Read Within a Captain's Hold Online

Authors: Lisa A. Olech

Within a Captain's Hold (14 page)

BOOK: Within a Captain's Hold
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Cookie nudged her with his elbow. “Ye need to be sayin’ the words, lass.”

“Yes, I’m sorry,” She stared into those eyes and repeated the vow. “I, Annalise Gabriella Gatherone,”

His eyebrow raised.

“Take thee, Jaxon…” She looked at him in question.


Annalise smiled. If the snort from Cookie was any indication, few knew his full name. The intimacy of the gesture wasn’t lost on her. “I, Annalise Gabriella Gatherone, take thee, Jaxon Alexander Steele, to be my lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, until death do us part.” She pledged him her troth.

Cookie muttered he still didn’t know what a bloody troth was. “Ye remembered a ring, didn’t ye, Capt’n?”

“Yes.” Jaxon pulled a large, simple band from his pocket. It looked big enough to hold up bed curtains. He stepped between her and Cookie and reached for her hand.

He seemed to read her mind. As he hung the ring onto her finger, he held her hand closed to keep it from falling off. “I’ll see you get a proper one as soon as we reach port.” His closeness made her tremble.

She couldn’t look into his face. The gentle caress of his thumb across the ridge of her knuckles set her blood humming. She focused on the strong beat of his heart in the soft dip at the base of his throat.

His words were quiet, spoken to her alone. “With this ring, I thee wed. With my body, I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods, I thee endow.” The tender words reached into her heart and took hold.

“I’m supposed to be the one te say that,” Cookie said.

“You’re dismissed.” Jaxon’s gaze never left her.

“But we ain’t done. Ye’ve got to do the pronouncin’, and don’t be forgettin’ the kiss.”

“I said, you’re dismissed.”

“But it be custom to give the bride a kiss for luck, and then there be the bit o’ drink to toast the union.”

“Not this time. Away with you.”

“A fine thing, sendin’ a man off with nay a touch of brandy to wet his whistle.”

Jaxon shook his head. The muscle in his jaw jumped. “Take one of the bottles you hid from Fin Willy, man. Just drink your damn drink on the other side of the door.”

“I know when I’m not wanted. Ye don’t have to tell me twice. Thanks fer comin’, here’s yer hat. Fine way to treat the groom.” Cookie pawed through a cabinet and pulled out his prize. He gave the bottle a hearty kiss. “’Tis both our good fortunes tonight, eh?” Cookie chuckled.

“You’ve got your drink. Get out.”

“Fine, fine. Keep yer pants on.” Cookie snorted again. “Least ’til ye lock the door.”

Heat rose to her face. Anna couldn’t see Jaxon’s reaction. She was too busy examining the ties of his shirt, but she heard his low growl.

“Beg pardon, ma’am. Where did I lose me manners? Don’t ye fret. I’m leavin’. I’ll just bid ye both a good eve. Capt’n, Mistress Steele.”

When the door closed, she dared to look into Jaxon’s face.

“You’re not Mistress Steele quite yet.” He kissed the back of her hand. One shoulder of her dress slipped down her arm. “By the authority of my station and the power granted me by the King, William the Third of England, I pronounce us man and wife.”

“Thank you for not making me kiss Cookie.”

“I told you I was a greedy bastard. No one kisses my wife but me.” Jaxon cupped her cheek in his hand and laid claim to her lips, branding her, sealing their bargain, leaving no doubt she was his. When the kiss broke, he looked at her. “Now, you’re Mistress Steele.”




Annalise whispered, “Mistress Steele,” as if her lips were testing it out.

Jaxon took in the vision of his wife,
his wife,
wrapped like a treasure. Loose wisps of her hair spiraled to brush her shoulders. He reached out to test its softness.
Mine, mine, mine.
“You take my breath away.”

“The silk
beautiful,” she slipped the fabric back up her arm, only to have the other side slide seductively off her pale shoulder. “But it is far too slippery. My dressmaker would charge me a fortune to create a proper gown out of it.”

“I’ll pay him three fortunes, then.”

“It does feel lovely against my skin.”

He ran a fingertip between the silk and her skin, teasing the crown of her breast.
She’s bare beneath.

Annalise gasped as the “gown” started to unravel.

