pull away; there were none. He kissed her softly and felt her kiss him back. Her lips were full, soft, and, of course, warm. He parted her lips with his and allowed the tip of his tongue to slip into her mouth. She opened her lips wider and began to kiss him more passionately. He sensed any remaining reservations within her melt away as the energy, the truth, began to overtake her. It was his job to serve as a target for her tension; he hoped the doctor would be pleased.

              He pressed into her and she laid back on the couch, sliding under him. He brought his hips to hers and pressed his cock against her; it was hard and hot, needing to escape from his pants sooner rather than later. He straddled her and lifted her shirt. Her breasts were flushed with the wine and heat, and he reached behind her as she arched her back to unhook her bra. Her breasts freed, he grabbed them in both hands and buried his face into her. He groaned; they were firm, perfect, and hot. Her nipples were erect against round, pink areolas, and he sucked first one, then the other, and he felt her moan and squirm under him. He put his hand between her thighs and, even through her jeans, could feel the wetness there.

              “Ivan,” she breathed, and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his broad, chiseled chest. He worked out, of course, but since his transformation he hadn’t needed to do much more than simply exist. His body heat burned calories, and his night activities kept him strong. He smiled as her eyes took him  in, and he ran a hand through her thick hair.
              “You’re beautiful,” he said.

              She undid her jeans and pulled them off, revealing her panties above thick thighs that he wanted to have over his shoulders right then. He kissed her belly and the line where her panties ran over her hip. He grabbed the elastic fabric, pulled it away from her skin for a moment, then let it snap back into place. She liked that, and he did it again, and a third time, before pulling her panties down and off. He stood to remove his jeans, and he watched Shauna’s eyes as he allowed his cock freedom from his clothing. She licked her lips, and he smiled. The doctor would be happy; things were going exactly as they were supposed to.
              He produced a condom from him pocket and handed it to her; she expertly unrolled it over his cock, smiling, trailing her nails up his shaft and over his balls. He groaned with pleasure at her touch, and he grabbed one of her legs and straightened it, holding it in the air over his shoulder. He smiled at her flexibility.
              “You’re bendy,” he said to her.
              “I do a lot of yoga,” she replied.
              And he took that opportunity to enter her, driving his cock into her wet pussy in one thrust. She gasped and lifted her hips to meet him, then they began to thrust together. He had a grip on her shin with one hand; with his other, he held her hand and they pressed into one another with an intense energy that took him a little by surprise. He needed to keep his head, here; he was very turned on and could go at any time. The doctor would need to collect data and was more interested in her reactions, obviously, than Ivan’s. Ivan didn’t want to disappoint; this was another opportunity to show the doctor how much Ivan had learned about restraint.

              He pulled out and took a breath, then leaned back, pulling Shauna on top of him. They changed roles quickly, and Shauna took the lead willingly.  She rubbed herself against him and Ivan smiled happily. He could tell from the look on her face that her clit was getting direct attention as she grounded up and down, and her speed was quickening along with her breath. The heat from her body was explosive; any normal man would have probably felt his cock burning by now, but Ivan could handle the heat. In fact, he welcomed it.
              “Come, Shauna,” Ivan breathed. “Gather that energy, that heat, and release it. Release it onto me.”
              As if all she had been waiting for was permission, Shauna cried out as a surge of wetness poured down Ivan’s shaft. He stayed still for the most part, only thrusting in response to her, as he watched waves of her orgasm move through her body. Tears squeezed out of the corners of her eyes with the intensity of it, and, when she finished, she laid on his chest, her sweat mingling with his, and she breathed heavily.
              “Fuck,” she whispered.
              He patted her back, her hair, and put his strong arms around her.
              “Did you come?” she asked anxiously.
              “Tonight was not for me,” he responded immediately. “Tonight was for you, for your healing.”
              He felt Shauna relax against him and soon, she slept. He moved gently out from under her and went to clean himself up. He returned, took her to bed and repeated the events of the night before, then went to Dr. Flyone’s office where he knew the doctor would be waiting for him. Hopefully, he would not be disappointed with what he had witnessed.

