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Winter Interlude (57 page)

BOOK: Winter Interlude
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Was that too much to ask
Of course not.

want the same
He had huge doubts

ran blindly, pushing himself hard
for more than an hour
Eventually, his tranquility returned, mainly after coming to several conclusions
The thought of not having
in his life seemed unbearable, but he’d survive
On the other hand
, having a one-sided relationship with her, like the one he’d shared with Judith, was something he’d never be able to survive
He also realized he had no control over
’s actions, so he did the only thing one could think of

let go of her

With the determination he was known for, he put her out of his mind and out of his life, stopping short of locking the door
Only time would allow him to do that


tried to concentrate on the man across from her
She offered Mike a polite smile after he’d made some comment about his job
He was a sales representative for a major manufacturing firm based in
San Francisco and traveled a lot

She felt horrible about Paul
She’d hurt him deeply
His angry departure was proof.

“Are you okay
Mike eyed her thoughtfully
“You seem to be a million miles from here.”

“I’m sorry
,” she said, shoving her thoughts away
Going for a bit of levity, she added, “I think the sugar from all this dessert is wreaking havoc on my mind.”

He grinned, clearly taking her excuse in stride
“You sure can put it away
I can’t believe you stay so slim with all you’ve eaten tonight.”

“I guess I have good genes
She shrugged, not adding that tonight, eating had been a form of comfort.

I know my sister would love to be that lucky
All she does is moan about how easy it is to gain weight.”

“I didn’t know you had a sister
Does she
here?” she asked, working at keeping the conversation going
“What about your parents
Are you from the

He spent the next quarter of an hour talking about his family
, before turning the conversation to where in the city he lived.

“The neighborhood’s a little on the funky side,” he said, of his apartment in an area above
a district the hippies made famous in the late sixties
“And it’s hilly
Gives my clutch a good workout.”

She should have stayed home, she realized too late
smile, as big as she could muster considering her glum mood, urged him to drone on about his work

Mike had sensed her distraction too many times during the meal, so
tried to reciprocate with mention of her shop and some of her business trips
But her heart wasn’t in it and the conversation eventually died

“How about more coffee,” the waitress asked, interrupting the uncomfortable silence

Mike nodded,
beginning to mirror
her mood
As he drank his coffee, he became as silent and uncommunicative as she.

The waitress cleared the table, leaving behind the check
Mike picked it up and finally spoke. “Why did you come out with me tonight?”

His question brought
out of her thoughts and she looked up, unable to keep the guilt out of her expression.

When she remained
, Mike added, “It’s obvious you have other things on your mind and don’t want to be here
He shrugged
“I’m curious as to why you came

Her guilt spread to the heat rising up her cheeks
Unable to look him in the eyes, she drew figure eights on the table with her finger
“I’m sorry
I know I’ve been lousy company tonight.”

Mike smiled
“You want to talk about it

Shaking her head, she scrunched up her nose
“I don’t think that’d be smart.”

His expression turned from knowing to cynical
“How nice
Another guy

’s eyebrows shot up
“How can you be so sure it’s another guy?”

“I have eyes and ears,” he countered with a self-deprecating laugh
“I’m right, aren’t I?”

She took a deep breath, giving up all pretenses
“Yes, I’m sorry
A lot happened after you asked me out, but I didn’t feel comfortable canceling.”

“Don’t you think that would have been better than putting us both through this torture?”

Smiling sheepishly, she said, “I guess I wasn’t thinking.”


I can accept that, but promise me something?”

“I’ll try,” she said honestly.

“If this guy doesn’t work out, call me and give me another chance.” Mike stood and reached for the check
“You’re worth another try.”

His sincere words lightened her mood
“I would be stupid not to call you
She smiled and nodded at the check
“And because I was such a boring date, I should pay for dinner

“Don’t worry about it
When she was about to disagree, he shot back, “You can pay next time

They walked back to her apartment in amicable silence

“I think I’ll leave you here,” he said, when they got to the outside door of her building
His car was parked a block away
“Will you be all right?”

Nodding, she offered a warm smile. “I am sorry about tonight,” she murmured, relieved she wouldn’t have to offer any more excuses or explanations
She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek
“For what it’s worth, I really like you.”

Mike’s laugh was quick
“Yeah, I know

bad timing
Well, I’ll see you around,
,” he said, before he turned toward his car.

watched him walk away before letting herself into the building
Oh, how she hated the dating scene

She’d never wanted to hurt anyone’s feelings
But today, in the course of several hours, she’d hurt two people who didn’t deserve it by doing the one thing she shouldn’t have done

go out with Mike
Her shoulders slumped at the realization.

As she trudged up the stairs to the second floor, one thought stood out above all others
Paul wouldn’t be back
Not without her calling him
Plus, she couldn’t discount Judith
But even if Judith gave her blessing, she didn’t know if she had the courage to call him, which totally confused her

What she needed was time to think
Think about what she wanted and where she was going
With these thoughts and more roaming through her head, she pushed her way through the door and walked unhurriedly to her apartment

Chapter 1


’s cell phone rang, waking her from a fitful sleep
She reached across the bed to her nightstand and
fumbled for

, it’s me, Judith
You want to grab some breakfast?”

A twinge of guilt tightened in her midsection
, as
Judith’s question
Almost a week had passed since her date with Mike
he’d been screening her calls
, avoiding everyone, especially
But it was time to
face her demons
“Yeah, sounds great
Where do you want to

BOOK: Winter Interlude
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