Read Wilson's Hard Lesson Online

Authors: K. Anderson

Wilson's Hard Lesson (72 page)

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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Chapter Eleven


She was still wearing her business suit and her awkward
uncomfortable pencil skirt, but Brendan’s dexterous fingers carefully undid the
catch and zip and slid it down over her thighs. She stepped out of it, leaving
her in her heels and stockings.

“Sit down on the bed,” he murmured, leaning in to kiss her
on the neck slightly.

She noticed an immediate difference between the way Brendan
was with her compared to how Bradley had been. That had been all about passion
and sex. This was different. He was being gentle and slow with her.

He kissed her on the neck or the lips in between the removal
of each item of clothing, and neither of them were in a rush to strip one
another, taking their time with it until they were both naked and standing next
to a heap of clothes on the floor.

Those perfect bow shaped lips of his seemed even more
enticing and inviting now and she leaned in to kiss him eagerly, her arms
snaking around his shoulders and the back of his neck. She could feel his
erection pressed against her tummy, the both of them excited and into each

Her stomach was tingling, the sensation spreading straight
down to his toes and up again in a deep seated, pleasurable shudder, her eyes
fluttering to a close, a natural reaction so that her body could concentrate on
the enjoyment of the action, her lips parted and moving in time with his as he
reached around and squeezed gently at her backside.

They kissed for a few more moments before pulling back and
looking at one another. She smiled at him. He smiled back. She didn’t feel
strange about this whole thing. Somehow it felt right. Normal.

She ran her hands over his bare chest, delicate fingertips
marvelling at how silky it felt beneath them, then leaned up and kissed at his
left nipple gently.

He gave a soft groan of pleasure and tugged at the back of
her hair in response.

“L-lie down,” he stammered.

She nodded and pulled off his nipple, lying back down on the
bed and getting comfortable with her head on the soft pillow.

He clambered on top, his eyes dark and lustful as he threw his
leg over her and leaned in to kiss her lips. She spread her legs in response
and lifted them up, wrapping them loosely around his back, glancing down at his
body and taking everything in. His beautiful, muscular arms that seemed to hold
her so powerfully and yet so tenderly…his toned chest and stomach…the little
line of hair that ran down to his … well-endowed package. She bit her lip and
stared at it, how hard it was and leaking slightly already.

“Am I bigger than my brother?” He asked, catching her looking.

She blushed and glanced up at him with wide eyes. “I think
you’re about the same,” she murmured, embarrassed.

He chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. “I’m teasing
you, just ignore me.” His arm reached out to the bedside table and he opened up
the top drawer, removing a condom and ripping it open with his teeth.

“You keep condoms on your private jet?” She looked up at him
and giggled, starting to relax again, finding him easy company.

“Of course,” he smiled as he sat up slightly to roll it on.
“Never know when you might get lucky.”

“Are you
you’re nothing like your brother?” She
teased him, a little smile on her face.

“How badly do you want to find out?” He got back into
position with his arms either side of her head, and nudged the tip of her cock
against her wet entrance.

She was so turned on she was practically throbbing and
aching for him.

He was so close now too. All it would take was one gentle
nudge and they would be making love. It was what they both wanted, clearly, and
now, Alexis led the way, guiding them into unexplored territory with enthusiasm
and desire.

“Do it,” she leaned up and whispered needily into his ear.

 And so, he did, taking in a sharp gasp of air as he rolled
his hips into her, penetrating her slowly, inch by inch.

“Carry on, don’t stop,” she begged, wanting more of him.

He pushed forwards again and slipped inside completely,
filling her up. She felt a jolt of pleasure right through her body and reached
around to hold him, running her fingernails lightly up and down his back.

He groaned and bent down to kiss her, starting to snap his
hips back and forth into her, in and out, in and out repeatedly, building up
the pace of their love making into a steady rhythm and gradually getting faster
and faster, unable to hold back once they’d started. They had been slow to
begin with, gentle and tender, but now the desire and sexual frustration
gradually began to take hold.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders to keep him close,
and he tucked his own arms underneath hers, their bodies pressing tightly
together as he led them gradually into the throws of warm ecstasy.

She moaned out loudly.

She could feel herself getting closer, bit by bit, closer to
that peak of no return. She urged him onwards with her knees until she screamed
out a stream of profanities, reaching her climax.

“Oh God…” Brendan groaned as he came, his knees weakening
and giving out.

Almost instantly he collapsed forwards on top of her and
they clung to one another, breathless; their bodies glistening with a light
covering of sweat due to the efforts of exercise, even within the relative cool
of the airplane.

They panted and just lay there in silence until their
breathing had eventually calmed, then Brendan slowly pulled out and lay on his
back next to her, rolling off the condom and tossing it into the trashcan.

