Read Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla Online
Authors: Marc Seifer
Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Science & Technology
Hoadley, Joseph, 341
Hobart, Ganet, 194
Holland, John P., 205-6, 237
Hobson, Grizelda, 319, 414, 437-38
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, 206, 212-13, 258, 319-20, 414-15, 437-38
Holliday, Col., 459
Holt, Frank,
Erich Muenter
Hoover, J. Edgar, 433-34, 448, 455, 458-59, 468
Hosier, H. M., 187
Houle, P. E., 459
House, William, 377
Houston, Edwin, 101
Huart, M., 196-97
Hume, David, 19
Hunt, Inez,
Hunt and Draper
Hunt and Draper, xiv, 378, 380
Hutchins, Frank, 386, 405-8
Hyde, Henry, 298
International Tesla Society, xvi, 464, 471
Inventions (Tesla): amplifier 21; antigermicide, 158; arc lamp, 40; artificial intelligence, 202-3, 317; automaton,
telautomaton; button lamp, 87, 425; clock, 121; crow catcher, 8; death ray,
particle beam weapons; DC motors, 37; electric bath, 158; electric railroad, 150; electronic radio tubes, 231, 280; electrotherapeutic machines, 128, 139, 158, 382; to enhance intelligence, 357-58; fertilizer machine, 186-87, 211, 329-35; fluorescent and neon lights, 71, 85, 111, 114, 119, 137, 209-11, 218, 253, 290, 319, 328, 336; free energy machine, 423-24; fuel-less automobile, 419; induction motor, 23-34, 37, 59-60, 77-78, 121, 238; interplanetary communicator, 416; laser beams (precursor work in), 87-88, 422, 425, 456; ozone machines, 83, 187, 341-342; pump, 338; purifying ore, 419; radio tube, 188, 374; radar, 407; refrigeration devices, 311-12; rotating magnetic field, 22-26, 30, 42, 49, 121; scrambler, 193, 218, 348; speedometer, 381, 399; telegeodynamics, 191-92, 416, 461, 469; Tesla coil, 73; torpedo, 338; turbines (other than bladeless), 13; valvular conduit, 398; weather control, 263; X rays, 167-70, 173, 388, 425.
See also
AC polyphase system, bladeless turbines, flying machines, magnifying transmitter, particle beam weapons, telautomaton, wireless transmission
ionosphere, 508
13; Heaviside-Kennelly layer, 105
Jobs, Steven, 465
Johnson, Agnes (Holden), 163, 259, 287, 413, 438
Johnson, Katharine, xv, 123-31, 159, 198, 258, 284, 321, 324, 327, 364, 385, 409; illness, 401, 408; death, 410, 414; letters with Tesla, 164, 173, 180, 206-7, 211-12, 234-35, 243, 259, 272, 287-88, 303, 472-73; romantic connection, 123, 163, 415
Johnson, Robert Underwood, xv, 123-31, 145, 159-61, 163, 178, 180, 189, 198, 204, 232, 235, 242, 256, 258, 266-67, 284, 287, 295, 321, 336-37, 362, 364, 366, 379-80, 385, 392, 399-400, 405, 410, 413-14, 437-38; edits Tesla article, 239-40; letters with Tesla, 173-74, 179, 236, 259, 273, 319; meets Edison, 122; “Luka Filipov” (poem), 125; death, 438
Johnson, Owen, 163, 208, 259, 266, 342
Johnson, Walter, 237
Johnston, W. J., 44, 81
Jones, Homer, 453
see Abafi
Jung, Carl, 154-55
Jurow, Irving, 450-52
Kaempffert, Waldemar, 352, 377
Kapp, Gisbert, 80-81, 134
Karadjich, Vuk, 4, 6
Kara-George (George Petrovich), 3
Keegen, Gen. George, 462
Keely, John Ernst Worell, 61, 63-65, 162, 165, 198, 425
Keene, James, 251
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson), 68, 85, 89-90, 102, 134-35, 156, 231, 250, 278, 407
Kemmler, William, 56-58
Kennelly, Arthur, 57, 68, 74, 132, 375, 385
Kerr, E. M., 50
Kerr, Page & Cooper. 311-12
Kierkegaard, Søren, 168
King, George, 468
King, Joseph, 452
Kipling, Rudyard, 123, 128, 163, 179-80, 258
Knight, Walter H., 341
Korn, Arthur, 184-85
Kosanovic, Sava, 7, 294, 442-43, 445-48, 450, 452, 457-61
Krsinic, Franco, 464
Krueger, Paul, 345
Kulishich, Kosta, 15, 18
Kussner, Amatia, 208
Küster, Mr., 184
Labine, Jerry, 402
laboratories: Edison Waterside Station, 349, 351, 363-64, 366; 59th Street Bridge, 427, 429, 457; Grand Street, 61, 256, 371-72; Houston Street, 158, 161, 182, 213-15, 217, 281; Liberty Street, 42-43; Orange, New Jersey, 148; South Fifth Avenue, 66, 99, 127-28, 146-47, 281, 443.
