Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla (78 page)

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Authors: Marc Seifer

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51. NT to JPM, October 15, 1906 [LC].

Chapter 36: The Child of His Dreams, pp. 324-335

1. NT, “The People’s Forum,”
The World,
May 16, 1907.

2. “Tesla Tower to be Sold,”
New York Times,
October 27, 1907, 6:4 (literary license on phone conversation).

3. NT to KJ, October 16, 1907 [LA].

4. “Miss Merrington, Long an Author,” obituary column,
New York Times,
June 21, 1951.The play opened up in 1906 (literary license taken on related chain of events).

5. NT, “Sleep From Electricity,”
New York Times,
October 16, 1907, 8:5.

6. NT,
p. D-11.

7. “Nikola Tesla Sued,”
New York Times,
July 21, 1912, 7:2; “Syndicate Sues Nikola Tesla,”
New York Sun,
July 21, 1912, 1:3; “Tesla Property May Go for Debt,”
New York City Telegram,
April 17, 1922.Tesla’s mortgage with the Waldorf Astoria was consummated in May 1908.

8. H. Satterlee, p. 456.

9. John Davis,
The Guggenheims: An American Epic
(New York: William Morrow, 1978), p. 106.

10. R. Chernow, pp. 123-26.

11. NT to GS, November 20, 1907 [BLCU].

12. NT to GS, April 1, 1907 [BLCU].

13. NT, “Tesla on the Peary North Pole Expedition,”
New York Sun,
July 16, 1907, in
Tesla Said,
pp. 90-91.

14. NT, “Signalling to Mars,”
Harvard Illustrated,
March 1907; in
Tesla Said,
pp. 92-93.

15. NT, “Tesla’s Tidal Wave to Make War Impossible,”
English Mechanic and World of Science,
May 3, 1907; in
Tesla Said,
pp. 98-102.

16. NT, “Tesla’s Wireless Torpedo,”
New York Times,
March 20, 1907, 8:5; in
Tesla Said,
pp. 96-97.

17. NT,
Tesla Said,
pp. 96-105.

18. NT, “Can Bridge Gap to Mars,”
New York Times,
June 23, 1907, in
Tesla Said,
pp. 103-4.

19. O’Neill, 1944.

20. NT to J. O’Neill, February 26, 1916 [NTM]; “O’Neill Writes on Tesla’s Life,”
Nassau Daily Review Star,
1944, p. 16; “Life of a Self-Made Superman,” Book review of
Prodigal Genius, New York Times,
November 19, 1944 [KSP].

21. “Sheriff Takes Tesla Tower,”
New York Sun,
June 13, 1907, 3:3.

22. NT to JJA, June 8, 1908 [NTM].

23. NT, “Nikola Tesla’s Forecast for 1908,”
New York World,
January 6, 1908; “Aerial Warships Coming, Tesla Tells,”
New York Times,
March 11, 1908, 1:2; “Little Aeroplane Progress: So Says Nikola Tesla,”
New York Times,
June 6, 1908, 6:5.

24. Ibid.

25. “Zeppelin Flies Over 24 Hours,”
New York Times,
May 30, 1908, 1:1,2.

26. Carl Dienstback, “The Brucker Transatlantic Airship Expedition,”
Scientific American,
January 21, 1911, pp. 1, 62.

27. R. U. Johnson, p. 580.

28. Dennis Eskow, “Silent Running,”
Popular Mechanics,
July 1986, pp. 75-77.

29. Ibid.

30. Branimir, Jovanovic,
Tesla I Svet Vasduhoplovstva
(Belgrade: Tesla Museum, 1988), p. 42.

31. Frank Parker Stockbridge, “Tesla’s New Monarch of Mechanics,”
New York Herald Tribune,
October 15, 1911, p. 1.

Illustrated World Encyclopedia
(Woodbury, N.Y.: Bobley Pub. Co., 1977).

