With Everything I Am (28 page)

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Authors: Kristen Ashley

BOOK: With Everything I Am
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Then she greeted her shop assistants with, “Hey girls.”

“We were so worried,” Mabel exclaimed as she rushed around the counter toward Sonia. “Diana said everything was cool but you never take off from work.” As Mabel came toward her, Sonia had started to unwind her scarf from around her neck when Mabel suddenly skidded to a halt, her eyes wide on Sonia’s scarf and she screeched, “
Look at that ring!” She gasped then let out a strangled cry before she went on, “
Did you get

Sonia tensed and Kerry’s head swung toward Sonia again. Kerry excused herself and headed their way but Mabel had grasped hold of Sonia’s hand and she yanked it to within an inch of her eyes.

Look at that rock!
” she shrieked. “It’s

“Ohmigod!” Kerry cried, getting close. “This is
I can’t
this! Did you really get married?”

There it was, as Sonia had noted, her girls were exuberant.

Before Sonia could utter a word, Regan, on Sonia’s right side, announced in a proud voice, “Sonia and my son eloped over a long weekend.”

” Mabel and Kerry screamed in unison. They turned to face each other and then started jumping up and down, taking Sonia’s hand with them as they did so, jerking Sonia’s body repeatedly through her arm.

“Girls, my hand,” Sonia said quietly, thinking, sadly (and trying to hide it) for all other humans, this news was reason to shriek and jump up and down.

For Sonia, it was not.

She pinned a bright smile on her face when the girls let go of her hand and looked at Sonia with their faces wreathed with glee.

“You sly fox!” Kerry exclaimed. “I didn’t even know you were dating anyone.”

Good goodness.

How was she going to explain this?

“Well –” Sonia began.

Mabel’s ebullient curiosity saved the day as she interrupted Sonia’s frantic thoughts to find a cover story with, “Is he hot?”

Was Callum hot?

Only one answer to that and as hateful as that answer was, it was a big, fat

“Well –” Sonia started again but Kerry cut her off this time.

“Of course he’s hot. Sonia’s hot. Hot likes hot.”

“Yeah,” Mabel grinned at Sonia. “Stupid question.”

“Apparently he’s loaded too.” Kerry grinned as well. “Heck, you sell that ring, you could feed an entire, starving African nation.”

This, Sonia thought with uncharacteristic bitterness, was food for thought.

“When are we going to meet him?” Mabel asked and Sonia stilled.

She could barely come to terms with fitting into Callum’s life. She’d never considered that he’d have a place in hers.

And she wasn’t certain she liked that idea.

“He’s very busy,” she demurred but Kerry talked over her.

Shoving Mabel playfully on the shoulder she declared, “Of course we’ll meet him, crazy. He’ll be at her Christmas party.”

Oh heck.

Sonia hadn’t thought of that.

“Brilliant!” Mabel shrieked.

Sonia fought the urge to close her eyes in despair and instead attempted to beam at her girls. This fortunately worked as they beamed back.

Luckily, Sonia thought, Mabel and Kerry were the kind of people who took their employer’s all of a sudden “elopement” in stride. Knowing them, they probably thought it was incredibly romantic.

However, it was highly likely that others, say the guests at her annual Christmas party, would not. They would think it was curious, even weird.

Sonia sighed. So she was weird. She could live with that and had her whole life. It was the least of her worries.

Kerry took Sonia from these disturbing thoughts and turned to Regan.

“So you’re mystery, hot, loaded, new hubby’s Mom. Dig it! I’m Kerry,” and she offered her hand which Regan shook.

Not to be outdone, Mabel leaned in to shake Regan’s hand after Kerry while saying, “And I’m Mabel and you can tell your son I get the first congratulations kiss.”

Kerry turned to Mabel and protested, “Why do you get the first kiss?”

“Because I’ve been in the shop longer,” Mabel shot back.

a day,
” Kerry returned and this was true, they’d both been with her since it opened and they started one day after the other.

“I’m sure Callum will be delighted to receive both your congratulatory kisses,” Regan stated, smiling with great humor at Sonia.

Sonia was sure he’d like it too. Kerry and Mabel were both uncommonly pretty. Heck, considering what had been inferred by Caleb, Calder
Yuri, Callum might see the two of them and go on the make.