See also
Colorado Springs; Wardenclyffe
Laemmle, Carl, 428
Lamme, Benjamin, 59-60, 65, 78, 100, 377
Langley, Samuel, 309, 332
Langmuir, Irving, 377, 525-26
Lathrop, George, 154
Lawrence, William, 460
lawsuits: Boldt, 405-8; Fessenden, 280-82; Marconi, 358-59, 366, 369, 370-73, 388, 398; Warden, 324; Westinghouse, 359-60
lectures: AIEE (1888), 45-48; Columbia College (1891), 70-73; Royal Society, London (1892), 83-90; 143; Paris (1892), 84, 92-93; Philadelphia (1893), 101-7; St. Louis (1893), 101, 110-13; Chicago Electrical Congress (1893), 120-21; Niagara Falls (1897), 174-77; New York Academy of Sciences (1897), 188; NELA, New York (1911), 350-51
Lenard, Philip, 175, 231
Leonardo da Vinci, 332
Ley, Willy, 156
Light House Board, 226-28, 379-80, 389-92
Lilienthal, Otto, 332
Lindbergh, Charles, 330
Livor, Harry, 38
Locke, Richard Adams, 19, 155
Lockheed Martin X-33, 333
Lodge, Oliver, 70, 85, 91, 109-10, 187, 337, 373, 377, 390, 421
Long, John D., 389, 391
Loomis, Mahlon, early work in wireless, 107-8
Lowenstein, Fritz, 217-19, 231, 281, 397-98, 347-48, 352, 357-58, 370, 375, 382
Lowell, Perceival, 152-53, 155-56, 216, 327, 465
Lund, Troeln, 378
340, 375
Lwoff-Parlaghy, Princess Vilna, 382-83, 410
Mach, Ernst, 15, 18, 200; acoustical waves, 19-20; Buddhist influence, 201; Mach’s principle 20, 104-5, 201-2, 425
McKay, Clarence, 209, 211
McKim, Charles, 311, 392
McKim, Mead & White, 98, 159, 261
McKinley, William, 195, 270, 390
McNamara, Charles, 458
magnifying transmitter, 188-89, 216, 227, 281, 327, 347-48, 372-73, 407-8, 417-18, 471-76; radio tube (brush light), 86, 102-5; oscillators, 83-84, 99, 115-17, 137, 143, 165, 183, 209-11, 218, 232, 261, 281, 290, 295, 318, 328, 373, 390, 419.
