Wildfire (11 page)

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Authors: Lynn James

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: Wildfire
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She shrugged before continuing. “So I would take long walks in the woods. That’s how I met my first girlfriend and figured out exactly why and how I was different.”

Devon laughed. “Ah, so it was a woman who got you into forestry?”

“Not really, she just happened to be there. We did use the woods as a haven to learn things the camp counselors didn’t teach,” she said with a flirtatious wink. “But it was in those same woods that she eventually broke up with me.”

Devon gave a sympathetic nod.

“Anyway, one summer I was out hiking and I found an injured bird tangled up in the woods. It had tried to use the plastic ring from a six-pack to make its nest. The poor thing had been struggling so hard to get out that it broke its wing. I took it back to the bunkhouse and kept it in a box. The other girls thought I was a freak for touching the bird and mocked me relentlessly, but I just couldn’t stand to see it hurt. I was afraid that if I didn’t help the poor thing, it would die.”

“They’re the freaks. How can anyone let an innocent creature suffer?”

Elaine could feel Devon’s empathy and it didn’t help her promise to remain professional. “After I found the bird, I started reading a lot about the animals indigenous to the area and their natural environment. As I looked around, I realized what we were doing to the earth. Our counselors would just find a tree, bury their ax in it and never give it a second thought. They never even considered the dangers of campfires on hot, dry summer nights. So I continued to read and began resenting the people who were supposed to be teaching me.” Elaine smiled playfully. “I guess that’s when I became a rebellious protester. And quit going to summer camp too.”

“So what happened with the bird?”

“I made a splint using a Popsicle stick for its injured wing. It seemed like in no time at all, it was ready to return to its home. So I took it back into the woods and let it go.”

“And you’ve been taking care of animals ever since.”

Elaine nodded. “I try. Then something stupid like this fucking train wreck happens, not to mention these damn poachers and I wonder if I’m doing any good at all.”

“Of course you are. You obviously take your work seriously. We both do. The reason we both get so pissed off is because we both care so much.”

Elaine definitely had to agree with that logic.

“May I ask you another question?” Devon felt reluctant, but wanted to know.


“The entire time we’ve been talking, you haven’t mentioned anything about your family or friends. I guess I’m curious.”

Elaine paused for a long moment, gathering her thoughts. “Well, there’s not much to tell, really. My parents were pretty good when I was growing up. Normal parents as far as parents go, I guess. But that changed when I came out.”

She blew out a long breath. “I was a teenager when I came out and at first my father acted like I was just being defiant and then he just acted like an ostrich… He stuck his head in the sand and pretended like it never happened. If he didn’t acknowledge it, it wasn’t real. As far as my mom goes, she just couldn’t accept who I was and tried relentlessly to turn me into the daughter she wanted rather than the daughter she had.” Her short laugh had no humor in it.

 “My mom was always trying to get me to date the neighbor’s son, or trying to set me up on blind dates with young men that her friends knew. She played canasta once a week with her club. Every single week, without fail, it seemed that one of the women had found me the perfect boy, or so they’d say. It was kind of funny. No matter how many times I told her, she just didn’t hear me. But in their eyes, they still had a chance to get it right with my brother, Brody. He’s seven years younger than me. Because of our age difference, it didn’t really affect him at the time. When he was finally old enough to understand, it didn’t matter to him one way or the other. He was always the center of his own universe and became the center of my mom and dad’s as soon as I came out.”

“Where is your family now?”

“My dad retired about four years ago. He was a welder on oil pipelines. I guess they were tired of the Pacific Northwest so they moved to Florida. How cliché, huh?”

“What about your brother? Where is he?”

“Brody went with them to Florida. He’s never been what I would consider motivated. I guess after I came out, they did everything they could to make sure he turned out better than I did, in their eyes, anyway.”

Devon didn’t try to disguise her anger, “That’s bullshit! Elaine, being gay doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you! It’s your family’s loss.”

