Wilted (2 page)

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Authors: Mia Michelle

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Wilted
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Pulling up to her house, I park my car in her driveway and make my way to her front door. As I glance up at the old house, I can’t help but hurt for my friend. This place is so run down. The roof’s been leaking for over a year, not to mention the cracked window downstairs. My parents have offered to help her out, but my stubborn ass friend has some death wish upon herself, taking everything on her own. It makes me so damn sad to see what she’s had to give up over the years. I just want something good to happen in her life. God knows no one deserves that more than she does.

I hold on tight to the bag in my hand and ring the doorbell. As I hear it echo through the old house, I can’t help but be shocked that the thing actually works. Since she knows I’m coming, I don’t even bother to wait for her to answer the door. Just like always, I go on ahead and let myself in. Hitting the stairs, I know she’s no doubt up there putting her final touches on her dull ass outfit. I can’t wait to see what she’s come up with this time.

One glance is all it takes for me to want to hurl.

“Un uh! Oh, hell fucking no! There is no fucking way you are going with me fucking anywhere looking like that! You look like you are going to a fucking PTA meeting for shit sake Sky!”

Wow! I think I just broke my own personal record for saving “fuck” in a sentence. Well, it is my favorite word. Skylar gives me her famous frustrated look and then looks back down at her outfit.

Trust me, honey, a second look ain’t gonna make that any fucking better!

With one finger, I hold the shopping bag up in the air. Waving it around, I continue with my surprise.

“Which is exactly why you are so damn lucky that your friend brought you a little something to wear tonight.” I smile and give her a wink. She looks at me with one raised eyebrow to question my choice, no doubt.

“Just call it a little pick-me-up present… maybe you’ll even get picked up tonight,” I tease as I pull out the dress from the bag. Now I admit, fully and completely, that this may look like a tiny fabric sample, but if anyone can pull this off, it’s my girl here. I’m damn determined that she learns to work that ass of hers. I need some free drinks tonight and this bitch is going to help me get them!

“Oh no! There is no way you are getting me in that! No! Absolutely N-O-T!”

Okay, so I knew she was going to do this to me, so I play the one card I know she won’t fight against. The birthday guilt card.

Putting on a good, pitiful face, I begin with my antics to spread the guilt on thick all over her mother-fucking ass.

“What? It’s just a dress, Skylar! Come on, at least try it on before you trash the damn thing!” I can’t help but giggle to myself. Exasperated, she rolls her gorgeous eyes at me and grabs the dress from my hands. Once she slips it on, I know she’s going to kill the guys tonight! She cringes at her reflection, but I can’t help but smile. The guys won’t know what hit them when they see us.

“You look fucking hot! Yep! You are so wearing that tonight!” I declare as I shove her new silver Jimmy Choo’s for her to put on.
Thank you, Lucas Drake
. I swear I want those shoes so fucking bad it isn’t funny. The only thing is, I’d have to eat tuna fish and air for six months to be able to afford them. But hey, it’s an idea, isn’t it?

After I fluff her hair and play up her eyes with some more makeup, we are ready to hit the club!

“Tonight we are so getting free drinks and you… You are going to have fun! Do you understand me? You never let loose and it’s time you did tonight. You need to get that asshole off your mind! This club is full of hot men to make you forget. So let them!” She rolls her eyes at me and I immediately want to choke her ass. I can’t stand it when she does that shit!

Hmm, it’s time for some more guilt.

“Now, now, this is my birthday weekend, and there will be NO eye rolling! My rules. My night! Got it? Trust me, babe, men will be eating out of your palm.”

Did that bitch just seriously roll her eyes at me again?
I’m going to break her neck!

“I fucking saw that!”

The night is wild and fantastic. It takes loads of convincing, but Skylar is finally letting loose! Thank fuck! When some cute guys at the bar buy us another round of drinks, I make sure Skylar gets hers down and quick. The more relaxed she is, the better things will go. Putting down our glasses on the bar, I wink at the guys who bought them for us and pull my best friend on the dance floor. If it’s one thing she and I can do, it’s dance.

Bass pumps out of the speakers in every direction. Sweaty bodies grind up against one another on the crowded floor. It should repulse me, but I fucking love it. Guys come from all directions for a chance at her. I feel warm hands on my hips and turn to find the guy from the bar behind me. His intense blue eyes make me shiver. The way his glance goes down my body and settles on my chest tells me all I need to know. He wants me. There’s no doubt this is an easy thing. I’m pretty used to getting what I want. And what I want tonight is some fun. And by God, I’m getting it. Whether it’s in his bed or mine makes no damn difference to me.


God, this girl is annoying as fuck!

The fact that a girl is a hot, easy lay doesn’t mean she’s worth my time. This one is like a fucking mosquito buzzing in my ear. I swear I want to muzzle the bitch! If we do fuck, I may just do that so I don’t have to hear her shrieking voice!

I’ve tried all night to brush her off, but the dumb bitch won’t take a hint. I’m horny as hell, so I may just fuck her and be done with it. I thought bringing my cousin Sebastian would be as fun as ever, but he’s being a fucking dick tonight. Girls always flock to us, especially to him. Like a moth to a flame, his presence silently commands them to him. It’s always amazed me how he works his magic on them. I’ve got my own magic too, mind you. Oh, how I will work it, if I can just ditch this skank!

Sebastian’s upstairs at the VIP bar. For some stupid reason, he never drinks even when we go out like this. He always sticks to some fruity juice shit or club soda. Although he’s never said why he doesn’t drink, I think it’s because he doesn’t want to end up like the alcoholics both our fathers turned into. Sebastian’s father was mean, whereas mine just never cared. Either way, I’m getting wasted and laid. (Hopefully, in that particular order.) If he wants to pout and push off women, so be it!

