Wolf Heat (2 page)

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Authors: Dina Harrison

BOOK: Wolf Heat
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              “No, Ms. Jenest;” the man smiled. “My name is Ivan; I’m one of Dr. Flyone’s assistants. Please come in and make yourself comfortable in the living room. Can I get you something to drink? You’ve driven quite a distance; I imagine you’re thirsty and possibly hungry.”

              “You can call me Shauna, and I would love a glass of water, thank you.” Shauna felt herself blushing, then scolded herself for doing so.
Get it together, Shauna. He’s a butler for Christ’s sake!

“Make yourself comfortable,” Ivan said. “I’ll return with your water.” He left the room and Shauna sat on the couch. Her heart rate began to slow and she settled back, fanning herself.
A few minutes later, Ivan returned with a tray containing a pitcher of water, a sandwich, and an apple. Shauna smiled gratefully as her stomach began to growl when she saw the sandwich.
              “Thank you so much,” she said. “This looks delicious.”

              “Please enjoy, Ms. Jenest.” Ivan bowed at her and stepped back. “The doctor will be down shortly.” He smiled at her and turned to leave. He disappeared through a door Shauna hadn’t noticed before.
              She ate the sandwich hungrily; it was roast beef, her favorite, and had at least a pound of meat on it stacked on top of tomatoes, mayo, and lettuce. It was absolutely delicious. She gulped down the water and sat back with her hand on her stomach. Now that she was here and had eaten, she began to feel drowsy. She fell asleep within a few moments, a deep sleep that kept her from noticing Ivan returning to the room. He picked her up easily, something that would have impressed her if she’d been awake to witness it, and carried her upstairs to a bedroom that had been set up specifically for her.


              Ivan placed her onto the bed and undressed her to her bra and underwear. He averted his eyes; it was not the time for him to be having sexual thoughts about this beautiful woman. Even though he was trying to keep his mind pure, he felt his cock begin to harden in his pants. He pressed it down as he drew the drapes, but it would not behave. She smelled delicious and had the smoothest skin he had ever seen.

              He glanced over at her once again as he left the room. The blankets were pulled up to her chest, and he had folded her clothes and set them beside her on the chair. He inhaled deeply to absorb her scent, then softly closed the door behind him as he stepped into the hallway.
              He padded down the hall silently to Dr. Flyone’s office. He knocked quietly and waited for the signal to enter. When he heard it, he opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind him.

              “How is she?” Edmund asked.
              “She must have been exhausted,” Ivan said. “She fell asleep very quickly and seems to be very relaxed. I put her in the East room, as you asked.” He bowed.
              “Thank you, Ivan,” Edmund said. “You’ve done well. I know it wasn’t easy with her; she’s very beautiful, isn’t she?”
              Ivan nodded without looking up. “Yes, sir, she is very beautiful.”
              “Did you have trouble controlling yourself around her, Ivan?
              “No sir. Well, yes, sir, a little. But I handled myself appropriately and I did exactly as you asked.”

              “I know you did,” Edmund said, a smile playing at his lips. He leaned back in his chair, a high-back leather plush office chair, and interlaced his fingers behind his head. “You did very well. Your loyalty is strong and sure, and I want you to know that I know that.”

              “Thank you, sir,” Ivan said, still examining the floor. His hands were clasped behind his back and he kept his head bowed.

              Edmund dismissed Ivan and Ivan left, heading back to his own room. He signed with relief; the doctor was pleased. Ivan lived to please Edmund. When he had taken Ivan in five years before, Ivan had been in very little control of his actions. He had even gotten into some trouble with the law for his inability to control himself. He hadn’t realized what he was—who he was—until Edmund had taken him in and taught him how to manage his condition. Now, even though Ivan had urges from time to time, he was far better able to control himself.

              The same, apparently, could not be said of everyone in the pack, based on Shauna’s presence in the house that night. Ivan couldn’t help but pity whoever it was that had let himself go around Shauna; the doctor would be so angry. Ivan shook his head as he undressed. He went outside to stand on his deck, a small stone structure not even large enough to contain a chair, but a beautiful place to stand in the night. Ivan having this room at all was another showing of the doctor’s trust and pride in him. Facing the back of the house, the room and deck were private. Ian stood nude in the night and allowed his body to feel the night air as it wanted to. He felt the heat building in his cells and the stretching in his muscles as he flexed and strained. His cock was hard, his nipples erect, and he bristled as he shivered slightly in the night. He kept his mouth quiet and, instead, squeezed the stone rail of the deck. He felt pebbles near some of the cracks in the stone fall away.

              Depending on what the doctor’s plans were for Shauna, Ivan thought he might like to take her out. He remembered seeing her before, the night of the celebration, and had never imagined seeing her again. He thought that this was a sign, fate, telling him to consider her, consider that he may have another chance. He would, of course, never make a move without Edmund’s permission; that was strictly forbidden.

              Still…he thought, as he played with his erection for a few moments, then abandoned himself into sensation and brought himself to climax, she was something truly special.
              When Shauna woke the next morning, she didn’t know where she was. She opened her eyes in darkness and reached automatically for her phone at the side of the bed. It was there, and she clicked it on; it was 8am. She flashed the phone around the room, lighting it with the glow of her display. She could see the dark curtains were what was making the room so dark; cracks of sunshine poked through the tops and sides.

              She stood and walked to the closest window and opened it; the room flooded with morning light, and Shauna relaxed. The night before returned to her mind; she knew she had been tired, but she didn’t know she was so tired she’d gone to bed without any memory of it. She hoped she’d ended up in the right room.