Encyclopedia of Science and Technology,
vol. 1, p. 288.

34. O. Chanute, “Progress in Aerial Navigation,”
Engineering Magazine, 2,
1891-92, pp. 1-15.

35. B. Jovanovic,
Tesla I Svet Vasduhoplovstva,
pp. 49-50.

36. John P. Campbell, “Vertical-Takeoff Aircraft,”
Scientific American,
August 8, 1960, p. 48.

37. “A New Version of Space Shuttle,”
July 1, 1996, p. 69.

38. Wallace Cloud, “Vertical Takeoff Planes,”
Popular Science,
August 1965, pp. 42-45; 176-77;
[TV show], 1991.

Encyclopedia of Science and Technology,
vol. 19, p. 203.

40. “The Allies’ Firepower,”
February 18, 1991 (insert).

41. William Broad, “Flying on a Beam of Energy: New Kind of Aircraft Is on Horizon as Designers Try Microwave Power,”
New York Times,
July 21, 1987, Cl.

42. “Tesla Designs Weird Craft,”
Brooklyn Eagle,

43. NT, “Method of Aerial Transportation,” patent numbers 1,655,113 and 1,655,114, filed September 9, 1921, accepted January 3, 1928.

44. “The New Weapons,”
September 10, 1990, p. 28.

Chapter 37: Bladeless Turbines, pp. 336-342

1. NT to JJA, March 22, 1909 [NTM].

2. Literary license taken. “Messages From Dead Now Made Public; Sir Oliver Lodge Advertised,”
New York Times,
September 15, 1908, 1:5; “Talk of Signals to Mars, Astronomers Gather in Paris,”
New York Times,
April 21, 1909, 1:2; “How to Signal Mars, says N. Tesla,”
New York Times,
May 23, 1909.

3. NT, “Tesla Predicts More Wonders,”
New York Sun,
April 7, 1912, 1:3,4,5; 2:5.

4. O’Neill, 1944.

5. “French to Establish Wireless Station on Eiffel Tower,”
New York Times,
January 26, 1908, 1:6.

6. “DeForest Tells of New Wireless,”
New York Times,
February 14, 1909, 1:3.

7. “Dr. DeForest in Philadelphia. Wireless Telephone Soon,”
New York Times,
March 23, 1909, 18:4.

8. “Steel Towers for Waldorf Wireless,”
New York Times,
March 6, 1909, 14:2.

Technical World Magazine,
circa 1911; in Jeffery Hayes, ed.,
Tesla’s Engine: A New Dimension For Power
(Milwaukee, WI: Tesla Engine Builders Assoc., 1994), p. 58.

10. NT, “New Inventions by Tesla,” Address at NELA.
Electric Review and Western Electrician,
May 20, 1911, pp. 986-87.

11. F. P. Stockbridge, “Tesla’s New Monarch of Mechanics,”
New York Herald Tribune,
October 15, 1911, p. 1, in Hayes, ed., pp. 23-37.

12. Ibid.

13. GS to NT, January 10, 1909 [LC].

14. NT to GS, March 26, 1909 [LC].

15. GS to NT, November 11, 1909; November 4, 1910 [LC].

16. “Tesla Propulsion Company,”
Electrical World,
May 27, 1909, p. 1263.

17. G. Freibott, “History and Uses of Tesla’s Inventions in Medicine,” Talk before International Tesla Society, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1984; M. Seifer,
p. 429; Frederick Sweet, Ming-Shian Kao, and Song-Chiau Lee, “Ozone Selectively Inhibits Growth of Human Cancer,”
August 22, 1980, pp. 931-32.

18. NT to GS, February 22, 1910 [LC].

19. NT to GS, February 19, 1909; November 23, 1909; the company in Providence was Corliss NT to GW Co., January 12, 1909 [LC].

20. “Col. Astor Estate,”
New York Times,
June 22, 1913,
p. 2.

