Read Windswept (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Online

Authors: Diana MacArthur

Tags: #Romance

Windswept (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Windswept (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Chris laughed and punched Ryan lightly on the arm. “Yeah, old man,” he teased. “How old were you then?”

One corner of Ryan’s beautiful mouth pulled up in a half smile. “I was eighteen. The concert tickets were a graduation present.”

Cadence smiled. And then a thought crossed her mind and her smile faded. “Wait—you knew who I was when I came into that audition, didn’t you?” She looked up at them. They glanced quickly at each other, and then Chris nodded. “Oh,” she said as her shoulders slumped. “Is that why you hired me?” She couldn’t believe the disappointment she felt. She often had to put up with people, musicians mainly, treating her differently when they knew who she was—or more importantly, who her father was. But the thought that perhaps these two had chosen her to try and curry some favour with her father left her feeling a little hurt.

Ryan sat down beside her and took her hand in his. With his other hand he gently turned her face toward his until his deep brown eyes were locked on her green ones. “Cadence, we didn’t let that influence our decision,” he said softly. “We chose the best person. The most talented musician. We both felt that you had enormous potential. It doesn’t matter who your father is.
are the person we wanted.”

Cadence swallowed as she gazed into Ryan’s eyes. The air around them felt charged, and somehow heavier than it had before. He held her gaze, and his eyes darkened again. Suddenly it seemed to Cadence that the rest of the world ceased to exist except for them. Her lips parted, and she could feel herself leaning in toward him, and he leaned toward her. She was sure he was going to kiss her, and her heart was racing in anticipation.

“Cadence, we have something else we’d like to discuss with you,” came Chris’s voice, somewhat sharply, and Cadence jumped slightly. Ryan, too, seemed startled, and he pulled away from her, letting her hand drop. Disappointment washed through Cadence as she turned toward Chris.

“I told Ryan about your eviction,” Chris said, and Cadence flushed. “We talked it over. There are just the two of us, and this place is rather large. We have a large spare room with an en suite that’s sitting empty right now. Come live here with us.”

Chapter 4


Cadence stared openmouthed at Ryan. Move in with them? Here? They were complete strangers! And what would her father say? Cadence knew exactly what her father would say, and none of it was good.

Some of what she was thinking must have shown on her face because Ryan took her hand again and said quietly, “Cadence, you deserve so much more than a bed in a hostel.”

“It would only be temporary,” Chris added. “You graduate soon, and you’ll be finding a job and a place with your friend. But until then you’ll have nothing.”

“Please,” Ryan implored. “Let us help you out.”

Cadence couldn’t think straight with the impossibly good-looking men standing so near. And Ryan’s thumb was gently stroking the back of her hand sending thrills of desire all through her body. She really didn’t want to go to a hostel. And this place was huge. And beautiful. Just like the current residents. She could feel her resistance crumbling.

The reasonable part of her managed to sneak out a question. “Is there a bus stop nearby?” she asked. “I still need to get to school.”

“One of us will drive you,” Ryan said. He lifted a hand to cup her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Say yes, Cadence.”

The soft plea was her undoing. “Yes,” she breathed softly.

Ryan’s eyes lit up, and he leaned in close and brushed her lips softly with his. When he pulled back and smiled, he left her lips still tingling.

“Well, now that we’ve settled that, let’s practice,” Chris said.

Cadence sat frozen for a few moments as the men began to take out their clarinets. When she felt she could move again, she carried her flute and her glass of wine to the coffee table. Then they sat down to play. During the course of the rehearsal, Chris kept Cadence’s wine glass filled. As they neared the end, she was feeling decidedly tipsy.

“That’s it!” she cried after she made a mistake on a particularly difficult passage. “I’m too drunk to go on. No more drinking and playing!” she said sternly to Chris, wagging her finger at him. But she couldn’t keep a straight face and dissolved into giggles as the men began to put their instruments away. Cadence managed to get her things together. Ryan slid his arm around her waist to walk her to the door while Chris followed with her things.

“Pack up your stuff, and Chris and I will come pick you up tomorrow,” Ryan said to her as they reached the door. He turned to face her and cupped her face again. “I’m really glad you’re coming to stay with us,” he murmured. He bent his head down and kissed her again.

