With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two (81 page)

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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“And you guys are coming,” she says while pointing at us.

“We wouldn’t miss it,” Jax assures her.

“How is Brian doing with the shows?” I ask and pick a hangnail on my right hand.

“He’s fine. He’s a damn good dancer, but he’s no Jax.”

“He’s a drama queen,” Rick says with a roll of the eyes.

“Yeah, he is that,” Starla agrees. “But he’s hot and the audience loves him, so as long as he doesn’t piss me off too bad, I’ll keep him around. Until I can talk Jax into coming back, that is.”

Jax laughs and shakes his head, but Starla isn’t laughing. She sits up straight and leans her elbows on her knees.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about something.”

Jax and I share a look and then watch her quietly.

“Mer, I’m so sorry about your mama. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to the funeral. I was stuck in a blizzard in New York and couldn’t get a flight out.”

“Oh, Star, it’s okay. Thank you for calling that day. I knew you were thinking of me.”

She nods and then sighs. “Geez, why am I nervous?”

“What’s up, little girl?” Jax asks. He always called her little girl because Starla is so petite.

“I miss you guys. We toured together for so many years, you’re just a part of this whole family that we have going here. I want you to come back on tour with me next year, and choreograph the whole tour too.”

“That would mean that I’d have to start working on that as soon as we get back to Seattle,” Jax says in surprise. Starla nods, watching us both.

“We have a studio now, Star, with clients and kids who depend on us.” I’m shaking my head slowly as the possibilities run through my head.

“You can hire people to take care of the studio while you’re gone,” she replies. Rick continues to watch us silently. “Think about it. I’ll give you both raises of course. And I’m now offering a benefits package too.”

“You’re so generous,” Jax says dryly.

“It’s tax deductible,” she says.

Do I want to go back on tour? Never knowing what time zone I’m in, not to mention what city. The long hours on planes and buses. The grueling, constant rehearsal. Late nights. Weird sleep patterns.

No Mark.

No way.

I shake my head and look Starla in the eye as I answer her honestly. “Thank you for this opportunity, Star. I’m going to pass. I’ve only got a year or two left in me before I start getting injured from the rigorous routines, and honestly, I’m happy with my life in Seattle.”

“You met someone,” Rick guesses.

“I’ve reconnected with someone,” I reply. “And I love him. I’m done touring. But I love that you thought enough of me to ask me back.”

“Keep in touch,” she says. “I’ll need regular updates on how it’s going with your man.”

“I’ll do that.”

“I’m going to pass too,” Jax says with a sigh. “I’m happy at the studio, and I have some choreography opportunities with the university dance team as well.”

“You met someone too, you bitch!” Starla cries and throws a pillow at him.

“He did,” I say and clap my hands. “And he’s

“Why did you all have to leave me and find sexy people to have sex with and not want to come back with me?” She sticks out her lower lip in a pout before burying her face in another pillow. “Moo haff me.”

“What was that?” I ask with a laugh.

“You hate me.”

“We love you.” I blow her a kiss and grin widely. “But I love Mark more.”

“Well, then, let’s get all our gossiping in now while I have your undivided attention.” She clears her throat and begins telling us stories of the band and their sexcapades and which celebrity fell backstage at the Grammys.

I settle back in the cushions and listen, laughing, and counting the hours until I can go home to Mark.




“Hey,” I whisper as I borough down into the covers and cup the phone to my ear.

“Hi, sweetheart. Why are you whispering?”

“Because it’s late and I’m tired and it seems appropriate.”

“How was your day?” His voice sounds tired. I wish he was here, cuddled up next to me where I could smell him and feel him.


“Tell me.”

“Well,” I begin and turn onto my back so I can stare at the ceiling. “We checked into the hotel, which you know because I texted you. After Jax showered and we both changed, we went directly to the studio and worked with Starla and Brian until about six this evening.”

“Who’s Brian?” he asks and then I hear him chewing something crunchy.

“The male dancer. What are you eating?”


“This late?”

“I worked through dinner.”

I can’t help but be sad at the thought of Mark working alone in his big house all evening, skipping dinner and eating only popcorn.

