Wish Upon a Tiger: A BBW Weretiger Shifter Romance (Fountain of Love) (8 page)

BOOK: Wish Upon a Tiger: A BBW Weretiger Shifter Romance (Fountain of Love)
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girl can have secrets. There are a lot of things you still don't know
about me.” I smiled.

You shouldn't be teasing him while he's in this
a voice nagged inside me.
I couldn't help myself.

Spending any time with this powerful man brought out the
tease. The shy girl wrestled with the flirt inside me, the unseen
side who'd been bottled up for far too long by human boys who never
interested her.

Not like him.

coax it out of you. You know I want more.” Erik sounded
surprisingly confident.

You think it'll be that easy?” I probed his flesh deep for
emphasis, rubbing my fingers deeper into his skin from behind the

wouldn't take shit from me, Jenna. You're better than that. I want to
introduce you to the Elder. He'll get the truth out. The man always
does, even though he's half crazy.”

I shook my head.

lives all alone, high up in the mountains. Remember those old steps
you saw when I took you up above the fountain?”

I did.

Elder Brahm's place up there,” Erik continued. “He
communes with the spirits more than he does people now. It's a
privilege to become the village's wisdom, and not just a sassy old
tiger when you're his age.”

had a feeling there was someone who had all the brains around here,”
I said quietly. “Nobody else seems to fit the bill. Moore just
talked like any other historian...I didn't sense any real passion in
his words. No deep wisdom.”

Why's that, beautiful?” Erik pushed out his chest playfully,
pushing on my hand so I could stroke him. “You think I'm all
brawn and no brains?”

like that.”

Erik slid away and hopped out of the chair. He stood,
turned, and stretched, giving me an unrestricted view of his naked

The sharp smile on his
lips told me he knew exactly what he was doing. One look at his shiny
flesh was all I needed to burn like a silly schoolgirl. And when he
looked like
and hot and dripping with the musk of recent battle, I couldn't tear
my eyes away.

prove you wrong. I'm plenty smart. Tigers are some of the most
intelligent animals on the planet, and that's double for tiger

had a feeling you'd say that.” I smiled and stepped a little
closer, indulging his challenge. “Fine. I won't rule out the
possibility you're a secret savant. But you know, brains aren't at
the top of my list.”

right.” He moved in to meet me, closing the last small gap
separating us. “I know what you're after, kitten. Knew it from
the very first night I had to put a locked door between me and your
sweet body.”

I should've been expecting him to embrace me like he
did. Maybe I was, but anticipation didn't do anything to lessen the
shock when his burly arms truly wrapped me in an embrace.

He pulled, tensing as I pressed my cheek to his hard
chest. I inhaled his scent and shivered, feeling rich and spicy heat
throttle through me.

Fires gushed up inside me, fanned by being so close to
flesh this strong and masculine. I breathed deep, savoring his taste,
his essence a second time.

Erik smelled strong, stark and pleasant as fresh
cinnamon. I knew his pheromones were pouring out into the air, going
straight up my nose and cascading all sorts of wicked reactions.

me see your pretty face,” he whispered softly, half-love plea
and half-growl.

I couldn't say no to that. I looked up.

Our eyes locked in the sultry moment, the heat slowing
time to a pleasurable crawl. Erik blinked once, smiled, and then saw
his target beneath my nose. He moved in to claim it.

His heat exploded into me the second his lips touched
mine. I gasped into his mouth, shuddered in his arms, and started to

He kissed me long and deep. My lips parted for his
tongue, and he slipped into my mouth, aggressively searching for a
mate to mingle with.

All my most primal senses went wild, switched on after a
lifetime suppressing them. And when my body had the permission it
craved, it wouldn't stop me from going all the way.

Next thing I knew, I was panting, totally lost to the
electric fog consuming me from head to toe. Every part of me throbbed
with need, but mostly the focal point between my legs.

The kiss seemed to go on forever. My surging passion
didn't roil the tiger on my lips.

Erik refused to let me lock up in the sticky sweet fire.
He just kissed me like he already owned me, like he was familiar with
my mouth.

He took it, biting slightly into my lips, leaving his

That's your long overdue welcome to Tiger Tree, and to me,”
Erik growled. “Your lips are very sweet, Jenna. Ripe. You want
more than just this tiger's tongue inside you, don't you?”

Yes, yes, yes!

I was too drunk on desire for words. My body pressed
into him. Hard nipples rubbed his chest through my dress.

We shouldn't be doing anything after he'd been scratched
up in the big fight. But if his body wasn't saying no, then why
should mine?

For the first time, I was more in touch with my carnal
senses. My tiger paced deep inside me, restless and nodding her
approval. It was time to give myself to a man, to surrender my
virginity to one of my own kind who truly deserved it.

I hugged him back. We kissed again, and this time I
added my confidence, relishing the warm glow of his wet skin on mine.

Something hard and massive pressed against my belly
through the fabric. When I broke the kiss, I looked down.

He was fully erect. Huge, insistent, and hot didn't
begin to describe it.

I...I've never seen anything like this,” I gushed.

My cheeks blushed as I showed my amazement. Erik didn't
seem to care. He just rolled his hips, pushing his hardness up and
down my body, making me feel his powerful length.

