Wildest Dreams (Dreamers Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Wildest Dreams (Dreamers Series Book 1)
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“I don’t have any plans. I said I needed to get out. I can take you where you need to go and still be getting out,” he said adamantly. He was standing in the door of the elevator holding it open, and it didn’t look like he was going to move until he got what he wanted. Not knowing any other excuse, she reluctantly decided to ride with him. It wasn’t like he was going to be there all night anyway, right?

He walked her to his Corvette and opened her door, putting his hand on her lower back as she moved around to get in, and the heat she felt was like having a fire stoked inside her.

As he walked around the car to the driver’s side, she thought about the flood of emotions she felt when he was near and how they made her head swim. His smell was intoxicating by itself, but the feel of his body when he touched her or even when he was just close to her intensified it.

“So where are we going?” He looked over at her and gave her his billion-dollar smile. Ember thought he almost looked excited, which shocked her.

“She’s at a new karaoke bar downtown.” Ember pulled out her phone, unlocked it and handed it to him. “The directions are in her text.”

He looked at it and handed it back. “I don’t think that’s her,” he said.

Ember glanced at the screen and saw that the last text was from Reece. She sighed. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. She read it, and tears started to form in her eyes.


I got the transfer back to Oklahoma.

We can make this work, Ember.

Take all the time you need and I

will be here. I want another chance,

I need another chance. I

need you. I’m looking for a

place this weekend. We will talk soon.


“Find Jenna’s text please,” he said quietly. She pulled it up and handed him the phone again. He started the car, and they pulled out of the parking garage. He didn’t look excited anymore, though, and he was quiet, making Ember hope the ride wasn’t that long.

When they pulled into the parking for the bar, Blake ran his hand through his hair and looked over at her. She knew he could tell she had been fighting tears because her eyes were still wet.

“Hey, let’s have some fun. What do ya say?” He winked at her. Ember had not expected him to stay and looked at him with wide eyes.

“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea, Blake. Are you sure you want to come in?” She couldn’t imagine what a billionaire would find fun about a karaoke bar, especially with a group of women from his company, but then again she hadn’t explained that part to him. Thinking that might make him change his mind, she wasn’t sure she wanted to tell him. It was comforting to know she wouldn’t be alone with him, though.

Shrugging, he said, “That would be the best way for me to know when you're ready to go. Otherwise, I'd be waiting for a call all night. Not to mention, being forced to think about all the lingering eyes on you so eventually I'd end up back here anyway. Besides, Ridge would kill me if I let his little sister go into a bar looking like that without an escort.” Even his smirk took her breath away. Afraid that if she said anything else, he would change his mind, she nodded and opened the door, but before she stepped out, he stopped her.

“Wait.” He got out of the car and walked around to her side. He held out his hand to help her out. She looked at him curiously. “I would like to make sure you remain modest in that dress.” She blushed.

As they walked to the door, he placed his arm around her waist. Ember was so confused. He had pushed her away days ago, but now he acts like he wants to be close to her. She had to remind herself that he was a player, and he didn’t like kids, and neither of those would work for her. Why did he have to be so complicated?
Time to put up the walls and reinforce them
she told herself.

As they got closer to the entrance, she stopped to open her purse and look for her cash.

“What are you doing?” he asked curiously.

She looked up at him like he was the one who was acting odd. “I’m looking for my money. We have to pay to get in.”

“To a karaoke bar? I thought that was free.”

She shrugged, “I think they usually are, but Jenna said it just recently opened and they are hosting a competition, so it does cost tonight.”

He grinned at her and took her arm to get her moving again then placed his arm back around her waist once she was walking. “I drove, I pay.”

As soon as Jenna saw Ember walk in, she came rushing over. She looked beautiful dressed in a strapless silver cocktail dress with black pumps and her hair had been straightened and was pulled back in a loose up-do. She had almost reached Ember when Blake stepped in. Jenna stopped short and just stared. Ember had forgotten that being with Ridge or Blake was unusual for most people. “Sorry, Ridge said I had to have a chauffeur and apparently Blake was for hire tonight.” Ember blushed nervously.

“Hi, Mr. O’Neil.” She may not have been nervous around him at work this afternoon, but Ember could see it all over her face right now. She didn’t blame her, though. She was nervous around him no matter where they were.

“It’s just Blake tonight.” His voice was friendly, and you could add it to the list of intoxicating things about him. “Would you like a drink, Ember?”

“A frozen strawberry margarita please.” He nodded and walked toward the bar.

“Are you serious? You brought our boss!” It wasn’t a question, and then she started laughing.

“I’m so sorry. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. I hope it’s not too awkward for everyone.”

“Well, if you were trying to stop rumors you failed miserably.” She laughed again, and this time, still blushing Ember joined her.

They walked over to the table where there were four other young ladies from the tower. Ember had never met any of them before, but they all seemed friendly enough. None of them were glaring at her, so that was a good sign. She thought that might change when they saw her chaperon for the evening. After Jenna introduced her to everyone, the table suddenly grew quiet. She knew without even looking; Mr. O’Neil was back.






Blake walked over to the chair in front of Ember, pulled it out and motioned for her to sit. He then sat down beside her and looked around the table at all the nervous ladies and started laughing.

“Look, I’m here tonight as Blake, not Mr. O’Neil. As long as you’re not intent on badmouthing my company or me, then I think we can all have a good time.” He smiled at them, and Ember could see the relief wash over each one of them. He had to know that it was his mere presence that made them nervous, though, not just because he was their boss.

“Jenna, Ridge says you're the communications manager, right?” Ember asked.