Chapter Twelve


They lay in each other’s arms for a good long while

It was a few hours’ flight to LA after all, and it wasn’t
like either of them had anything else to do.

Besides, they were both enjoying it. Holding each other in
the quiet haze of their post orgasmic bliss, with Alexis resting her head
against Brendan’s shoulder and listening to his heartbeat.

He stroked his fingers through her hair gently.

It was a longer cuddle than she’d had with Bradley, who was
almost immediately up and about and wanting pizza as soon as they’d finished.
She pushed the thought of the younger brother out of her mind and tried not to
compare them. Brendan was right. They
different, but she had
enjoyed sex with both of them, and she probably would have been tempted to see
Bradley again if Brendan hadn’t have slammed the phone down when he did. She
thought back to that moment with some wariness, wondering whether he was one of
those possessive, jealous guys. That was nice up to a point, but she wasn’t
sure she could handle it long term.

“Alexis,” Brendan murmured her name after a while of

“Mm?” She lazily replied, yawning then tilting her head up
to look at him.

He pulled her up into his arms and kissed her softly on the

“I want you to be mine,” he said.

“I am yours.”

“I don’t just mean like this, in bed…I don’t just mean sex.
I don’t just mean…being my personal assistant and coming on business trips with
me or whatever…I mean…I want you to be mine properly. For real.”


Alexis’ head went into a spin. Was this Brendan asking her
to be his girlfriend? It certainly sounded like it. She didn’t know how to
respond. Of course, she was flattered, but also totally taken aback. Despite
his earlier promises of affection and insistence that he could offer her ‘so
much more’, she was still unconvinced that their sex session would be anything
more than that. She found it difficult to trust either of them after Bradley
had failed to keep in touch and then only rang her once he’d found out about
the personal assistant thing.

“I want you to promise to be mine,” he continued talking,
taking both her hands in his now and squeezing them softly. “And mine alone.
That you won’t sleep with anyone else, or kiss anyone else or anything like
that. And in return, I will love you and take care of you like nobody else ever
could. You’ll be my princess.” He smiled warmly and leaned in to kiss her on
the cheek. “Please say yes.”

Alexis felt like she was floating on a cloud.

“I’m so in love with you, Alexis,” he whispered. “Truly.”

And it just kept getting better and better with every
sentence he spoke.

How could she refuse him after that? She didn’t want to
refuse him.

She wanted everything he had promised her and more.

“Yes,” she whispered, her eyes welling up with tears and
getting a little emotional despite herself. No one had ever loved her before.
Not in that way. “Yes, yes, of course, yes.”

He giggled happily and pulled her close for a slow and
tender kiss, and as they flew through the crowds together, Alexis felt as
though everything in her life was finally slotting into place. She didn’t know
what the future would bring for her and Brendan, but she was already looking
forward to it.


Paradise on the Frontier





By: Katie Summers

Paradise on the Frontier

Katie Summers, 2015 – All rights

Published by Steamy Reads4U


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the
publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles
or reviews.

This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, businesses,
places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination
or used in a fictitious manner.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.  This book is licensed for your
personal enjoyment only.

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This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+
years old.

If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with
adult content, please close this book now.

Chapter 1 – A New


Clara looked at herself in the looking glass. She wondered
how things got so out of control? She didn’t know what had happened, but she
knew that she was now penniless, widowed and defeated.

“Ms. Clara. Hello?”

She sighed quietly as she heard James’s voice through the
doorway. James was her neighbour. He was a good guy and had been incredibly
sweet to her through the whole ordeal. She just didn’t want to leave yet. She
wiped a tear from her cheek and stood up straight. Squaring her shoulders she
made her way to the door.

“I am leaving James. I just needed a minute or two. This was
the last place I saw my husband and where I thought I would have my children
you know.”

“There is no rush ma’am. I just wondered if I could speak to
you for a moment. May I come in?”

“Yes please.” She held the door for him as he made his way
inside. She followed him slowly to the small foyer where a table sat. “I would
offer you something to drink but, as I’m sure you know, I have nothing to give
at the moment.”

“I am fine ma’am. Thank you though. I was wondering what you
would be doing now. I mean where will you go now?”

Her sigh was frustrated because the truth was she didn’t
know. She had no idea where she was going. She just knew that she could live
with the embarrassment of staying there. Her husband had killed any life she
could have made in Boston. Her sad eyes looked up at the man in reserve. “To
tell you the truth sir. I don’t know. I have nowhere to go really.” 

“Well, I ask because I have a brother out in Colorado. He is
a widow like yourself and needs some help. You see he has a daughter. Lexi is
10 and she needs a woman to help her. There are things that a man just cannot
teach a young woman you know. He is looking for someone to help him.”

“What about the women there in town? Can’t they help him?”
She looked at him with her forehead worried into a frown.

