Windows Server 2008 R2 Unleashed (167 page)

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Windows Server 2008 R2 RRAS Features and Services

Windows Server 2008 R2 builds on the Routing and Remote Access features that were

provided by Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, and Windows

Server 2008. Routing and Remote Access in Windows Server 2008 R2 includes all of the

VPN features and services from previous versions of the Windows Server product and adds

several key features.

The following VPN features were provided by Windows NT 4.0:

. IP packet filtering

. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) support for router-to-router VPN connections

. Routing and Remote Access administrative tool and the Routemon command-line




Server-to-Client Remote Access and DirectAccess

The following additional VPN features were provided by Windows 2000 Server:

. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) over Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) support for

router-to-router VPN connections and remote access.

. Demand-dial routing that can route IP and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) over

on-demand or persistent wide area network (WAN) links, such as analog phone lines,

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), or over VPN connections that use either

PPTP or L2TP over IPSec.

. RRAS integration that provides the capability to integrate a firewall with RRAS and

Network Address Translation (NAT) functions.

Windows Server 2003 continued the evolution of RRAS by adding some new features.

Some of the Routing and Remote Access Service for Windows Server 2003 features

included the following:

. Quarantine Policy Check.

. Improved administration and management tools that use a Microsoft Management

Console (MMC) snap-in or the Netsh command-line tool.

Windows Server 2008 added new VPN functionality and improved on some of the existing


functionality. The features new in Windows Server 2008 included the following:

. Network Policy Server (NPS) to provide access control and to assess, validate, and

remediate the health of clients; this replaces the Windows Server 2003 Quarantine

Policy Check.

. Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to provide for HTTPS VPN tunnels over port

443 to seamlessly provide connectivity over firewalls, NAT, and web proxies.

. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), which now supports the use of Protected EAP (PEAP)

with PEAP-MS-CHAP v2 and PEAP-TLS for better security.

. Full IPv6 support in addition to IPv4 support, both of which coexist completely.

. New Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK) features, such as multiple

language support.

. Connection Manager, which now supports Dynamic DNS client registration.

. Network Diagnostics Framework Client-based connections to support basic diagnos-

tics capabilities with the Network Diagnostics Framework.

. New cryptographic L2TP/IPSec-based VPN connections, which now support the

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with 128- and 256-bit keys.

. Windows Server 2008 R2 shows evolutionary progress in the area of remote access.

. VPN Reconnect enables users to transparently reconnect to traditional VPN connec-

tions even when roaming or changing networks, which is made possible through the

implementation the IKEv2 mobility function, MOBIKE.

VPN in Windows Server 2008 R2


Components Needed to Create a Traditional VPN Connection

A point-to-point link, or tunnel, is created by encapsulating or wrapping the data with a

header that provides routing information that allows the data to travel through the

Internet. A virtual private network connection requires a VPN client and a VPN server or

infrastructure. A secured connection is created between the client and server through


encryption that establishes the tunnel, as shown in Figure 24.3.


VPN Client





Internal Network










Establishing a VPN tunnel between a client and server.

The tunnel is the portion of the connection in which data is encapsulated. The VPN

connection is the portion of the connection where the data is encrypted. The data encap-

sulation, along with the encryption, provides a secure VPN connection.


A tunnel that is created without the encryption is not a VPN connection because the

private data is sent across the Internet unencrypted and can be easily read. This vio-

lates the “P” for Private in a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

The figure also depicts the roles in a typical Windows 2008 VPN infrastructure. The roles

in Windows Server 2008 R2 consist of the following:

. VPN client

. RRAS server



Server-to-Client Remote Access and DirectAccess

. NPS server

. Certificate server

. Active Directory server

These roles work together to provide the VPN functionality.

A shared or public internetwork is required to establish a VPN connection. For Windows

Server 2008 R2, the transit internetwork is always an IP-based network that includes the

Internet as well as a corporation’s private IP-based intranet.

The topics and examples in this chapter utilize Certificate Services, Network Policy Server,

and Network Access Protection to secure VPN access. The details of the Certificate

Authority, the Network Policy Server, and Network Access Protection in Windows Server

2008 R2 are covered in Chapter 15, “Security Policies, Network Policy Server, and Network

Access Protection.” Please refer to that chapter for in-depth coverage of these topics.

The VPN Client

A VPN client is a computer that initiates a VPN connection to a VPN server. Microsoft

clients, including Windows NT 4.0, Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows

Vista, and Windows 7, can create a remote access VPN connection to a Windows Server


2008 R2 system.

VPN clients can also be any non-Microsoft PPTP client or L2TP client using IPSec.

The RRAS Server

An RRAS server is a Windows Server 2008 R2 server with the Network Policy and Access

Services role installed and the Routing and Remote Access Service role services installed.

This is the server that accepts VPN connections from VPN clients. The RRAS server name

or IP address must be resolvable as well as accessible through corporate firewalls, which

could be by either having a network interface connected to the demilitarized zone (DMZ)

or by providing the appropriate access rule on the firewall.

