WLUV Box Set: Ignited, Consumed, Burned (34 page)

BOOK: WLUV Box Set: Ignited, Consumed, Burned
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Chapter Thirteen



Brick let
the tension ease out of his shoulders. He didn’t know how much pressure he’d
been feeling until it was gone. This deal was better than winning the election.
He’d parlayed his connection to Gloria and Paulo into a relationship with
Novelo, and the CEO’s obvious crush on Fawn didn’t hurt either. He’d have to be
sure to be at every single dinner Novelo had with Fawn, though. That hug had
not been so terrific for him to watch. He’d had to remind himself in that
second not to break it up and screw up his new deal.

Fawn sat
next to him as they drove back to the resort. The wall she’d erected between
them was gone at that moment. He wasn’t sure why or what he’d done differently
but when she caught him stealing a glance at her as the breeze from the car
window blew her hair back, she smiled instead scowling or turning away, her
usual reaction to his attention.

“It’s a
night to celebrate!” Brick announced as they pulled into the courtyard.

As if on
cue Paulo and Gloria and two staffers appeared with fruity drinks. Chud immediately
looked to Fawn.

let’s file this story, and then you can have all the celebration you’d like.”
They started making their way to her room to put the story together.

Mr. Mayor— and Doug, your presentation was wonderful.” Fawn complimented
Forrester and his green tinge finally disappeared, replaced by a little glow
courtesy of the compliment.

Miss Television news lady,” Paulo waved a finger at her, “but we’re going to
have a party tonight, and we expect you there as soon as your work is over.”

thank you. I’m sure I can’t keep Chud away and I’m also convinced he needs a
chaperone, so I’ll be there too. Let’s get going.”

Fawn left
with her photographer and Brick watched her go. Now that his work was done here
he would be able to seal another important deal, one that he’d let fall through
spectacularly so long ago.

they’d all had a siesta and a shower, the atmosphere around the hotel pool was
about as perfect as it could be. Doug and Brick sat with a drink and Gloria had
sent some food to their table. Other guests were dancing to the three-piece
salsa band that Paulo hired for weekends. It was a Friday night in Belize and
if you couldn’t enjoy it, there was something epically wrong with you. Brick
meant to savor it. Chud appeared first and Brick gestured for the young man to
come on over.

“I’ve got
unlimited pitchers of Sangria coming. On me, not the Grand City taxpayer, me.
But be warned, Gloria does not skimp on the alcohol.”

Mr. Mayor.” Chud dug into the food and drinks on the table.

“So how
did the story go?” Brick asked.

well! We finished a bit ago. Fawn’s a pro. She writes quickly and we had a lot
of video to choose from, and then she finished her live hit. It’s amazing how
great FaceTime and Skype can be for these stories. Macy said she saw us like we
were down the street.”

“Wow, that
sounds great.” But a little kernel of worry was forming in Brick’s chest. Maybe
Fawn would decide not to come out. Maybe he’d pushed her too far in too short
of time. The celebration would feel hollow without her.

thoughts evaporated as Fawn, more gorgeous than he’d ever seen her, entered the
courtyard. She was always so professional-looking and primped, but here in
Belize she’d let her hair go wavy and she wore a creamy colored dress that
plunged a bit in the front and back.
By god, is she braless?
It was too
much for Brick to process. He watched as Paulo made a fuss about her and she
even allowed him to gently twirl her in his arms as she made her way to their

“I didn’t
know you were a dancer, Miss Clawson.” Brick teased her.

“Um, no, I
leave that to Shelby— and
if I recall.” Shelby Virtue, the young
reporter at WLUV had graciously allowed him to dance at a fundraiser for his
sister’s charity. It had gone as well as anyone could hope. Suffice to say his
sister was the ballerina and not him.

woman’s lucky to have survived with no broken toes.”

“You both
did wonderfully,” Fawn said. Brick wanted to be done with every single aspect
of this little party. Getting Fawn alone was the only thing on his mind. Why
were Doug and Chud there again? Oh yeah, he’d invited them. The Chud problem
was quickly solved as the kid was off like a shot after seeing some lovely
young tourists in the bar area.

wait up, Fawn.” He called over his shoulder.

dream of it.” Fawn rolled her eyes. “My young photog is enjoying Belize a
little too much I fear. Then again, he got all the shots I needed today so I
suppose I can’t complain.”

listened while pouring her a glass of the delicious drink.

“He said
your report went well,” Doug made conversation as he tentatively sipped his
drink and picked at his food.

“It did.
Thank you. Macy said the stories have been garnering a lot of shares on
Facebook and the newspaper is also quoting us, so I’d say it’s a success.”

“Here’s to
you then, Miss Clawson.” Doug raised his glass and Brick did the same.

you.” Brick caught Fawn’s eye and held it as they drank down the tropical

afraid that will be it for me. I’m just starting to get my sea legs and I’m
leaving early tomorrow.”

aren’t joining us on the Jaguar Preserve?” Fawn asked.

“No, I need
to get back. The economic component is done. And trekking through rainforest?
I’m afraid I don’t have the energy. It’s been lovely sharing our little victory
with you and I can’t wait to watch all the stories, but I’ll do it online from
the comfort of my house.”

Doug said
his goodbyes and finally, mercifully, Brick had Fawn alone.

“So your
economic development director is not a fan of all your adventures?” Fawn asked.

“I really
think he’d like our next deal to be conducted via teleconference.” Brick admitted.
“If I hadn’t gotten this underwritten we wouldn’t be here—there’s no way he’d
allow me to use my government travel budget. He keeps the purse strings tight.
That’s okay, though, it’s one of the reasons I hired him.”

