Wish Upon a Tiger: A BBW Weretiger Shifter Romance (Fountain of Love) (11 page)

BOOK: Wish Upon a Tiger: A BBW Weretiger Shifter Romance (Fountain of Love)
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I do,” Jenna said.

I quirked an eyebrow. Determination flickered in her
eyes. I'd seen the same spark in several others who'd had an intense
brush with the Elder. He had a way of spreading his holy conviction
around – or else his insanity.

Gods, she looked delicious with such energy crackling in
her eyes. I wanted her squirming beneath me more, though, with my
hungry mouth rampaging against hers. I needed Jenna more than I
needed to fill my gullet with succulent caribou seared to perfection.

entitled to your beliefs,” I said. “But even if it's
true, what does it change?”

if there's really a prophecy. I know what I saw in the fire, Erik.
Tigers tearing into an Alpha in the snow...my father went down
fighting. Killed by his own kind. My mother barely escaped Alaska and
ran as far as she could with me in her womb.”

I waved my hand, dismissing the prophecy crap. No one
had really taken the Elder's advice about the future in generations.
When Tiger Tree needed his blessing, listening to the wild oracle
prognosticate was just a formality.

Smart tigers didn't make real decisions on crazy
divination. That belonged to the past.

no prophecy, Jenna. And you know what?” I stood, pushing my
plate away. “If there is, it doesn't change a damned thing. If
you're really a descendent of the Tiger God, then I should be
thankful. You're an even better mate than I thought, and our cubs are
gonna have the perfect royal blood.”

I pulled her out of her chair. She stood reluctantly,
melting as soon as I curled her against my chest.

It was heaven there for her and I alike. I was getting
hard, though the tender place in my heart wanted to soothe her, to
stroke away her worries and sorrows before I savaged her sweet

do you want me anyway?” She looked up, a frantic expression on
her face. “I'm fat, immature, and apparently tainted with bad
blood too. I won't be able to live with myself if I end up cursing
you, Erik. Let alone this village that's taken me in.”

Tears swelled in her eyes. I didn't answer right away,
kissing her forehead instead. With one finger, I brushed away the
crystal rivers streaming down her soft cheeks.

nothing to cry about, little wildcat. Dry your pretty eyes. If you're
fucking tainted, then we all are. Our own Elder says he carries the
same blood and wears the Tiger God's symbols. But you listen to

I pressed my hands gently to her cheeks, locking her
eyes with mine. Jenna sighed.

only grown crazier over the years. He's been up there all alone for
so long, breathing in cave gases and eating Gods know what...the
man's started to believe his own bizarre hallucinations. He chose to
live that way.
did, Jenna, and nobody else. There's nothing supernatural going on

my father...”

I shook my head fiercely. “No. Maybe the vision
you saw was real, maybe not. There had to be more going on in his
clan than a silly curse. If anything, those tigers probably took
offense at him having a human woman. Assholes like my cousin are
prejudiced that way, but guess how much they count?”

She shook her head, holding back more tears.

All that matters now is you, me, and our town. Everything under my
protection. And anybody or anything who wants to hurt what I've
claimed has got to come through me first. Curse, thieves, asshole
outcasts. Everything.”

I squeezed her tighter. Fuck, my balls absolutely
churned when I felt her breasts against my hard torso, sending
insistent fire up from my loins.

really promise?” Jenna's voice shook slightly.

Never taking my eyes off hers, I gave her the biggest,
most reassuring smile in the whole world.

I do, little wildcat. Now, let me have another taste of the honey I'd
die to protect.”

My hand slid around from one hip, caressing her thigh,
and stopped between her legs. I cupped her mound through the jeans
she'd changed into after our journey. I squeezed her there, enjoying
it as her hips squirmed around my fingers.

Jenna moaned. Her sultry breath went into my mouth as I
kissed her deep, feeding my desire.

I kissed, running my tongue across hers, holding my full
force. I wanted to tease. If I'd learned anything the past few days,
it was that she had two sides.

I adored them both, but right now I wanted the shy girl
to go to sleep. I wanted the slut to come out, the girl who was too
lost in pleasure to indulge self-conscious nagging or fears about
some stupid prophecy.

She kissed me back a little harder, her teeth pulling at
my bottom lip.

An improvement, but it wasn't what I wanted yet. Fuck,
couldn't she tell I wanted to meld into her with everything I had,
and I didn't give a single shit about a few extra pounds?

Breaking the kiss, I squeezed her ass, yanking her into
me until I couldn't draw her any closer.

me harder than that, babe. I know you can.”

Redness burned her sweet cheeks. I planted my lips on
her rosiness, feeling the heat pulsing beneath her skin.

like this,” I whispered. “Take your beautiful energy and
give it to me. All of it.”

I nipped at her lips. She threw herself forward, pouring
sweet breath down my throat, filling my lungs with her warmth.

Her small hands scratched at my back. I pushed forward,
hauling her thick sexy legs around my middle and settling her on the

off, Jenna. Right here.”

She squeaked.

yes. Not everything amazing happens in the bedroom. And when I want
what's mine, I'm gonna take it anywhere I please.”

She opened her mouth to protest. I closed it with
another kiss.