21. NT to Charles Scott, December 30, 1908[LC].

Chapter 38: The Hammond Connection, pp. 343-356

1. NT to JHH Jr., November 8, 1910 [LC].

2. John O’Neill, p. 175.

3. Hammond Jr. to Swezey, May 11, 1956 [KSP]. Note: No letters between NT and
Hammond Sr. were discovered at the Gloucester or Tesla Museums or in Hammond Sr.’s Yale papers.

4. John Hays Hammond, Sr.,
Autobiography of John Hays Hammond
(New York: Farrar & Rhinehart, 1935).

5. M. Josephson,
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 292.

6. NT to JJA, January 6, 1899 [NTM].

7. John Hays Hammond, Jr., “The Future in Wireless,”
National Press Reporter,
vol. XV, no. 110, May 1912.

8. John Hays Hammond Sr.,
Literary Digest,
June 20, 1936, p. 27.

9. John Hays Hammond Sr.,
p. 129.

10. Ibid.

11. “Hammond’s First Job,”
New York Times,
December 31, 1915, 3:6.

12. “JHH Explains Why Is Ambitious to Become Vice President,”
New York Times,
June 7, 1908,
p. 11.

13. Nancy Rubin,
John Hays Hammond, Jr.: A Renaissance Man in the Twentieth Century
(Gloucester, Mass.: Hammond Museum, 1987), p. 4.

14. John Hays Hammond Sr.,
pp. 481-82.

15. Rubin,
John Hays Hammond, Jr.,
p. 8.

16. “John Hays Hammond, Jr.,” Franklin Institute, April 15, 1959 [HC].

17. Mort Weisinger, “Hammond: Wizard of Patents,”
May 1949, pp. 67-72.

18. Rubin, op. cit.; Weisinger, ibid., pp. 67-68.

19. JHH Jr. to NT, February 16, 1911 [NTM].

20. JHH Jr. to JHH Sr., September 17, 1909 [HC].

21. NT to JHH Jr. September 27, 1909; September 29, 1909 [NTM].

22. Rubin, op. cit., p. 8.

22. JHH Jr. to NT, November 10, 1910 [NTM].

24. NT to Harris Hammond, December 19, 1901 [NTM]. The Nobel Prize for achievements in wireless was shared with Carl F. Braun, an electrical inventor working for Marconi competitor Telefunken of Germany.

25. Rubin,
John Hays Hammond,
p. 4; guest book, John Hays Hammond Jr. Estate [HC].

26. John Hays Hammond Jr., “The Future
of Wireless,” National Press Reporter,
May 1912 [HC].

27. NT to JHH Jr., November 12, 1910 [LC].

28. JHH Jr. to NT, November 10, 1910 [LC].

29. NT to JHH Jr., November 12, 1910 [LC].

30. John Hays Hammond Jr., op. cit., May 1912.

31. Ibid.

32. NT, “Possibilities of Wireless,”
New York Times,
October 22, 1907, 8:6; in Ratzlaff, op. cit., p. 107.

33. Miessner to NT, November 8, 1915 [LC].

34. Swezey collection [KSP].

35. JHH Jr. to NT, February 16, 1911 [NTM].

36. NT to JHH Jr., February 18, 1911 [LC].

37. “New Inventions by Tesla,”
Electrical Review and Western Electrician,
May 20, 1911, pp. 986-88.

38. “Tesla Tells of Wonders,”
New York Times,
May 16, 1911, 22:5.

39. “Tesla’s Plan for ‘Wireless’ Electric Lightning,”
Electrical Review and Western Electrician,
January 8, 1910, p. 91.

40. NT to JHH Jr., February 28, 1911 [NTM].

41. Ibid., April 22, 1911; February 14, 1913.

42. Cleveland Moffett, “Steered by Wireless: The Triumph of a Man of Twenty-five,”
McClure’s Magazine,
March 1914, pp. 27-33.

