Winter Interlude (52 page)

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At the top of Squaw One Express, James raced past him
Not to be outdone, Paul took fewer turns and quickly caught up
Having skied together all their lives, both worked to outdo the other in their typical rivalry.

Nearing the bottom
they were neck
neck until Paul edged ahead for the win

“Damn, you’re tough to beat.” James laughed good-naturedly and glided to the lift.

“That’s because I’ve been up here most weekends and you’ve been buried in work all winter.”

On the next lift
he and James ran into a couple of friends and became a team against the other two
Kevin Barker and
Walters, bankers from the city, were weekend fixtures at Squaw, so trouncing them was challenging. The foursome worked the mountain to find places to race, sometimes hiking up a ways to seek the fresh powder that beckoned

They eventually broke for lunch, finding a spot on the deck outside to eat
All four wore mirrored sunglasses

Paul used his for the glare, but he’d noticed while going through the deli line, the others had kept theirs on indoors
He smiled, remembering Judith’s depiction of the ‘good-looking gods of the mountain
’ as she’d
According to her, the glasses were part of their uniform and made it easier to scope out the terrain without being too obvious

and Kevin fit the profile and were eying a couple of women a few tables over
The two were dressed in ski outfits that looked like they’d been molded to their bodies
Neither showed signs of skiing
Their boots were dry and their hair and makeup were fresh
as if they’d just stepped out of a salon.

Paul noted Jame
“You thinking about chasing snow bunnies?” he asked, nodding in their direction.

James glanced at him, tipping his glasses down to make eye contact
“I’m thinking about it
What’s it to you?”

I’m just wondering about
is all,” Paul said cautiously.

What’re you
Her guardian angel
Must’ve been some weekend for you to go from tearing her down to protecting her,” James retorted.

“It’s nothing like that
He cleared his throat
“I just never thought you’d cheat on her
No one deserves that.”

James smiled
“Well, here’s a news
flash, little brother
She dumped me.”
out his legs
his glasses back in place
and moved
his eyes back to their original position, on the two women
I’m free to
,” he said, using
his crooked forefingers for emphasis

Paul almost choked on the beer he’d been drinking
Elation surged through him
He quickly schooled his emotions after looking up and catching Jame
scrutinizing stare
He took a deep breath along with another sip, forcing himself to remain calm
When he could speak without giving himself away, he said, “Really
He hesitated for a heartbeat
“When did this happen?”

James shrugged
“Last week

at dinner
I still can’t believe she did it
But I’m glad she did.”

“That’s tough,” Paul said in his most consoling voice
He waited a few minutes and then asked, “What do you mean, you’re glad she did?”

She deserved better than me

James winced, and even more astonishing, his voice held a twinge of regret

Considering she wants marriage and I don’t. S
a man who
ready to commit,
seriously thinking about ending thing so that she could move on
. It only seemed right.
pulled the plug on us
before I even knew what hit me
I should’ve manned up long before now.
n my
defense, she
could be
a little hard to deal with
at times
and it
s easier
just to let things ride

Nodding, Paul silently studied his brother and mulled over the bombshell he’d just dropped
At the same time
James attention never wavered
Awkward seconds ticked by as
stared at each other.

Eventually, James offered a wry smile and looked away, sighing
“Turns out she met some guy up here last weekend
He chuckled and bent to loosen his ski boot
“Funny, I thought maybe something happened between you two, but I was wrong
She skied with…”
e thought for a moment
that’s his name
Anyway, he gave
her a
ride back to San Francisco
I gather she had a date with him after our breakup
I figured he’s the reason she broke up with me so fast and without warning
Said she needed to
put us behind her

so she could start something new.”

Paul’s jaw tightened
as his thoughts went haywire
It took a tremendous amount of effort to rein them in
Even still, he couldn’t keep his shock from showing, nor could he keep the hurt out of his words
“So, she’s dating someone new?”

How could she

“I’m not sure
James eyed Paul carefully for a long moment
He cleared his throat
“But according to her, she met someone who changed her life
He shrugged
“I assumed it was this new guy
I mean
who else could it be
Something happened
was too set in her pursuit of marriage and nothing was going to stop her
Hence the need to put things right
It was

The rigid line of Paul’s shoulders relaxed immediately as he absorbed the information

settled back
and resumed scoping out the bunnies

After a while
they decided to head back to the slopes, but not before James and Kevin made a little side trip to talk to the bunnies
When Paul stepped into his skis, James sauntered up with a wide smile on his face
He grabbed his skis and poles, which had been leaning against the rack
He dropped them on the ground,
proceeded to step into his bindings and lock them in place with a final snap.

He glanced at Paul and nodded
“I’m ready whenever you are, bro

“So, I take it you got lucky?” Paul said, noting his pleased look.

James flashed his signature grin, pushing his sunglasses higher on his nose
“Luck had nothing to do with it.”

Paul laughed at his audacity, realizing he was probably right
When his brother smiled, the ladies always reacted favorably
“Well, come on
Don Juan
e’re burning daylight.”

Once in the locker room, after skiing all afternoon, Paul sat as James said, “You’re on your own for dinner
I have plans.”

unny, I take it

“You got that right
He sported a wide smile.

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