Then my hands were on her, and they weren't coming off
until she was hot and bare. My fingers moved, pulling, tearing,
unclasping her jeans and blouse.

I threw each piece of clothing off her body into a neat
pile at our feet.

I flipped her over, brushing my eager hand over her full
ass. Gods, what an ass!

My cock jerked in my pants as I thought about her
beautiful ass grinding against me, or watching it wobble deliciously
as I rammed myself into her.

Catching the lacy waistband of her panties, I wrapped it
in my fingers and tore. The black fabric fell straight to her knees,
and I instantly started undoing my belt and trousers.

be gentle,” she purred.

Her lips said one thing. Her body said something else.
She leaned back into me when my cock was bare, melding my length
between her supple ass cheeks.

I wasn't just on the edge anymore. I went straight over

My arms wrapped around her and caught her breasts. I
rolled her nipples between my fingers hard, shifting her to my cock,
until we were in the perfect position.

hold still and enjoy the ride, beautiful wildcat. This is what I call
a fast and furious fuck.” Grunting, I angled up, pushing into
her wetness. “Fuck! I'm never gonna stop being amazed how tight
and wet you are.”

Her breath hitched. A small sound burst out of her
mouth. I caressed her ear with my lips.

you ready to settle those wicked thoughts in your head and just


I rolled my hips back and slammed into her again, so deep and hard I
shook the table.

Her nipples softened in my tight embrace, encouraging me
to pinch them harder. I wanted to shoot her up with lightning, all
the feral magic it took to wipe away the darkness Brahm planted in
her mind.

Jenna's moan became a loud catcall. I held myself
against her, rubbing my cock near her womb, thinking about how sweet
it would be to give her another filling of my come.

about now? You understand what it means to be a good girl and just
feel my heat, my body, my pleasure?” I rocked into her again,
leaving no room for doubt.

She squealed. I smiled, easing my action on her nipples.

me, my wildcat. Tell me what you want.”

She hissed.

Mm. I can handle that request.

No more fucking around. Now, there was just fucking.

I pinned her to the table with my body and rammed my
cock in and out, stroking my erection through her oasis. Her hips
struggled against me, fought to buck back, but I was doing all the
work here. I was in control.

I kissed and licked at her neck as my tempo increased.
Her skin tasted good, so warm and perfect and open for my touch.

Her slick walls convulsed around me. Jenna balled fists
and beat them on the table as her climax came. Dishes at the edge of
the table clattered and a cup went crashing to the ground.

My hips went wild. Growling, I thrust like a madman,
shaking our bodies from head to toe.

is it, pretty wildcat! Fuck, I love you so much,” I roared, a
split second before pure fire shot up my cock.

I hugged her tighter than ever before, fusing our bodies
together until was I slammed balls deep. My fullness swelled,
bursting inside her again and again, emptying my raw essence into

Jenna was still panting
when I pulled away after holding myself in her, working my seed deep.
If she wasn't pregnant with my cubs soon, then I hadn't done my job.

I'd prove Brahm's bullshit was dead wrong. We were going
to have a happy life together, if it was the last thing I did.
Nothing would stand in the way.

She called my name several times, whispering it a little louder each
time. “Did you really mean it?”

course I did. You're the best thing that's walked into my life. I
don't know a damned thing about prophecies, but I do believe in fated
mates. I know you're mine.”

My hands went beneath her breasts, around her belly,
holding her softly. Then she turned, facing me for a kiss.

I took her lips, a little more gently now that I'd spent
my raging fire. Soft, rough, or just plain sweet, her lips did things
to me I never wanted to stop.

love you too,” she whispered, holding her forehead against

Those words mean more than any others. Can't you see,
beautiful? The only treasures and destinies you need to worry about
are right here in your heart.

V: Black Hopes (Rufus)

I watched my bastard cousin and the half-blood he'd
picked up leave the Elder's cave.

Erik looked smug as usual while he held her, as if he
could move her whole world with the flick of his tail.

Idiot! Fool, letting himself be led around by her claws
on his cock.

I knew better. I stayed on my perch until night, high on
the unstable rocks above the holy cavern. I'd scaled the rocks with
mountain climbing tools a little way before I shifted and waited.

colossus wakes! A cloud of fire. Oh, Gods, what are you doing? Do you
mean to toy with us forever?”

I snorted as I entered the Elder's cave. The old mangy
cat was babbling to himself again. I wondered what the hell was in
those mountain caves. Maybe it was poison gases deluding his mind
like some said.

No matter. I wasn't here to poison the Elder tonight. A
swipe of my razor sharp claws or a firm bite to his nasty, scrawny
neck would work far better than venom.

I wasn't looking forward to his leathery flesh in my
mouth, even if my tiger wanted blood.

The tiger's tree falls in the darkness...and nobody sees it.”
Brahm paused, coughed, and licked his lips. I watched him, hiding
behind a large rock near his fire. “Tiger Tree? Oh, no, no, no.
No, no, no! Be merciful, my Gods. Haven't you had your fill of blood,
man and tiger alike?”


I stepped out, slowly closing on him. The Elder's eyes
went wide when he saw me, and he instantly retreated to the wall. He
huddled there, grasping his tattered cloak and old walking stick.

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