43. JHH Jr. to NT, January 1, 1912 [LC]; Kaempffert, W.,
A Popular History of American Invention
(New York: Scribners, 1924).

44. NT to JHH Jr., February 1913 [NTM].

45. Ibid., July 16, 1913.

46. Moffett, “Steered by Wireless,”
March 1914.

47. JHH Jr. to JHH Sr., December 2, 1914 [HC].

48. JHH Jr. to Secretary of Navy, October 11, 1924 [NAR].

49. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

50. “World Court for Peace says John Hays Hammond,”
New York Times,
March 22, 1915, 4:2; “To Test Hammond Torpedo,”
New York Times,
August 29, 1916, 9:2; “Control Ships with Radio,”
New York Times,
February 15, 1919, 3:8.

51. Rubin,
John Hays Hammond,
p. 12.

52. Hammond Jr., October 11, 1924.

53. NT,
On His Work in A.C.,
1916/1992, pp. 19, 158.

54. Rubin,
John Hays Hammond,
p. 16.

55. Guest book [HC].

56. Andrija Puharich,
Beyond Telepathy
(Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962).

Chapter 39: J. P. Morgan Jr., pp. 357-367

1. Fritz Lowenstein to NT, April 18, 1912 [KSP].

2. “Electrified Schoolroom to Brighten Dull Pupils,”
New York Times,
August 18, 1912.
p. 1; “Tesla Predicts More Wonders,”
New York Times,
April 7, 1912,

3. “Marconi Lecture Before NY Electrical Soc.”
Electrical World,
April 20, 1912, p. 835.

4. Erik Barnouw,
A Tower in Babel: A History of Broadcast United States
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1966), pp. 76-77.

5. Robert Sobel,
(New York: Stein & Day, 1986), pp. 19-20; Robert Harding,
George H. Clark Radiona Collection
(Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1990).

6. NT to GS, January 18, 1913 [LC].

7. W. Jolly,
p. 190.

8. NT to JPM Jr., March 19, 1914 [JPM].

9. NT to JPM Jr., July 23, 1913 (re: Girardeau, M. E. testimony), [JPM].

10. “Judgment Against NT,”
New York Sun,
March 24, 1912, 1:3; “Syndicate [Stallo, Jacobash, Levy, and Sherwood Jr.] sues NT,”
New York Sun,
July 21, 1912, 1:3; “NT Sued,” July 21, 1912,
New York Times,
7:2; “Wireless Litigation,”
Electrical World,
June 28, 1913.

11. NT to JPM Jr., June 11, 1915 [LC].

12. NT to TAE, February 24, 1912 [TAE].

13. NT to GW, August 10, 1910; August 19, 1910; GW to NT, August 18, 1910 [LC].

14. Tesla received royalties of 5%, approximately $1200/month, until Tuckerton was seized in 1916, Tuckerton Radio Station to J. Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, July 3, 1916 [NA].

15. NT to JPM Jr., February 19, 1915 [JPM]; NT to Frank and NT to Pfund, circa 1912-1922 [NTM]; “19 More Taken as German Spies,”
New York Times,
I, 1:3; “Find Radio Outfit in Manhattan Tower,”
New York Times,
March 5, 1918, 4:4.

16. NT,
On His Work in A.C.,
1916/1992, p. 133.

17. “Col. Astor Estate,”
New York Times,
June 22, 1913,
p. 2.

18. NT to JPM Jr., sympathy letter, March 31, 1913 [LC]; NT to Anne Morgan, March 31, 1913 [NTM].

19. NT to JPM Jr., May 19, 1913; May 20, 1913 [LC].

20. R. U. Johnson,
Remembered Yesterdays,
p. 142.

21. NT to GS, July 13, 1913 [LC].

22. NT to JPM Jr., June 6, 1913 [LC].

23. JPM Jr. to NT, June 11, 1913 [JPM].

24. NT, “Open Letter to His Grace,”
Electrical Magazine,
March 18, 1912 [JPM].

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