Elaine smiled, “Well, it doesn’t seem like my parents did my brother any favors. He has no education and no ambition. He’s thirty-one years old and still lives at home with them. He spends most of his days surfing and works part-time at a beach bar. My parents are proud of him. As far as my parents are concerned, at least he’s not gay and that makes him damn near perfect.”

“Do you see them or talk to them often?”

“No, I haven’t seen them at all since they moved to Florida. We’ve spoken maybe twice since they moved and both times I had to call them. The conversation was strained to say the least. It’s kind of like an unspoken don’t-ask-don’t-tell arrangement.”

“I’m really sorry, Elaine. If I had known, I never would have asked.”

“No, don’t be. I dealt with it a long time ago. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still hurt.” Elaine smiled proudly. “Besides, the guys in my crew, they
family. There isn’t a thing in the world that I wouldn’t do for them and them for me. So, it’s okay.”

“Well nobody should have to deal with their own family treating them that way. You deserve to be appreciated and accepted for who you are.”

Their conversation continued, although the subjects weren’t nearly as heavy. Devon continued to question Elaine about her life but most of her questions were now centered on her crew.

“How does your sister feel about your work?” Elaine asked, genuinely curious, but also hoping to hear that there was no girlfriend in Devon’s life.

“Raine is very supportive, as is my best friend Stacey.” She leaned across Elaine to retrieve her laptop. “I have some pictures here. Raine is about seven and a half months pregnant in this picture. It’s one of my favorites. She wears the glow of motherhood beautifully.”

Elaine recovered from the almost-electrical shock she’d felt as Devon leaned over her and smiled at the affection reflected in Devon’s face and voice as she talked about her sister.

“Throughout her pregnancy I think we’ve become even closer, if that’s possible.”

“I’m kind of surprised that you are out here when her delivery date is so close.”

“Raine is very stubborn. She knows I love my career and told me that if I didn’t come out here, she would refuse to let me in the delivery room.” Devon’s smile grew. “Besides she’s in very capable hands. If there is any change in her condition or if she goes into labor, I will be notified immediately.”

As she scrolled through the pictures on her laptop describing Raine in various stages of pregnancy, she eventually came to one of Stacey. “This would be the woman to whom my sister’s wellbeing is entrusted. She is my best friend Stacey and more like a sister than anything else.” Devon laughed. “If you ask Raine she’s more like a mother hen. Phillip, Raine’s husband, is overseas. He’s in the army and although he didn’t want to be there when his wife was delivering their son, he didn’t have much of a choice. Stacey has already stepped into her role of godmother even though the little guy hasn’t arrived yet.”

“I think that’s great. Um, I should go check the generator and get some more wood,” Elaine said abruptly. A crack from the fire was the perfect excuse to get some air. Leaning in to look at photos, the scent of Devon’s hair had become too much. Nor should she be so relieved to learn that the object of her desire didn’t appear to have someone waiting at home.

She hoped it didn’t look like she was running away, but she didn’t dare look back at Devon. Fresh air. She needed it badly.

Chapter 9

She blew on her hands as she checked the fuel gauge on the generator. If they got seriously snowed in, she’d be glad of the emergency propane bottles. She had left the cabin so hastily that she had failed to grab her gloves and certainly didn’t want to go back inside the cabin to retrieve them.

“Don’t be stupid,” she mumbled to herself. “So what if she kissed you back? Jesus, your girlfriend just moved out.” She laughed bitterly. “Well, your roommate just moved out. You have absolutely no business being interested in that woman. God, what is wrong with you?”

She had just finished locking up the generator and was preparing to load up on firewood when she felt something hit her back. She glanced over her shoulder and realized that she had just been nailed by a snowball. She spun around to see Devon standing not far away. A big smile lit up her face as her laughter echoed through the mountains.