See also
Wardenclyffe; tuned circuits
Man, Albion,
Man Who Fell to Earth,
Mannheim, Karl, 307
Mandic, Djouka,
Tesla, Djouka
Mandic, Nikola, 7
Mandic, Pajo, 20, 66-67, 128
Mandic, Petar, 7, 66, 93, 294
Marconi, Guglielmo, x, xiv, 109, 172-73, 183, 185-87, 194-96, 368-75, 388, 410, 421, 429; litigation, 227, 249, 284, 288, 309, 358-63, 358; Martian signals, 224, 400-1, 404; meeting with Tesla, 236-37; New York speeches, 275-79, 337; Nobel prize, 374, 379; successful wireless experiments, 189, 223; Hammond connection, 345, 347, 355; in U.S. Court, 371; pirates Tesla oscillator, 262-63, 285, 326-27, 359, 372-73; transatlantic wireless transmission, 274-79; work with Preece, 172-73, 186-87, 275
Marconi Wireless Co., 390-91
Marincic, Alexander, 471, 509
Markovitch, Michael, 447
Mars, 242, 258, 327, 337, 404, 465; canals of, 153, 155-56; belief in life on, 152-57, 216, 220-26, 318
Martin, Thomas Commerford, xii, xv, 29, 43-45,67-69, 84,97,116, 137,139-41, 147,150, 170, 178, 321,349, 410; editor of Tesla, 79, 110, 138, 190; disagreements, 196, 200, 214, 257, 289, 381; and Marconi extravaganza, 275-78; and Johnsons, 121-22,126, 128
Mashevkief, Ivan, 410-411
Matthews, Arthur, 468
Maxim, Hiram, 31, 76
Maxwell, James Clerk, 68, 96, 119
Meissner, Benjamin Franklin, 348
Merrick, F. A., 435
Merrington, Marguerite, 208, 260, 385
Meyers, Emil, 361, 377
Michaelson-Morley experiment, 102
Mill, John Stewart, 299
Millikan, Robert, 71, 377, 421, 423
Mills, Darius Ogden, 162, 178, 209, 211, 245, 300, 343
Morgan, Anne, 361, 448; and Tesla, 246, 260; woman’s movement, 301-2, 405, 413-14
Morgan, J. Pierpont, xiv, xv, 33, 42, 76-77, 98, 134, 161-62, 245-56, 307, 325, 343, 384, 443, 464-65; and G.E., 136; Niagara Falls, 174; US Steel, 250-251; and Panic of 1901, 264-65, 267-68, 304, 310; and Panic of 1907, 326-27; and Frick, 320-21, 323; and Guggenheim, 299-301; and Ryan, 298-99, 301, 305, 323; and Tesla, 247-50, 252-54, 260, 268-73, 284-86, 293, 297, 301-23, 349, 363; contract disputes, 285, 315-16; death, 361, 366
Morgan, J. P. (Jack), xv, 361-66, 369, 378, 381, 396-97, 415; funds Tesla turbine, 363, 388, 434-35; attempted assassination, 376; and RCA 393
Moore, D. McFarlan, 138, 277, 421
Moore, John C., 42
Morse, Samuel, 108
Muenter, Erich (a.k.a. Frank Holt), 375-76
Muir, John, 163, 180-81, 366
Musak, Charlotte, 458
NakaMats, Yoshiro, 468
Naval Intelligence, 389
Nesbit, Evelyn, 258, 269-70, 310, 322
Newton, Isaac, 19, 154, 202
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 239
Nobel Prize, 71, 84, 378-80, 387, 409, 420, 464
Office of Alien property, 446, 450-60
O’Neill, John (Jack), xiv, xvi, 30-31, 260, 300, 401, 413, 423, 439-40, 452, 460; first meets Tesla, 328-29; ode to Tesla, 383-84; saves Tesla’s papers, 443
Paderewski, Ignace, 123, 178-79, 189, 409
Page, Parker W., 185, 281-82
Palmer, Edward, 453
particle beam weapons,
86, 168-69, 387-88, 416, 425-27, 431, 434-35, 439-40, 447-62; explained, 454, 469-70
Paul, Frank R., 396, 399, 405
Payne, Oliver, 310-12
Peck, Charles, 42, 52
Perry, Comdr. T., 226-28
Peter, King, 441, 447-48
Pfund, Richard, 361, 377
Pickering, William, 152-53, 156, 337, 404
plurality of worlds, 155.