Cadence moaned softly as his lips met hers. The quick good-bye kiss changed as she melted against him and placed her hands on his chest for support. An answering moan rose up from Ryan’s throat. He pulled her more tightly to him and deepened the kiss.

Cadence’s head spun wildly as Ryan’s lips parted hers and his tongue darted out to touch hers, gently yet insistently probing her mouth. Waves of pleasure shot straight between her legs, and her panties became wet as his tongue continued exploring her.

“I hate to interrupt,” Chris said dryly. “But I do need to take Cadence home.”

Reluctantly, Cadence pulled away from Ryan. They were both breathing heavily, hearts pounding wildly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered, and Cadence felt a thrill at the promise in his voice. She swallowed and nodded her head. She didn’t trust herself to speak.

With a sigh, Chris took her arm and guided her out the door and into the elevator. They descended in silence, neither speaking until they got into the car.

“You need to give me directions, Cadence,” Chris said.

Cadence snapped out of her reverie. “Umm, right,” she said. Well spoken, muttered the inner voice sarcastically. Shaking her head slightly, Cadence rhymed off the route to her apartment. When they arrived, Chris parked in the visitor’s spot out front, opened her door, and carried her things for her. They rode the elevator in silence again. Cadence was euphoric after kissing Ryan, yet she found herself surreptitiously checking out Chris. At one point he glanced over and caught her staring. As a smile spread across his face, a flush suffused her own. At last they reached her floor. They exited the elevator and some of the feeling disappeared.

The apartment was dark and empty. Erica had moved her things out that morning. Cadence walked in and flipped the light switch. She turned to tell Chris where to put her things only to find he was already right behind her.

Before she could say anything, he had his arms around her and his mouth was crushing hers, his tongue thrusting out to meet hers. One hand was buried in her hair, and the other was at the small of her back, holding her tightly to him. His passion ignited Cadence’s. She wrapped her arms around him and met his kiss, her tongue matching each thrust of his.

Chris backed her up against the wall, and she gasped at the hard feeling of his erection pinning her. His mouth moved insistently along her jaw to her neck. Cadence moaned as the sensations travelled from his mouth to her groin. Her panties, already damp after Ryan’s attentions, were soaked right through. Chris’s hand moved down her back to grip her ass. He groaned as his fingers kneaded her flesh.

“Oh my God, Cadence,” he breathed against her ear. “You feel so fucking good.” His mouth continued working against her ear and neck, and his hand moved around front to cup her breast. Cadence arched her back to press further into his hand. He growled and claimed her mouth again, his tongue driving against hers over and over.

Cadence managed a second to think, and she gripped his hair and pulled his head away from hers. “Chris, wait,” she gasped, her breath coming in hot bursts. “I’m certainly not complaining, but Ryan…”

Chris’s sexy chuckle interrupted her, and she felt her clit throb with need. “I couldn’t let Ryan have all the fun,” he said. “And I wanted you to see that you have options.”

Cadence stared into his midnight-blue eyes. She didn’t know what to say to that. “I…” she began.

Chris cut her off with a soft kiss.

“Don’t say anything,” he said to her. “We’ll be here tomorrow at three to pick up your stuff.” And he released her and disappeared out the door.

In a daze, Cadence fell into bed and into a fitful sleep, filled with dreams about two incredibly sexy men.

Chapter 5


Cadence’s Thursday classes were done by noon, so Andrea had come back to the apartment to help her pack. While the two girls worked, Cadence told Andrea about everything that had happened the day before.

“I just can’t believe that you are going to move in with two men,” she said, emphasizing the word. “Two incredibly
men! And they both kissed you! Holy fuck!”

Cadence giggled. “I know. God, Andrea, they are both so gorgeous, and I’m so confused. How can I be attracted to both of them? I just don’t know what to do.”

Andrea grinned wickedly. “Do them both,” she suggested. “Then you can decide who’s the better man”

Cadence’s jaw dropped. “But that’s not fair to either one of them. What if they’re both great? And not just in bed either. They are both so thoughtful and considerate…”

“Well, whatever happens, happens, right?” said Andrea. “When the time comes, you’ll know”

Cadence’s phone rang. “That will be them,” she said. And as she picked up the phone to buzz them into the building, she frowned. She wasn’t sure she wanted them to see Andrea here. Once they see her they’ll forget all about me, she thought to herself. Her jealousy surprised her. She was feeling very possessive of the two handsome musicians. But before she could think about it too much there was a knock on her door.