Elaine couldn’t help herself, Devon’s laughter was infectious and seeing her in her mittens and ski cap, she was just too cute. She completely forgot about the fact that she was
here to get involved with a woman. With a deft motion she easily dodged another snowball. Elaine scooped a handful of snow, oblivious to its coldness, quickly packed it into a nice round ball and flung it at Devon, who easily darted aside as she targeted Elaine with another. Elaine immediately felt the wet cold penetrate her clothes as it struck her coat at the top of the zipper, square in the chest.

Devon laughed even harder until Elaine decided that payback was necessary. She attempted to avoid the onslaught of snowballs being hurled at her as she approached Devon. “You are going to pay for that,” Elaine threatened playfully.

As Elaine approached Devon employed a different tactic. “I thought a ranger’s duty was to protect and serve.”

“That’s a police officer’s motto.”

Elaine had a single purpose in mind and when she was close enough, she tackled Devon, burying her in the fluffy wet snow. Devon laughed and half-heartedly tried to push Elaine off her as Elaine scooped up an armful of snow and rubbed it all over Devon.

“Oh my God! That is so cold!” Devon screamed with laughter. She quickly shoved a handful of snow down the back of Elaine’s shirt.

Elaine responded by lifting Devon’s shirt and spreading snow across her bare stomach.

As Devon squirmed against Elaine’s body in an attempt to free herself, Elaine’s hand brushed against her breast. Their eyes locked and Elaine’s expression quickly changed from playful to provocative. In spite of the cold, Elaine could only feel the heat of Devon’s body beneath her, making the numbness of her own body vanish. The darkening of Devon’s eyes mimicked that of their brief passionate moment in the woods.

Devon’s eyes were captured by a dark obsidian gaze. She realized that Elaine’s eyes were brilliant and intense not tainted by gold or brown. They were amazingly dark and turned nearly black with her desire. They were alluring, passionate and drawing Devon closer. She was as helpless to look away from those eyes as she was to stop herself from pulling Elaine’s head down for a hungry kiss.

When she felt Elaine’s hand move across her abdomen and toward her breast, the kiss deepened. She moaned as Elaine’s lips left hers only to return more firmly. Elaine’s tongue licked at her lips seeking entry and Devon opened to her. She moaned again as Elaine’s tongue slipped into her mouth taking possession.

Elaine was intrigued by the fresh mint that pervaded Devon’s mouth. It was the same clean crisp taste that had lingered on Devon’s lips before. It was that wonderful flavor that was now filling her mouth as Devon’s tongue continued to dance with her own.

Elaine had no idea how long they lay kissing; she only knew that it hadn’t been long enough. When they finally parted she realized it had begun to snow again. Her fingers had warmed as they traveled over Devon’s body. She had to stop herself before her hands began stripping the clothes that prevented her from feeling Devon’s naked breast and she lost total control.

“We better get you out of this snow before you freeze,” Elaine mumbled breathlessly.

Devon’s eyes glowed as she whispered, “I hadn’t noticed.”

The snow did nothing to cool her desire as Elaine once again lowered her head seeking Devon’s lips. This kiss was long and deep and even more intimate than the first. Elaine forced herself to pull away long enough to catch her breath, but immediately lowered her mouth to Devon’s again. She felt powerless to stop kissing Devon, to stop tasting the lips and mouth that had haunted her for so many days.

She heard Devon moan as her weight covered the length of Devon’s body. She could feel Devon’s mitten-covered hands gently move through her hair as her mouth once again opened. Elaine had no idea where Devon had learned to kiss, but it was sensuous and overwhelming. Elaine knew she was on the verge of losing all restraint until snow falling from a branch in the distance startled her back to reality. She pulled away, trying to regain her composure as she said more firmly than she had intended, “Let’s get you inside.”

Elaine stood and offered Devon a hand up. She thought for a moment that Devon would refuse her hand, but she finally grasped it allowing herself to be pulled to her feet. The playfulness and passion that had shown in Devon’s eyes disappeared as she turned to head back into the cabin, but not before Elaine caught a glimpse of the pain that they now reflected. Elaine wanted to follow, to continue what they had started, but she held back. Instead, she went to gather the abandoned firewood and gather herself.

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