Jenna smiled at the mention of Ridge and said, “Yes, for the last six months. I can’t believe he remembers what I do.”

“He may not be very organized, but his memory is great,” Ember grinned at her, and Blake snickered, causing everyone to look at him.

“Sorry.” Ember tilted her head looking at him curiously.

Jenna and the others went to get more drinks, leaving Blake and Ember alone at the table.

“What?” she asked. He had been sitting back with his arm casually across the back of Ember’s chair and one ankle resting on his other knee. She had never seen him as relaxed.

He leaned toward her, pulling her close to him and whispering in her ear, “You do know Ridge has a thing for her, right?” She could tell he was serious.

“I don’t know for certain, but I got the feeling he did at dinner last night when I mentioned her. How do you know?” she asked.

“Trust me.” He leaned back with a smirk, winking at her. She raised an eyebrow at him, and he chuckled.

Ember was dazzled by Blake’s behavior that night. He was very attentive to her, and he even started getting drinks for the other ladies at the table. When a man would ask one of them to dance, and she acted like she didn’t want to go, he would intervene, telling him maybe later. She knew the women were relieved that they didn’t have to come up with excuses.

She also noticed that on every one of his trips to the bar, women would go out of their way to get his attention. What surprised her was how he acted like he didn’t want anything to do with them. She watched him once when a blond bombshell with enough cleavage showing to stop traffic purposely bumped into him. He simply moved around her and went about his business of getting Ember a drink.

After her second margarita, Ember finally let Jenna talk her into singing. She hadn’t sung in a long time, but Jenna wasn’t about to let her get out of it after mentioning that she could. So once when Blake was gone Jenna helped her pick out a song. When they called her, Ember blushed at Blake as he looked at her, surprised. When she began walking to the stage, she was nervous, but all the girls at the table started cheering for her like they were her biggest fans. It made her grin, and by the time she made it to the small stage, she felt more relaxed. She loved to sing, and all three of the Tatum kids could do it well. Singing one of her favorite songs
Wildest Dreams
, she closed her eyes and got lost in the music. When it was over, her table gave her a standing ovation, causing her to blush and grin once again.

As she stepped off the stage, she looked for Blake and was disappointed when she didn’t see him until someone took her hand. She turned to see him standing there with his dazzling smirk, and yes, she was now convinced he knew exactly what it did to her. Pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her waist, he leaned down, gazing into her eyes. “May I have this dance?” he asked, his voice husky. She nodded but was afraid to say anything. Between the drink and him holding her so close, she was slightly dizzy. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she rested her head on his chest and could hear his heartbeat. Reece hadn’t held her like this in years. Every time she looked up at his face he was watching her intently with a longing in his dark eyes that set her on fire. Her walls never had a chance to be built. She knew she was treading in dangerous waters, and this was going to end badly for her, but she was under his spell.

When the song ended, they sat back down at the table and Ember started on her third drink. A nervous yet friendly voice from behind her said, “Excuse me, miss, would you care to dance with me?” Ember turned around and was surprised to see a handsome man in his mid-twenties standing there. At first, she thought he must have been asking one of the other ladies, but his eyes were on her.

“Me?” she asked, shocked.

“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded and smiled.

Why wasn’t Blake coming to her rescue? “I…” She looked at Jenna, who glanced at Blake and then back at Ember. Jenna raised an eyebrow and shook her head. “I’m sorry, I’m pretty tired right now. Thank you, though,” Ember said.

His smiled faded slightly, and he nodded again. Ember felt bad for the young man. She didn’t like to seem rude, even though she didn’t want to dance with him. He was cute and seemed nice enough, but she was content here.

She turned and saw Jenna watching Blake with concern on her face. She looked at him as he appeared lost in thought staring at his drink, and his jaw was tight. What on earth was going on in this man’s mind? He must have felt the eyes on him because he looked up and gave Jenna a small smile, and then he noticed Ember was watching him too. She thought his smile looked forced, but then she decided he must be tired since it had been a long night.

“Are you ready to go?” she asked him, hoping he would say no, but she could tell by the look on his face that the answer was yes.

“Are you hungry?” he asked her in return. Well, at least she would get to see him for a little while longer. He apparently wasn’t ready to be rid of her just yet.

“Only if it’s blueberry pancakes.” She giggled.

“Blueberry pancakes at one in the morning. IHOP here we come.” He smirked at her. She couldn’t wipe the grin off of her face if she tried.

She told Jenna to text her the next day to get together and said good night to the other ladies at the table.

Blake took her hand as they walked to the car. He opened her door but stopped her before she got in. He leaned down and kissed her cheek gently then slowly moved to her lips. This kiss wasn't like the one full of passion the other day, but a sweet kiss. “You're so beautiful, Ember.” His words hung in the air as he stared into her eyes. She was in shock and didn’t know what to say. After remembering to breathe, she finally whispered, “Thank you.”






The drive to IHOP was as quiet as the drive to the bar, but for an entirely different reason. Ember wasn’t sure what to say after the kiss, and it seemed that Blake didn’t either. Maybe he thought it was another mistake. She wished she had stopped the other day to hear what he was going to say as she was leaving. Maybe he would have explained himself, and she would have a better idea of what he thought because right now she had no clue.

When they got to the diner Blake parked close to the entrance, but before he got out, he took Ember’s hand and smiled at her. “I had fun tonight. Thanks for letting me go with you.” She smiled shyly back at him, and he continued, “Let me get your door, so you don’t end up flashing anyone.” He winked at her, and she blushed. He opened the car door and took Ember’s hand, only letting it go when they reached the door so that he could hold it for her.

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