“Callum. That’s an
name,” Kerry commented, again tearing Sonia from her thoughts.

“And, seriously, I want what you’re drinking because if you’re Sonia’s hubby’s mother, and you look like Sonia’s sister, then it’s got to be
” Mabel noted.

“First-rate skin care regime,” Regan blithely replied. “I’ll write down the products I use.”

“Excellent!” Kerry cried.

“I’m Regan,” she introduced herself. “And I’d love a tour of the store.”

“I’ve gotta get back to my customers,” Kerry said, grinning as she walked away. “I’ll be back.”

“I’ll show you the store, come on,” Mabel offered and then hooked her arm through Regan’s and led her away as Regan threw a smile over her shoulder at Sonia.

The tall, dark-haired lady came forward and got close.

“My queen,” she said softly.

Sonia looked in her startling, clear, gray eyes, something she could do as she was wearing heels and the woman was in flats. If Sonia had not been in heels, she’d be looking up.

“Please,” Sonia replied quietly, “I’m Sonia.”

The woman’s gaze warmed and she nodded.

“And you are?” Sonia prompted.

“Diana,” she replied.

“Well, thank you Diana, for being here while I’ve, erm… been away. I appreciate it.”

“Anything for my queen,” Diana stated but when Sonia opened her mouth to speak, Diana quickly went on. “Though, your girls are such fun, it hasn’t felt like doing a duty for my king. It’s been a blast. More fun than I’ve had in ages.”

Sonia’s smile was not forced but genuine when she said, “They’re a bit nuts but you’re right, they’re a lot of fun.”

A customer approached the counter ready to check out and Diana turned to her as the customer said on a smile, “Obviously this is a special occasion, I can wait for you to ring me up.”

a special occasion,” Mabel shouted from across the store where she was standing with Regan and Regan was examining a delicate glass decanter. “And after the tour, I’m running out to get champagne!”

“Yippee! Champagne!” Kerry cried from her spot and the customers she was with started giggling.

“Champagne for everyone, on me,” Regan declared to which both Kerry and Mabel yelled, “Yippee!”

“Definitely fun,” Diana commented on a chuckle and looked at Sonia. “I’ll ring this up. Your mail is stacked on your desk. I’ve dealt with everything that was urgent. Same with phone messages. Anything that hasn’t been seen to, I’ve written down for you. I was going to take them to Ki…” she stopped then went on, “um, Callum today.” She smiled again and finished, “You’ve saved me a trip.”

Sonia caught Diana’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Even if it’s been fun, seriously, thank you.”

Diana squeezed her hand back and said, “Delighted.”

Then Diana went around the counter to wait on Sonia’s customer as Sonia went to her tiny office in the back.

Within half an hour it became clear that Diana knew what she was doing. The books were done every evening. The orders had been placed that would keep them stocked for Christmas. And there was very little mail to be dealt with and most of it was junk mail that Sonia threw away. She returned the three phone messages she had and found she was completely caught up.

There came a knock on the door, Sonia called her welcome and Diana poked her gleaming, dark-hair-mixed-with-a-burnished-red head around the door.

“Regan and Mabel are off down the street to get champagne. They should be back in a second,” Diana told her.

“Come in a minute and take a load off,” Sonia invited and Diana gave her a grateful look.

“Things are quiet,” Diana remarked as she entered and sat down. “That is, until we have to ring up Regan’s purchases. She’s buying half the store. Says she’s doing her Christmas shopping in one fell swoop. We’ll have to reorder.”

This was good news. A good Christmas for Clear meant a good Christmas for Mabel and Kerry. Her girls didn’t know it but, every December, Sonia split every penny of the profits in half and gave them to the girls as their Christmas bonus, augmenting it from her own personal money if they had a bad year.

This year, evidently, she wouldn’t have to augment.

“I get the sense my mother-in-law likes to shop,” Sonia remarked on a fond smile.

“Why do you think Harrinton’s is so lucrative? Regan is our best customer,” Diana joked and they both laughed.

But Sonia couldn’t help but think about how Regan liked to shop. And about the thousands of dollars worth of diamonds Callum so casually slid on her finger. And the expensive way the cabin had been refitted. And Callum’s SUV which was an SUV but it was also a
SUV. Not to mention the opulence of the Territorial Mansion.

