Within a Captain's Hold (13 page)

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Authors: Lisa A. Olech

BOOK: Within a Captain's Hold
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Cookie hadn’t moved. He spoke low and quiet. “Yer missin’ the most important part of this, lad.”

Jaxon lowered the glass and glanced at him. “And what might that be?”

Cookie leaned a bit closer. “Ye’d have her.”

* * * *

Jaxon paced the deck. His only glimpse of the sun that day came when it dipped below the roof of clouds to melt red into an orange sea. The ship held a palpable air of anticipation and competition as members of the crew spent every spare moment scanning the seas, snatching spyglasses from each other, eager to be the first to spot the Sea Dragon.

Jaxon was confident Bonchette wouldn’t surprise them, but he knew what faced them when he arrived. Blood-Eye and his crew were brutal fighters, and whatever spurred him to attack the
Scarlet Night
would only add wild, irrational actions to a wild, irrational man.

Jaxon never feared death, but the thought of losing his life to Bonchette and leaving all aboard to a cruel barbarian made his blood run cold. He would not leave Annalise at the mercy of a madman--neither Bonchette nor Wolfsan. He would battle both men straight into hell.

Cookie’s earlier comments started another battle, one within Jaxon’s head and heart. In truth, he could argue away every point--save one. He’d have Annalise. Be it only for a short time, he would have her. And, God help him, he had never wanted a woman as strongly as he wanted her.

He never considered taking a wife. He’d witnessed too many women left standing on too many docks waving good-bye to their men, and those same women crushed into wailing heaps when the ship came back to port without them. With enough coin in his pocket, Jaxon could always find a woman to welcome him to shore and share a warm bed.

This was different. Annalise was different. His mind continued to conjure visions of a life with her. He imagined her in beautiful gowns, days filled with sharing meals and riding and arguing about a thousand different things. But the nights…At night, she would lie naked in his arms and they would forget about those minor spats and come together in a passionate fever. Yes, she was a virgin, but her first kisses had shown him the spark of heat lying just beneath the surface. He would be the one to fan that spark into a flame. Annalise would be his alone.

As the last of the sun’s light faded into night, Jaxon scanned the horizon once more. What if his days were numbered? If Bonchette’s ship lay within the next crest of the sea, tonight could be his last. The thought of losing the one chance he’d have to be with her, ending his life with that regret gnawed at him.

Jaxon headed toward the galley way. He passed Cookie. “I may need you later.”

“I’d no plans to be leavin’.”

* * * *

As Jaxon entered his quarters, Annalise shot him the briefest glance before she turned her back on him. The thick rope of her burnished hair pointed to the rounded curves of her behind held snug in those damnable breeches. He chuckled to himself and welcomed her silence. Less chance to reconsider.

He unlocked a small chest and pulled out two gold hair combs studded with small rubies, fat citrines, and pearls the size of spring peas. He had liberated them from a Spanish galleon.

“Annalise?” He held them out to her.

“What’s this?” She frowned.

“A gift. A peace offering. Call them a token.”

Golden eyes met his. “A token?”

“It’s customary for a man to give a woman a token when he makes a promise to marry?”

Her eyes widened.

“That is what you want, is it not? Or have you reconsidered?”

Anna shook her head. “You said--”

“I know what I said, but I’ve given it a great deal of thought, and I’ve come to realize some of the benefits far exceed the cost.” He stepped closer, took her hand, and placed the combs in her palm. “These were destined to grace the dark hair of a Spanish queen, but they’ll be far lovelier in your hair.”

Annalise stood and ran her thumb over the cluster of stones. “They’re stunning.” She peeked up at him again. “Does this mean you’re agreeing to the terms of my proposal?”

the terms. There are certain things to be decided. Plans to discuss. Arrangements to make. But I accept your proposal. On my terms.”

Color flooded her cheeks, but still her eyes never left his. “So it is still your desire to…”

“My desires have not changed from this morning.”

“Neither has the issue of my virginity.”

He grinned at her cheekiness. “You standing in my cabin, on my ship, breaks so many of my rules. Mayhap it’s time for a few new ones.”

“I see.” Annalise laid a hand to her throat. “Well then, how soon do you think we’ll be in Port St. Maria? I’ll start making the proper arrangements as soon as we arrive.”

