Read Winds of Heaven Online

Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #General, #Fiction

Winds of Heaven (38 page)

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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“I think it’s all right,” she said, then frowned. “It is, isn’t it?” Now she was worried.

“I’ll find out,” Casey said quickly, jumped out of bed, and grabbed her phone. Pacing naked, Casey waited.

“You’re not calling Meredith.”

“Good God, no,” Casey said.

“Are you calling the doctor?”

Casey stopped pacing and turned bright red. “Oh…I guess that would have been a better idea,” she said and smiled weakly.

Liz’s eyes flew open. “Who the hell are you calling?” she asked as she pulled the sheets to her breasts.

Casey then winced. “Hi…Roger?” she said into the phone.

“Roger?” Liz groaned loudly and lay back, pulling the sheet over her head.

“Um…Hi, Roger…Hey, Trish there?” Casey asked, trying to sound casual, placing a hand on her hip. Being naked did not help.

“Casey?” Trish asked sleepily. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry I woke you, but well, I have a question. Um,” Casey stopped when she heard Liz giggling under the sheet. She laughed, as well. “I have a question about breast feeding.”

Liz now snorted with laughter; she pulled the sheet down and gave Casey an incredulous look.

“Breast feeding?” Trish asked.

“Yes, I, um, well, I
. Well, you see Liz and I are, and I...”

“Don’t say another word. I get the picture. You’re fine. Liz’s milk is fine. Just leave some for the baby.”

Casey sighed with relief. “Thanks, Trish.”

“Have fun. This takes breast feeding to a whole new level. I can’t wait to explain this to Roger.”

Casey happily flipped off the phone and gave Liz a seductive smile.

“What did she say?” Liz asked, grinning as Casey crawled up like a panther waiting to strike.

She lay atop Liz and kissed her deeply. “She said just remember to save some for the baby. If the kids sleep through this, it’ll be a miracle,” Casey said in a low voice as she lowered herself, kissing between her breast, her tongue slicing down the length of her torso, then darting in and out of her navel all the while her hand caressed and gently kneaded her breast.

“Liz, I want you so badly,” Casey mumbled into her stomach, feeling Liz’s muscles flutter uncontrollably.

Liz quickly parted her legs as far as she could and gently pushed on Casey’s shoulders.

“Was there something you wanted, sweetie?” Casey asked in a coarse voice. “Tell me, Liz. Tell me what you want.”

“Casey, please…I...” She stopped. No one ever asked her what she wanted. “I want to feel your tongue all over, honey. Please. Now...” she begged as she felt the throbbing grow.

Casey lowered herself and Liz moaned openly as she felt Casey’s kissing the soft dark curls, then her inner thigh. Casey licked and lightly kissed down to her knee and up the other side, purposely passing over her aching clitoris as Liz whimpered.

If the first time was too fast, Casey was going to make sure Liz enjoyed this. She deserved to be loved slowly and passionately by the woman who loved her, always.

Casey kissed the top of her thigh, then reached her hand under her thigh and lifted slightly, running her fingers up and down the back of her thigh. Liz was twitching as she clutched the sheets, biting her bottom lip, trying not to cry out. Casey then figured Liz had endured enough; she leaned in and kissed the soft folds.

“Yes, yes...” Liz pleaded.

Casey lovingly continued to kiss her, then her tongue slipped through the defensive folds, and she tasted her love for the first time.

“Casey, don’t stop, sweetie, please don’t stop,” she begged as she reached down and ran her fingers through Casey’s hair.

Casey sighed, loving Liz’s touch as she entwined her fingers through her hair. Casey’s mouth then engulfed her swollen clit and she gently suckled.

“Oh...” Liz let out a low groan, feeling herself rising. She had forgotten this feeling. Now knowing it was Casey loving her and no one else ever again, it was the most exquisite feeling she had ever experienced.

She arched her back as she felt the flat of Casey’s tongue lapping up and down, slipping farther down, then gliding up once again.

Casey felt Liz’s body tense. “Now, Liz… Come for me now... Only for me,” she mumbled against her.

Liz was overcome with passion at the sound of her erotic command. Wave after glorious wave raked through her body as she gave herself up completely to this woman.

“Yes, Casey,” she cried out as her body broke into another orgasm. Yet another welled up and she held onto Casey’s hair for dear life, holding her in place, begging her not to stop.

Finally, her pleasure turned into a dull pain and she could take no more. She quickly pulled at Casey, who kissed her way up her body.

Liz then rolled over, pinning Casey under her. Casey groaned as Liz kissed her deeply. Her hand now wandered down to her breast as she roughly kneaded the soft firm breast.

“Casey, I want you, too... I need to be inside you. Deep inside you,” she said, and just the sound of her voice sent Casey’s heart pounding.

Liz lowered her head and took her aching nipple into her mouth, amazed at how she loved the taste of Casey’s body. She was ravenous as she licked and nipped at the hardened nipple.

“Liz, Liz. Please…” Casey was groaning.

Liz was completely intent on satisfying Casey. Her hand wandered down to her stomach, then farther as Casey eagerly parted her legs. Liz was amazed at her state of arousal. The glistening curls throbbed for her touch.