“Ha. Well, first off my dear is the number of women out in
the west is slim to none. Also, his ranch is a day’s ride from the town so he
couldn’t possibly have someone come out every day. He would need someone to
live there with him and Lexi. It isn’t much but Craig’s a kind man and Lexi is
as cute as they come. He can’t pay you much, but he can give you a place to
stay and food and such. At least until you can get back on your feet. Who
knows, you might even like it out there.” He said the last with a shrug of his
shoulders and a sheepish grin. 

Clara looked over at the man across from her. Her options
were, well she didn’t really have any options. “I don’t know anything about
children James and I definitely don’t know nothing about living in the west.
Are you sure he would be ok with me?”

“Oh, ma’am I think you would be perfect for the job. Why,
look at you. You hold yourself prim and proper like a young lady should and
have the best of manners. Lexi could learn a lot from you. Craig, too I guess.”

“If you don’t mind James can I ask what happened to his

“She died from the fever. I would say it’s going on 5 years
now. He’s a little rough around the edges, but Craig’s a good man and I know he
would do right by ya.”

She nodded her head and thought about it for a minute. “Well
I guess I need to figure out how to get on the stage and head that way. I am
assuming it will take me.”

“I have that taken care of. Don’t you worry your pretty
little head over anything. The stage will take you as far as the next town and
then you will join the wagon train. It’s safer you know.”

Her eyes widened when she realized just what he was talking
about. “You mean Indians? We won’t run into any will we?”

“We haven’t had any trouble lately but you can never be too
sure you know. I would feel better if you were with a group of people you

“Thank you James. If not for you, I don’t really know what I
would do.”

She looked down at his hand where it patted her own. “Don’t
think nothing of it. I’m just glad I caught ya before some young bloke swept
you off your feet. Ok well the stage doesn’t leave until tomorrow so if you
would like to stay here then you are more than welcome or I can get you a room
at the inn.”

She stood and looked around the foyer she had shared with
her husband. “No. I think the inn would be good. I have said my goodbyes here
already. I’m ready to leave now.”

“Ok. Let’s get going then. I have my sons with me to help
load your luggage onto the buggy.”

She laughed softly. “Were you planning on me telling you I
would go, James?” She smiled again at his sheepish smile.

“I was hoping ma’am. Both my brother and his daughter could
really use the help if you know what I mean.” She didn’t have any clue what he
was talking about, but she knew that she would soon find out. She also knew
that James was looking out for her as well. He had made sure she had somewhere
to go and wasn’t living on the streets somewhere. He was a good man and she was
glad to say she could call him friend.

* * * * *

The next morning she made her way downstairs and to the
stagecoach that was waiting. She had a quick breakfast earlier in her room and
looked at what was to be her ride across the country. It was little more than a
covered wagon.

“Howdy ma’am. I’m Wayne and I’ll be your guide across to the
west. You can either sit up front or in the wagon whichever you prefer when we
join the others. Unfortunately for your safety I will ask you to sit in the
wagon until then. It is going to be a fast and dusty ride until we meet up with
them. It will be better if a woman is not seen while we are alone just in case
we come across anyone.” The man looked at her with a toothy grin. He had to be
old enough to be her father. She sighed when she thought of putting her life in
this man’s hands.

The journey across the land and into the next town was very
bumpy. It could have been from how fast they were going. It also could have
been from how she had to sit in the back. After they met up with the others in
the wagon train she began to make friends with many of the women traveling
across the rugged terrain as she was. She was happy to make friends especially
when it came to dinner. She may have found a way to cook, but she was nowhere
as good as some of the women on the wagon train. 

After spending weeks in the wagon and with the rest of the
wagon train she finally reached her destination. They had reached the lines of
Colorado and right outside Denver where the little town sat. She quickly booked
a room at the inn and took a long hot bath before sinking into a real bed. She
would head out to the ranch the following morning. One of the men in town had a
delivery for Craig and had offered to give her a ride. She had bought some
things in the store to take with her as well. She smiled when she thought of
her new life. She was a little worried about what would happen next but if
Craig was anything like his brother then she knew she would be safe.

Clara looked out at the expanse of beautiful land in front
of her. They had just come through the gate of the ranch and in front of her
sat a small log cabin. There was a man standing by the doorway that she assumed
was Craig. As they got closer she noticed just how handsome he was. His dark
hair curled around his temple and over his ears. His dark eyes shone as they
looked at her. Their eyes met for a few brief seconds before she averted her
gaze to look around.

“Robert. Thanks for bringing that out here.”

“Well I wouldn’t necessarily call her that you know. Come on
now boy. Your momma taught you some manners. This is Clara Sterling. Clara this
is Craig Wilson.”

The older man from the store helped her down from the wagon
and she turned to look at the man across from her. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr.

“And you as well Ms. Sterling.”

“Lexi! Get out here and say hello.”

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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