It hadn’t occurred to her before, considering she’d never seen Callum in anything but jeans and flannel shirts, but he truly
be loaded.

Then again, she reminded herself, he was a king and kings tended to be that way.

“So?” Diana said expectantly and Sonia came out of her thoughts with a start and looked at Diana’s beautiful, eager face.

“So?” Sonia parroted, confused.

Diana leaned forward and encouraged, “Tell me all about it. Every

Sonia’s head jerked, still with confusion, and she asked, “Every detail of what?”

“The claiming!” Diana cried and Sonia jumped.

“What?” Sonia whispered.

“Mine was wild. Oh my, you wouldn’t
” she shared, apropos of nothing, leaning ever forward. “I was just going about my business and then I felt him. And, all of a sudden, I couldn’t wait. I didn’t know for what but I was just excited, ready. Then Harrinton was there. He’d been running.
Running for miles,
” she sat back, fanned her face then grinned a saucy grin, “which meant he was sweaty. It was the

Holy cow.

Was she…?

“He threw me to the ground right there and claimed me.”

She was.

“Thank God no one was around,” Diana went on and Sonia gasped but Diana didn’t notice or was so excited to tell her tale, she didn’t care and she continued, “He barely got the words out and the chain around my waist before he turned me to my knees and was on me.” She sighed and finished dreamily, “It was beautiful.”

Horrified at her blunt subject matter but not able to stop it in spite of herself, Sonia asked, “What… words?”

Diana focused on Sonia. “Didn’t King Callum say them?”

“Um…” Sonia mumbled.

“Oh, I forgot, you’re human,” Diana said. “‘Are you mine?’ Those are the words. It’s like your ‘Will you take this man…’, if you say ‘yes’, it’s the same as ‘I do’.” She smiled. “But you know that last part, surely.”

Sonia didn’t.

Well, she kind of did.

But she didn’t.

Diana continued, “And then the fun stuff starts, unlike you humans, who have to wait for the party to be over. We just go for it right away. We have the party later.”

Sonia stared at her trying to hide the fact she was appalled. Did they really just run a woman down and claim her?

“I still remember every second,” Diana said wistfully. “It was the most beautiful day of my life.”

Apparently, they did and the women liked it.

Then it hit her that Callum hadn’t done that. He’d gone against the customs of his culture and he’d tried courting her first. He wasn’t very good at it and he obviously didn’t like to do it but he’d tried it.

Even as king who clearly, by his behavior, felt at liberty to do pretty much anything he wanted to do, he’d tried to give her a courtship.

It was only a week he’d given her but if his people found their mates, threw them to the ground and claimed them then a week to Callum would have felt like a year of dating.

Luckily (for him), he’d only had to wait a few days.

Still, Sonia didn’t know what to make of that.

Diana broke into her thoughts. “Now, tell me about yours.”

“Sorry?” Sonia asked in a shocked voice. She couldn’t really mean she wanted Sonia to describe her claiming.

“Tell me all about your claiming. Everything,” Diana encouraged.

want Sonia to describe her claiming.

“Um…” Sonia hedged, “it’s probably like your people’s average, everyday, erm… claiming.”

Diana burst out laughing like Sonia was an award winning comedian on a sold out tour.

When Diana gained control of herself, she wiped her eyes and coaxed, “No, seriously. We’re talking about King Callum here. Everyone is going to want to know about

Sonia hesitated before she asked, “Is it usual for the king’s story to be known like this?”

Diana nodded. “Everyone knows Mac and Regan’s story. But yours… I figure yours will be a winner considering it’s Callum we’re talking about.”

“What does that mean?” Sonia queried.

But she knew.

Oh did she know.

Diana opened her mouth to speak but there came a knock on the door and Kerry stuck her head through.

“Regan bought enough champagne for customers too. We’re ready to pop the cork and we need the lady of honor. Come on, Sonny!”

Then her head disappeared, Diana caught her eye, smiled and stood.

With no choice, Sonia stood too. As she did, she schooled her features, buried her sorrow and prepared to pretend this was a happy occasion full of smiles, shrieks of glee and bottles of champagne.

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