“He did
great. You did great. I was surprised by how passionate you are about Grand
City.” Fawn offering him a compliment was new thing.

you, now enough about economic development. How do I get you alone?” Brick
figured go big or go home.

didn’t flinch. “Just ask.”

In that second
it was all Brick could do not to take her right there in the courtyard. “Your
place or mine?” he asked.

“Yours is
fine, but let’s get something straight. I am done denying that we’re good in
bed together, and I’d like to see if we still are after all these years. But
it’s not a thing. After we get on the plane out of Belize we’re done. And oh
yeah, you keep your big mouth shut about it, Patrolman Cooper. I need this job.
I have a sick mother to support.”

Fawn laid
out her terms. When she mentioned her mother it stung to realize again that
Brick didn’t know anything about her life, what her responsibilities really
were. He would though, it would be his mission. Economic development was a done
deal, now it was on to Fawn, no distractions.

 Fawn was
all confidence and smolder and Brick couldn’t wait to get her back to his room,
no matter what her terms. If the day had proved anything, though, it was that
he could negotiate, too.

“I won’t
say a word. As to the rest of it, we are a thing. We’ve never stopped being a
thing. Tell yourself whatever you want.” Brick stood up and grabbed her hand.
She was right in one regard, the time for talking was over. He walked in front,
hanging on to Fawn’s hand as he guided her back to their adjoining rooms. Once
inside the room, he closed the door, and then he stopped, just to look at her,
just to savor the way she would feel.

“What are
you waiting for?” Fawn challenged him with a look in her eye. Underneath her
cool demeanor was that fire, that same attraction to danger he’d seen in her
when they met. It was something he hoped that only he knew existed. He hoped
that he was the only she let close enough to see it.

“I want to
see you. Strip, baby.” Brick walked over to the chair in the room and took a
seat. He was determined to push her beyond whatever she’d been used to with
anyone else.

hesitated a second or two, wondering if she was still the woman he remembered.
Had the years changed her, or the way he’d disappointed her? Could she let go?

Her eyes
were unreadable in that moment but she slowly hooked a finger under the strap
of the sundress she wore. It was all that held up the garment, and with a flick
of her finger it dropped to the floor. 

mouth went dry. She was there, the Fawn he remembered, ready to be with him.
She stood there in nothing but a thong.
God, she wore a thong?
She was
just as naughty underneath as she’d been back in the day. She was the perfect
woman: smart, gorgeous, charming, and sexy as hell. She just needed the right

enough for you?” There was glint in her eye and a challenge in her voice.

rotated his hands to show her he wanted her to give him a spin. Why not see if
she’d play? Fawn turned around slowly, never showing any fear. She seemed to
trust him.

wanted to be in control, wanted to see what she would do…but fuck it. She was
too gorgeous to be left standing there any longer. He was going to touch every
part of her, now, and all night.

He came up
behind her mid-turn and pulled her into him. She was warm and delicious. She
swayed backward into him and he ran kisses on the back of her neck then reached
around and found her breasts. He pinched her nipples and rolled them between
his fingers, and she moaned in a way that forced all the control out of him. He
wanted her fast, now, and forever.

He yanked
at her thong and it essentially disintegrated. He’d owe her one. That she was
naked in his arms was all that mattered. How had he lived without this for so
long? Fawn Clawson was by far the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and she
fit with him in a way no woman ever had.

He turned
her around and then backed her into the bed, making sure he didn’t crush her as
they both fell onto the covers. As tall as she was, she seemed fine and
delicate to him, her skin was white and soft under his hands. He pushed her
breasts together so he could put both of them in his mouth at the same time.
She tasted as sweet as the lilac smell that always floated around her. As he
sucked and nipped at her she became more frantic. She was ready, he knew, but
he wanted to savor every second. He’d never been this aroused in his life.

Fawn tore
at his shirt, his pants, and before he knew it every inch of her skin was
touching every inch of his. He couldn’t stop himself from biting her shoulder.
He wanted to consume her.

Both of
Fawn’s legs were around his waist and she was there, ready for him. Damn her,
he’d wanted to tease her, for just a second, but a second was all he could
wait. He probed against her opening and she gasped, but he pulled away. He did
it again and this time she wasn’t going to wait.

positioned herself so when he teased her again it was she who closed in around
him. She slid over him and he’d sooner die than pull away as her hot center
pulsed around his erection. It was delicious but still not enough. Not nearly

Brick lost
all mental facilities and turned into god knows what, definitely part caveman.
He’d make sure she didn’t forget this or decide later that she could live
without it. Slow and deliberate would not be possible. Not this time, not after
all this time. He plunged into her like a man possessed, wrapping his arms
around her shoulders as he buried himself inside her. She cried out and what
she said seemed almost impossible.


Jesus, she
didn’t know what she’d asked for. Brick pulled almost all the way out again.
He’d have to or else explode right away. Fawn whimpered and looked at him with
almost panicked eyes. She was his, he knew it; she knew it. That’s what he
wanted, more than any political office or economic deal, he wanted her. And
right now he had her. He stared back at her and for one impossible moment they
were still. But she couldn’t stay that way, and she rocked her hips into him.
It was his invitation.

“Hold on
tight, sweetheart.” Brick pounded into her and she cried out, bucking against
him until she’d found a rhythm with his. He felt her pulsing need like it was a
living thing. It was hungry, and it matched his own, maybe even eclipsed it. He
felt her tighten around him as she climaxed, her fingers scratching tracks down
his back. His thrusts lifted her off the bed as he exploded right after she

The ice of
Fawn Clawson had not only melted, it had boiled up and burned them both. Brick
never wanted to be away from her secret fire again.

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