“We won’t be married in Port St. Maria. We will be married here. Tonight.”





“Aye. I dare say, we’ll be husband and wife within the hour.”

“I…we…I thought…” Annalise cursed herself. She was stammering like an idiot. She wanted this, but she couldn’t help the thread of panic trickling down her back. “Why tonight? I thought we’d wait.”

“I’d think you would be anxious to have me bound to you. More time would only serve to have me come to my senses and change my mind.” He gave her a quick smile. “This life I lead doesn’t come with guaranteed tomorrows. For any of us.”

“But how could we marry here? Doesn’t the captain perform this type of ceremony?”

“He does. I’ll have a proxy stand in as groom. Cookie’s well suited to the task.”

All the blood in her head rushed to her feet. Everything was happening too fast. In less than an hour, she would stand side by side with a one-legged cook with eight fingers and promise her love and fidelity. And then Jaxon would strip her and…and…Her legs turned to mush and she sat heavily on the side of the bed. Realizing where she sat, she bolted to her feet as if she’d singed her backside.

Anna opened a diamond-paned window and pulled great gulps of sea air into her lungs.

Jaxon moved behind her. Once again, a steadying arm circled her waist. “You seem to be having second thoughts.”

She gripped the window’s ledge. “Second, third, six hundred and twelfth.”

He chuckled behind her.

How could she possibly explain the sudden chaos of her mind? Tonight. A wedding.
wedding. In all her imaginings, she couldn’t have pictured this.

“If you’re afraid.”

Anna pushed away from the window and skirted past him. “I’m not afraid. My head is spinning. I’m getting married tonight.” She pulled in another deep breath. “I know it’s silly, given everything that has brought me to this moment.” She threw up her hands. “I used to imagine what my wedding would be like. Alice and I would pretend when we were young and use lace curtains as my veils. I could picture the flowers in my hair, my gown with the billowing skirts and my handsome father presenting me to my groom.

“Music would fill the church, Mother and my brother, Henry, would watch Father walk me down the long aisle, and the man I pledged my life to would be waiting for me, looking at me with love in his eyes. And now,” she swept a hand over her legs, “I’m standing alone in the middle of the ocean, bartering my family’s fortune and my body to marry a pirate, whose contempt for me is palpable, so an insane duke doesn’t rape me and beat me to death. In stolen breeches no less.” She clamped a hand over her mouth to end the hysterical tirade. Tears pinched the back of her eyes.
I will not cry.

“Annalise.” Jaxon spoke to her with gentleness. “I do not hold you in contempt. Far from it, in fact. I admire your courage. You are the most infuriating, exasperating, stubborn, fascinating woman I have ever known. Given all life has dealt you, any other woman would surely have withered and died, but not you. I’m sorry your family was lost. I would have liked to have met the people who created such a daughter.” He tipped her chin.

“Call me a selfish, greedy bastard. I could lie and tell you that I’m not interested in your wealth or the pleasures of your body, but no. I agreed to this because I want you more than I’ve wanted any other. You have laid siege to my mind and my body, and I must have you, even if it’s for a short time. I need to be with you.”

The intensity of his blue eyes captured her. If he were truly as selfish and greedy as he claimed, he would have taken her long before now. But he said he wanted her, even given the danger and grief she put him through. He wanted her. She wanted him as well. His kisses and the way he held her, touched her, had aroused a part of her she could not deny.

Jaxon turned away and opened several trunks before he found what he sought. “I can’t give you a gown with billowing skirts, but perhaps you could fashion something from this.” He handed her a length of tissue thin golden silk.

She looked at the gossamer fabric. Its fine weave slipped like water through her fingers. The threat of tears returned. So braced for confrontation with him, this unexpected kindness was nearly her undoing. She ran her fingertips over the shimmering cloth.

“Thank you, Captain.” She raised her gaze to his. In the fading light of the day, the blue of his eyes turned a smoky gray.

“I’ll leave you to your preparations while I go collect our groom.”

Anna opened her mouth to say… What could she say? His tender gifts stole her words.

He ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek. “I won’t be long.”

She nodded. Stunned.

As the door closed, she dropped onto the edge of the bed with her arms full of silk. The jeweled combs winked at her. Their gold lay heavy in her hand. It felt as heavy as her heart.
His wife.
She hadn’t expected the marriage to happen so fast. Not tonight. What was she doing? The jewels caught the light. A peace offering? She shook her head and fought against the flood of tears that threatened to drown her. A truce was far from a marriage of love and respect.