              She looked around the room and her eyes zeroed in on her clothes, folded on the chair.
Someone was in here with me,
she thought. She never folded her clothes unless it was laundry day. She wondered if the nice man who had greeted her at the door had helped her to bed… she couldn’t remember his name… or if she had been guided by the doctor. She hoped not, since she didn’t remember anything about the doctor and would probably have done something embarrassing.

              She dressed and opened her door. A card was taped to the outside of her door inviting her downstairs (go down two flights at the end of the hall, then take a left back into the living room) for coffee and a light breakfast. It was signed Dr. Edmund Flyone. She closed her door behind her and walked down the hall to the stairs. She found the living room easily, and was happy to see a cart in the center of the room with coffee and toast, bacon and sausage, and a pitcher of orange juice. She helped herself to some food and sat on the same couch she’d sat the night before.

              A few moments later, a door in the back of the living room opened, and a man stepped through.
              “Hello, Shauna, how is your breakfast?” the man asked.
              “It’s so good. This bacon is amazing.” Shauna thought the man looked familiar, but he didn’t ring a bell from the night before. “Have I met you?”
              “Shauna, I’m Dr. Flyone.”

              Shauna’s eyes widened and she stood, moving her plate to her left hand and wiping her right hand on her jeans. “Holy shit,” she said. “Sorry! Hi, I mean, hello.” She reached out her hand to shake the already extended hand of Dr. Flyone.
              “It’s all right, Shauna. Please, sit, eat your breakfast. I may have a cup of coffee, if that’s okay with you.”
              Shauna nodded, grateful for someone to keep her company.
              “While you’re eating, I’ll tell you a little about the services I offer, is that okay?”
              She nodded again and sat back, wondering if she should be taking notes on what he was saying, but she only had her phone and she didn’t want to look like she was texting or being disrespectful.

              “I know a bit about your situation. Some of it you’ve told me, some was on the news, and some I’ve learned from my own research. I never offer to work with anyone I don’t think I can help. I don’t promise to fix everything, but I know that I can at least bring you forward a bit. How does that sound?”

              Shauna looked up at the doctor and nearly cried; he had a gentle, warm look on his face, and he looked almost like a grandfather. She trusted him immediately, and felt some walls inside of her crumbling down. It was an actual physical sensation and her stomach turned with the food in it. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

              “That sounds wonderful,” her voice cracking. “Thank you.”
              “The work you do will be hard, but you will not do it alone. Ivan, whom you met last night, is a very trusted employee of mine. He actually began some work with you last night. What I will do for you is to help you control the feelings you’re having; the rushes of heat, the prickliness in your fingers and toes…” Shauna perked up when he said this. She hadn’t mentioned that to anyone, not even her doctor at home. “…the fluttering of your heart rate that can be uncomfortable sometimes and scary at others. All of that can be managed and controlled.”
              “Can you fix it?” she asked.
              “All of it can be managed and controlled,” he repeated. “And, in time, you will come to use those sensations to your advantage and will, though it’s hard to believe now, find them pleasurable.”

              Shauna arched her eyebrows but said nothing. The idea that the things that were happening to her could be considered pleasurable ever was absolutely ludicrous.

              “Ivan was really nice,” she said instead. “He gave me dinner and I think he helped me to bed.”

              “He did,” Dr. Flyone said. “And he complimented you as well. He said that you ate your dinner and fell asleep on the couch. He escorted you to bed. You will see him often over the time you’re here. We’ll start with one week and go from there. Do you have people you need to contact at home? A boss or anyone?”

              “I lost my job when all of this happened. And I don’t have any family.”
              “We can get you a job here, or you can help out around the house and grounds. Don’t worry about it, is what I’m telling  you, if you were.”
              While the doctor was talking, Shauna watched his eyes and face. He was, like Ivan, an extremely attractive man. What was it with the guys up here? They were all absolutely gorgeous and built like linebackers, black hair, dark skin, eyes the color of gun flint.

              Dr. Flyone had a unique energy about him. Shauna trusted him immediately, though she didn’t know why, and felt at her gut level that she should listen to what he told her to do. She found herself leaning toward him and wanting to put her hand on his knee. It was close enough to her that she could easily reach out and place her palm on his thigh. She wondered if it was warm; she had the sense that he radiated heat, though she couldn’t feel it over her own rising temperature.
              “How does that sound, Shauna?”
              She hadn’t heard a word, but she nodded agreement and Dr. Flyone stood.
              “Good, then we’ll get started with our first session this evening. Why don’t you spend today walking around the house and the grounds. Any door that is unlocked is a room that’s open to you. The grounds are fenced in, so you can wander anywhere you like.” He extended his hand to shake Shauna’s, and, as their hands touched, the heat from Dr. Flyone’s hand went straight to Shauna’s pussy, which she noticed had been getting wet as they had been talking.

Get a grip, Shauna
, she thought.
He’s your fucking doctor
              She had a feeling, though, that she and the doctor would be spending some intimate time together. She couldn’t have put any logic or reasoning to it, but she was hopeful. He was beautiful, sure, but the larger attraction was his energy, that heat that pressed into her body and went straight for her business. That heat, that energy… she wanted more of that.
              Ivan showered and dressed, wearing simple black dress pants and a white linen dress shirt. If he was a normal man, walking outside in a shirt that light would have frozen him solid. There were advantages to having a higher core body temperature, and being able to wear clothes that showed his muscles, that showed a hint of his skin, was definitely one of them.
              He walked to the kitchen to get dinner for Shauna. He had seen her at various points throughout the day, though he hadn’t spoken to her. He watched her explore the house, watched her say hello to the cook and the housekeeper and then wander outside and visit for a few moments with the gardener. He tracked her scent all over the house and took deep breaths, working to control his own energy as it mingled with hers.

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