“Do all women have the undeniable urge to take care of their men?” I ask aloud and bite the inside of my cheek.

“What are you talking about?”

“I suddenly wish I was there to make sure you didn’t forget to eat dinner.”

“I wish you were here for far more interesting things than dinner,” he says with a dry voice, making me giggle. “What else happened today?”

“Starla invited Jax and I back to her place for dinner with her and Rick, her fiancé.”

“Was that fun?” More chewing, and now I’m suddenly craving popcorn.

“Yes. They’re both really cool people, and she filled us in on all of the gossip we’ve been missing out on. She wants us to come to the wedding in Paris this fall.”

“That’ll be fun for you guys.”

I frown and look at the phone and then press it back to my ear.

“It’ll be fun for
of us. She invited all four of us, silly.”

“Wow. Okay. I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

“It’s fun, but I’m ready to come home.”

“So, what are you wearing?”

“You always ask me that,” I reply. “What are

“Well, I took my shirt off a while ago because I was getting too warm, so no shirt and jeans.”

“Can you see the elastic of your underwear over the top of your jeans?”

“A little bit, yeah.”

“Holy fuck,” I whisper. “That’s so fucking hot.”

“Seriously?” He laughs and crunches on more popcorn. “Why do women find that hot?”

“Don’t misunderstand. It’s not hot on
. But it’s hot on guys like you, who have that sexy V in their hips and defined abs.”

“It sounds like you’ve done a lot of research on this.”

“Oh yeah, I’m an expert,” I reply and wish again that he were with me so I could drag my fingertip down that sexy V.

“Okay, now you tell me what you’re wearing.”


“Excuse me?”

“I’ve gotten used to sleeping naked.”

“Tell me you and Jax are
sharing a room.”


“Send me some dirty pictures.”


“Come on.”

“Hell no.” I giggle uncontrollably, loving the playful side of Mark.

“Just send me your boobs. You don’t have to include your face.”

“Not on your life!”

“Okay, I’ll take a pussy shot.”

“You are so dirty.” I try to make my voice sound stern, but fail miserably.

“Only when it comes to you, baby.”

“I should hope so.” I sigh and feel my eyelids grow heavy. “I miss you already.”

“I missed you before you boarded that fucking plane.”

I grin. “Sweet talker.”

“Get some sleep, baby. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“We should wrap up by about five, so I’ll call you no later than five-thirty.”

“Okay. Goodnight, M.”

“Goodnight, M.”

He ends the call and I switch my phone to camera mode, flip on the flash and take a selfie then text it to him. The sheet is tucked under my underarms and my hair is fanned out around me on the pillow. I don’t have any makeup on and I look exhausted.

Several seconds later, he responds with a photo of himself, smiling softly at me through the lens. He’s written one line:
Love you, beautiful.


Chapter Eleven



“I was surprised to hear from you today,” I say and take a bite of my cheeseburger.

“I escaped the lab. I left Colin to fend for himself,” Lena replies and winks at me. “We haven’t seen you in a while.”

I shrug and pop a greasy fry in my mouth. “I’ve been busy.”

“Who is she?” She smiles knowingly and takes a bite of her grilled chicken sandwich. “Why did I get this? I should have got a burger.”

My phone beeps with an incoming text on the table next to me.

“Sorry, I have to check this.”

This is Jax. I borrowed Mer’s phone. Here’s a photo of her working.

The photo is stunning. Mer is standing behind Starla and both are looking in the mirror before them. Mer is talking and pointing to Starla’s stomach, clearly coaching the celebrity.

God, I fucking miss her like crazy.

I quickly type out a thank you and set my phone aside.

“Meredith,” I finally answer Lena and smile widely.

“The Meredith who broke your heart after high school?” she asks in surprise. “The one that broke your heart so badly that you wouldn’t give me the time of day?”

I chuckle and shake my head at the beautiful brunette. Lena is curvy, with long dark hair and big blue eyes, and a killer rack.

Not that I’d ever tell her that. Or her husband.

“You only had eyes for Colin,” I remind her. “Maybe it was
who broke my heart.”