See also
Mars; Tesla
Poeschl, Prof., 15-16, 201
Possell, C. R., 402-3
Potter, Adrian, 411
Poulsen, Valdemar, 328, 421
Pratt, David, 459
Preece, William, 84-85, 88, 108, 120, 172-73, 186-87, 275
Pribic, Nikola, 18
Price, Charles W., 214
Prodigal Genius,
Project Seafarer, 476
Pulitzer, Joseph 141
Puharich, Andrija (Henry), 300, 355, 461
Pupin, Michael, 68-70, 74-76, 238, 373-74, 377, 383, 421; befriends Elihu Thomson, 72; befriends Marconi, 236-37, 263, 276-79, 309; litigation testimony, 371; telephone patent, 144-45, 236-37; dispute with Tesla, 130-31; obfuscation of Tesla’s name, 80, 167, 437; reconciliation, 436-37
Purkyne,Jan, 19
Puskas, Ferenc, 20, 27-28
Puskas, Tivadar, 20, 27
Pyle National Co., 392, 397-99
quantum physics, 103, 168-69, 424, 498
radiant energy, 168
Radosavljevich, Paul (Rado), 429, 442
Rand, Ayn, 467-68
Rankine, William B., 137, 151, 171-72, 230, 245, 305-6
Rasquin, William J., 405-8
Ratzlaff, John, xiv
Rau, Louis, 29
Rayleigh, Lord, 90-91, 112, 175
RCA, 354, 358, 392-94, 409, 429, 444, 455, 460
Reagan, Ronald, 197
Redfield, James, 468
Reis, Philip, 328
remote control,
telautomaton, tuned circuits, wireless transmission
Rhodes, Cecil, 180, 345
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 404
Righi, A., 372, 379
Ritchen, H. B., 452
Robinson, Corinne (Mrs. Douglas Robinson), 241, 245, 247
Robertson, Andrew W., 430-31
Rockefeller, John D., 295, 296, 310, 325-26
Roeg, Nicholas, 468
Roentgen, William, 167-70, 173, 175, 178, 209, 231, 388, 410
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 381, 409, 434, 442, 447-48; assistant sec’y of navy, 368, 377, 388, 409; Farragut Letter, 309; RCA, 392-93; use of Tesla priority in wireless; against Marconi, 368
Roosevelt, Theodore, 163, 195, 266, 326, 369, 383, 392, 438; meets Tesla, 245
Ross, Harvey, 459
Royal Academy of Science (Sweden), 378-79
Rudyar, Dane, 469-70
Russell, Walter, 424
Rutherford, Ernest, 103, 377
Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 312, 320, 326; negotiations with Tesla, 296-297, 323; and J. P. Morgan, 298, 301, 305
Sarnoff, David, 354, 358, 374-75, 444, 463, 525-26
Satterlee, Herbert, 160, 245-46, 355, 361
Savo, Peter, 419
Sawyer, William, 31-32, 36, 70, 147
scalar waves, 96, 461, 498
Scherff, George, 189-90, 217, 237-38, 281, 289, 292, 294, 309, 312, 319, 322, 327, 393, 397; first meets Tesla, 161; correspondence, 219, 230-31; financial support of Tesla, 324, 340-41; ozone therapy for wife, 341-42
Schiaparalli, Giovanni, 155
Schiff, Jacob, 246, 250, 265, 298, 320, 323, 325, 351
Schley, Winfield Scott, 215
Schmid, Albert, 54, 59, 65, 78, 99, 100, 148
Schuman cavity resonance, 472
Schwab, Charles, 250-51, 432-34
Schwarz, Mrs. F. A. O., 289, 340-41
Scott, Charles, 53, 54, 59-60, 65, 78, 100, 133, 342, 360, 377, 385, 421, 430
Sekulic, Martin, 13
Sellers, Coleman, 134
Serrell, Lemuel, 40
Seymour, John (patent commissioner), disputes with Pupin, 144, 236; chastises Marconi, 373
Shallenberger, Oliver, 101, 133, 384; AC meter invention, 49, 54; disputes with Tesla, 59, 78
Sheep, George, 84
Sherman, Thomas G., 325
Shindo, Masaki, 469
Simpson & Crawford, 211
Slaby, Adolf, 231, 250, 361, 389, 391
Smiley, J. B., 386
Smith, Lawrence M. C., 454
space-time, 102, 420, 461
Spanel, Abraham N., 448-49, 458-59
Spanish American War, 190, 194-95, 205-6, 208-13, 414
Sperry, Elmer, 71, 377
Sprague, Frank, 132, 175, 279, 358, 377
Stallo, Edmund, 325, 359
standing waves, 99, 230
Stanley, William, 24-25, 46, 49-50, 54, 63, 71, 147, 430
Stanton, Desire (a.k.a. Mrs. G. McClurg), 214, 216
Steinmetz, Charles, 78-79, 81, 135-36, 241, 276, 357, 384, 464; defense of Tesla AC system, 76; obfuscation of Tesla’s name, 73, 79-81; doctored Einstein/Steinmetz photo, 525-26
16; socialist-capitalist conflict, 75, 277, 411-12