When the men had entered the apartment, followed by two more men who they introduced as a moving company, Cadence brought them over to Andrea to perform the introductions. Chris and Ryan were both polite but not overly friendly, and secretly Cadence was pleased. She couldn’t help noticing the way the two of them kept eyeing her hungrily, their gazes so hot she felt herself blushing whenever she met their eyes. During one particularly heated gaze from Ryan, she didn’t even hear Andrea talking to her.

“Cadence!” Andrea said and waved her hand in front of Cadence’s face. Cadence jumped and looked guiltily away from Ryan while Chris chuckled. “Do you want me to come along and help you unpack?” Andrea asked again.

Before Cadence could respond, Chris had slid his arm around her waist and said, “That’s okay, Andrea. Ryan and I can help her out. She’ll probably want some time to adjust to her new surroundings.”

“Why don’t you come over for dinner on Saturday?” Ryan suggested. “You can bring your boyfriend.”

“Oh, that sounds like fun,” Andrea said.

“Excellent,” said Ryan. We’ll see you on Saturday at around six o’clock.” It was a dismissal, and Andrea knew it, so she hugged Cadence and bade her friend good-bye.

Turning to look at the two men with her, Cadence felt suddenly self-conscious. Ryan took her hand and smiled at her. “The movers will get all your things and bring them to the condo,” he said. “Why don’t we go out for a late lunch?”

Cadenced nodded, and they headed out of the apartment. Chris drove the car, and Ryan insisted on sitting in the back with Cadence. He had his arm around her, and Cadence was resting her head on his shoulder. He was the larger of the two men, yet he seemed gentler. It was clear he wanted her, but he seemed content to just cuddle her close to him, planting the occasional kiss on her head, cheek, and lips. Cadence found it very difficult to keep herself from jumping on his lap.

Dinner was enjoyable. Chris had picked a trendy sushi restaurant, and at first Cadence wasn’t sure she would like it. But the men teased her into trying some, and she discovered that it was really quite delicious. Chris had ordered a bottle of Pinot Grigio, and Cadence was feeling a definite buzz by the time they left.

When they arrived at the condo, the movers were just bringing the last of the boxes in. Chris and Ryan gave her a tour of the entire condo. In addition to the parts Cadence had already seen, there was a kitchen and a study on the main floor. A second set of steps beside the kitchen led upstairs. There were three large bedrooms, each with its own en suite. Cadence’s room turned out to be the master suite and had a small sitting area and den in addition to the large walk-in closet and en suite with a tub the size of a small swimming pool. Despite her protests that she shouldn’t have the master suite, Chris and Ryan insisted.

The movers had set up all the furniture the way Cadence wanted it and left the boxes stacked in the corner. Cadence quickly unpacked her clothes and put them away. Then she set up her computer in the den, the TV in the sitting area, and a few personal items to make the room homier. She didn’t want to take out too much as she didn’t know how long she would stay.

When she was finished, she wandered down the back stairs into the kitchen. Like the rest of the condo, it was simply, yet stylishly decorated. The counters and appliances were stainless steel. An island with a breakfast bar stood in the centre. The cabinets were all white with simple stainless steel handles. She began opening them to acquaint herself with the locations of everything. In the cupboard beside the large French door refrigerator, she found the wine glasses. Smiling, she took three out and set them on the counter. Opening the fridge, she saw a shelf containing several bottles of white wine. She checked the labels until she found a Pinot Grigio and took it out.

“Corkscrew,” she mumbled to herself as she began rummaging through drawers. As she bent over a lower one, she felt a pair of hands on her hips and something hard pressed into her ass. She stood with a yelp and turned to find Ryan behind her grinning sheepishly.

Without thinking about what she was doing, she glanced down at his crotch to see a sizable bulge in his pants. Her eyes widened, and she looked back up to find him watching her. She blushed deeply and glanced at Chris, who was watching them both.

BOOK: Windswept (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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