“Liz!” Casey cried out as her hips bucked in anticipation. Liz’s fingers swirled around the drenched curls. The scent of Casey was addictive to Liz, who groaned against her breast. Her fingers easily slipped through her folds, stopping when Liz felt her clitoris throbbing against her fingers. Her insistent fingers explored unknown territory, eagerly wanting to know all of Casey, every inch.

She looked up at Casey’s helpless look. Her eyes closed, she was completely lost in Liz’s touch. “Casey, darling, look at me,” she whispered passionately. “You may have known many women, but only I will know your body from now on. You are mine, Casey Bennett, and I am yours. Now and always.”

“Yes, Liz. I am yours. I have never felt this much for anyone...ever,” Casey groaned in amazement. It was true. Liz was right. It was like the first time. Liz Kennedy touched her soul.

“Now, Casey. Come for me,” she repeated Casey’s sensual command, and Casey cried out as Liz entered her with one probing finger, then another, and Casey raised her hips to accommodate her.

“More, Liz. Give me all of you, sweetheart, please...” Casey held on to her, her fingers roughly entwining in her thick auburn air. Never had Casey asked nor needed so much from someone. “Now, Liz!”

Liz moved in slow long strokes as the walls within Casey tightened around her fingers.

“God!” Casey cried out as another wave swept through her body. Liz could feel Casey’s love cascading over her hand. Finally, Casey’s body shook one more time and Liz slowed her rhythm and controlled Casey as she slowly came back to earth.

“I’m completely spent,” Casey said in a ragged voice.

Liz reached over to run her fingers across Casey’s breasts. “Cut it out, or I’ll pass out,” Casey said. Liz laughed, but she stopped the caress.

“That was marvelous.” Liz kissed her shoulder.

“Yes, it was. And to think we didn’t wake up the girls.”

“It was touch and go there for a moment or two.”

Liz sidled closer, resting her head on Casey’s breast. “I’m so happy right now.”

“I am too, Liz. It’s unbelievable really.”

They lay in each other’s arms, not saying much. Casey absently ran her fingers through Liz’s hair, almost reverently. She felt Liz’s eyelashes fluttering against her breast, knowing she was not sleeping. “What are you thinking?” she whispered.

“I was remembering the day you picked us up at the bus depot,” Liz said fondly. She absently ran her fingers around Casey’s stomach.

Casey laughed and yawned at the same time. “Boy, I was not ready to have anyone in my life. When I saw you for the first time, I—”

Liz looked at her then. “You what?” She
her head on her hand and waited.

Casey shrugged and laughed nervously. “I didn’t come over to you right away. I saw you and Skye, and I just watched you for a couple minutes. I saw you with the porter. I figured you didn’t have enough money to give him. I saw the look on your face.”

Liz nodded. “Yeah, I was pretty broke, Ms. Bennett.”

They were silent for a moment or two. “It was totally illogical, but I resented Julie for putting us in this position,” Casey said and looked at Liz, who nodded.

“I understand. I felt a little resentment, as well.” Liz took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Do you mind if we talk about Julie? I know we just made wonderful love, and we should be talking about the future…”

“Sometimes, the past is part of the future. Of course I don’t mind. We’ve never really talked about any of it.” She meant it, but suddenly a wave of insecurity rippled through her. She put it in the back of her mind as Liz spoke.

“When Julie told me she had bone cancer, as I said, I was devastated. I felt so bad for her. I wanted to comfort her somehow, but she pulled away from me. She became sullen and detached, and I honestly couldn’t blame her. I have no idea what I would have done in her situation.” She stopped and took another deep breath and Casey waited. “My thoughts then turned to Skye and my pregnancy. It was just so surreal that we found out the insemination worked, and I was pregnant a few short weeks after Julie found out she had cancer. It was…”

“The best thing in your life and the worst.”

Liz nodded and stared straight ahead. “It happened so fast,” she whispered and wiped away the tear from her cheek. “We had barely time to adjust to it when she got so sick, so weak, so fast. Within six months, she was gone. She spent most of the time away from us.”

“I know, when you told me that, I couldn’t believe it. Why do you think?”

“She said she didn’t want Skye to see her that way. Actually, Julie was a very solitary woman, very private. She had told me she wanted to die alone with no one grieving or crying over her. So in the last few months, she stayed away until she had no choice but to go to the hospital. As I said, she stayed with Joanne.”

“Don’t you think that was odd?”

Liz agreed. “There was nothing I could do. I tried to understand, and part of me does. It was her life, her decision how she wanted to spend her last months. I went over every day, well, every day Julie would allow. There were days she didn’t want to see me. For a time, I thought she and Joanne were having an affair.”

“Do you still think that?”

“No, and at this point, it doesn’t matter. When Julie collapsed and they rushed her to the hospital, Joanne called. She graciously watched Skye while I stayed most of the time at the hospital. But it was only a matter of days. Julie was so drugged on morphine she barely knew I was there. It was just too sad, Casey.”

Casey swallowed her tears and merely nodded. Liz reached up and caressed her cheek. “I’m sorry to bring this up.”

“Don’t be. Julie was a part of our lives.”

“Where did you meet Julie?” Liz asked.

“I met her in Chicago. We shared a cab at the airport. It was raining. She had a layover and we had dinner,” Casey explained. “It was the uniform, I think.”

BOOK: Winds of Heaven
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