His hardness told me how much he wanted me, and his
brutally visible desire shocked me the most.

There was no more denying it. This man wanted me, curves
and all, squirming beneath him as he stretched and marked me as his.

As if to give me one more reminder, he thrust up again,
driving his erection tight between us.

Oh. Oh, holy shit. If it's this amazing now, then how
will he feel inside me?

I, Erik? Will you show me?” I was shaking so bad I could barely
get the words to come out.

And you're gonna do more than just see it, little wildcat.”

Erik's hands tightened on my shoulders. He kissed me,
harder and deeper, sliding his hands down my sides and stopping at my
ample ass. His hands cupped the globes beneath my skirt and squeezed.

Moaning, gushing, oozing my pleasure into his mouth, I
lost control.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Couldn't believe
he wanted me – needed me! – and nothing about his face
showed any regret when his fingers touched the too plush flesh around
my waist.

A man like this wasn't supposed to want a big girl like
me. But then, Erik was no ordinary man.

His eyes flickered with excitement. He picked me up,
carrying me down the hall to his bedroom. One kick of his foot closed
the door behind us, and soon I was on the bed, staring up at the sexy
beast above me.

is it? Have you ever been mated before?”

Never!” I squeaked. The very word was unfamiliar to me.

I had a good understanding of the way humans had sex and
bound themselves together, but I knew nothing about tigers. Erik's
powerful hands reached down like a god's, gently flicking the straps
to my dress over my shoulders.

a virgin.” He sighed deeply. “I already knew you were
good for me, beautiful, but this makes things absolutely perfect.”

His hands moved. Clothing shifted off my skin at
alarming speed. He undressed me as every muscle in my body tightened
up into hot stone, flushed and ready for his touch.

The flirt from earlier had disappeared. Beneath him, I
really was just a shy, inexperienced girl, uncertain but oh-so-ready
to be initiated into his rough magic.

with an Alpha, or any tiger for that matter, is about more than just
pleasure. You know that?” Erik lowered his face, breathing hot
steam on my neck.

My dress hit the floor. I was down to my bra and
panties. I shook my head, uncertain what he was getting at.

don't. What do you want to do to me?”

you.” As soon as he paused, he moved his hands to my breasts,
tenderly brushing my nipples through the lace fabric. “A tiger
claims his mate, Jenna. That means nobody else will ever lay a hand
on you. Think of it like chivalry with razor sharp teeth and claws.
If any cat so much as looks at you the wrong way after this, he'll
have me snarling at his throat.”

Erik squeezed my breasts. Hard. My nipples bloomed
between his fingers, eager and pulsing for attention.

My whole body shook and rolled forward, into him. I was
going crazy with hunger. My legs pinched around his muscular thighs,
instinctively urging him closer, straight to the spot where I gushed
and burned and pleaded to be filled.

girl,” he whispered. “Now lay back and let me show you
just how good being mine feels. You're all mine now, little wildcat.”

He reached behind me and plucked at my bra's clasp. His
body swept low, covering mine. Poised on his elbows, he kissed,
licked and nipped at my neck, sinking close to the cleavage he bared
in one rigid pull.

I bucked against him. Rubbing his hardness through my
panties, my blood boiled a few degrees higher, throwing what was left
of my sanity straight into the oven.

Take me, Alpha. Show me what it's like to be claimed.

And he did.

My right nipple disappeared into his eager mouth. He
brushed it with his tongue, hardening his strokes with every lick,
basting me in the wet heat that sent shock waves through my whole

His opposite hand plumped my other breast, adding
pressure with his fingers, pulling on my other tender bud.

Licking them until they softened in his mouth, he
watched me shudder, keeping his eyes fixed on my face. The energy
crackling through my nerves grew hotter still. An explosion was
winding up in my body, and there was no stopping it.

He shifted in place. When I opened my eyes, he was
heading south, kissing plush curves down to the wetness between my
legs. At my panties, he stopped, hooking his hands through both ends
of fabric on my thighs.

to taste what belongs to me now, sweet Jenna. You'll like this. I

In one jerk, my panties went down, fully exposing me to
him – to any man! – for the first time.
Self-consciousness and lust mingled in my veins, making me shake
harder still. And the ripples in my legs turned into anxious spasms
when he planted his face right between my thighs.

If his tongue felt like wonder on my breasts, then it
was sheer divinity between my legs.

Erik moved like with a predator's speed and intimate
knowledge of how the body worked. He licked up, parting my tender
folds with his tongue, sweeping all the way to my clit. When he
reached it, he stopped, teasing me with one burst of fiery air from
his lungs.

Gods! Please, Erik. Don't leave me hanging like this. If you don't
bring me off I think I'm gonna die.”

His lips quirked against my trembling slit, as if he was
smiling while buried in my most intimate place. Then the tiger inside
him took control, and he pushed his face deeper, dragging his tongue
around and around my clit.

The hypnotic jolt shook me to my core. I threw my legs
around him and screamed. Orgasm wasn't far off before, but now it
came screaming up from the place he dominated, streaking up to my
brain like fiery hail.

My vision blurred. Erik continued to lick, jerking his
tongue in swift, precise, unstoppable movements. He completely
covered my most sensitive part, devouring me from below, dragging me
deeper into his pleasurable storm.

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