And she’s mine.

She clutched it to her chest.

“I think I quite prefer
dressmaking skills.” If she dropped her hands, the entire garment would dissolve into a molten puddle around her feet. He began to envision such a scene until the ache in his loins turned pleasure into urgent need.

If she was frightened about what the night promised, she hid it well. The rapid rise and fall of her chest was the only sign of nerves. She held his stare.

Stepping closer, he tipped her chin and lowered his lips to hers. The kiss brief, almost innocent. It was a taste. A tease.

He stepped away from her to pour them each a drink. Sipping his, he eyed her over the rim and spoke into the glass. “Take down your hair.”

If she raised even one arm, the top of her gown would fall away. What he intended as a test of her resolve turned into a test of his, as she reached up with both hands to pluck the combs from her hair. The gold silk shimmered past her curves before a tumble of coppery hair reached her waist. A surge of heat rushed to his cock and he near choked on his brandy.

“I was wrong.” Damn him. His voice caught like a lad’s. “I believed you were most stunning wrapped in gold, Mistress Steele.” He set the glasses aside and, running his hand into her hair, pulled her trembling lips to his. “I much prefer you naked.”

Jaxon captured her gasp as his mouth ravaged hers. He took advantage of her parted lips to tease her tongue with his. Burying his hand into the thickness of her hair, he held the back of her head. Blood rushed through his veins. His body throbbed with need.

Sweeping her into his arms, he laid her upon the bed and continued to kiss her. He played with her lips, taking great pleasure when she wound an arm around his neck and began returning his kisses.

Breaking the connection, he stared into her beautiful face. He brushed a strand of her hair away from her cheek. She shook her head. Her breath fanned his cheek. “I can’t think when you kiss me like that.”

His breathing labored as he grinned at her. “What did you wish to think about?” In the alcove, their whispers created a private world.

“Nothing.” She toyed with the lacings of his shirt. “Nothing at all. I don’t want to think anymore. I’m tired of thinking. Worrying, being scared.”

“It’s natural to be frightened.”

“I know. Any sane person would be but--”


“When I’m with you…like this. When you touch me and put your mouth to mine, I forget to be afraid.”

He shook his head and ran a finger along her fragile collarbone. “But I’m known for striking fear into the hearts of men. I make them shake in their boots.”

“I’m not a man, and I don’t appear to be wearing any boots.”

“No, my lady, you don’t appear to be wearing anything.” His finger traveled down the center of her chest into the soft valley between her breasts.

She plucked at the front of his shirt. “Would you like help removing

That brought another smile to his face. “I think I can manage.” He kissed her once more, pulled a blanket over her nakedness, and rose.

Retrieving the two glasses of brandy, he handed one to Annalise. He rid himself of all but his trousers before sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to her. The brandy burned a path into his belly. If only
could stop thinking and end this war between his mind and his body.

It wasn’t too late. He could put his damn boots back on and leave. Force himself to walk away from her and keep her intact. Whole. Unharmed. It would be easy to have the marriage nullified if he never touched her. But, if he was truly to save her from Wolfsan, she couldn’t be left a virgin. The thought of hurting her now had him reaching for the brandy again. God, how he wanted her, and he’d have her, but he must rein in his fierce desire.
Gentle. Slow

Jaxon glanced over his shoulder. She was beautiful. It was as if she were for his eyes alone. He loved her.

Realization hit him square in the chest and threatened to punch the air from his lungs. Good God, he
her. He’d fallen in love with her and
her. What had he done? Had he saved her from one fate only to condemn her to another?

Annalise laid a hand on his shoulder. His breath caught. Her touches were tender and shy.

She laid a kiss upon his shoulder and whispered against his skin, “Jaxon?” Her fingers released the queue of his hair. He closed his eyes at the rush of heat that ran through him.

“Are you thinking our joining will be disappointing?”

Turning, he pulled her into his lap. “That was the furthest thing from my mind.” He hungrily kissed her mouth.

Her eager return of his kisses urged him on. He wrapped his arms around her. Skin upon skin, hands upon flesh, slow stroking and deep kisses spurred them both. Annalise surprised him with the depth of her response to him. She mirrored each move he made.