              He knocked softly on Dr. Flyone’s door and waited for permission to enter. To his surprise, Dr. Flyone answered the door personally. Ivan found himself face to face with the doctor, who was smiling.
              “Well done, Ivan!” The doctor clapped him on the shoulder and pulled him into the room, closing the door. “Before we talk about the girl, well done! Can you imagine being able to do that five years ago? Even one year ago?”
              Ivan flushed. He lived to please Dr. Flyone, and it was obvious that he had done a good job tonight with Shauna.
              “It’s because you’re a superior teacher,” Ivan said, dropping his eyes to the floor in submission.
              “I am that,” Dr. Flyone agreed, “but you are a receptive student, eager to learn and fast to pick up lessons. I was right to put my trust in you.”
              Ivan smiled, still gazing at the floor.
              “Go take care of yourself, Ivan. I’ll go get Shauna and do my work with her. You and I will talk again tomorrow. Fine job tonight, young man.”
              Shauna woke in the same bed she’d slept in the night before, but she knew it was still night. The curtains were open to reveal a clear, starry night sky. Shauna’s body felt calm for the first time in more than six months. She thought about Ivan and his hands on her. How he had been even hotter than her, how she had given up on that being possible.
              She rolled over and put her hand between her legs. She was still wet and slightly tingling from her time with Ivan. She pressed her thumb against her clit, the pressure reawakening her energy, and she sighed with pleasure.
              She heard a knock at her door and it opened.
              “Shauna,” the doctor called. “May I enter?”
              “Yes, Dr. Flyone, please come in.” Shauna sat up in bed with the bedspread held to her chest. She grabbed her hair into a ponytail and pulled it over one shoulder.
              Dr. Flyone entered the room and Shauna scanned him from head to toe. Maybe it was just being so turned on from her time with Ivan, but she felt an extra draw to Dr. Flyone that she hadn’t felt as strongly earlier. She wondered if he knew what had happened with Ivan, and was mildly surprised to not only suspect that he did know, but to also suspect that he approved of it.
              “Did you come to keep me company?” she asked, then pursed her lips together as she bit the insides; she hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “Sorry, that was inappropriate,” she began.
              “Not at all, Shauna. You don’t need to censor yourself here. Being open and honest will help me treat you efficiently and effectively. Did you enjoy yourself with Ivan?”
              Shauna blushed and looked away. He
know. He didn’t seem angry, though, or upset. He seemed… proud?
              “Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Would you like to dress? I can turn away.”
              “I can dress, or…”
you can undress
, she thought, then blushed again even more deeply.
What the hell is wrong with you? When did you turn into a slut
? Shauna had dated a lot of guys in her lifetime, but she had never had sex with two men in the same night, within a few hours of one another.
Why not
? She asked herself.
              Dr. Flyone walked to her bed and sat on the edge. He put his hand on her leg, and, through the sheet and blanket, Shauna felt a pulsing heat.
              “Shauna,” he began. “I’m here to help you. I want to help you understand what’s happening, and I want to help you find your friend. I know you wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t exhausted all of your other options.”
              Shauna started to object but then sat back; he was right, of course.
              “I also know,” he continued, “that life brings us into contact with certain people for certain reasons at certain times. I believe that you are here for a reason, and I believe that the best way we can control ourselves, our desires, is by occasionally giving in to them. When we give in, when we honor our desires in an intentional way, we gain control over the desires rather than the desires controlling us.”
              Shauna nodded. It made sense.
              “So, Shauna, what is it you desire right now? This moment.”
              She opened her mouth to respond but found she had no words. Instead, she put her hand on top of his and leaned in toward him, inviting him to kiss her.
              He kissed her neck, instead, and trailed his tongue along the line of her collarbone. He squeezed her thigh with his hand, and he put his other hand around her waist and pulled her closer.
              “This is what you want,” he breathed in her ear.
              “Yes,” she said simply, not trusting herself to say anything further.
              “Why?” he asked.
              “I don’t know,” she admitted honestly. “It feels right. It doesn’t feel like giving in, though.”
              “You are honoring what you desire. That’s the first lesson. Do you want to have sex with me?”
              She nodded.
              “Is that your greatest desire in this moment?”
              She nodded again
              “Then lay back, Shauna, and let me pleasure you.”