The NPS System

The Network Policy Server (NPS) provides the authentication, authorization, auditing, and

accounting for the VPN clients. The NPS system has the Network Policy and Access

Services role installed with the Network Policy Server role service installed. In Windows

Server 2008, NPS was an English-only solution. In Windows Server 2008 R2, support is

added for non-English character sets.

The Network Policy Server (NPS) is used to enforce network access policies for client

health, client authentication, and client authorization. NPS works with Network Access

Protection (NAP), which is a technology to manage, enforce, and remediate client health.

The NPS service provides the policies for NAP to validate against. NPS also has multiple

templates for larger-scale deployments or configuring multiple NPS servers identically.

VPN in Windows Server 2008 R2


In NAP, System Health Agents (SHAs) are used to inspect and assess the health of clients

according to policies. System Health Validators (SHVs) are the policies that the agents vali-

date against.

The Windows Security Health Agent is the SHA in Windows 7 and the Windows Security

Health Validator is the SHA in Windows Server 2008 R2. These provide the following


features in their SHVs:

. Firewall software installed and enabled

. Antivirus software installed and running

. Current antivirus updates installed

. Antispyware installed and running

. Current antispyware updates installed

. Microsoft Update Service enabled

These are configured in the client health policies or SHVs on the NPS. When a client

attempts a connection, the client SHA will send a Statement of Health (SoH) to the NPS

system. The SoH is compared with the health policy, resulting in a pass or a fail. Based on

that result, the NPS does one of four actions. In the case of a pass (that is, the client is


healthy), it just allows the client to connect. In the case where the SoH fails the policy

comparison (that is, the client is unhealthy), the NPS can prevent the client from connect-

ing, connect the client to a restricted network, or even allow the client to connect even

though it is unhealthy, as shown in Table 24.1.

TABLE 24.1

NPS Actions

SoH Versus

NPS Action



Client is allowed to connect.


Client is not allowed to connect; client is connected to a restricted network; or

client is allowed to connect even if it is deemed unhealthy.

When a client fails and is not allowed to connect, that is straightforward. When the client

fails and is connected to a restricted network, this allows the client to connect to secured

remediation servers to download software, patches, and/or updates to be remediated. The

SHA can even conduct remediation automatically and then allow the client to connect.

Interestingly, in some cases, the client might fail and yet the policy still allows it to

connect. This might be for reporting purposes.

Additionally, third-party SHVs and SHAs can be written that access the NAP application

programming interface (API).

Remediation server groups can be configured to restrict noncompliant VPN clients to just

those servers where software and updates are stored. After the appropriate software and



Server-to-Client Remote Access and DirectAccess

updates are applied that bring the client into compliance, the NPS will allow the clients

full access to the network.

This server handles VPN client authentication requests for the RRAS server and validates

those requests against its policies. This allows for a centralized policy and access control,

while allowing the RRAS server role to be scaled out as needed.

See Chapter 15 for more details on the NPS system and NAP technologies.

Certificate Server

The certificate server is a Certificate Authority (CA) that issues certificates for the servers

and clients to use in the authentication and encryption of tunnels. In Windows Server

2008 R2, this is a Windows Server 2008 R2 server with the Active Directory Certificate

Services role installed with the Certification Authority and the Certification Authority

Web Enrollment role services installed. These roles also require some other supporting

roles to be installed, such as the Web Server (IIS) role and the File Services role.

Using Windows Server 2008 R2 allows the administrator to issue and control certificates

for the VPN infrastructure. This could also be handled by a third-party CA such as

VeriSign, thereby not requiring a server albeit at an annual cost.


Although not a requirement for all configurations of the VPN infrastructure, certificates

are considered a best practice to enhance the security of the VPN infrastructure. An AD

certificate server is always required for DirectAccess deployment. Later in the chapter, we

review the various VPN protocols and the role that certificates play in them.

Chapter 15 provides more details on the certificate server.

Active Directory Server

The Active Directory server provides the authentication database for the VPN client users.

In Windows Server 2008 R2, this is a server with the Active Directory Domain Services

role installed.

Authentication Options to an RRAS System

Authentication in any networking environment is critical for validating whether the indi-

vidual wanting access should be allowed access to network resources. Authentication is an

important component in the Windows Server 2008 R2 security initiative. Windows Server

2008 R2 can authenticate a remote access user connection through a variety of PPP

authentication protocols, including the following:

. Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

. Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP)

. MS-CHAP version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)

Authentication Options to an RRAS System


. Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

. Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP)

Authentication Protocols for PPTP Connections

For PPTP connections, only four authentication protocols (MS-CHAP, MS-CHAP v2, EAP,


and PEAP) provide a mechanism to generate the same encryption key on both the VPN

client and VPN server. Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) uses this encryption

key to encrypt all PPTP data sent on the VPN connection. MS-CHAP and MS-CHAP v2 are

password-based authentication protocols.

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