“Whatever.” She sips her diet soda and glares at me. “Tell me everything.”

“Yes, the same Meredith from high school. We’ve reconnected with each other.” I sit and tell her everything, from the minute I saw her at Addie’s funeral to our conversation last night. “I’ve been nervous about this trip.”

“You don’t seriously think she’d leave you again for a dance job?”

“I don’t think so,” I concede and cringe when I think of the way I broke out into a cold sweat when Mer told me that she and Jax were going to LA for this job.

“Building trust in a new relationship is a process,” she says and checks her own phone when it buzzes. “My turn to be rude. Colin’s calling. Hey, babe.”

I pull the photo back up of Mer and Starla and smile at my girl. God, she’s so gorgeous. Her hair is up in a messy knot, as usual. She’s in a tight tank and yoga shorts.

Her body makes me want to sit up and beg.

Just as Lena is finishing up her conversation my phone rings.

“Hey, baby, what are you wearing?” I grin, excited to hear Mer’s voice.

“Uh, sorry, Hot Tamale, it’s just Jax. But I’m in shorts and a Nike tank top. How about you?”

“Is she okay?” I ask as ice forms in my stomach.

“Oh yeah, she’s still working.”

“I’m stealing half your burger,” Lena announces and snatches my burger away.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jax says. “I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”

“You didn’t. I’m having dinner with an old friend.”

“Anyway, Mer’s still working, but she promised to call you no later than five-thirty, so I’m letting you know she’ll be a little late.”

“Thanks for that, man. Everything going okay?”

“You eat pickles on your burger?” Lena groans loudly. “Ew.”

“Yeah, we’re good. We’ll be home tomorrow.”

“Okay, great. I’ll see you then.” Jax clicks off. “She’s working.”

“I heard.” Lena happily munches on my burger, now missing pickles, so I reach for her chicken burger.

“Do you steal Colin’s food often?”

“His tastes better than mine.” She shrugs and grins smugly. “When are you coming to work in the lab?”

“I’m not.”

“I don’t get it. You’re a brilliant scientist. I’ve never known anyone who can do what you do, or as quickly. Your brain never shuts down.”


“So you’d rather waste all that brilliance on building houses? You could be doing so much more.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my career,” I say and scowl down at the chicken. “This is disgusting.”

“I know.”

“I like my job, Lena. I’m glad you and Colin are happy in the lab. By the way, when are you going to start having babies?”

“Not you too!” She groans and hangs her head in her hands. “Between you and my mother you’d think my vagina is shriveling up by the day.”

“I really don’t want to think about your vagina doing anything.”

She giggles and wipes her mouth off with a napkin. “Colin appreciates that. No kids for a while yet.”

I nod and eat the rest of my fries.

thinking about kids?”

I scoff at my friend. “I’m not even married.”

She simply raises a brow and watches me quietly.

“I’d marry her tomorrow and have a house full of kids with her if that’s what she wants.”

“What if that’s not what she wants?”

“One day at a time,” I mumble. “But I think she does. She’s mentioned that she can see us having a family one day. In the meantime, we’re good with taking things one day at a time. It’s early days yet.”

“I’m happy for you.” She rests her chin in her hand and watches me with this goofy, dreamy look on her face. “It’s kind of romantic.”

“God, you’re a girl.”

“Hence the prior conversation about my vagina.”

“There was no conversation. And stop saying vagina.”

She laughs loudly then raises a brow when my phone pings again.

Thought you’d like a video of Mer doing what she does. Jax.

I tilt the phone so Lena can see and press play, and suddenly there’s Mer, counting the rhythm for Starla and calling out moves. Finally she stops her and dances it herself, telling her where she’s getting her feet wrong. The video stops right after Starla says, “Fucking A!”

“She’s pretty,” Lena says with a smile. “And did you see what she can do with her leg? Holy shit.”

“It doesn’t suck,” I agree and smile at my friend.

“This was fun. I want to meet her soon.”

“We’re heading to Vegas this weekend, but maybe next week?” We stand and throw our garbage away and step out onto the street.

BOOK: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two
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