              He guided Shauna to her back and he pulled off his shirt and pants. He was older than Ivan by a good 30 years, but his body was that of a twenty-five year old man. He was well-toned, muscular, smooth. Shauna felt her body heating, her heart rate speeding up, and her breath became ragged.
              “Shhh,” Dr. Flyone said. “Be calm.” He kissed her stomach and put a hand between her legs, gently running his fingertips along her labia. He moved his face down to kiss her inner thighs. He licked her labia gently, then used his fingers to open her. He placed two fingers in her vagina, and she moaned with pleasure. His hands felt like they belonged on her body. Like she had been missing something and now, with his hands on her, everything was placed where it should be. She lifted her hips into him to show him he was on target, and he placed his tongue on her clit and began to suck. She felt an explosion deep inside of her, her cells rearranging themselves to accommodate the pleasure that was mounting within her. She cried out and laid back, enjoying the orgasm building deep inside.
              “Yes,” she gasped. “Oh my fuckin god that feels good,” she whimpered. In response, the doctor licked faster, circling his tongue around and against her clit as he fingered her.
              “You’re so wet,” he said. “So very wet.”
              She felt him reach for her ass with his other hand and she dropped her hips down to help him. As he fingered her, sucked her closer to orgasm, he took a finger from his left hand and gently pressed it against her rectum. He twitched his finger a few times and that was all she needed; her orgasm flooded over her as no orgasm ever had. She lost consciousness for a moment as she saw herself above her body, saw herself writhing on the bed, her face an anguished picture of ecstasy. She barely recognized her body; it was the body of a beautiful, powerful woman. Not a woman who gives in, but a woman who owns herself and owns her power. She realized in that moment that she needed Dr. Flyone. Needed him to help her in any way he was willing, because this woman was one that she needed to be.
              He released her gently, withdrawing his tongue and fingers and continuing to lightly kiss her labia and thighs, letting her come down slowly. She moaned and put her hand on herself, cupping her labia with the palm of her hand, feeling a coolness against the boiling heat of her.
              “I want to pleasure you,” she said.
              “Not tonight, Shauna,” the doctor said. “This is your treatment, this is your life. I bring pleasure from your healing.”
              Shauna smiled to herself, not entirely aware of what he had just said, but knowing that she felt better than she had in months. She felt more human. More in control. The symptoms that had plagued her for so long were retreating into the distance. She was smart enough to know that they weren’t gone, but each moment where they weren’t present was a moment she felt she had her life back.
              “Your treatment, Shauna, is about learning to control the desires that overtake you prior to you needing to act on them. It’s different for everyone; this is how it happens for you. You and Ivan are actually quite similar, as it happens.”
              “Will you help me find Belinda?” she whispered.
              “I will help you with anything you need that will help you fully heal and live a complete life.”
              “What’s happening to me?” she asked.
              “You’re experiencing a transformation,” Dr. Flyone said. “It can be a negative experience, or, with the proper mentoring, it can be a turning moment in your life for the positive. It’s my job to do everything I can to support you as you discover what that transition looks like for you, and how you want to live your life.”
              “Is part of your job fucking my brains out? Because I would like that very much.” Shauna couldn’t believe the directness with which she was speaking to a very near stranger, but she couldn’t help it. It was as if the second a thought came into her head, the words were coming out of her mouth. She didn’t have the opportunity to censor or filter her thoughts.
              Dr. Flyone smiled, the edges of his lips upturning and a sliver of white teeth shining through his lips.
              “You’re going to be so much fun to work with, Shauna,” he said. “I like that you are direct; that will help us accomplish our goals.”
              Shauna put her head in her hands, a headache suddenly overtaking her. She began to sweat and she felt her heart racing. She felt Dr. Flyone shifting and return in a moment with a cool washcloth.
              “Stay calm, Shauna; your body is just releasing leftover energy. Nothing happening right now will hurt you.”
              The cool washcloth felt good on her forehead. Shauna laid back and allowed Dr. Flyone to tend to her. She took deep breaths and allowed her eyes to stay closed, trying to breathe slowly and smoothly.
              As she drifted off to sleep, she watched dark shapes move behind her eyelids. She tried to open her mouth to speak, but no words came. She was overcome by sleep, restful and calm, and did not hear Dr. Flyone leave the room.

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