Slow. Gentle.
Jaxon pulled away. Mustn’t get carried away. He needed to do what he could to ease her first pain. Laying her back against the pillows, he shed his breeches and slipped alongside her body. Anna’s glorious hair spilled across the linens. Her shy maiden glances at the fullness of his erection made him smile. His size hadn’t daunted her.

“Every inch of you is strength and power.” She ran a touch over a thin scar that lined his chest. “And battle marked.”

“Does that displease you?”

She traced another scar. “I don’t like to think of you wounded.”

The touch of her fingertips along his skin caused him pain of a different kind. Each sweep only torched a pathway to bring fire to his sex. After lifting her fingers to halt her torture, he laid a kiss within her palm.

“The thought I’ll cause you hurt tonight, wounds me more.” He laid a line of kisses down her delicate throat. Fingers played across her skin and his mouth followed. He raised his head to watch her face as he brushed at the fullness of her breast. His fingers fondled its hardened peak. “I’ll be as gentle as I’m able.”

Anna’s breath came quicker. “I know.”

Dipping his head to suckle at her breast, she took a sharp intake of air as he pulled her nipple into his mouth. His tongue circled the sweet blushed tip, drawing a small cry of pleasure from her. Her fingers tangled in his hair. She held him to her and writhed beneath him while his lips pulled her nipple against the swirl of his tongue.

Jaxon continued his attentiveness to her breasts. Sliding his hand across the smooth skin of her ribs, he followed the curve of her waist and hip to spread his palm across the fullness of her behind.

Easing a hand between her thighs, he slipped up the sensitive skin to the silky nest of russet curls. Her body stiffened. He stilled his touch and moved to kiss her again. His lips brushed hers, nibbled at her bottom lip, and waited for her to respond in kind. Her mouth trembled beneath his. He kissed her open mouth, their breath mingling. “Relax, Annalise.” His whisper caused her to release the breath she held. “Kiss me.”

With slow deliberate strokes, the depth of their kiss increased, and he began to move his hand against her damp curls. As his tongue swept and tasted hers, his fingers parted her and found the tender flesh he sought. Moist warmth bathed his fingers. With each touch, she gasped softly as if surprised and sighed, melting into the sensation.

She broke his kiss as he teased her with swirling strokes. Her head fell back into the softness of the pillows, and a moan of pleasure escaped her. Raining kisses down her neck, he once more used his mouth to lavish attention to her breasts. She opened her thighs to him, her hips rocked against his hand, and her back arched as her body shuddered.

Jaxon fought to control the urge to climb between her thighs and end his sweet torment. His body screamed for its own release, but she wasn’t ready. With the pad of his thumb, he continued to caress her. Pressing deeper her tightness sheathed his fingers. Her eyes closed to the pleasure of his touch. As he slipped the first finger into the slick wetness of her, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Jaxon…” Her chest rose and fell quickly and her lips parted as she pulled in gasps of air.

He slid his first finger out and joined it with another trying to stretch her to receive the width of him.

Moaning, she ground herself against the movements of his hand. Anna looked at him, wide-eyed as her body quivered with pleasure. She reached up and slipped her hand about the back of his neck, pulling him back to her. His mouth captured hers again as he moved between her legs. Stroking her from hip to knee, he positioned himself. When the head of his cock pressed upon her, she tensed.

Jaxon moved his kisses along her jaw and teased her ear with his tongue. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, hoping to relax her.

She shivered beneath him. He used his body, urging her to open more for him. Fighting the desire to plunge into her, his breath raced and a fine sweat broke out upon his brow as the battle within him raged. Stopping was no longer an option. He must take her. His body screamed,
, but his mind fought the reality of what would come.

Annalise’s hips moved below him. He fit the tip of him into her, felt her hold her breath, and murmured into her ear. “Breathe.”

He pushed into her a bit more, pulled back, and pressed in again. Beneath him, Anna responded to him as no other. Her gasps of surprise melted into soft moans as her eager hands stroked his back, his thighs, his arms.

She rocked her hips against his, allowing him to sink deeper. Slick heat sheathed him. Feeling her maidenhead against the head of his cock, he stopped. His breath came quicker. The muscles in his arms shook with the effort of controlling his burning desire to drive into her and end his torment.

BOOK: Within a Captain's Hold
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