“Oh, there’s Casey and Brianna! I’m going to go say hi. Wanna come?” she asks in her screeching voice.

Fuck no, I don’t want to go
. This is my best chance to get the hell away from her and find someone else.

“No, it’s fine. You go see your friends. I think I’m going to go check on my cousin.” I watch her fine ass move across the floor in the direction of her friends.

Fucking hell, I think I could get past her voice just to slam into that later!

Curious as to how Sebastian is, I head upstairs to the bar area. And as I predicted, a hot ass girl is practically fucking him with her eyes. The thing is, he’s not responding.

What the hell is wrong with him tonight?

“Fuck, dude, she’s totally eye fucking you!”

“Yeah? Well, maybe she’s not my type.”

“Not your type? Who are you and what the hell have you done to my cousin? I wasn’t aware your dick had a type now,” I tease, earning a laugh from him.

“Fuck off, Nik!” he says, giving me a playful shove.

“By the way, where’s the blonde skank you were hunching on?”

“Some friends of hers came in. She’ll be back up here in a bit.”

He nods and takes another swig of his drink before turning to put his back against the railing. On the prowl for another hot fuck, I lean over the rail and scan the mass crowd of dancing bodies. It only takes one second to spot her and her friend. I only catch a glimpse of her, but already my heart is pounding in my chest. We won’t even begin to discuss how hard I am right now. Her friend moves in front of her. Dressed to kill in some metallic copper dress, she’s making the guys all around her drool.
Totally Sebastian’s type
. But as beautiful as she is, she’s not the one who captivates me. Moving my head to the side, I try like hell to see the bombshell behind her. Suddenly, the girl in front moves away, and then I can drink in every part of her. Rocking a short sequin black dress and spiked heels, this girl is every man’s dream.

Sweet Jesus!

“Holy shit, man! I think I’m in love! I mean, fucking whoa! Check her out, dude! I’m so blowing off Blondie for a chance with that. Oh, and it looks like she’s got a smoking hot friend with her, cuz. One for me and one for you.”

I already know he’s going to eye the girl in the copper dress, but that’s not who I’m talking about. My eyes are on the one in the black one. Choosing to test him, I decide to rile my cousin up a bit. He needs to get some pussy and then he’ll be back to himself.

“Copper dress, killer legs, and tits made from Heaven above. Sweet Jesus!” I smile when curiosity gets the better of him, making him turn around to see what I’m talking about. One look, and his mouth drops open. I know I’ve got him good now. I have to say that, in all the years I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him react this way to a girl.

I decide to push him a little farther… just to see how he will react. It is my purpose in life to aggravate the shit out of him. Even though he’s my cousin, he’s like the brother I never had. Honestly, he’s the only one I call

“Sebastian! Pull your mouth up off the floor and watch this man in action!” I reply. Immediately his eyes grow furrowed at me. Fucking hell, he looks like he could rip my damn head off for this.

What the fuck?

Before I can push him any further, he looks over my shoulder and replies, “Hold on, man. What about your girl heading this way?”

“Damn it!” I grumble. Why can’t this bitch get lost? I seriously want to check out the girl in the black dress downstairs.

“Hey, baby. Ready to hit the dance floor some more?” she purrs in my ear and I catch sight of her tits.

“Yeah… um… sure.” I reply. My cock is still throbbing against my zipper from watching the girl downstairs. This bitch is about to get fucked in the bathroom just so I can get my release. Heading downstairs to the dance floor, I manage to get a closer look at the girl in the short black dress.

Holy fucking hell is she ever hot!

When we hit the floor, my date turns and backs her fine, tight ass against me. Moving her hips seductively, she grinds up and down my body. My eyes remain on the girl in the black dress, now dancing with some dickhead guy that she was talking to at the bar earlier. Through the crowd, they inch near where we are on the dance floor. My heart pounds harder with every step she makes closer to me. When she stops beside me, the breath leaves my chest. She’s pure sin in that dress. Every inch of her is goddamn perfect.

And fuck, can she ever dance!

Hypnotized by her movements, I hold my date the way I want to hold her instead. My hands roam her body the way I want to touch her.

Sudden movement over her shoulder catches my eye as Sebastian enters the nearby lounge area with a drink in his hand. Out of nowhere, rage overtakes his face. Bewildered, I follow his murderous stare over to the guy manhandling the girl in the copper dress. Within three long strides, he’s beside them. The drink he’s carrying flies through the air, drenching the girl. Horrified, she stands there and watches Sebastian pound the guy’s face.

Oh, Shit!

Pushing my date aside, I hurry over to them. The girl pleads for him to stop, but instead, he keeps on hitting the guy. Blood splatters everywhere, and if I don’t stop this soon, he’s going to send this guy to the ER. Determined to end this, I jump in and wrap my arms around Sebastian’s shoulders, pulling him off the guy. Sebastian’s pissed as fuck at me and begins trying to break free from my hold.

“Sebastian! What the fuck man?”

Two of the club’s security officers rush to us and pull the beaten guy up off the floor. Just as we are being ushered into the lounge area, Sebastian leans in and whispers something in the security guy’s ear. I’m convinced we are all about to be thrown out on our asses for what just went down, but it doesn’t happen. The guys nod at him and they shake hands, as they drag away the wounded prick.
The guy has more money than God and can talk his way out of any and everything.

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