Her parent’s marriage had forged her desire for both those things at a time when a marriage was more a merger between houses. A business partnership. She’d watched the pairings of other daughters handled like trading horses. But still, she’d hoped.

She did have feelings for Jaxon, but were they simply a curiosity? He made her body crave something she couldn’t put a name to, but was it love? She didn’t have the luxury of time to examine her feelings and wants. Tonight she was to be a captain’s bride. A pirate’s bit of booty, bound in a golden wrapper.

It didn’t take long to strip out of her clothing and wind the length of delicate fabric about her. She swept one tail up and over her shoulder, about her waist, and back, crossing it over the other shoulder. After the rough cloth of her trousers and shirt, the silk against her body felt like a whispered breath as it caressed her skin.

She used the two beautiful combs, unplaited her hair, and piled it high upon her head, securing it on either side. Several errant curls fell about her ears, and the simple movement of doing her hair caused her makeshift gown to loosen. The silk slid off each shoulder and slipped over every curve. She rearranged the drape and tucked the tail of silk into the wrap about her waist as snuggly as she was able.

Again, the thought of what she was about to do made her head spin. She wouldn’t consider what her sainted parents might think of this. She could not think of Alice, Henry, or dear Uncle Herbert. Gilded like some ballroom statue standing on the threshold of what could be the biggest mistake of her life, she started to tremble. If there were another option, short of handing herself over to Wolfsan, or jumping out one of these windows, she’d have thought of it

Instead, she considered the man she was about to marry. She pulled the tail of silk tight. Love aside, he’d surprised her with his generosity. Would he be as generous as a husband?

His hands upon her had only hinted at his desire to take his own pleasure. He left no doubt about his intentions. Would his dislike of virgins cause him to reconsider? Would he take her and cast her aside in disgust? She wasn’t sure what to hope. One thing was certain. In a matter of minutes, she’d have her answers.

The door unlocked and Jaxon entered. He barely reached a complete stride into the room when he stopped in his tracks.

Cookie followed behind him and didn’t halt in time. He hit him square in the back. “Blast it all, Capt’n, what did ye stop for?” He peered around Jaxon at her. “
Madre de Cristo
. Ye be weddin’ a bloody goddess.”

Anna stared at Jaxon and held her breath. She couldn’t read the expression on his face. His gaze swept her entire length and back again. Both men were staring at her, making her feel self-conscious.

“Will this do?”

“A-aye, that’ll more than do.” Jaxon shoved Cookie. “If you’re through getting an eyeful, let’s get this done.”

“Aye, Capt’n. It’s just that she’s--”

“Just stand next to the lass and remember
the one marrying her.”

“Yes, sir.” Cookie moved to her side and muttered under his breath, “Lucky bastard.”

Jaxon pulled a battered book from his desk and flipped through several pages. He looked at her once more and cleared his throat.

“As captain of this vessel, it is my honor and duty to see wed this day, Captain Jaxon Steele and Lady Annalise Gatherone.” Jaxon spoke the words and Cookie repeated them as close to exact as he was able.

“I, Cookie Burrows, as proxy fer Capt’n Steele here, take thee lovely Annalise to wife. To have and to hold from this day forth, ’til death us do part. Accordin’ to God’s holy ordinance, I plight thee me troth, whatever the hell that be.”

Jaxon glared at Cookie and then turned to her. “Repeat these words. I, Annalise Gatherone, take thee, Jaxon Steele, to be my lawful wedded husband.”

Annalise took in the man facing her. He stood like a practiced seaman, with his booted feet wide to handle the gentle sway of the ship. A brilliant white shirt with wide sleeves tied snug at the wrist was unlaced at his throat, hinting at the dark hair she knew decorated his chest. The day’s growth of beard darkened his jaw and defined the shape of his lips. A polished ring of gold pierced his ear. There was a handsomeness about him, rugged, yet somehow refined, that she couldn’t deny, but what drew her to him like nothing else were his eyes. They were pieces of the sky carrying the weather of his moods. Cutting, icy, and cold one minute, stormy gray the next, but at this moment, they were the deep blue of the sea.

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